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Author Topic: New Kit and Traits, courtesy Andrea Sfiligoi  (Read 4377 times)

Offline Manchu

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Re: New Kit and Traits, courtesy Andrea Sfiligoi
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2017, 05:11:33 AM »
New Psionic Trait - please playtest and let me know if it breaks the game. Thanks!

Levitate Object  6 XP

The psionic can levitate an object that can be held in one hand, such as a one-handed weapon, a grenade, a tool or even a hypodermic needle to administer a drug. The object moves up to 4'' per action, using actions or reactions from the psionic, who must be within 12” of the object at all time. If at any moment the psionic and the object become more than 12” apart, the psionic loses control over the object and the object falls to the ground.

When using an object through this ability, the psionic may not use any levelled Trait with that object. For example, when firing a levitating gun, the character would not benefit from any levels in the Marksman Trait. If using a weapon through Levitate Object, the user still needs to have a LoS to the target and may not perform the Aim action. A levitating grenade will still require one action to be primed (the priming happens telekinetically). One advantage of using a weapon through levitation is that the user is not constrained to using weapons designed for his morphology and size.

Offline Manchu

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Re: New Kit and Traits, courtesy Andrea Sfiligoi
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2017, 04:29:10 PM »
I'm throwing something at the wall here and hope it sticks...

Clinging N, 1XP per level, up to 3XP
Clinging is the ability to move up on walls and ceilings using Crawl, Walk, and Run actions. Sprinting is not possible. The trait comes in three levels to represent different grades of freedom while clinging, depending on the means used by the creature to stick to walls. Details on how the character does it are left to the player's common sense.
With the first level, all limbs are used to stick to the wall.
With the second level, the character can have one free limb while clinging, and use it to hold equipment or use a tool/weapon (but reloading is going to be impossible).
With the third level, the character can have two free limbs while clinging, but may still not use Long or Two-handed melee weapons.
While clinging, a character gains an elevation +1 bonus to attack in melee any non-clinging
If hit while Clinging, any result of a crippled limb or knocked Prone means the character falls.

Cling-suit ( C ) 1XP per level, up to 3XP
This is a piece of civilian equipment that gives the wearer the same abilities as the Clinging trait possesses by some aliens, for the same XP cost. It is used to let humanoids move on settlements, structures and spaceships created by alien races with the Clinging trait, and it is also handy to perform spaceship repairs in zero-gee environments. The user has no hands or feet free while clinging, but can freely move on walls and ceilings. For other rules, see the Clinging trait. As a Civilian grade equipment, this can be damaged by superficial damage. If this happens while the wearer is clinging, the wearer will fall. The cling suit can be worn together with any Civilian-grade armour but not with Force-fields of any kind – the molecular charge suppression used to cling interferes with the force field generators.

Offline Manchu

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Re: New Kit and Traits, courtesy Andrea Sfiligoi
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2017, 04:30:15 PM »
Superlight Combat Dress 10XP, Civilian
Armour 1 on legs and arms, Armour 2 on head and torso, Sealed.

This can be combined with a kevlar jacket for +6XP. The combination gives Armour 4 to the torso, 2 on the head, and 1 on all other locations, and count as Sealed.

You could also combine Superlight Combat Dress (10XP), Kevlar jacket (6XP) and Refraction Field (10XP) for a total of 26XP. This combination would give you Armour 5 on the torso, 3 on the head, and 2 on limbs, and be Sealed. While actually more expensive than a suit of Power Armor (25XP), this combined set has the advantage of being Civilian-grade.

please let me know if my math is wrong or these combos are too good, I don't think they are.

Offline Manchu

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Re: New Kit and Traits, courtesy Andrea Sfiligoi
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2017, 11:33:01 PM »
Redshirt rules. These may be utter crap because I didn't have any chance to try them on the table (as my kickstarter started today I am quite busy) but please try them with an open mind and let me know how they work for you. In the book, if these work, I plan to have a list of typical Redshirts so players who want to play by the book can fall back to the "official" profiles.

It's not written in the rules, but it is assumed that BOTH players agree to the use of Redshirts. They change the game considerably, but let you put more figures on the table if you want.
And remember, the shirts are red because blood won't show :-)

Redshirts (Optional Rule)

Redshirt are cheaper, cannon-fodder characters that may be added to a gang. They can represent a lot different things: immature aliens that defend their queen, juvenile delinquents that try to impress gang members, rookie cops, fanatic followers of a psionic cult, violent fans of a famous popstar, would-be adventurers who hope to learn the trade, untrained militias, servitor races of stronger aliens, common rioters joining a rebellion, and so on.

Redshirts are created with 8 to 29XP each, using equipment appropriate to their theme and role. Being a Redshirt is a -8XP trait. They do not gain XP in campaigns and should not be assigned equipment that they couldn't normally have.

Redshirts activate only when a character spends one action to perform the Order action. This lets TWO Redshirts perform one action each, without dicing for activation. A Redshirt may perform a single action and then he may not receive another Order until the Initiative has switched.

Redshirts have -4 on all rolls they perform: Shoot, Morale, Melee, everything is at -4 (they are normal persons, even though they may have training and equipment beyond the reach of average people).

There is very little book-keeping involved with Redshirts. Redshirts do not accumulate Stress. The character using an Order to move two Redshirts receives 1 Stress token as normal, but the Redshirts need not be marked. If you are afraid you might lose track of which Redshirt has been activated, turn them so they face their baseline.

When a Redshirt gains one Pin token, he becomes Pinned. A Pinned Redshirt may not perform any action other than Running or Sprinting towards cover, until a character spends one action to Rally him (one action per Redshirt to be rallied). A Pinned Redshirt that takes another Pinned effect does not suffer any additional effects.

When a Redshirt takes one wound, no matter in which part of the body, no matter the severity of the wound, the Redshirt goes OOA.

Redshirts do not roll Reactions. A character may use a successful reaction to perform an Order, thus activating up to two Redshirts that haven't performed their action already.
When a character goes OOA, Redshirts roll Morale (at -4, like all the rolls they make). Any Redshirt failing a Morale roll is Pinned, or Panicking if he rolls a critical failure.
When Redshirts go OOA, characters do NOT roll Morale. They are more or less expected not to last too much.

If all the characters in a game go OOA or move off the table, any Redshirts still on the table automatically panic or surrender, as appropriate to the scenario.

Designer's note: Redshirts are useful for players who agree to field larger forces. We recommend that the number of normal characters plus Redshirts does not exceed a total of 10 figures per side. Players may agree to have only a couple of characters and more Redshirts for a quicker game that requires less book-keeping and dice rolling than usual. Players may also use Redshirts only in special occasions, for example in a final scenario that represents the culmination of gang warfare, where the gangs recruit all the riff-raff they can to bring more guns to the final battle.


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