The following game will be occuring as part of the Scarab Miniatures gaming day as it fits nicely with the Italian theme, although is a few years later than the Great War
Thanks to James for organising it and its a terrific looking game
Games by James Morris
Following my recent articles about this fascinating conflict in Wargames Illustrated 266 & 267, I'll be running a couple of games set in the Italo-Ethiopian War of 1935-36. Both games will be scenarios based on historical events, and will use my collection of 28mm models and terrain (unless you have painted models that you wish to use, in which case you are welcome to bring them but please contact me first so I can tell you what's in the order of battle.) Depending on demand, I am planning to run one game using the popular 'Great War' rules, and a smaller skirmish using the 'Triumph and Tragedy' rules.
If you have any questions about my game, or are thinking of bringing your own figures, please feel free to contact me on
picture here of day in the ww1 section of this web site or here event will be held just outside Nottingham on the 13th March