Hello all,
Time to shovel it out again! This time Santa's helper's been busy creating a Warhammer
spoof unit . I can hear 'em griping now:
"YOU CAN'T USE THESE IN TOURNAMENT PLAY!!!!"And who sez I was gonna, ya snob? They're gonna find their way into my Zombietown game. Basically what happens is the player finds a magic amulet of "Substitutiary Locomotion" and sends up that classic disney flick along with the aforementioned fantasy game from the company who shall remain nameless. The figures are Shadow Forge's Blow-up Dolls figures, mounted WH style and painted (very very) roughly to their specs. So here they are:

Here are their "catalog descriptions":
1: Schoolgirl in Go-Go Boots, wielding claymore, chaos shield because just about everything in WH has to be chaos.
2: Much -used stocking clad lass, claymore, round target shield
3: Leader hoisting Doppel-hander Flamberge, Crying "FREEDOM!"
4: Musician using left breast as a bellows for the bagpipes
5: Claymore wielding, crosseyed, advancing with slight shuffle, shield with zombie trophy head, saying "Arrrggggghhh!"
6: Schoolgirl, claymore, advancing with wicker shield stolen from a kobold down on his luck
7: 1950's hairdo lass in nightie, wielding claymore, going for broke with her best "Red Sonja" impersonation
8: PVC Girl in full PVC acoutrement with large round shield wielding claymore in a semi-professional manner
9: Claymore wielding, Andorian, because hey, sometimes we all feel like some Andorian, right? Going for "grundle shot" with spiked buckler.
10: Girl with wicker shield shouting "It's not easy being green" because practically everyone's "going green" right now.
11: Bikini clad gal with large round shield attempting to look marginally formidable.
12: Mounted Paratrooper advancing, legless, on fire with potato masher grenade.
ERRATA (because it wouldn't be a game catalog entry without errata, now would it?)
#12 is actually a chainmail bikini girl, wicker shield, claymore, attempting to "get medieval on your ---"
Because a Mounted Paratrooper advancing legless on fire with a grenade would actually be pretty silly.
Please feel free at this point to engage in lengthy running commentary of praise or derision of the author or any of the aforementioned entities. I also encourage folks to play whatever game they wish with whatever miniatures they wish, because contrary to popular marketing-driven belief, both the minis and the game are yours to do with as you please. You bought 'em, you own 'em.
Have fun folks!