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Author Topic: Lax exercise in discipline - Deadzone pic 12/10/2014  (Read 2759 times)

Offline Vanvlak

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Lax exercise in discipline - Deadzone pic 12/10/2014
« on: September 09, 2014, 07:57:44 PM »
Yet another feeble attempt to discipline my work and perhaps finish a very small project.
These are the projects I have been fiddling with the past months:

Large pile of 6mm terrain for Monster Island (30% finished)
Kaiju for same (one large model, still to be assembled)
Army for same (c. 50 vehicles in 6mm scale, assembled and some undercoated; some 15 complete)
Large board for Necromunda, Pulp Alley sci fi, Supers (nearing completion)
1' x 2' board for Deadzone (also suitable for the above listed, but with the 3"x3" squares marked) (basecoated,detailing in hand)
9" x 9" board for Deadzone (basecoated)
12" x 12" board for Deadzone (bits found and prepared for assembly)
A unit of 5 Fire Dragons (basecoated)
A unit of 16 At-43 Therians and 2 walkers (1 complete, 1 almost done, rest basecoated)
A unit of 5 Enforcers for Dreadzone (assembled, 1 nearing completion)
A unit of 7 Plague beasties for Dreadzone (2 assembled and basecoated)
A unit of 5 Dark Riders (being assembled) (i.e.sticking tails on horses!)

A dozen;for the umpteenth time I am trying to get something done, so I'll try to use this to monitor progress and refrain (ha!) from starting anything other than these. Although the small pile of Skaven occupying the north-west corner of the painting table........
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 09:41:15 AM by Vanvlak »

Offline FramFramson

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Re: A lax exercise in discipline - a dozen boards and bands
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2014, 06:46:54 AM »

I joined my gun with pirate swords, and sailed the seas of cyberspace.

Offline Major_Gilbear

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Re: A lax exercise in discipline - a dozen boards and bands
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2014, 08:06:02 AM »
How come you're doing so many boards for Deadzone?

Offline Blackwolf

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Re: A lax exercise in discipline - a dozen boards and bands
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2014, 08:14:37 AM »
Good idea to write them down.Order.I like order :) Look forward to seeing your progress,I may even try a similar thing ;)
May the Wolf  Walk With You

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Offline Vanvlak

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Re: A lax exercise in discipline - a dozen boards and bands
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 03:24:19 PM »

You may well laugh  :D

Good idea to write them down.Order.I like order Smiley Look forward to seeing your progress,I may even try a similar thing Wink
It is a good idea, but don't follow this thread as I'll ultimately either fail to complete more than one item, or start something new ad I don't want to be a bad role model ;D

How come you're doing so many boards for Deadzone?
Excellent question.

The actual size of the board is 2' x 2'. A friend in the UK suggested a remote game of Deadzone with each of us having half the board at home. Not sure how it's gonna work, but it should be fun to try. It will involve a lot of photos and each of us having substitutes for the other's models.

The small 9" x 9" board is an idea I had for a soundhouse - which is like a lighthouse with foghorns instead of a light. One of those instances when you see a pile of bits lying around and get inspired for a particular design. A spur of the moment decision led to the base having the 3" x 3" grid for use for Deadzone or otherwise.

The 12" x 12" board - found a few bits of scrap material and couldn't resist a new board, and again am developing it for deadzone use. Of course if the 9" x 9" board had been 12" x 12" I'd have a full 2' x 2' by now.... then again I can add 3" wide strips.

Why all 3 at once - I think it's called butterflying. I had caterpillars in my stomach over a speech I had to give at work, and they matured into this.

Offline Major_Gilbear

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Re: A lax exercise in discipline - a dozen boards and bands
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 08:49:06 AM »
The actual size of the board is 2' x 2'. A friend in the UK suggested a remote game of Deadzone with each of us having half the board at home. Not sure how it's gonna work, but it should be fun to try. It will involve a lot of photos and each of us having substitutes for the other's models.

I think some of the Oldhammer guys did this, and although it takes time to do, it worked very well. Example here.

Of course if the 9" x 9" board had been 12" x 12" I'd have a full 2' x 2' by now.... then again I can add 3" wide strips.

That's actually why I asked! I was thinking exactly this...  :D

Offline Vanvlak

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Re: A lax exercise in discipline - a dozen boards and bands
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2014, 02:28:55 PM »
I think some of the Oldhammer guys did this, and although it takes time to do, it worked very well. Example here.

That's actually why I asked! I was thinking exactly this...  :D
Thanks for the link, and sorry for the delay in replying - had a grand week's holiday in Norway.  :D

Offline Vanvlak

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Re: Lax exercise in discipline - Deadzone pic 12/10/2014
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2014, 09:43:32 AM »
This project is veering in a Deadzone direction.
The test model Enforcer, who I realise is defocused thanks to the Orx (have to watch the spelling....) buggy in the background, a useful beastie for Mad Max-style stuff too.
Will take another pic of Mr Enforcer later, showing off his yellow shoulders.


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