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Author Topic: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale  (Read 133896 times)

Offline dinohunterpoa

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #225 on: June 28, 2010, 02:17:47 AM »
Great work!

I like very much the militia/peasants regiment theme, simple folk fighting for their loved ones (and sheep!)  :)

Two more characters frm the militia - found the minis so full of character that a backstory for them is writing itself!

Take a look at the BLOOD IN THE STREETS supplement for WFB 2nd ("The Riding"): 3 villages with stats for about 30+ habitants!

« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 02:25:06 AM by dinohunterpoa »
"Because life is made of inspiration, dreaming and insanity in about equal measure."
- Erzsébet Báthory - 1560-1614 (?)

Offline Thantsants

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #226 on: June 28, 2010, 06:53:25 AM »
Cheers - already got a copy with a vague idea of using it for the game somehow!

Haven't got much painting done over the weekend but did play a little skirmish - will try and get pics up tonight...

Offline phreedh

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #227 on: June 28, 2010, 07:00:41 AM »
Cool! Are those guys Citadel, btw? The sword of Corbin doesn't look much like 80s citadel.
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Offline Erny

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #228 on: June 28, 2010, 08:40:02 AM »
Great work!

I like very much the militia/peasants regiment theme, simple folk fighting for their loved ones (and sheep!)  :)

Take a look at the BLOOD IN THE STREETS supplement for WFB 2nd ("The Riding"): 3 villages with stats for about 30+ habitants!

I may or may not agree with the sentiments but in the interests of keeping this sight running it probably isn't a good idea to link to sights where GW IP can be stolen...

Offline Erny

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #229 on: June 28, 2010, 08:47:39 AM »
Cool! Are those guys Citadel, btw? The sword of Corbin doesn't look much like 80s citadel.

Oh he is a classic. The little pictures of individuals from units in the 3rd edition warhammer armies were all line drawings based on miniatures. This guy was used for the brigands in the Bretonian list so is a must have... He also cropped up a lot in photos. They are both perry sculpts one WoTR and one Feudal.

One variant of, "Corbin", is rigt in the center here:


Offline phreedh

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #230 on: June 28, 2010, 08:57:59 AM »
Ah, thanks Erny!

Offline Thantsants

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #231 on: June 28, 2010, 05:50:11 PM »
Cheers for the info Erny - I just bought them off ebay cos they were going cheap and I recognised a few from Solegends.

 Painting up some halberdiers from the old men-at-arms range - Corbin's cannon fodder!  >:D

Offline phreedh

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #232 on: June 28, 2010, 05:54:36 PM »
Painting up some halberdiers from the old men-at-arms range
Wish I had a few of those! Currently painting a few Metal Magic / Mega Miniatures halbardiers for the Stillburg militia. I'm behind schedule!  >:(

Offline Thantsants

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Re: Orc's Drift - now with added Skulldred Battle Report!
« Reply #233 on: June 29, 2010, 01:15:31 AM »
Yerss - finally managed to fit a game in!  :D

Managed to coerce the wife into rolling a few dice with me at the weekend - it was a game of two halves, played in between nap times and feeding times for the kids and two boozy bbq's with friends in the evenings - a fine weekend I must say!

I used Dave King's fantastic Skulldred rules (sorry SOBH!) and they were very quick and easy to pick up - even for the wife! Not sure we got everything completely right as we were playing whilst reading them through pretty much for the first time - Dave even made a couple of tweaks while we were playing! It all worked out nicely as they're a really quick and intuitive rule set with minimal dice rolls, no charts and no difficult mental maths!  I took some crappy in game photos (which I might post later to show a better view of the whole table) but have reshot most of those afterwards to get better pics of the more tense moments!

Anyway I thought I'd link it to my Orc's Drift campaign - the story follows the misadventures of the Wood Elf night patrol led by Herndil Merl. I've slightly changed the course of events - instead of being completely wiped out in one stroke I've given the Wood Elves a small chance of escaping...  >:D

Having interrogated the half orc spy, Silas Meel, the Kachas Pass garrison commander, Erdolas Thringal, sends out Herndil and a patrol of 10 elves to scout out the Orc War party hinted at by their captive. Unfortunately for the Elf patrol they run into the aforementioned Orcs in the hill fog that descended in the night and lost 4 of their number. Herndil beats a hasty retreat down into the valleys - outnumbered and realising there is not much hope in returning to defend the garrison the determined Lieutenant decides to make a break for the road to the nearby town of Merlinas to raise the alarm...

... and this is where the action spills onto the tabletop -

The Road to Merlinas

The seven surviving Wood Elves hurry away from the uplands, racing for the nearby road to Merlinas.

Meanwhile, having descended another gully with the scent of elves thick in their nostrils, a second band of orcs, drawn by the recent sounds of battle clatter into the valley just ahead of the beleaguered patrol...

Urging his comrades to make all haste, Herndil catches his foot in an upturned root and falls heavily to the ground. He urges his fellows on through gritted teeth!

Spotting the stricken Elf part of the Orc warband peels off and heads towards him...

Seeing the danger Herndil hauls himself to his to his feet and staggers a short distance before turning his ankle once more! Two of the Elf archers snatch off a volley as they run to buy their leader some time, although their hasty shots whistle harmlessly over the pursuing Orcs. Two Goblin archers join in the firefight to no avail.

The two archers, forming a rearguard, stand and fire, whilst the other two turn and add their weight to the hail of Elven arrows - Two Goblins fall dead and an orc has a narrow escape with a clumsy sidestep. The Goblin archers return fire but once again their cruel arrows fail to find their mark.

Herndil finally finds his feet and dashes to join the ranks of his comrades. His rearguard continue to give him covering fire, forcing the pursuing orcs to duck and weave.

The two swordsmen, heeding Herndil's cries, turn and move to head off the Orc advance and buy the archers time enough to make their escape. One is stopped in his tracks by a black arrow as the Goblin archers finally find their range.

Two of the bowmen climb a nearby hill to spy out the land, and the best route to the road. They are horrified to see another group of Orcs marching purposefully to cut their escape to the road off! Worse still a shambling troll emerges from the wood licking his lips and making for the Elf swordsmen...

The downed Elf wipes the blood from his wound and stands up, yanking the Goblin arrow from his shoulder. Two Elf Bowmen let fly a volley at the Goblin archers but agian their arrows fall wide. Their Orc pursuers approach a little more carefully, regrouping in preparation for the final rush. Turning to the threat posed by the advancing troll the archers on the hill fire. The foul creature side-steps one arrow but is struck in the eye by the second! Falling heavily to the ground the troll writhes at the feet of the Elf swordsmen, pawing at its wounded eye...

Seeing their opportunity, the two swordsmen and Herndil rush the prone troll in an attempt to kill it outright...

They rain down blows on the monster but fail to pierce its warty hide!

And that folks is pretty much the end of Part  cos its past my bedtime!  o_o

Next time in The Road to Merlinas...

Will Herndil kill the troll before the Orcs reach him and his swordsmen?

Will the archers manage to tear themselves away from the fight to escape to Merlinas and raise the alarm?

What has the second band of Orcs heading for the Woodcutter's cottage got in mind?

Will the Goblin Archers ever hit anything else?!

Stay tuned - Part 2 coming to a forum near you!  :D

Offline Luckyjoe

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #234 on: June 29, 2010, 04:24:48 AM »
Another excellent batrep. Looking forward to more.  :)


Offline Funghy-Fipps

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #235 on: June 29, 2010, 09:08:33 AM »
Great stuff!  Looks like a corker of a game and such superb miniatures/terrain, too.  Pt. 2, please!

Offline blacksmith

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #236 on: June 29, 2010, 09:09:31 AM »
Great BATREP and adaptation to Orc's Drift module. More please!

Offline Doomhippie

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #237 on: June 29, 2010, 10:39:53 PM »
Yes, more please!!!

btw. what do you use as a background for your photos?
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Offline Thantsants

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #238 on: June 30, 2010, 01:32:12 AM »
Thanks one and all!

 Doomhippie - the background is a painting of mountains I found on google images - it had the right sort of colours to go with my terrain. I flipped the image to give me 2 pieces worth of A4 so I could take slightly longer shots of scenes.

Part 2 coming up...

So we left our plucky elves bravely hacking away at the downed troll! The pursuing orcs, enraged at this typically cowardly Elf behaviour charge forwards. Their champion smashes Herndil to the ground, bellowing a guttural warcry!

Meanwhile, using this fracas as a distraction two of the archers on the hill make a dash for a nearby woodcutters cottage.

They skid to a halt on hearing the door burst open as three armed men and a pack of vicious looking hounds erupt from within....

After a tense moment it becomes clear that the local ranger and his two woodcutter brothers are sympathetic to the Elf cause, especially when they catch sight of the horde of screaming greenskins bearing down on their cottage!

Back in the whirling melee by the hill Herndil recovers sufficiently to once more stagger to his feet. He has time to briefly regain his balance before the Orc champion, backed up by one of his howling warriors, brutally hacks him to the ground - a blow he does not recover from...

Not to be outdone another Orc warrior and a Goblin round on one of the swordsmen attacking the troll. They don't fare so well as the elf who, maddened by his Lieutenant's death, virtually cuts the luckless Goblin in two and, smashing the Orc in the face with the pommel of his sword, sends him crashing to the ground! Having been given a little breathing space the troll comes round like a bear with a sore head (and eye!). Things are looking pretty grim for the two Elf swordsmen...

Back at the cottage the Ranger and two woodcutters sprint to defend the wall in front of their humble abode, whilst the dogs lope around the other side of the building to meet the intruders. Two of the Elf archer jump the side wall to join in the defence of the cottage.

Looking wildly about them the surrounded Elf swordsmen abandon all hope and recklessly throw themsleves at the newly recovered troll. Spurred on by desperation their frenzied attacks leave the creature reeling as blow after blow deepen the ragged gashes that already rend its side. With a howl the the mutilated troll sinks to its death whilst the orcs look on in astonishment.

They are not shaken for long as the Orc champion, bellowing a challenge, downs one of the beleaguered elves. His warriors take up the charge but the second exhausted swordsman manages to fend off their attacks, downing one in the process!

As the second band of Orcs advance on the cottage the Ranger looses off a volley at the Warrior Bull as he bullies his minions forward - the arrow finds its mark catching the Orc in the thigh and sending him crashing to the floor.

The archers on the hill turn and run for the safety of the homestead's walls. In their haste they loose their footing in the dense heather of the hill... The carnage continues at the foot of the hill and the one of swordsmen's cries reaches their ears as the Orc champion and his warriors bludgeon him to death as he too makes a run for the cottage with his comrade!

Things aren't much better back at the wall - One of the woodcutters falls as an orc sword finds its mark. Another two Orcs turn on the lead dog as it approaches them hackles raised and teeth bared. The Goblin archers try and put a few arrows into the back of the fleeing Elf swordsman but again their aim is off.

Panic is clearly setting into the Elves' otherwise levelheaded conduct! The archers making for the back of the cottage and the road beyond it once again loose their footing, as does the swordsmen as he looks over his shoulder at the gibbering pack of orcs hot on his tail! The two archers defending the cottage attempt to cover their retreat - one forces the Orc champion to dive aside with a well aimed shot, whilst the other overshoots the second second band of Orcs in his haste.

The Ranger fares better, felling the Orc Warrior Bull with a point blank shot! A swirling melee erupts over the wall as the second wave of Orcs crash into it. The remaining woodcutter forces his first attacker to dodge backwards from his glinting spear point. However he finds himself outnumbered and is smashed to the ground by his attackers. The Ranger fends off another Orc, sending it sprawling back into the dirt.

As the situation begins to look increasingly desperate the Elf archers defending the cottage remember their objective - get the warning message to Merlinas! They begin to think of skulking off round the back of the cottage! The Elves on the hill find their feet again and not wishing to consider the prospect of being left behind they dash forward to catch up. Unfortuately one Elf falls again on the hill, whilst the other topples over the wall, landing in a heap pn the other side! The Elf on the hill recovers just in time to receive the Orc champion's charge!

At this point any semblance of an orderly retreat dissolves - The archer on the hill is cut to pieces. ..

The fleeing Elf swordsman also meets a bloody end from his pursuers! Two Orcs jump the wall to pursue the recovered Woodcutter and the ranger finds himself almost the sole defender of the homestead!

The only ray of hope to shine through for the men and Elves is the onslaught of the hounds! Downing their first adversaries and survivng vicious counter attacks the dogs win the upper hand, tearing the two Orcs to pieces that stand in their way! Sadly their effort is in vain - as three of the Elf archers finally make it to the road and head for Merlinas, the cries of the dying and wounded fill the air. The Ranger is downed finally, despite felling another Orc with a close range shot! The woodcutter is no match for the two slavering Orcs facing him and he suffers a similar fate. The Orcs pause a moment to watch their quarry slip away down the road before turning their attentions back to the poor unfortunates left behind...

So all in all a very enjoyable game - the second half was much quicker as we knew the dice rolls by then - got quite tense as we both rolled our dice hoping for the right number of dots to come up! The only thing that felt a bit odd was the clumsiness of the Elves - trying to use multiple moves to get them across the board and to the road meant a few extra initiative rolls and once Herndil was dead those rolls had to come in under 3 - a 50/50 chance of success (the wife wasn't brave enough to gamble for more than one extra action each time!) and with her terrible luck with the dice they ended up faltering more often than not!

Still she gained a somewhat Pyrrhic victory - the message got through but at what cost...  lol
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 01:45:24 AM by Thantsants »

Offline phreedh

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Re: Orc's Drift
« Reply #239 on: June 30, 2010, 01:38:09 AM »
Nice game mate! Cool to finally see all those minis put to use. =D


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