Hi all,
In the last few days I painted some Miniatures and Eras I have not done before, which was a nice change though.
Here is the first. This miniature is suppose to depict an ancient Spartan Warrior in 40mm. I am not so sure about the manufacturer as the Name on the bottom of the base was barely legible. I could only make out E...Casting (?) It is a nice sculpt and was so much easier to paint then the usual 28mm miniatures. I might go back and tackle some larger scale models in the near future.
Please click on the link to see more pictures:
http://www.sascha-herm.com/Spartan01.htmI used Andrea's Red Paint set for the Cloak as it is a nice deep and little darker red as the one I wanted to use for the short Tunic or rather "Chiton" for which I used Reaper's Blood Red Triad with additional Highlighting using Reaper's Fire Red Triad.
I also wanted to try to recreate a different skin colour for the Spartan and used Foundry's Mediterranean Flesh Triad to give the figure a more tanned or olive looking complexion. I used GW Bestial Brown & Dark Flesh to deepen the shadows a little.
For the Cuirass, Helmet and other metal parts, I started with Basecolour of GW Balthasar Gold, followed by GW Gehennas Gold. As I found the result still a bit too dark I also used Foundry's Burning Gold B to drybrush all parts lightly and carefully. I added a final highlight with Andrea's Base Gold from the Gold Paint set as it is just slightly lighter than the Burning Gold one which provides a great transitition on the metal parts.
I hope you like him. All comments are very welcome.
With kind regards