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Author Topic: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer  (Read 3226 times)

Offline alcal

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The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« on: January 24, 2013, 08:36:06 AM »
________________[size=200]  The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer[/size]_____________________

___________________ A BATTLEGROUND WWII SKIRMISH GAME_________________________


German Player (pm)
Dean W

British Players:

Dave B
Little Russ

Ok you can all breath a sigh of relief............Major Robert (Torso) Leach is in command,and as the whole raid is now commandos "RKKA put your shorts back on..........stupid boy :roll: "  you will all be Section Leaders/Sergeants and asigned you tasks by` Torso Bob`. :D

Start time 10 am .........finish 5 pm latest  

6` x 8` Board and i only require club tables

More details to follow

Due to bad weather we dont have low level arial pics of the town so far............although  a sketch map of all the the important points has been received through the French ressistance.

Our first lucky break,a gap in the weather has allowed intelligence to put this together for us:


Quote from: Bob Leach
All commando squad leaders, eyes front pay attention.

This is the first briefing for the raid on Courseulles-sur-mer in which I will give you an overview of your objectives and the force under your command. A more detaild briefing will be give prior to the raid.

This will be a night assault, so silence and stealth will be paramount in the early stages of the action prior to detonation of the charges set to destroy the beach defences.

Sgt Russ: 15 man squad. West Beach assault to silence the sentry position marked 7 and destroy with satchel charges block houses and gun bunkers marked 5, 6, 8 & 9. When completed signal with a SINGLE GREEN flare. Move force toward the estuary and support force assaulting / holding in area of 10 & 11. Hold defensive position in area until embarkation is signaled.

Sgt Spike: 15 man squad. East Beach assault to silence the marked sentry position and destroy with satchel charges block houses and gun bunkers marked 1, 2, & 3. When completed signal with a SINGLE GREEN flare. Move force through the position and support force assaulting School / town garrison barracks marked 12. When occupants have been silenced, move toward harbour and house immediately behind gun bunker 3 and hold defensive position in area until embarkation is signaled.

Sgt Ian: 10 man squad. Disembark from MTB in harbour and assault towards Gun Position and Pill Box marked 10 & 11 resectively. Destroy the pill box (which also contains the controls for the swing bridge) with satchel charges to ensure that German MTB is trapped behind closed swing bridge. Remainder of squad is to move simultainiously toward the buildings marked 14 (Kriegsmarine barracks) and silence occupants. When successfully completed, link up with the West beach assault force and hold a defensive perimiter in the area until embarkation is signaled.

Sgt Dave: 10 man squad. Disembark from MTB in harbour and move towards the school house / town garrison barracks marked 12 and silence occupants. When successfully completed, link up with the East beach assault force and move toward the harbour to hold a defensive perimiter in the area until embarkation is signaled.

In addition to a 6 man HQ section, I will command a 10 man squad and disembark from MTB in the harbour and assault the Town Garrison HQ at position marked 13. Silence the occupants, destroy communications equipment and records thought to be compromising to the local resistance forces. When I have completed my mission AND have seen two GREEN flares I will signal the embarkation with a SINGLE RED flare.

Embarkation will be AS FAST AS POSSIBLE - BUT will NOT take place untill both GREEN flares have indicated that the beach defences have been destroyed allowing the MTBS to exit the estuary unhindered by the large guns.

Please study the maps you have in conjunction with your orders and any questions you have will be answered during the detailed briefing to be held prior to the assault.

Gentlemen, thank you for your attention and good luck

Major Robert (Torso ) Leach.

All the squad leaders on the raid arn`t allowed to know the real objective (to reduce the risk of the Germans finding out , only the Major is privy to this information).

Offline alcal

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 08:38:34 AM »
A quiete night in Courseulles, its 1 : 30am the guards have half hour left on duty ........yet another night  of monotony...........little do the Germans know of the mayhem thats about to start.

Sgt Russ: 15 man squad. West Beach assault to silence the sentry position marked 7 and destroy with satchel charges block houses and gun bunkers marked 5, 6, 8 & 9. When completed signal with a SINGLE GREEN flare. Move force toward the estuary and support force assaulting / holding in area of 10 & 11. Hold defensive position in area until embarkation is signaled.


Sgt. Russ moves up the beach folowing the route the frogmen have opend up for him,this puts his force (now split and heading in two directions) at either end of West beach,inadvertantly avoiding both sentries who are now at there meet point in the middle of the beach(a temporary blessing for them).

Commando`s move in to destroy the block house and gun position

Sgt Spike: 15 man squad. East Beach assault to silence the marked sentry position and destroy with satchel charges block houses and gun bunkers marked 1, 2, & 3. When completed signal with a SINGLE GREEN flare. Move force through the position and support force assaulting School / town garrison barracks marked 12. When occupants have been silenced, move toward harbour and house immediately behind gun bunker 3 and hold defensive position in area until embarkation is signaled.


The local ressistance had taken out the harbour entrance guard and flak crew at the end of the jetty and signalled the boats with the all clear/safe to enter.

SGT SPIKE takes out the sentries on the beach (anything but a 10 on a ten sided dice)and swiftly moves into the trench system and starts laying charges.

One last sentry is dealt with in the gun bunker (this pair are inside)but no charges are laid in this one yet.

Charges one turn later are thrown for and both sucssesfully detonate destroying the Gun Blockhouse and the Observation bunker,now the game is afoot as the whole town is now alerted to the commando`s presence.

Sgt Ian: 10 man squad. Disembark from MTB in harbour and assault towards Gun Position and Pill Box marked 10 & 11 resectively. Destroy the pill box (which also contains the controls for the swing bridge) with satchel charges to ensure that German MTB is trapped behind closed swing bridge. Remainder of squad is to move simultainiously toward the buildings marked 14 (Kriegsmarine barracks) and silence occupants. When successfully completed, link up with the West beach assault force and hold a defensive perimiter in the area until embarkation is signaled.

In addition to a 6 man HQ section, I will command a 10 man squad and disembark from MTB in the harbour and assault the Town Garrison HQ at position marked 13. Silence the occupants, destroy communications equipment and records thought to be compromising to the local resistance forces. When I have completed my mission AND have seen two GREEN flares I will signal the embarkation with a SINGLE RED flare.

Sgt Dave: 10 man squad. Disembark from MTB in harbour and move towards the school house / town garrison barracks marked 12 and silence occupants. When successfully completed, link up with the East beach assault force and move toward the harbour to hold a defensive perimiter in the area until embarkation is signaled.

Sgt. Russ has set his charge in the block house but not until one turn after the East Beach charges have gone off , the Block House is a hive of noise as the Germans move into action,first man through the door almost trips over the charge and the second man picks it up and throws it,dice roll puts it on the same side as the Commando`s ........oops!..............BOOM ...........wether its the type of charge or the sand , either way the effect isnt as bad as expected and leaves one commando suppressed but another with a serious wound.

Sgt Iain has no time to waste,due to the timings of the first charges going off the Germans are now being activated all over the town.First two comando`s throw grenades into the Anti Aircraft Flak gun pit while two more lay the (first) charge outside the Pill Box/Bridge Control

Sgt Iain watches in dissmay as the Pill Box charge fizzes but doesnt go off!!

Sgt Iain`s other half squad assaults the Kriegsmarine billet, they are spotted as they throw grenades through the downstairs windows,with luck that haunts this squad one grenade bounces back.At the same time they are spotted  from across the dock by the casino gun crew who are billeted in the next building

The Pill Box LMG also opens up on this squad as do the remaining Kreigsmarine

Trying there luck they attempt to rush the Cassino steps ,spotted they fall under a hail of fire from the Cassino garrison including there LMG on the roof.

Sgt Russ starts to move across the bunkers and trenches cleaning up the Germans that he missed earlier.

The Germans from the block house are split in two , some dont get past the door as the commando`s drop onto them in hand to hand  but others reach the rear gun bunker door, before it can be opend Sgt Russ and his radio operator seeze the initiative and jump them.
Totally unexpected  both are killed in hand to hand.!!!!

The two lucky Germans get into the gun bunker and lock the door.

One more turn and they will be inside the Cassino,one boat MMG manges to open up in an attempt to cover there advance

On a German chance card a Kubelwagon (3 men)and Truck (10 men) turn up near the town garrison billeted in the school.

Caught in the open.......  point blank........in a cross fire from the roof top LMG and the Pil Box LMG..............

............cut to pieces.......

Sgt Spike/Sgt Dave join forces to assault the German garrison troops holding up in the School

On seeing his support section cut to pieces Bob sent an Officer to pull the ressistance on the jetty into the fray and support the failing  attack on the Cassino.

Offline alcal

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 08:38:40 AM »
The first of two Victoria Crosses in my opinion,the first charge having failed to blow, had to be reset,of the two men setting the charge one was dead and the other wounded,it takes one action to set the charge and one action to bug out,as he was wounded he only gets one action...........he set the charge hoping to stop the destruction caused by the LMG inside and knowing full well it would finish him off.................may be mercifully he was killed by the fire from the gun crew on the opposite side of the dock..........and how wicked that the charge was a dud............. 

Commando`s who had completed there beach tasks now started to filter back into the town heading for the harbour.


The Kreigsmarine having faught off the commando`s now prepared to advance onto the dock!!

Sgt Daves attack on the School looked like it was faltering although the German garrison hadnt been able to leave the building so had (up to now) done its job with support fire from Sgt Spike

The boats had started to turn around in the channel

Sgt Spike took the innitiative and planted one of his two remianing charges against the side of the School..........................BOOM !..............the School collapsed killing the garrison to a man.

Major Bob made it across the back of the cafe and behind the casino looking for a safer way in.

Sgt Spikes men now started filtering back towards the harbour to give support and wait for the red flair

The second  charge was laid and primed but the commando was spotted and shot by the Kreigsmarine.

Sgt Russ`s Commando`s who had moved back into the harbour area were still hiding behind the trucks.

All three MTB`s had now managed to manouver and face out to see.


Before the Kreigsmarine could reach the charge it went off......BOOM.........at last the Pill Box was silenced but by the supremem sacrifice of Sgt Iain and his section.

Major Bob and a few of Sgt Daves commando`s that he had picked up on the way in headed through the floors looking for Bobs real objective"nobody is to use grenades do you here"

Sgt Spike adds weight to the assalt on the cassino and filters more men in.

After halting at the first action they came across(the School House)the patrol lost its transport to Piat fire from down the street and has the School collapsed infront of them they sat in a lets see what hapens next position exchanging the odd round with Sgt Daves rearguard

Having stopped to raise the abandoned check point on the way into town they now piled out of there transports and ran headlong into Sgt Russ`s vanguard on the harbour(still hiding behind the trucks).....with swift efficiancy the commandos were dealt with leaving the Germans racing towards the swing bridge.

Having eventually blown the Gun Bunker that had cost Sgt Russ his life the commando`s had fired off there green flair and headed back to the harbour.A German beach patrol fron WN32 caught up with one poor lad with a heavy wound and his m8 trying to get him away.........for you the war.............

Slight technical hitch........the boats had all moored on the main town side of the harbour,Russ`s boys couldnt now get past the German section and Kreigsmarine near the swing bridge.........."ok lads into the water.......move! move!"............

The Germans were stopped from rushing headlong at the Casino by the umpires as they hadnt any orders,instead they were steered towards a fat target sitting in the water infront of them,while the crew were cowering they charged the boat killing everybody onboard(including the last man in Sgt Iains section who had witnessed such brave acts by these men. 

The next round of firing fell well for the commando`s allowing them to open up with the ressistance/Sgt Spikes boys and what was left of the HQ support squad all in the Cafe.
In revenge and with no small amount of satisfaction the German patrol on the last MTB was cut down..........of course the MTB was now riggled with bullets and hit by grenades was in no state to leave the harbour...........oops.

Moving up to the top floor Bob could sense his trget was close.........must be close.......

One final short fight with the gestapo and it was all over,Bob kicked the door in to find the man he had been sent to rescue,alive and well................"ok men lets get him the hell out of here"....................the commando`s in the room sensed they hadnt been given the full breifing but thought `what the hell .........we had a job to do and we did it`...........move.....

Big thankyou to Keith who bore the brunt of the rules all day and to Bob for putting the effort  and work into the command side of the game,and to the guys who played and kept it fun and in the spirit it was intended.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 08:44:27 AM by alcal »

Offline Engel

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 09:17:58 AM »
Wow great looking game. Impressive table.

Offline Mainly28s

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 10:00:49 AM »
I just don't know how you manage to churn out such gorgeous tables each time!
Olaf Meys
admin at Mainly28s.com
also known as le Comte du Flandre and Immelmann


Offline Ragnar

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 10:33:12 AM »
Stunning looking game Al. 
Gods, monsters and men,
Will die together in the end.

Offline joroas

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2013, 11:41:28 AM »
Unbelievable, that is one heck of a set-up and game.....  :o
'So do all who see such times. But that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that we are given.'

Offline Suber

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2013, 11:47:04 AM »
LAF is a source of constant wonders and delights. But now and again something just takes your breath away.

Here is another.


Could not agree more. I make mine each word of that.

Offline styx

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2013, 12:12:39 PM »
Wow, like playing on artwork more than a gaming board! Great stuff!
Check out my blogs!

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Offline Cholly

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2013, 12:14:19 PM »
Seeing stuff like this is the reason I love this site, also the reason I burn with jealousy every time I do!!

Offline Legion1963

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2013, 12:23:45 PM »

Offline Andym

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2013, 09:19:06 AM »
LAF is a source of constant wonders and delights. But now and again something just takes your breath away.

Here is another.


Well said, that man!!

Offline Driscoles

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2013, 10:14:17 AM »
I can`t see enough of this. Wonderful !
, ,

Offline gamer Mac

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Re: The Raid on Courseulles-sur-Mer
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2013, 08:18:52 PM »
Stunning table :-* :-* :-*
Makes me want to dig out my old 20mm stuff


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