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Author Topic: Perilous Island 11: Forbidden City  (Read 1756 times)

Offline wolfen

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Perilous Island 11: Forbidden City
« on: October 25, 2022, 06:14:57 AM »
Returning to the native village to reveal their find, the Steeles were reunited with a long lost friend. Lady Elaine, last seen on board the ship as they approached the island, had been found and was ready to accompany her friends to find her father. Following the clues left behind by the Darrow Expedition, Guy and his friends journeyed deeper into the interior of the Island. The meddling of the ancients was much more evident as plants and animals grew to monstrous sizes. The ruins of the long dead Atlantean civilization lay at the base of a rumbling volcano, evident by the gigantic wall which stopped them from proceeding further. The insurmountable wall of the ancient city loomed high over the mutated jungle plants. Amazingly advanced for an ancient civilization, the obvious influence of technology beyond their time, which added more to the mystery.
The unsettling feeling of being watched was inescapable. An inhuman cry ripped through the silence, shattering hardened nerves like glass. What manner of creature could make such a savage sound? The Steeles advanced cautiously, weapons at the ready, looking for any way through the wall.
Eventually they saw an immense portal, blocked by an impossibly heavy gate. Amongst the pages of Darrow’s journal, he described a weird ritual for unlocking the cyclopean gates. Knowing that Lord Darrow must now be inside the city the Steeles kept going…

As they moved through the thick jungle they discovered a strange stone altar. Guy reviewed the journal pages which they had recovered, looking for the description of the ritual. To his dismay he found that he did not have the complete text! He had two sets of instructions for two stone altars but it was clear from the context that there was more to be done. Throwing caution to the wind, he decided that they would follow the instructions they had, then try to figure out the rest afterwards.

Leaving Molly and the others at the altar, Guy took Ruairidh to look for the other. They located it a short distance away by the banks of a river. Preparing to complete the ritual, Guy was interrupted by a loud explosive blast and the crackle of electricity on the air. Ruairidh was blown from his feet and hit the ground, almost falling into the rushing waters. Peering through the trees Guy saw a strange statue holding a glowing weapon pointed in his direction. The thing was huge and seemed to be guarding the gate in the wall. That was definitely going to make things more complicated. He yelled back to Molly to start the ritual on her side and he did the same.

As they finished the ground rumbled. In the distance they heard the sound of the gate opening. Guy looked around in confusion. He could have sworn that would not have been enough but he wasn’t going to waste valuable time dwelling on it. He yelled to he friends to get through the gate.
Across the river, hidden by a rocky outcrop, the Scorpion Master gazed at Guy and smiled beneath his hood. The fool was lucky he had arrived when he did. He knew that there was a third altar and knew that all three had to be activated together in order for the ritual to be complete. As much as he detested helping that noble dolt, he knew that it was the only way for him and his followers to access the power of the ancients behind the wall. He gestured for his men to run to the gate and told them in no uncertain terms what would happen if they did not make it.

Waiting for his friends proved dangerous for Guy. The statue which guarded the gate was not locked in place and clanked towards the brave hero but a flash of grey whizzed past to intercept the mechanical menace before it could harm him. Guy cried out as the giant brought his blade down, but he needn’t have worried. The dog ducked under the thing’s legs and snapped at its heels, then immediately withdrew as he realized that biting metal hurt him more than it hurt the statue.

With the golden guardian out of the way the cultists made a beeline for the gate. They rushed across a small bridge over the river and one by one entered the unguarded portal. Seeing an opportunity to end his nemesis, the Scorpion Master sent one of his robots to assist the large construct. By this time Molly had reached Guy and saw the scorpion advancing. She stepped in, freeing Guy up to help Ruairidh.

As his plan faltered the Scorpion Master took matters into his own hands. He opened fire on Guy, once more disappointed with the fact that if he wanted something done he’d have to do it himself. Guy dodged the incoming fire and charged directly at his foe. Knowing that Guy outmatched him at close range the Scorpion Master dodged the incoming blows as best he could.
Molly was able to stun the scorpion long enough to get away and help Ruairidh get to his feet.

The Scorpion Master dodged an incoming jab and made a break for it. He ran from Guy as fast as he could and slipped through the gate. As he did so Guy noticed that the immense wooden doors were beginning to shut. He grabbed Molly’s hand and yelled to Ruairidh to grab Finn and run. Ruairidh shook his head and told Guy to get to the opening. Then the brave Scot threw himself at the guardian, keeping it occupied long enough for his best friend to escape.

The doors slammed shut as Guy and Molly squeezed through. It looked like Guy would have to find a way to get his friend over the wall before moving on to find Darrow.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 05:17:24 PM by wolfen »

Offline wolfen

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2022, 06:34:36 AM »
I got sad when setting up for this game for one specific reason. Many years ago I backed a Kickstarter from a company called Paymaster Games. They were doing minis based on ancient American and Polynesian myths and I spotted something called the Crystal Skull Engine.
Having just recently gotten the Perilous Island rules at the time I knew it would be perfect to use as the golden guardian in this scenario. So I backed the Kickstarter. The campaign funded and a little later my reward was delivered. I put the model away somewhere safe, ready to be finished when I played the campaign.
That turned out to be a lot longer than I thought. In the run up to this game I looked everywhere but was unable to find my perfect golden guardian mini! And I still haven't. So thats why I was sad and why the golden guardian we used was a necron.

Offline has.been

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2022, 06:59:27 AM »
Crystal Skull Engine

NICE  :-* :-* :-*

Offline Grumpy Gnome

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2022, 07:56:11 AM »
I see what you mean about that Crystal Skull Engine, quite the sculpt.

And it sounds like you still had a great game despite the Engine going missing. Thanks for sharing your experience. It is inspirational!
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Offline aircav

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2022, 11:19:30 PM »
Cracking write up & game!  8) 8) 8)
Sick’ner about the Crystal Skull Miniature though

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2022, 05:14:20 PM »
Will you slow down, I just can't keep up.  :D :D :D

I want to read these in order so I've finally gone through and written down the AAR sequence so I can do just that, it would be really nice if you could add a AAR number sequence for the slow ones amongst us.

Anyway I'm hoping to follow the Scorpion Master on his road to triumph. At least that's where I hope his evil road is still going.  8) 8)

Hope there's still more to come.

Offline wolfen

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2022, 05:19:33 PM »
Thanks everyone. Next episode is on its way.

it would be really nice if you could add a AAR number sequence for the slow ones amongst us.

Done sir. Added a number to the title of each one.

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Perilous Island 11: Forbidden City
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2022, 05:44:05 PM »
Thanks everyone. Next episode is on its way.

Done sir. Added a number to the title of each one.

That helps immensely!  I thought I had the order of them figures out, ad I was close.  Not exact, but close..

Now waiting to see what happens inside the wall...
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Perilous Island: Forbidden City
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2022, 06:05:52 PM »
Thanks everyone. Next episode is on its way.

Done sir. Added a number to the title of each one.

That is excellent, thank you.

I've just read 4 and 5 and notice a disturbing fact, as you know I'm rooting for the Scorpion Master in this caper and you seem to be giving him very bad press. The nambi pambi Steeles are hero's and the Evil Scorpion Master is .... well..... evil. That's not very even handed, especially as the Steeles keep trying to kill him, that's very unsporting of them to say the least.

Anyway I'm pleased to see that the Scorpion Master emerged victorious from both these encounters and I hope his success will continue.

I'll not comment on the older games to keep them in order for the future generations who will pass this way, but rest assured I shall be raising this one sided view of the Scorpion Master with the National Press.

Cheers :D :D

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Perilous Island 11: Forbidden City
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2022, 07:29:16 PM »
Got 6 under my belt but have to stop now as I'm cook this month. Another one sided tale but the valiant Scorpion Master won through again, Hoorah.

Offline DivisMal

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Re: Perilous Island 11: Forbidden City
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2022, 07:56:58 PM »
Cool! I am hooked on the story! Where can I subscribe?!  lol

Great paintjobs and terrain here.

Offline wolfen

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Re: Perilous Island 11: Forbidden City
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2022, 09:33:39 PM »
I'll have a word with the author about the one sidedness of his reports. He is a close, personal friend of the Steeles though so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you...
 :D :D :D


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