Ages ago, I posted the starter box of my Perdita crew
here, back when Malifaux was still pretty new.
Much later (five years!
) I've managed to get some more stuff painted, motivated largely by the new edition and the desire to paint some models with less fiddly detail on them.
First, a re-post of the first part of the Perdita crew:
Then the additions (Black Scorpion Mexicans as Latigo Pistoleros, the Enslaved Nephilim, and Abuela Ortega):
And a full shot of the whole Perdita Ortega crew:
Next up is Rasputina's crew, which was finished this summer. The Ice Golem needs his base finishing again because in the move to the new edition, his base size changed...
I also have the rest of her crew primed and ready, and I've made a good start (as in, I'm about halfway through) on McMourning's crew too. Quick pic of them all nestled in my case:
So there you go - I really
am a very slow painter!
I aim to get these two crews finished in the coming year, and hopefully get another crew painted as well.
No idea yet which one will be the fourth crew to get done, but as I have most of the old metals and some of the new plastics, I'm happy to take suggestions.