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Author Topic: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials  (Read 12983 times)

Offline lethallee61

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2010, 09:22:50 AM »
I've still got the original B&W A5 sized boxed set from 1977, plus the first 3 supplements (Greyhawk, Blackmoor & Eldritch Wizardry) on my bookshelf.  :D

Gee - those were the days...
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Offline myincubliss

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2010, 12:37:31 PM »
Is that French version yours?

Haha no, I grabbed a pic off BGG since my copy is on my desk in a pile with Space Hulk, Tannhauser, Gangs of
MegaCity One, The Haunted Tower, The Parker DnD Boardgame with it's expansion, a box of dreamblade minis and Doctor Who: the Interctive Boardgame and I thought that'd be quicker than sorting that pile out and taking a pic of my own!

Back onto the essentials, it looks to be a new starter box set (to replace the old one that came with a mini PHB, cardboard standees etc) - nothing new for current players, except probably a map and a chance to adapt the choose your own adventure part - I wonder if we'll see the return of Zanzer Tem?

Offline abhorsen950

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2010, 01:06:30 PM »
There not badly priced, some of the boxed I've seen are around £15 RRP and you can get them a little cheaper than that on amazing like £2 - £3 pound less....

Some of them don't look to bad Ill post up the pictures from the En World newsletter if I've still go it.

Offline YPU

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2010, 01:10:25 PM »
Ah, there you are wrong, the new dnd essentials presents new builds for the classes in there. These are not like the previous build expansions in that they present a new class feature and the powers to go with it, but instead they are quite often a throwback to older editions. IE a wizard build that specializes in one of the schools of magic, and thus his powers are decided by that.
The thief isn't allowed to choose powers for the first few levels either I believe.

Now to 4e players that might seem like a lot less choice, but remeber that in older editions you choose your class and feats and that was that, unless you were a spellcaster. But I digress.
ALL the 4e classes are still "legal" and allowed, so really these are just a group of new options. Also new sorts of feats etz, basically they are reorganizing and simplifying a lot of stuff so that new players can understand it as well.

To be honest I don't plan to buy them, my dnd Insider subsctiption allows me to build characters in the builder that can take all options from all books, full text included. And if I dont know a rule that might have been eratad I look in  the online compendium. Everything Always up to date, no book buying required.
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Offline abhorsen950

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2010, 01:22:15 PM »
YPU Good plan on getting subscribed to DnD Insider, it does look good, if i played DnD Alot I would subscribe but I don't  ::)

Offline abhorsen950

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2010, 03:10:33 PM »

Offline meninobesta

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2010, 03:47:59 PM »
Some time ago I found this on the net:

seems to me a good and simple way to get into D&D

Offline Doomsdave

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2010, 04:10:57 PM »
It looks interesting.

My sons and I play this:

& This:

Gotta raise'em right. The new stuff hasn't ensnared me yet.  We have lots of fun with 1st ed.  If we want mini-driven games we play acual miniature games.
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Offline Gibby

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2010, 04:59:52 PM »
A lot of the complaints leveled (ha-har!) at 4th Edition are that it's trying to convert the tabletop game into an MMORPG, complete with cool-down-timed abilities you can do no matter what character you are, like magical healing surge simply by stepping back and taking deep breaths. Also, Monks aren't in 4th if I recall correctly...

Offline abhorsen950

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2010, 05:12:02 PM »
Some time ago I found this on the net:

seems to me a good and simple way to get into D&D

It is a superb system I've got it myself

Offline assi

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2010, 07:50:06 PM »
YPU Good plan on getting subscribed to DnD Insider,

I can second that, DnD Insider is worth its Price if you play 4e

Is that French version yours?
I wonder how the French Version plays? ..Expeditius Retreat for everyone?

..... ;)
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Offline AndrewBeasley

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2010, 09:39:20 PM »
I've still got the original B&W A5 sized boxed set from 1977, plus the first 3 supplements (Greyhawk, Blackmoor & Eldritch Wizardry) on my bookshelf.  :D

Gee - those were the days...

No way - it was more fun with  :o :

Though I do have the white box (now cream and a bit well loved) with GH, BL, EW Gods Demi-Gods & Heroes and of all things Swords and Spells (1:10/1:1 miniatures rules). :D

As for the Essentials set - I think D&D lost its way many years ago and moved to the more complex end of the RPG market (though any one remember Chivalry and Sorcery) and I preferred the Traveller style games in the end.  I am more looking forward the the Songs Of Blades RPG than this.

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Offline TwoGunBob

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2010, 09:52:41 PM »
I've been playing a dice-lite AD&D 1st edition styled game for ages. With miniatures I get the bright n' shiniy gotta have 'em alls but not so much with roleplaying games. I did buy Burning Wheel awhile back as my last RPG purchase and it boiled down to a more complicated way of doing what I already did with AD&D jsut with rules rather than the usual hand-waving I did for stuff.

Offline fastolfrus

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2010, 10:14:54 PM »
Though I do have the white box (now cream and a bit well loved) with GH, BL, EW Gods Demi-Gods & Heroes and of all things Swords and Spells (1:10/1:1 miniatures rules). :D

any one remember Chivalry and Sorcery
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Much the same mix as I have in the cream box, although I think Chainmail might be 2nd edition.
Played C & S too, but not much, preferred Empire of the Petal Throne, now that one is .... really different.
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Offline YPU

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Re: Dungeons and Dragons Essentials
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2010, 01:38:51 PM »
A lot of the complaints leveled (ha-har!) at 4th Edition are that it's trying to convert the tabletop game into an MMORPG, complete with cool-down-timed abilities you can do no matter what character you are, like magical healing surge simply by stepping back and taking deep breaths. Also, Monks aren't in 4th if I recall correctly...

If I may a bit deeper into discussion here, (on any other forum this would end in a flame war, here I think we can be polite)
DND had cool down abilities in 3.0, tough often for monsters (which could be played as well with savage species) The only thing they did was make sure that every class can do cool stuff, always, and has something bigger to throw into the fray when needed. Instead of the fighter saying "I attack" every round and the mage running trough his spell list all the time.

Oh and the monk is back, it is in phb 3, they took that long since they werent sure what to do with it. (this I can appreciate, dont try to design anything if you dont have a good idea for it)


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