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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 12:03:22 AM

Title: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 12:03:22 AM

I may as well start early.
Anarchy Online is a science fiction MMORPG that I've been playing for 12 years now. I've always wanted to transfer the world (well, some of it) to my tabletop and I've decided that now's the time.

I'm working on a set of rules that will allow players to form a teams of four characters from an available pool of six professions. There will be two competing teams with goals set by the scenario and a horde of NPC nasties for them to combat as well as each other.

Because AO is a video game I'm concentrating on fast play and team interaction. There will be buffs and equipment so that professions can help each other and support professions will be a viable and fun class to play.

I've ordered most of the initial figures I need, more on them as they arrive, and I'll be posting the designs for the buildings I'll be making pretty soon.


This is just my placeholder thread so I start working on the designs rather than other stuff :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: commissarmoody on November 25, 2013, 01:25:42 AM
Looking forward too seeing what you do with this.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 25, 2013, 07:05:48 AM
Bloody hell Paul, you're getting in early  lol

Can I book my game place now  :D


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Onebigriver on November 25, 2013, 10:45:47 AM
Bloody hell Paul, you're getting in early  lol

I know, it's disgusting how well organised he is, and he completes projects! The nerve. Making the rest of us look bad.  ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: NurgleHH on November 25, 2013, 01:33:20 PM
Hi Paul, great. I hope I'm allowed to come again. And this time I want to play the game.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 01:34:27 PM
Actually, in this case, I'm posting so I feel obligated to do something since I don't want to be in the same situation as last year where my enthusiasm for the entire hobby left me. I don't have much enthusiasm at the moment but with a little progress here and the usual great level of encouragement from LAF I hope to muddle through.

Anyway, enough with the negative waves, onwards...

I'm after some nice desert troops if anyone has a suggestion. Don't want Guard but maybe some if the 'not' proxies.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 01:35:26 PM
You're always welcome Dirk!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Eric the Shed on November 25, 2013, 01:46:38 PM
Looking good Paul :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Mason on November 25, 2013, 01:59:00 PM
Setting the stall out early or what?

Good idea, Paul, a bit of encouragement can go a long way, so here is some:

Looking forward to seeing your progress, sir!

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Malebolgia on November 25, 2013, 02:07:23 PM
Awesome. Your projects are always the best!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Malamute on November 25, 2013, 03:31:11 PM
Sounds interesting, I've never heard of the original game, so intrigued as to what this will develop into. Great to see you back in the saddle so to speak :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Elk101 on November 25, 2013, 04:31:09 PM
I was going to lead with the 'bloody hell' comment but James beat me to it. If it's half as amazing as 2013's game it will be pretty damn amazing!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Dewbakuk on November 25, 2013, 04:35:43 PM
I'm after some nice desert troops if anyone has a suggestion. Don't want Guard but maybe some if the 'not' proxies.

What style?

Whiffwhaff did some a little while back, not sure who bought them though.
Void 1.1 Junkers now sold by Scotia Grendel.
Star Wars prepaints. Tuskan Raiders obviously but Jedi etc with their robes might be an option.
The Artizan WW1 Arabs look like their guns wouldn't be that hard to swap to make this:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 05:37:13 PM
Thanks for those, I've ordered some Ironclad Sanwar figures as being pretty close to what I want. Their leader looks like a particular pet owning profession from the game so I got to order a giant Reaper Bones beholder for his pet while I was shopping.

I do like finding stuff for projects :)

So far the player characters and most of the trash stuff, guards, mutant spiders etc have been sourced. The PCs won't arrive until after Xmas but some of the bit players should turn up fairly soon and painting can commence. There'll be an interruption while I paint up some juju Man stuff for some new scenarios (particularly when my wicker man arrives) but I hope to start on some buildings soon as well. My Afghan stuff will work for the primitive areas ans my Off World Colony will be usable too but I want to make a set for the 'civilised' part of the planet too.

As a start, here are the Engineers' robots, one Clan (yellow), one Omni-Tek (blue) they'll need rebasing on 80mm circles. Engineers will be a playable profession, they use their robots to do their dirty work.


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: AKULA on November 25, 2013, 05:42:16 PM
Looking forward to one of your Projects as usual Paul.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Ezekiel on November 25, 2013, 06:00:31 PM
Looking forward to see what you come up with, really loved the (old) char classes from anarchy.

I'm hoping for an enforcer with a support beam :) Not that I used 2 handed blunt much, but really liked the look.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 06:32:23 PM
Because of the nature of miniatures the figures will be 'inspired by' rather than looking exact. I have a couple of enforcers arriving but they won't have support beams unless I put one on their bases which is always an option. The game won't differentiate between ranged and h-t-h combat, everything will just be 'combat' since running after a fixer trying to hit him with a club is not my idea of fun. Far better to make sure everyone has a gun.

I've found some hecklers though, so that'll bring back the memories ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 25, 2013, 06:49:58 PM
Where are those robots from Paul?


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 07:04:53 PM
Originally from Alpha Forge, then Mega Minis had the moulds, don't know who has them now.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Tom Reed on November 25, 2013, 07:09:32 PM
What about using something like the Perrys Afrika Korps figures with weapon swaps as desert troopers?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: NurgleHH on November 25, 2013, 07:11:35 PM
Originally from Alpha Forge, then Mega Minis had the moulds, don't know who has them now.

Mega sells the rest of their moulds: http://theminiaturespage.com/news/?id=16014359

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: former user on November 25, 2013, 08:08:20 PM
Your plan reads promising

No idea which direction You aim with the desert troopers. Have You considered Artizan Goumiers or tirailleurs Allgerians or similarly Moros Regulares from Empress or similar?
I personally use Copplestone future military, for desert too
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 25, 2013, 08:46:26 PM
It's ok thanks. I've bought some desert troopers, I went for a more primitive Sci fi look than I originally intended but they'll be very suited to their role.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: von Lucky on November 26, 2013, 07:48:13 AM
Had a quick Google image search on "Anarchy Online". I like what I see.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on November 27, 2013, 05:50:53 PM
I'm going to use my 'Afghan' buildings for the desert Clan settlements. I'll make a few specific items like a tower or two and they'll be perfect. For the Omni-Tek centres I'm going to make some darker buildings but they'll be utilitarian too. I might make some sloping trapezoid houses following my original idea but most likely I'll just make a load of rectangular ones of different heights like my second design for the commercial buildings. They will have windows I've decided, small and high up ones.


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Captain Blood on November 27, 2013, 07:21:46 PM
Well you really are starting early!  :o
Looking forward to another epic build thread and epic production on the end of it  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on December 01, 2013, 11:40:25 AM
Whompahs, teleport booths allowing easy travel around Rubi-Ka, the planet where the action takes place.






Simplified for ease of building of course. More pictures and some waffle on the project page:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014 Whompahs! (Page 2)
Post by: Mason on December 01, 2013, 11:51:54 AM
Loving the teleport booths.
Clever use of modular scenery that should see plenty of future use too.
 8) 8)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014 Whompahs! (Page 2)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 01, 2013, 12:16:53 PM
I like what I see  8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014 Whompahs! (Page 2)
Post by: matakishi on December 09, 2013, 10:18:27 PM
Bit of an update. WIP shots of the first lot of miniatures while I wait for the bases to dry. There'll be better pictures of these and the others I've finished later once I can get some scenery together.

Here you can see: Omni-Tek Guards in black, Clan guards looking like Jawas, Smugglers and outlaws looking rag-tag and Neutral faction guards in green. The two Engineer slayer droids have been rebased too.






Still to come, just awaiting basing, Cultists, Civilian corporate factions, more outlaws, smugglers and bot-hackers.
Finished and awaiting good photos, dinosaurs Clan mechs and a Clan controlled renegade Omni Juggernaut.

Finally, here are my plans for the Clan towers and the final design for my Omni-Tek houses.



Here's a similar structure in game:



Finally, I have some sculptors working on some special miniatures for this project. Stay tuned :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads of miniatures (Page 2)
Post by: AKULA on December 09, 2013, 10:34:30 PM
The figures look very effective, as do the teleport booths

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads of miniatures (Page 2)
Post by: Elk101 on December 09, 2013, 10:44:50 PM
Your productivity constantly puts me to shame! Another epic in the making I reckon. Looking really good.  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads of miniatures (Page 2)
Post by: matakishi on December 10, 2013, 11:45:28 PM
Not the best pictures but serviceable.

Omni guards:


Clan guards:


Neutral guards:


Clan Mechs and a Juggernaut (by Mason)







More pics and stuff on the site:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 11, 2013, 12:46:27 AM
Bloody hell Paul, you keep cranking them out at this rate and there'll no room for terrain  lol


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: Jonas on December 11, 2013, 12:47:27 AM
That is some great stuff!! Now I just regret not buying more of that Mega Minis stuff before they closed.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: Mason on December 11, 2013, 01:57:32 AM
Bloody hell Paul, you keep cranking them out at this rate and there'll no room for terrain  lol

He is right, ya know!

This is seriously productive.
I cant see any problem getting this ready in time for BLAM.
In fact you will probably leave yourself enough time to put together another game as well.
Or maybe not.... ;)

(Nice work on the rebasing too.
They look so much better).
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: Silent Invader on December 11, 2013, 07:26:51 AM
 :o  :o

I am in awe!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: matakishi on December 11, 2013, 08:08:58 AM
Bloody hell Paul, you keep cranking them out at this rate and there'll no room for terrain  lol



Because the game's mission based only a few miniatures will be in play at any one time. It's designed to be played on a 4ft square area (on average) with missions taking no more than 45mins to an hour, sometimes less if people's teams are well organised.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: phreedh on December 11, 2013, 09:52:10 AM
Fine progress - the clan guards are my favourites. Have you done any touching up on the Olley pre-painted chaps or do they still have their red eyes? =D Now, let's see a few leets, reets and such. =)

It's been ages since I played AO. I remember thinking it was rather pretty at a time...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: matakishi on December 11, 2013, 10:46:45 AM
I've left the prepaints as they came. I'm a sucker for a good Bob Olley miniature. The Clan guards are going to become Desert Nomads later, I have different miniatures coming that will be my Clanners.

Leets are being sculpted as we speak!

Next up are Temple cultists then Trash King and his lackeys.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: phreedh on December 11, 2013, 11:08:12 AM
Trash King and his lackeys.
Looking forward to that! The lackeys will make fun minis!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: matakishi on December 11, 2013, 11:28:17 AM
I'm using Killa kans. They'll be 'lackey-ish' :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on December 11, 2013, 01:46:24 PM
Good to see your stuff again, Paul :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: Mindenbrush on December 11, 2013, 02:43:42 PM
Excellent  8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures (Page 3)
Post by: matakishi on December 11, 2013, 04:28:27 PM
Re-based engineer Slayer Droids- 80mm bases, these are real brutes :)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures + robots! (Page 3)
Post by: matakishi on December 11, 2013, 04:30:06 PM
Oh, and a new logo with added leetness

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures + robots! (Page 3)
Post by: sundayhero on December 11, 2013, 07:12:06 PM
Really cool project. Your imagination seems to be infinite  :o

I'm also impressed by the faculty you have of building so much things in a short time  :o

I'll follow this topic, I'm a big fan of anarchy online, I played it a few years ago, then I gave up because I discovered that my player character was a useless mess even at medium level gaming lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures + robots! (Page 3)
Post by: matakishi on December 15, 2013, 01:04:09 PM
A few new miniatures and a bunch of re-purposed stuff.

A couple more smugglers/outlaws


Undercover Omni Pol officer with surveillance bots


Cultists (lots more of these coming)


The Crazy Bees, a civilian organisation




Nano Mages


Another Nano Mage and a pair of Opifex


Details here:

On the way, Hell hounds, more cultists, assassins, more Clan, Aztur the Immortal and quite a lot of scenery...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: Mason on December 15, 2013, 01:07:08 PM
 :o :o :o

Bloody hell, mate!
Somebody is seriously busy.

That is some serious output and it all looks absolutely gorgeous.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 15, 2013, 01:25:34 PM
Most of this lot were just re-based. I'm a little slower with the actual new stuff :)
New stuff on the way though.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 15, 2013, 01:27:10 PM
Will there be more figures than Shadow Man?


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: Diakon on December 15, 2013, 01:30:54 PM
Wow, some lovely looking stuff in this thread. Love the big robots. They look brutal.  :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 15, 2013, 01:40:50 PM
Will there be more figures than Shadow Man?



I'm not sure, I have more Shadowman stuff to do, quite a bit actually.

There will be a decent amount of scenery built for this, I'm just waiting on a few components before I start, once it gets underway, who knows where it'll end :)
I want to do some interior stuff too, sort of sci fi dungeon tiles, so I can run some of the interior missions and locations from the computer game.

Minatures wise I'll pause when the Player Characters are done, they're arriving next year, and have a think about what else I'd like to add.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on December 15, 2013, 01:43:45 PM
Coolio  :)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - loads more miniatures, more robots (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 18, 2013, 05:39:38 PM
I've been painting some resin scenery which I'll post once it's all complete. Much of it is to add setting details to my existing buildings; satellite dishes and air con units, that sort of thing.
In the mean time I've persuaded some tallented folk to make me some leets. Lets are the ubiquitous, rodent like inhabitants of Rubi-Ka and no game of Anarchy, either online or offline, would be complete without them.



Mike Thorp:



Ramshackle Curtis:


More on the way!!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - leets!! (Page 4)
Post by: Bahir on December 18, 2013, 07:40:45 PM
Great stuff, very inspiring!  Why have you based them 3 to a base?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - leets!! (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 18, 2013, 07:53:08 PM
Because they're units. The number of figures on the base shows how many hits they need to take to be killed. Personalities, leaders and player characters are based singly.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - leets!! (Page 4)
Post by: underfirewargaming on December 19, 2013, 12:05:02 AM
I have seen your site just last week, and all I can say is your work is very inspiring and very creative!. Keep up the great work I will be tuned in to see what you do next :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - leets!! (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 20, 2013, 02:06:06 AM
Thanks very much :)

Next up are some more Rubi-Ka scenery items. An insurance terminal with four reclaim discs and a grid terminal.



The Hell Hounds are optional.

More details here:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - more scenery (Page 4)
Post by: Dewbakuk on December 20, 2013, 07:58:39 AM
Very cool, who makes the hellhounds?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - more scenery (Page 4)
Post by: Predatorpt on December 20, 2013, 09:49:14 AM
Very cool, who makes the hellhounds?

Maxmini  ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - more scenery (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 20, 2013, 10:21:52 AM
Maxmini make the hellhounds.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - more scenery (Page 4)
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on December 20, 2013, 06:04:30 PM
Leet action ago-go!  ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - more scenery (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 21, 2013, 01:11:16 AM
Time to put me into the mix.
Here's a wip shot of Matakishi himself.


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - more scenery (Page 4)
Post by: matakishi on December 21, 2013, 01:13:44 AM
The rules are progressing nicely. The emphasis is on team play and co ordination with players being able to buff and support each other as the action unfolds.
More details later as everything is decided, it's early days :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - me, in all my splendour (wip) (Page 5)
Post by: Ajsalium on December 21, 2013, 12:43:48 PM
That ain't you. There's no cat (unless you paint some whiskers in those... balls). ???
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - me, in all my splendour (wip) (Page 5)
Post by: matakishi on December 23, 2013, 09:21:43 PM
Flying cars, Meta-Physicist pets and some scenery items.



Notum crystals, the source of all power.


The good news is that all my laser cut scenery has arrived including some doors for my Omni Tek buildings so I should have some of those done fairly soon.

Finally, my Lytro camera also arrived so here is a shot of the cars with variable focal fields that you can move around by clicking on the photo. It works better with more depth so expect more of these when I have a table set up, this one's my tester shot :)

More on the project page:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - flying cars! (Page 5)
Post by: matakishi on December 27, 2013, 11:57:14 AM
Clan guards, the previous Clan guards are now officially Desert Nomads :)


And a Star Wars thing co-opted into the Anarchy universe.


Desert Nomads:

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan guards (Page 5)
Post by: matakishi on December 27, 2013, 12:21:21 PM
No, it's a standard RPG. It's free to download and play if you want to try it.

Choose a race, choose a profession, choose a side. It's a skill based system with few restrictions, not easy and no hand holding for newbies. It can be difficult to get into but it's worth the effort. 12 year old graphics put some people off but they do the job. Like all the best games it's the game play that shines.

Free players (froobs) get all of Rubi-Ka to play on, paid players can access the Shadow Lands and Alien Invasion content. Level to 200 as a froob, 220 as a paid player. Explore the world, kill the wildlife, loot the corpses. there are static 'dungeons' where everyone can gather to team and explore or missions which are generated on the spot according to your level which cater for solo or team play as well as a vast planet to go hunting in.




Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan guards (Page 5)
Post by: Raxxus on December 27, 2013, 12:25:53 PM
Well played this for like a day, then got stuck in a wall and couldnt get out.
wasnt that impressed by the game I have to say.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan guards (Page 5)
Post by: matakishi on December 27, 2013, 12:32:12 PM
Probably best you didn't carry on then.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan guards (Page 5)
Post by: von Lucky on December 27, 2013, 08:28:51 PM
Firstly - nice additions to the project, it's going to (hell it already is) be awesome.

Secondly - Scurv, was it Dark Souls II? The first one was depressing* (and be prepared for a lot of dying!).

*But could also adapt to the tabletop. Hmm - this project is going to get me to look at computer games for inspiration.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan guards (Page 5)
Post by: matakishi on December 28, 2013, 02:46:35 AM
Here's a rough outline of the rules all subject to change of course, things may be trimmed down for simplicity but I've already pared it down considerably.

The game is designed for 4-8 players playing in teams consisting of 4 player characters drawn from a pool of 6 professions with no more than one of each profession in a team.

A 4 player game would be two vs two with each person controlling two characters.

All the scenarios are mission based and objective driven. They will be short; kill a specfic NPC, grab an item, get somewhere (maybe to a whompah), plant a bomb, kill a certain number of a certain type of NPC/creature etc. All designed to be played in 45 mins to an hour.

Once a mission is decided on the players construct their teams based on their chosen tactics.
The available professions at the moment are:

Soldier. Good at fighting.
Fixer. Good at running.
Bureaucrat. good at crowd control. Pet controller.
Doctor. Good at healing.
Engineer. Good at making things. Pet controller.
Enforcer. Good at surviving.

Professions are differentiated by scores in 5 areas of expertise: Attack, Defence, Movement, Healing and Nano Programing (basically spells with a sci fi name).

Each turn players allocate counters to any or all of these areas of expertise depending on their short term plans. Their skill in an area determines how much each counter is worth.
For instance a soldier is good at attacking so each counter in his attack box is worth 4 dice. A doctor is rubbish at attacking so each counter in her attack box is only worth one die. To make an attack a character chooses any or all of the available attack counters and rolls the number of dice they are worth.

The fun part is that characters can buff each other during the counter allocation phase by giving other team members some of their counters. A doctor could be given a soldier's counter to put in her attack box which is then worth 4 attack dice to bolster her firepower.

Characters can only accept limited buffs (three at the start) but this increases the tactical options without changing the total dice output of the team. A soldier's counter given away to a team mate is not available for the soldier to use himself.

Play then proceeds with the active team carrying out attacks and movement as they wish, in the order they wish so long as they keep the initiative and remain the active team.

Each time an active team member moves, any opposing characters who have LOS can attack him. If they inflict enough damage their team will immediately become the active team and they can move and shot until they lose the initiative.

A turn ends when all counters have been used or both sides pass on an initiative. Counters are reassigned and the next turn begins with the other side starting first.

'But, what about all these NPCs you've painted?' You ask.
All NPCs present are controlled by the non active side. As soon as the initiative switches the NPCs' control shifts to the previously active team. Fluid and potentially unpleasant.

The reclaim terminals ensure death isn't permanent so no one's out for long and you can't win by killing the opposing team, only by completing the mission objective.

Other extras include loot. You gain loot, usually equipment, each time you kill an NPC or player character. Loot will improve your character's abilities. Eventually you will level up and gain an extra counter to allocate each turn as well.

There are also some interesting mechanics around the hit points but that's for another time because it involves a deeper understanding of the mechanics than I've posted here to grasp fully.

I hope this has explained the basics enough to make the project sound interesting, feel free to ask if anything's not clear.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - rules (short version) (Page 6)
Post by: von Lucky on December 28, 2013, 10:38:59 AM
Maybe it'll be limiting like the zombies in 'Zombies!!!' - you can't move them all.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - rules (short version) (Page 6)
Post by: matakishi on December 28, 2013, 12:26:22 PM
that sounds good. I can see the dice pool mnechanics and where you are going with them. My only concern is the melee NPC's might just end up oscillating at range as control goes from one side to the other.  

There are only 2 melee NPC types that matter and they have large moves. The playing area is a mere 120cm square (4 foot)
Regardless, only NPCs that have LOS to the acting Player Character can react so moving the same NPC after an initiative switch will be rare. Just moving NPCs around to keep them away from you is mostly a wasted move too, there are plenty of more important things you could be doing. Nothing stopping you doing it if you want to though, I don't believe in legislating for bad players in rules. People can learn from their mistakes :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - rules (short version) (Page 6)
Post by: Elk101 on December 28, 2013, 01:12:51 PM
Nothing stopping you doing it if you want to though, I don't believe in legislating for bad players in rules. People can learn from their mistakes :)

Its only my personal preference, but I see this as a key element of well considered rules; don't stop players from doing things but let them experience how bad decisions and good tactics work out.

I sadly missed the Shadowman games at this year's BLAM due to the timings of other games I played, but this one is looking like another belter.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - rules (short version) (Page 6)
Post by: matakishi on December 31, 2013, 12:49:23 PM
Last update of the year.

Some lovely Alpha Forge Asteroid Miners drafted in as, well, miners.



Matakishi is complete.



Aztur the Immortal arrives at the Temple of Three Winds.


Even more stuff on the website:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: hubbabubba on December 31, 2013, 12:57:26 PM
Bonkers brilliant stuff.
Next time you have a Blam I must try to make the pilgrimage, your games are inspired.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: von Lucky on December 31, 2013, 08:53:05 PM
Beautiful, beautiful. You're a real credit to the hobby Matakishi.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: matakishi on January 01, 2014, 02:38:21 PM
The first miniature of 2014 is painted, photos later when the base has dried.
I've started on the Cyborgs:


I thought these were the last 'big' group for this project but, in fact, the cultists are also quite numerous. They'll be done next.

I'm hoping for an influx of stuff once people return to work in a week or so. I have outstanding orders with Miniature Heroes, Ral Partha Europe, Prince August, Antenociti and  several eBay sellers. It'll be a busy start to the year. Looking at this list, there's at least one other 'big' group in there too, oh well. Everything will get done at some point :)

Most of my laser cut scenery has arrived, all bar some walls from CNC in Australia which I only ordered a couple of days ago. I hope to start building my world mid January, maybe sooner. The more I can get painted, before the work area is given over to building, the better.

Looking back to 2013 is a mixed bag. The year started poorly and I painted nothing until mid August. All very dismal. However, I finished the year with a painting total of 526, well above what I purchased. Not bad for four and a half months. I'm hoping 2014 proves as fruitful, obviously only time will tell but with a quick recovery after BLAM (this project) I'm well ahead of where I was last year already.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: Ray Rivers on January 01, 2014, 06:43:46 PM
Been lurking since the beginning.  o_o

Fantastic project, minis and (of course) terrain pieces.  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: Jonas on January 02, 2014, 08:40:21 AM
Great stuff! Good use of lot of different models!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: matakishi on January 02, 2014, 10:06:42 AM
Thanks. So many people do so many models I can use :)
Here's a Mantic one I missed out earlier, an Omni Unicorn Specialist.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More painted miniatures (Page 6)
Post by: matakishi on January 02, 2014, 12:23:40 PM
Here's the first miniature for 2014.
He's from Black Hat's Cobalt range and he's going to be a transforming spider boss in Anarchy Offline.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spider boss (Page 6)
Post by: former user on January 02, 2014, 01:04:45 PM
I must say, Your SF stuff looks creepy and frightening, and excellent!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spider boss (Page 6)
Post by: sundayhero on January 02, 2014, 03:03:22 PM
Really cool !

I can't wait to see these painted :


I'm very curious about them.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spider boss (Page 6)
Post by: Mason on January 02, 2014, 03:09:10 PM
Looking good, Paul.

I cannot believe the pace that you are keeping here.

I must say, Your SF stuff looks creepy and frightening, and excellent!

That sums the feeling of this collection of figures pretty well.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spider boss (Page 6)
Post by: matakishi on January 02, 2014, 08:15:10 PM



They're more Borg like than their in-game counterparts but they're great little models (if somewhat pricey).


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborg progress (Page 7)
Post by: Lawful Evil on January 02, 2014, 08:34:53 PM
The silver on the cyborgs looks great, did you do anything special to it?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborg progress (Page 7)
Post by: matakishi on January 02, 2014, 09:32:10 PM
It's Coat D'armes gunmetal, applied straight from the pot. I was going to add some armour wash or silver highlights but it doesn't need anything so I'm going to keep it just as it is. There is another orange highlight to add to the overalls before they're finished however, not there yet.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborg progress (Page 7)
Post by: matakishi on January 04, 2014, 11:13:02 AM
Cyborgs are finished but I've run out of bases so they'll remain like this for a while.


Meanwhile I've been doing some other stuff, photos soon.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done (Page 7)
Post by: Eric the Shed on January 04, 2014, 11:34:05 AM
Brilliant... :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done (Page 7)
Post by: AKULA on January 04, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
Excellent work (as always) Paul.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done (Page 7)
Post by: matakishi on January 04, 2014, 02:38:00 PM
Thank you, thank you :)

Moving on, some of my Reaper bones miniatures arrived (many more on the way) so I've completed the first of my Hecklers. He's not exact but he's close enough:





You can see my demon pet in the screenshot above as we cautiously watch a Heckler destroy most of the people on the beach in Elysium.
Luckily Reaper do something suitable for those too:


And some Bloodcreepers, what game is complete without hideous over-sized spiders?


There's more info on the project page and a couple more new photos too.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done and more wierdness added (Page 7)
Post by: cp models on January 04, 2014, 05:09:45 PM
Mad & Brilliant at the same time  :)

Fantastic stuff as always

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done and more wierdness added (Page 7)
Post by: Mason on January 04, 2014, 05:14:23 PM
Great stuff, Paul.
All great additions to an immense collection for another epic game, but I must say that I feel you have taken those Borgs to another level.
 :-* 8) :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done and more wierdness added (Page 7)
Post by: Espritfigs on January 04, 2014, 05:19:27 PM
this post is wonderfull
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done and more wierdness added (Page 7)
Post by: Ray Rivers on January 04, 2014, 06:45:26 PM
Man are you pumping out the minis!  :o

Love the Cyborgs!  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done and more wierdness added (Page 7)
Post by: Ironworker on January 05, 2014, 05:44:37 AM
Great looking stuff!  Those cyborgs are amazing!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - cyborgs done and more wierdness added (Page 7)
Post by: matakishi on January 05, 2014, 09:06:52 PM
Well, the last day of my Christmas break is coming to an end and, despite having painted a load more miniatures, I still don't have any bases so here are some mission terminals and general terminals that I've finished that I can show you.




Lots more laser cut stuff to come before the real scratch building begins :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - computer terminals (Page 8)
Post by: sundayhero on January 05, 2014, 09:20:25 PM
Really cool laser cut accessories, where do they come from ?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - computer terminals (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 05, 2014, 09:23:17 PM
I bought a lot of their stuff.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - computer terminals (Page 8)
Post by: Predatorpt on January 06, 2014, 01:08:44 AM
I bought a lot of their stuff.

Glad to see that someone else also found them! ;) I did a small recommendation add for their new site (Rodrigo, from Portugal) because I think they really deserve it - nice buildings and accessories at a very affordable price. And, as you show, it can be used in games other than Infinity.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - computer terminals (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 07, 2014, 07:35:15 PM
I'm actually working on some scenery pieces right now but today my Unredeemed arrived -- Mutant Chronicles miniatures from the distant past :)
The Unredeemed are a demonic looking group of unpleasant folk that inhabit the Shadowlands. Unfortunately things from the Shadowlands have a habit of falling off the Brink and landing in Rubi-Ka.


This little lot will make a nice addition to the mix and be quite a problem for the players.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - the Unredeemed arrive! (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 08, 2014, 07:29:12 PM
More laser cut stuff. Two power generators and a dish.


All from Systema gaming.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - laser cut scenery (Page 8)
Post by: Malebolgia on January 10, 2014, 07:10:00 AM
Fantastic stuff once again. The color contrast between the acryllic and dark grey works really well. Looking forward to seeing the Warzone stuff done 8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - laser cut scenery (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 15, 2014, 08:34:28 PM
Bit of a delay because I ran out of bases. The Christmas break plays havoc with ordering stuff, especially if you need it in a hurry. However, my Warbases order arrived yesterday so I was able to finish some things off.

First up, I finished my Systema Gaming terrain. This is my Omni-Tek energy fencing. I have about 5ft of it all told, this is just a sample showing the different pieces.


Next, the finished cyborgs.



Some Shadows.


Some bio experiment mutants (lots more of these on the way, these are the little guys)


A Fixer assault team all wearing their distinctive Grid Armour


A pair of Shades, invisible assassins. These are a Player character option.


Pinetti and Pinetti, a high level Bureaucrat asset, also for Player characters.


Next up; More mutants (the big guys), Mossy Rafters, some cultists and some Clan scenery.
More pics and details on the project page: http://www.matakishi.com/anarchyofflineproject.htm
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Mason on January 15, 2014, 08:44:32 PM

Serious high quality gaming goodies.

Even more so when you consider your output, which is nothing short of phenomenal.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on January 15, 2014, 08:49:51 PM
Oh dear :-*

This is Teutonic in efficiancy!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 15, 2014, 08:59:52 PM
Maybe I should have spread these out, posted one lot every couple of days to appear normal :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Mason on January 15, 2014, 09:13:07 PM
Maybe I should have spread these out, posted one lot every couple of days to appear normal :)

I do that and people call me strange.
It seems that you cant win either way, Paul.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: aliensurfer on January 15, 2014, 09:13:26 PM
Lovely stuff as always, can see myself picking up some of that laser cut scenery
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 15, 2014, 09:28:31 PM
I forgot the lamp posts, got 10 of these too

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Mason on January 15, 2014, 10:38:42 PM
did you design all this laser cut stuff or is it just out there on the market? Apols of you have already mentioned it.

I do love how this project uses little bits from everyone too. Good example of the versatility that an eclectic collection gives you.

It is from here:


...and he has me looking at some of it too.....
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 15, 2014, 11:20:35 PM
I have one of their storage silo sets that I don't want if anyone's interested.

I also have some Australian laser cut stuff I'm building from CNC Workshop which will be posted soon(ish)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Mason on January 15, 2014, 11:37:44 PM
I have one of their storage silo sets that I don't want if anyone's interested.


PM sent.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Dentatus on January 15, 2014, 11:57:57 PM
Very pretty, very cool. I'm jealous.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: aliensurfer on January 16, 2014, 12:19:49 AM

PM sent.

bugger, too late.  :(
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on January 16, 2014, 05:23:23 AM

PM sent.

Like a hawk! Swoosh!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: 6milPhil on January 17, 2014, 12:28:34 PM



Who makes these?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 17, 2014, 12:32:31 PM
No one any more. They used to be from Alpha Forge, then bought by Mega Minis then sold to someone unknown.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: Wachaza on January 17, 2014, 09:05:04 PM
I have one of their storage silo sets that I don't want if anyone's interested.

Their houses  (http://www.systemagaming.com/products/base-0-big-bundle) look like Syndicate on the Amiga. Lovely.

I can't believe how quickly you can turn out lots of quality minis.  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 19, 2014, 03:07:58 PM
So, what's been done this week you ask.

first up, my Clan walls for my desert settings. Laser cut MDF from CNC Workshop. I have 9 lengths of these.



Also from CNC are these dishes.


They're big!


Finally on the scenery front Jed at Antenociti's Workshop sent me this painted prototype for another flying car. This one's not going to be produced so I'm lucky to have it :)


Assembling the laser cut stuff took a lot of time this week so I didn't paint many actual miniatures, just these three Reaper Bones ones to be Rafters.



I did re-base a few pre-paints that will fit in nicely with the setting.



More photos and info on the project page:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More miniatures, more scenery! (Page 9)
Post by: Ray Rivers on January 19, 2014, 06:56:39 PM
Looking Uber-Kewl!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More miniatures, more scenery! (Page 9)
Post by: matakishi on January 24, 2014, 07:25:12 PM
Not even a week has passed and I have an update. Only 18 figures though :(

First up some Cultists from the Temple of Three Winds. Miniatures from ERM


These are the little guys that attack in hordes to slay the desecrators of the temple. They are enthusiastic but not too clever.
They're led by Exarchs and Windcallers who are quite a bit harder (these are my existing miniatures, painted long ago and rebased for this project).


I've got a couple of the personality bosses from the Temple on my painting table who'll be along soon; The Defender of the Three and Lien the Memorystalker.
The big boss is Aztur the Immortal, we've seen him before but here he is again:


On the scenery front I've painted a few Antenociti resin items.
These are surgery clinics:



And these are control towers for the flying sentry drones that will be along later.


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Purple cultists of DEEAATH! (Page 9)
Post by: Ray Rivers on January 24, 2014, 07:43:20 PM

By the time you are finished you're going to have enough scenery to do just about any kind of Future Wars/Sci Fi kinda game.

Nice stuff!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Purple cultists of DEEAATH! (Page 9)
Post by: NurgleHH on January 24, 2014, 08:05:58 PM
You are so fast working. It is January and so much time until BLAM. Do you plan for a bigger location? The royal Albert Hall or madison square garden????
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Purple cultists of DEEAATH! (Page 9)
Post by: Captain Blood on January 24, 2014, 09:03:49 PM
He doesn't hang around you know  :)

Wonderful productivity Paul. And it all looks so good  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: 6milPhil on January 25, 2014, 01:48:11 PM
There's some really sweet pieces there, and perfectly timed with my interest in SF.

No one any more. They used to be from Alpha Forge, then bought by Mega Minis then sold to someone unknown.

Shame. I might have a poke about for some 2nd hand... can you recall their name please?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Purple cultists of DEEAATH! (Page 9)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on January 25, 2014, 01:55:01 PM
Coming along a pace Paul  8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Purple cultists of DEEAATH! (Page 9)
Post by: Mason on January 25, 2014, 02:15:20 PM
Bloody hell: He's done it again!
 :o :o

Amazing output, sir.
And to such a consistently high standard too.
 :-* 8) :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: matakishi on January 25, 2014, 02:37:33 PM
Shame. I might have a poke about for some 2nd hand... can you recall their name please?

They were called demo bots by Alpha Forge, Mega Minis may have renamed them. I've been looking (not too hard) for others. Mega Minis also made a 15mm version which might be nice to have scuttling around in groups.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Purple cultists of DEEAATH! (Page 9)
Post by: matakishi on January 27, 2014, 06:51:54 PM
This weekend's work:

First up, Lien the Memorystalker, a particularly nasty individual who lurks in the Temple of the Three Winds. Lien commands an army of undead legionnaires armed with dreaded (and much sought after) frost scythes (currently in-bound from eBay, expect them soon). Lien is a 40mm+ miniature from Puppets War.


Next the big Bio Mutants from the Biomare facility to accompany the small Bio Mutants from earlier. These are Vor miniatures.


There are individual shots on my project page, the bases are 60mm.

Finally, here are the Antenociti drones to go with the control towers I did last time:


Next up, some Player Characters- including the requested Atrox enforcer with support beam of intolerance which, to everybody not in the know, is a big guy waving around an iron girder :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: Ajsalium on January 27, 2014, 09:09:15 PM
Actually, in this case, I'm posting so I feel obligated to do something since I don't want to be in the same situation as last year where my enthusiasm for the entire hobby left me. I don't have much enthusiasm at the moment but with a little progress here and the usual great level of encouragement from LAF I hope to muddle through.

Looks like it worked! :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline, my game for BLAM 2014
Post by: matakishi on January 27, 2014, 09:32:45 PM
Looks like it worked! :D

Yes. Quite well actually. Thanks to the encouragement from here I have the beginnings of a decent sci fi set of miniatures.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Robots, mutants and a skeleton! (Page 10)
Post by: aliensurfer on January 28, 2014, 01:52:53 AM
Keep it going mate, whenever I start to fall away from the hobby I often look at your projects and regain my enjoyment. thanks for the rules and guides over the years too.  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 50+ new miniatures and some scenery too (Page 8)
Post by: 6milPhil on January 28, 2014, 04:48:35 AM
They were called demo bots by Alpha Forge, Mega Minis may have renamed them. I've been looking (not too hard) for others. Mega Minis also made a 15mm version which might be nice to have scuttling around in groups.

Thanks, I'll let you know if I discover anything.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Robots, mutants and a skeleton! (Page 10)
Post by: matakishi on January 30, 2014, 06:50:17 PM
The first of the Player Character. Well the first of the basic Player Characters, I've already done some of the more exotic ones.

A Soldier, and Engineer and an Enforcer. This is an Atrox Enforcer armed with a Support Beam of Intolerance, a favoured weapon (yes, it's just a girder).


Engineer and Slayer Droid


Other PCs from the past. Shades, Martial Artists and Matakishi, a Meta-Physicist.




Title: Re: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: von Lucky on January 31, 2014, 12:12:39 AM
You've reinforced the fact you're not human. Nice progress.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: Elk101 on January 31, 2014, 07:26:11 AM
The quantity and quality of your output is astounding. It's a shame the big robot fellows are oop, they look great.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: Blackwolf on January 31, 2014, 07:30:34 AM
Lovely thread,cracking work :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: matakishi on January 31, 2014, 05:57:12 PM
I've got some skeletons to paint this weekend so Lien has some things to command. My other Player Character miniatures still haven't arrived even though they were the first figures ordered for this project back on the 24th of November 2013. C'est la vie.
Whilst I'm in a painty mood I'm not going to start making buildings because once I do that will take over and very few miniatures will get painted subsequently.
I have my Warzone miniatures to start on too so they'll keep me busy and a large resin piece arrived yesterday from Scotia Grendel that needs doing to complete my Temple of the Three Winds set.

Which brings me to an explanation of sorts.

Eventually the game will have three game modes. The standard mode will be a tabletop skirmish between two opposing teams each trying to achieve the scenario objective and win.
The second mode will be Umpire/Gamesmaster driven with the players co-operating as members of the same team to overcome a series of linked encounters that form an single, larger encounter. The primary aim here will be to amass loot and experience to improve the Player Characters. The Temple of the Three Winds falls into this category.

Thirdly there will be missions for solo or co-operative play. A mission will be drawn from a list and will contain an objective, a map and a list of enemies. These missions allow for a simple fast game with minimum set up. The aim here is to acquire loot and XP for your characters.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: Mason on January 31, 2014, 06:53:34 PM
Loving all of the output, sir.
Smashing, especially those new player characters!

As for this:

Whilst I'm in a painty mood I'm not going to start making buildings because once I do that will take over and very few miniatures will get painted subsequently.

....I can sympathise completely.
Distraction from the task in hand can be seriously damaging to a project's progression.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: Elk101 on January 31, 2014, 07:08:11 PM
I really like the gaming options that you're looking at. They are primary considerations that I look for in any versatile set of skirmish rules.  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (Page 10)
Post by: matakishi on February 02, 2014, 06:30:47 PM
More denizens of the Temple of Three Winds, Deathless legionnaires armed with frost scythes. These are old Heroquest skeletons I got off eBay, suitably static to represent the robotic Legionnaires. They're being led out of the Temple by Lien, not something you see every day.



I'm painting the last of the Temple denizens at the moment, more to come...

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Undead horde (Page 11)
Post by: matakishi on February 09, 2014, 06:52:44 PM
First the re-purposed stuff:
Coco Tapioca and the Space Channel 5 crew have been re-based. Their leader, Ulala (Ulala Banzai!) is lurking in my half-painted pile where she's been since 2007. She may get finished soon.


Now the new:

The Defender of the Three and the Guardian of Tomorrow complete my Temple of the Three Winds setting except for one minor boss who's being sculpted as we speak and who will be added later.






The Guardian is an Omni-Tek juggernaut


I've adapted the temple floor plan so it fits on a 4ft square table. I'm just deciding on the best way to do the rooms. The Temple will be a GM led adventure where the players co-operate to form a single team and take on the Temple denizens.


There's other, less interesting stuff like Ninja Bots and treasure chests on the project page along with more photos of the stuff shown here.

Next up will be my Bazaar. Here's an early WIP shot of half of it.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: von Lucky on February 09, 2014, 08:47:29 PM
Very nice. I also have the Coco Tapioca resin piece (used for my FoG Tibetan camp), never thought it would look so good painted.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: Jonas on February 10, 2014, 01:12:02 AM
This is really coming along fine. It made me snoop around in your old galleries on your homepage. I can use hours digging around there from time to time.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: Achilles on February 10, 2014, 04:30:25 AM
Love the bazaar!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: cheetor on February 10, 2014, 03:53:41 PM

Another vast, inspiring (and slightly intimidating) Matakishi thread.  Lovely.

The bazaar canopies are really very nice.  They make the market look modern/high-tech rather than just a repurposed fantasy thing.  Are the roof pieces designed for that use?  Im guessing that they are laser cut, are they?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: Captain Blood on February 10, 2014, 04:11:41 PM
Love those stalls Paul. Brilliant  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: matakishi on February 10, 2014, 04:13:34 PM
They're laser cut things from Micro Art. They're marketed as Steampunk or similar but suit my setting admirably as the 'trader' parts of the settlements can be very low tech.
I've ordered another set, the three awnings cost £7.99 together, and some Lead Adventure Post Apoc merchants to man them and I'm currently painting up the barrels and gas canisters to complete the trade goods piles.

In the meantime some character figures will be here soon from eBay after a bit of a disaster with my original November order.
Things are progressing.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: cheetor on February 10, 2014, 04:31:58 PM
They're laser cut things from Micro Art. They're marketed as Steampunk or similar but suit my setting admirably as the 'trader' parts of the settlements can be very low tech.

I really like them.  They will compliment the LAM traders very well.  Cool stuff.

I have a box of crates of foodstuff and other goods (from Fenris I think) for a planned market for my PA town.  I must reexamine Micro Art Studios...

As a Space Channel 5 fan, Im looking forward to seeing more of the characters for this project . 
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More stuff including Bazaar WIP (Page 11)
Post by: matakishi on February 18, 2014, 02:24:54 PM
Here's the completed Bazaar. Most of the scatter stuff in from Fenris.

There's a gallery of more photos here:
which will be up on my site later once I've prepared a dedicated AO scenery page.




Next up, some Shadowlands spirits and then more player characters
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Bazaar (Page 11)
Post by: cheetor on February 18, 2014, 03:09:58 PM

Thats really great.  usually when I see model bazaars/markets they look like they are too flimsy to survive actual gaming with, but this looks durable too.

I want to put something like that together for playing Fistful of Kung Fu style games on as well as using it as general terrain. 
Very nice.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Bazaar (Page 11)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on February 19, 2014, 08:13:10 AM
Very busy  8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Bazaar (Page 11)
Post by: Mason on February 19, 2014, 08:22:10 AM
That looks bloody brilliant, Paul.
 8) 8)

I do keep looking for a shifty looking fella with a sheepskin coat and a briefcase though....

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Bazaar (Page 11)
Post by: Jonas on February 22, 2014, 09:20:56 PM
This looks very impressive  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - lots of new stuff (Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on February 24, 2014, 07:19:29 PM
I do keep looking for a shifty looking fella with a sheepskin coat and a briefcase though....

Here he is, a used Phasefront hover board trader. Traders are a Player character option.


More Player characters, poor photos I'm afraid but these are interim ones. Once all the Player character options are done (won't be long) I'll take proper photos of them in their pairs and there'll be a bit of a better explanation too.



A Bureaucrat and 2 of the robot bodyguards:


A pair of Adventurers and some of their morphed forms, Adventurers shape change to boost their attack and defence capabilities.


More creatures, some more Hecklers bringing my total to four:


More Blood Creepers bringing my total to eight and a transforming boss:


Some Shadowlands spirits:


And finally a scrap golem who will make a fine lackey for the Trash King:


No details on the project page, sorry.

But I am splitting everything into separate sections because the project has grown so big so there'll be an update on this soon. The new sections have more information about the people, setting, creatures etc.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Lots of new stuff (Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on February 26, 2014, 07:40:31 PM
Some of the finished Player Characters.







Adventurers (still no leets):


Incomplete People of Rubi-Ka page is here for more details:

Main project here:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: warburton on February 26, 2014, 09:45:50 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: sundayhero on February 26, 2014, 11:52:43 PM
Really cool. What I find impressive is the way you (well) paint so much minis and build nice scenery in the same short delay. My own projects are progressing so slowly even if all my free time is spent on these.  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: AKULA on February 27, 2014, 07:57:09 AM
Bags of character as always

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: Mason on February 27, 2014, 08:30:24 AM
Love all the new additions!

This project is already far bigger than I thought it was going to be when finished.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on February 27, 2014, 06:53:02 PM
Only a small selection will be on the table for any one scenario. The world of Rubi-Ka is interesting and varied though so each setting can be very different from the last.
The Omni-Tek outposts and centres are built with grey dystopian buildings and have a very sombre feel. The Clan outposts are in the deserts and have a lighter, more eastern feel. The outlaw camps are very ramshackle and temporary looking, much like shanty towns.







The areas of Alien incursion are wastelands, mostly in the non terraformed parts of the planet, very toxic to humans and the Shadowlands, the mysterious parallel dimension to which the Jobe scientists opened a portal not so long ago, are lush forests and grasslands out of which jut the ruins of the ancient Xan civilisation. The farther reaches of the Shadowlands encompass icy wildernesses and even underwater locations before the hellish realms of, first Inferno, and finally Pandemonium where the Beast guards The Source, the spring from which all life in the universe flows.




Obviously the Beast, once discovered, was slain by loot hungry opportunists and his death signaled the start of the alien invasion by the Kyr'Ozch who bomb human cities and attack their settlements without mercy.

There's a lot to see and do in Anarchy Offline :)

Here's a link to the completed People of Rubi-Ka page which has more background information than the project page.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: Elk101 on February 27, 2014, 08:29:18 PM
Amazing work. I can't wait to see this!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on March 09, 2014, 09:22:31 PM
Well, this week turned out to be a real shitty one. I've been very ill so not much got done and what I have done (11 things all told) aren't based yet so there's no weekly update today. Sorry.

The Anarchy Offline hub is live. You can access it with the link below and find a little more info (and a few new photos too) in most of the sections. The Project page is still a hodge-podge of everything but will be trimmed down later to just contain peripheral bits, WIP shots and waffle about the design.


I hope to get back in my stride soon of course, never say die!


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Player Characters (40 new miniatures, Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on March 18, 2014, 09:40:06 PM
Notum mining tower and defences, details tomorrow and more pics to come.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: Mason on March 18, 2014, 09:49:31 PM

I remember those.
 8) 8)

You have done a grand job on them.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: Doomsdave on March 19, 2014, 01:37:05 AM
That is some stellar terrain.  :o  Are those scratchbuilt?  If so, I would love to see some WIPs.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: zizi666 on March 19, 2014, 02:03:07 AM
That is some stellar terrain.  :o  Are those scratchbuilt?  If so, I would love to see some WIPs.

Looks like Grendel/Kryomek buildings to me.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: Giger on March 19, 2014, 01:17:59 PM
This project is fantastic, excellent work.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: Malebolgia on March 19, 2014, 01:42:36 PM
Really nice work on those Kryomek buildings. Great idea to use them for your game, they fit in perfectly.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on March 19, 2014, 05:29:28 PM
Thanks :) I've always wanted an excuse to buy some of these, ever since they were first produced. I may well get some more as they were easy to put together and even easier to paint.

So, here are the details:
The complete site with a miniature for scale. In play everything will be more spread out but not by too much.


The Control tower and a pair of defence turrets. These are permanent structures.


These are personal turrets, placed by players for the battle, they are temporary.



I've also painted a couple more player characters; a Nano Technician, a Violent Vagabond (who is a named mob but would make a good Trader PC with his shotgun) and the second Soldier.


And some Sewer Scuttlers to lurk in dark places and annoy the players.



Next up: More Player Characters (the last few), more Atroxes and probably some robots. Stay tuned!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: matakishi on March 20, 2014, 08:08:33 PM
I got some terrain elements off ebay today. I'll have bigger shots once I get a table out at the weekend but, until then, Hecklers at the Brink.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Brink Hecklers (Page 13)
Post by: AKULA on March 20, 2014, 08:12:33 PM
Very jealous Paul - one of your best projects yet.

Buildings and the figures look great ... I need a froth icon.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Brink Hecklers (Page 13)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on March 20, 2014, 08:18:50 PM
Awesome stuff as ever Paul!!!

I'm not doing anything at the moment it seems...  lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Brink Hecklers (Page 13)
Post by: matakishi on March 20, 2014, 08:25:46 PM
Nearly done with the figures, it'll be on to the buildings soon. I'm really looking forward to those, I'm hoping to have them lit.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Notum mining towers (Page 12)
Post by: 6milPhil on March 23, 2014, 11:26:30 PM
Great stuff as per.  8)


Who makes these?  ???
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Brink Hecklers (Page 13)
Post by: Malebolgia on March 24, 2014, 06:57:47 AM
Here ya go!

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Brink Hecklers (Page 13)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on March 24, 2014, 07:00:55 AM
Cracking continuation Paul  8) 8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Brink Hecklers (Page 13)
Post by: matakishi on March 24, 2014, 09:29:52 PM
Thanks James, tough going at the moment still but I'm getting there. Here are the completed basic Player Character options (2 of each). I have 2 more figures to paint to complete the advanced PC options.



The latest additions are the 2nd Engineer


and the 2nd Enforcer


I've also painted a pair of Omni-Tek turrets that can be plonked on any of their buildings


Finally, for now, my Foldio photo booth arrived so I took a couple of snaps using it. I'll need to experiment with settings but I'm pretty pleased so far.



Full details of the Player Characters here:

Full project details here:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Player Characters (Page 13)
Post by: von Lucky on March 25, 2014, 08:39:40 AM
Your previous photos popped. With the light booth they pop, pop, POP!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Player Characters (Page 13)
Post by: Giger on March 25, 2014, 12:26:39 PM
Just an excellent project, I always enjoying looking at the new pictures when they come up as the never fail to impress.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Player Characters (Page 13)
Post by: Elk101 on March 25, 2014, 04:31:15 PM
How do you maintain such high standards over such a long period? It's very impressive indeed.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Player Characters (Page 13)
Post by: matakishi on March 25, 2014, 09:32:05 PM
The secret is just to keep at it :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Completed Player Characters (Page 13)
Post by: matakishi on April 11, 2014, 05:13:13 PM
You might think not much has been happening here but you'd be wrong :)
I'm close(ish) to revealing my first set of buildings, an Omni-Tek city section, which I'm very pleased with so far. I aim to have this finished before Easter.

Meanwhile, here are the leets at last!


Sculpted my Jason Miller, Inso, Mike Thorp and Curtis Fell. They are available at a special introductory price of £10.00 for the 10 different castings. This introductory offer includes worldwide shipping

Web Store: http://www.matakishi.com/apps/webstore/

The Infectors have also been cast and will be available soon.



More soon...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: Eric the Shed on April 11, 2014, 05:14:59 PM
Awesome  :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: Mason on April 11, 2014, 05:20:33 PM
Wonderful weird little critturs that will be great for Strange Aeons games.
 :-* :-*


Looking forward to the Infectors too.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: Elk101 on April 11, 2014, 05:39:13 PM
Wonderful weird little critturs that will be great for Strange Aeons games.
 :-* :-*


Looking forward to the Infectors too.

Those infectors look like a useful gribbly.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: matakishi on April 11, 2014, 06:08:11 PM
Thanks for the order Paul :)
There will be a pause for Salute and then everything will get shipped out in a week or two.

Here's a very (very) early shot of the terrain I'm working on to keep things interesting in the mean time:

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: Mason on April 11, 2014, 06:11:51 PM
Looking very interesting, Paul.
I like the shape.
 8) 8)

I am doing a little 'building' work myself that you may be interested in.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: matakishi on April 12, 2014, 06:36:34 PM
I look forwar to seeing it at BLAM :)

Here are all my basic Omni-Tek city components together. They cover half of the playing area which was the plan. Once the walls, trees, advertising boards and assorted terminals have been added it should look as I planned it.


The modularity means everything can be arranged in an almost limitless number of configurations.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: Elk101 on April 12, 2014, 07:04:12 PM
That looks incredibly neatly done.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Leets! (Page 13)
Post by: Mason on April 12, 2014, 07:40:44 PM
Oh, yes.
This set-up is going to look really good.
 8) 8)

I look forwar to seeing it at BLAM :)

Well. it will have your name on it.

The modularity means everything can be arranged in an almost limitless number of configurations.

Very cleverly played, sir.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: Elbows on April 13, 2014, 01:01:10 AM
Lovely stuff...I have a couple packs of cork board sitting around - been too afraid to try it. :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: cheetor on April 13, 2014, 09:43:20 PM
That looks incredibly neatly done.

It certainly does.  Some very precise looking cuts there.

The modularity that you are working into this really interests me, both for practical storage reasons and to help the gaming set up from becoming too stale too soon.  Are the first floor doorways attached to the towers?  Or are they separate pieces added once the raised platforms and other pieces determine where doors should be?

I can wait to see these embellished and painted. 

Inspirational work as ever, thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: matakishi on April 14, 2014, 12:36:19 AM
The doors are attached. There's no ground level entry to Omni-Tek apartment blocks. Painting starts tomorrow (today actually as it's so late).
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: Argonor on April 14, 2014, 09:43:27 AM
Nice project! Must be followed closely!  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: Ironworker on April 14, 2014, 09:50:46 AM
Great Terrain!  Man this project is really coming along. 
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: matakishi on April 14, 2014, 10:18:10 AM
Thank you :)

I went out and about on Rubi-Ka and took some screen shots of various Omni settlements. The following are from Omni HQ and show what I'm aiming for in terms of 'feel'.
The upper sections can't really be modelled without interfering with play too much so I'm going for the feel of the lower, plain sections but I'll be bringing some of the upper illumination into the setting.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building begins... (Page 14)
Post by: matakishi on April 15, 2014, 05:26:36 PM
So, everything's been painted with Omni-Tek grey and had coloured acetate added to the windows so that the whole thing looks suitably dystopian.


But it needs something to make it look dystopian and futuristic?...I know, how about some lights?


More when the rest of my LEDs arrive and the city base board is sorted out. Shouldn't be long :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building completed, pimping begins... (Page 14)
Post by: AKULA on April 15, 2014, 05:57:05 PM
Looking great Paul - the LEDs really add something as well.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building completed, pimping begins... (Page 14)
Post by: matakishi on April 20, 2014, 06:51:48 PM
The city section is fully lit now. Once the base board is ready I'll take some photos of the whole thing with the other scenery bits in place.
Meanwhile I've spent my Easter Sunday making some shacks for the outlying, less-civilised areas of Rubi-Ka.




Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building completed, pimping begins... (Page 14)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on April 20, 2014, 07:00:02 PM
Great stuff Paul  8) 8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings (Page 15)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on April 21, 2014, 05:00:11 AM
Looks fantastic!

Who makes the mill?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings (Page 15)
Post by: matakishi on April 21, 2014, 10:05:49 AM
The windmill and the water wheel are both from Blotz
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings (Page 15)
Post by: matakishi on April 22, 2014, 07:48:58 PM
Here they are painted. Details of all the bits on my site:







and some craters

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: MrHarold on April 22, 2014, 08:37:51 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: Mason on April 22, 2014, 08:45:05 PM
Looking good, Paul.
Really looking forward to seeing this.
 :-* 8) :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: Achilles on April 22, 2014, 09:18:33 PM
Lovely! I'll second H2WHOA as one of my new favorite slogans!  lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on April 22, 2014, 11:33:25 PM
I do like the painting style you use on these (and the shadow an buildings), very cool  8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: matakishi on April 22, 2014, 11:56:11 PM
Thanks. Many will be interchangeable I hope. Certainly the pipe way will get used for this project.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: spevna on April 23, 2014, 02:32:39 AM
Brilliant stuff. The doors and vents really bring it all to life.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: dampfpanzerwagon on April 23, 2014, 02:47:31 AM
Looking good (as always).

Thanks for posting the images and I agree with other comments that the painting and doors make thee buildings look very special.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: Jonas on April 23, 2014, 03:55:06 PM
I really hope there is some heavy undercurrent in that yellow pond... otherwise I see no point in the waterwheel?   lol

Anyway, very great stuff!!!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: Alfrik on April 23, 2014, 04:36:02 PM
Nice work, especially the water plant ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: Captain Blood on April 23, 2014, 07:42:01 PM
Impressive as ever. You're going to need a bigger table!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: Treebeard on April 29, 2014, 10:42:23 AM
How did I miss this topic !?
This is absolutely wonderful and your productivity is amazing.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Wasteland buildings painted! (Page 15)
Post by: matakishi on May 13, 2014, 08:46:59 PM
Right, just a quickie. These are all commercial products that I've painted over the last couple of weeks. GW craters, Dust Nissen huts, Micro Art generator and a couple of Wargame Model Mods mdf buildings.

I've plonked them down together to make a Cyborg base which they all seemed suited for.




I'll post the other stuff I've done once I get photos taken :)

Project here: http://www.matakishi.com/anarchyofflinehub.htm
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: von Lucky on May 13, 2014, 10:07:43 PM
You're still churning out beautiful stuff at a nice rate.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Giger on May 13, 2014, 10:50:22 PM
I can't get over the scale of the project, lovely work.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: warburton on May 14, 2014, 01:25:11 AM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on May 14, 2014, 05:32:43 AM
Now that looks omnious!  :D

Great work!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Diakon on May 14, 2014, 06:25:23 AM
Excellent. That microart generator looks very Command & Conquer. Love it. :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on May 14, 2014, 06:53:32 AM
Groovy  8) 8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Mason on May 14, 2014, 08:07:40 AM
Great stuff!
That generator looks the nuts!
 :-* 8) :-*

Gotta get some quonset huts at some point.
You have done a great job on them.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Malebolgia on May 14, 2014, 10:51:10 AM
Great job, they look perfect. And you did some stellar work on that generator...was it a lot of work to get rid of the seam between the two halves?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: whiskey priest on May 14, 2014, 11:09:28 AM
I was tempted by the MDF towers but I couldn't figure out if they both come in the same pack. If they do then I will have to invest next payday. Very inspiring stuff, consider most of your ideas pinched but only in the sincerest form of flattery! lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Quendil on May 14, 2014, 12:38:11 PM
Just found this project, it is outstanding  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: pocoloco on May 14, 2014, 12:54:15 PM
How have I missed all of this?  :o :o

So much goodness (to nick), so little skills to pull through something similar myself.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: matakishi on May 14, 2014, 04:43:15 PM
Great job, they look perfect. And you did some stellar work on that generator...was it a lot of work to get rid of the seam between the two halves?

I just ran a length of surgical tape along the seam and painted it.

I was tempted by the MDF towers but I couldn't figure out if they both come in the same pack. If they do then I will have to invest next payday. Very inspiring stuff, consider most of your ideas pinched but only in the sincerest form of flattery! lol

They both come together, cost about £5.50 each. They're quite crude kits but perfect shapes for Rubi-Ka buildings.
More pictures:


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: Mason on May 14, 2014, 04:57:20 PM
Great job, they look perfect. And you did some stellar work on that generator...was it a lot of work to get rid of the seam between the two halves?

I just ran a length of surgical tape along the seam and painted it.

 8) 8) 8)

That is my 'LAF Tip of the Week'.


 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Page 16)
Post by: matakishi on May 14, 2014, 08:15:58 PM
Such kind words, by way of a thank you for your continued support I present my Omni-Tek city. Photographed outside the lights aren't as dramatic as they could be but I'm leaving it out until later so hopefully I'll  be able to get few more photos as it gets darker.





Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Elk101 on May 14, 2014, 08:21:29 PM
Oh yes! Very nice indeed.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: matakishi on May 14, 2014, 08:37:35 PM
Thanks, more photos on my site: http://www.matakishi.com/anarcarchyofflinebuild.htm
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Mason on May 14, 2014, 08:45:14 PM

.....but I'm leaving it out until later so hopefully I'll  be able to get few more photos as it gets darker.

I would love to know what your neighbours make of it, although this is probably not the first time they would have encountered one of your builds, I feel....

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Malebolgia on May 14, 2014, 09:04:09 PM
Once again fantastic
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: matakishi on May 14, 2014, 09:13:45 PM


more to come later :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Eric the Shed on May 14, 2014, 09:30:03 PM
Simply Stunning Paul...

The Room we are in for Blam has only a few windows so this will look fabulous !
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: whiskey priest on May 14, 2014, 09:47:05 PM
What plans are they hatching in that evil corporate head quarters? Brilliant stuff! Inspired idea expertly executed.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Ray Rivers on May 14, 2014, 11:16:56 PM
Wow!  o_o

Fantastic terrain!  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: matakishi on May 14, 2014, 11:57:45 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Dr DeAth on May 15, 2014, 12:15:26 AM
Just watched the video, very nice terrain  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: The_Beast on May 15, 2014, 01:30:11 AM
What plans are they hatching in that evil corporate head quarters? Brilliant stuff! Inspired idea expertly executed.

How can you say that?!?

EVERYONE knows what a fine, upstanding organization Wolfram and Hart is!

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Giger on May 15, 2014, 12:24:08 PM
Glorious work.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: matakishi on May 15, 2014, 06:19:59 PM
Here are a few more photos showing the lights.




The final version will have video screens and sound as well.
As always, more photos on the project page: http://www.matakishi.com/anarcarchyofflinebuild.htm

Right, that's enough of that, on to other buildings now...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Captain Blood on May 15, 2014, 06:40:48 PM
Stellar  :o :-*

We're going to need a bigger room.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: Mason on May 15, 2014, 07:19:35 PM
Bloody brilliant!
 :-* 8) :-*

Just make sure that you are not on any flight paths before adding to it.

The final version will have video screens and sound as well.

You a crazy man!
 :o :o :o

Look forward to seeing it all, it is going to be something very special.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: matakishi on May 15, 2014, 07:35:17 PM
I'll be making some Clan buildings next, and a weird board for the Shadowlands Brink.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: hubbabubba on May 15, 2014, 11:40:03 PM
Top stuff :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Cyborg Base (Pg 16) Omni City (Pg 17)
Post by: matakishi on May 17, 2014, 05:59:03 PM
First of the Clan buildings.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First of the Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on May 17, 2014, 07:05:09 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First of the Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: matakishi on May 24, 2014, 04:59:50 PM
Thank you, here are the next two:


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First of the Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: matakishi on June 07, 2014, 05:56:40 PM
A tower, two small houses and some wind turbines.



These are coming along a little slowly because I'm working on my Brink board and some Juju Man stuff at the same time, more on the brink when it's nearer completion.

edit: I added an annex onto one of the buildings.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: Giger on June 07, 2014, 07:45:57 PM
Brilliant as always
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: Mason on June 07, 2014, 07:48:30 PM
This is certainly gathering pace.
You will have a variety of huge set-ups by the time BLAM comes around.
 8) 8)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: Fates Fickle Finger on June 07, 2014, 09:24:50 PM
Brilliant! where did you get all the gubbins from? Would love to emulate them (copy,steal! ;))

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: Jonas on June 07, 2014, 11:37:15 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: matakishi on June 08, 2014, 01:10:15 AM
Brilliant! where did you get all the gubbins from? Would love to emulate them (copy,steal! ;))


Everything I used is linked to on the project build page:
There's quite a few manufacturers represented.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: Jaeger on June 08, 2014, 02:43:42 AM
He built it in a cave from scraps...

Amazing stuff.  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: matakishi on June 08, 2014, 03:32:47 PM
Last of the basic Clan buildings, just one large one to go and then I want to do a couple more wasteland buildings.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More Clan buildings (Page 18)
Post by: matakishi on June 15, 2014, 11:50:20 AM
This is the final Clan building which completes my set of 10.


My Brink board is coming along nicely. I have to paint the base boards and it's been raining all weekend which scuppered that idea. Hopefully they'll be done during the week.
Teaser pic:

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Final Clan building and the start of the Brink (Page 18)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on June 15, 2014, 01:05:46 PM
Wicked cool  :D

Awesomesauce  :D

Totes amazeballs  :D


Can't wait to play on it Paul  :)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Final Clan building and the start of the Brink (Page 18)
Post by: matakishi on June 22, 2014, 12:36:34 PM
Here's the preliminary board set up, buildings and floating rocks to come before it's finished.

The idea:


The table:







All the terrain items are the work of Alan Anderson, not me. I did the miniatures.
Lots more photos and a fuller explanation of what's what on my site:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Elk101 on June 22, 2014, 12:59:22 PM
Fantastic looking terrain! It's very unique looking but I'll bet you can use it in a number of games.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Westfalia Chris on June 22, 2014, 01:03:16 PM
Fantastic work. Are the rock spires weighted at the base to prevent toppling? I'd be scared stiff to throw them over by an ill-judged swerve of the arm...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on June 22, 2014, 01:04:23 PM
But, but, but you've got months left yet  o_o lol


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: matakishi on June 22, 2014, 01:07:22 PM
Fantastic work. Are the rock spires weighted at the base to prevent toppling? I'd be scared stiff to throw them over by an ill-judged swerve of the arm...

Yes :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Dr. The Viking on June 22, 2014, 01:47:15 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Mason on June 22, 2014, 02:00:36 PM
Crazy, but still wonderful.
 o_o 8) o_o

Love 'em!

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Johnno on June 22, 2014, 10:46:28 PM
Balls, your website still doesn't work for me :'(
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: matakishi on June 22, 2014, 11:42:20 PM
Balls, your website still doesn't work for me :'(

No idea why not.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - The Brink table finished (ish) (Page 19) photos!
Post by: matakishi on August 09, 2014, 02:53:26 PM
Infectors. Available to buy.


Sculpted my Mike Thorp.





Get them while they're hot!

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Inso on August 10, 2014, 02:15:16 PM
At some point, I may actually get my sculpting mojo back and be able to catch up with the three sculpts I owe you :(.

Unfortunately, my commission reliability has let me down again... although I still have them on the table and still mean to finish them... I am utterly useless when it comes to sculpting motivation / mojo :(.

I hate letting people down :(.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Dentatus on August 10, 2014, 04:19:47 PM
Awesome. Simply awesome.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Dr. The Viking on August 10, 2014, 05:04:07 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: matakishi on August 10, 2014, 08:27:21 PM
I hate letting people down :(.

I don't feel let down, the agreement was we'd see how it went. :)
No rush, no pressure.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: Inso on August 10, 2014, 09:48:54 PM
I don't feel let down, the agreement was we'd see how it went. :)
No rush, no pressure.

Cheers :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: aliensurfer on August 11, 2014, 07:06:33 PM
I don't feel let down, the agreement was we'd see how it went. :)
No rush, no pressure as long as I get them by last week
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: warburton on August 12, 2014, 12:05:13 AM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: supervike on August 13, 2014, 02:38:11 AM
You are a living legend, sir.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: von Lucky on August 13, 2014, 09:34:18 AM
I agree, this is something else.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Infectors! (Page 19) photos!
Post by: matakishi on August 15, 2014, 06:07:41 PM
And now...Rocks!!
Repainted aquarium stuff, cheap and effective.




I've also painted my 10 Clan buildings. If the weather holds I'll take some photos tomorrow.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Captain Blood on August 15, 2014, 06:47:17 PM
Oooh, lovely  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Mason on August 15, 2014, 07:28:25 PM
Oooh, lovely  :-*

Yep, works for me!

I have had that pile at the back on my watch list for ages.
I think I shall take the plunge now I have seen it 'in situ'.
Cheers, Paul!

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: matakishi on August 15, 2014, 07:35:09 PM
The two at the back are almost identical and often have the same picture on ebay. The larger is 35cm long and the smaller is 25cm. Make sure you read the descriptions :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Mason on August 15, 2014, 07:46:00 PM
The two at the back are almost identical and often have the same picture on ebay. The larger is 35cm long and the smaller is 25cm. Make sure you read the descriptions :)

Cheers, Paul.
Will do.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: former user on August 15, 2014, 08:00:54 PM
what's with Totoro?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Conquistador on August 15, 2014, 08:21:19 PM
what's with Totoro?

Had to look that one up.  And now I want to know...


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on August 15, 2014, 08:50:05 PM
My daughter demands to know where Totoro is from ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: former user on August 15, 2014, 09:07:23 PM
and also, when will the flying cat bus arrive?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: von Lucky on August 15, 2014, 10:37:07 PM
For those wanting to know about Totoro:

You'll be wanting to see these films if it's tickling your inner smile:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: matakishi on August 15, 2014, 11:07:22 PM
My daughter demands to know where Totoro is from ;)

I've been travelling.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on August 16, 2014, 12:22:58 AM
I've been travelling.

A good find I'd say! :)
Now, I need to finds some...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: matakishi on August 16, 2014, 12:28:57 AM
This is the set I got (mine was from a shop though).
There seem to be many to choose from.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: former user on August 16, 2014, 08:00:51 AM
yes, Miyazaki merchandise, beautiful films, etc,
but how are You using them? special encounters of fantastic realism?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: matakishi on August 16, 2014, 08:36:04 AM
He just came to have a look. Probably won't turn up in the game.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: former user on August 16, 2014, 08:37:13 AM
oh, yes, very Miyazaki....  :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: matakishi on August 16, 2014, 07:45:32 PM
Apologies, there would have been photos of the Clan settlement today but I decided to build more at the last moment.
Probably Monday now.
On a positive note my sand worms arrived :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on August 16, 2014, 08:41:13 PM
This is the set I got (mine was from a shop though).
There seem to be many to choose from.
Thank you! :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rocks! (Page 20)
Post by: matakishi on August 18, 2014, 08:06:56 PM
Right, barring some holo ads and video screens, the Clan/Neutral city setting is complete. I'll be combining this with my Bazaar for actual play so the buildings will be clumped together more than they are here, for the moment htough I wanted to just highlight the new stuff.

This is the sort of thing I was after:


This is what I ended up with:








More pictures on my site of course:
There are some bigger pictures in my G+ gallery too:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 18, 2014, 08:16:31 PM
Colour me impressed Paul, that's grand that is  8) 8) 8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: Elk101 on August 18, 2014, 08:47:53 PM
Colour me impressed Paul, that's grand that is  8) 8) 8)



With bells on! That looks bloody excellent!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: Jonas on August 18, 2014, 09:32:52 PM
Very nice cat!!.... and the terrain looks awesome too  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: Steve F on August 18, 2014, 09:34:17 PM
Lovely set up.  Really hangs together.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: elysium64 on August 18, 2014, 10:39:32 PM
I thought you had been a bit quiet for a while, now I know why. Wonderful looking city.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: Captain Blood on August 19, 2014, 06:57:02 AM
Amazing, as always  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: aliensurfer on August 19, 2014, 07:56:55 AM
wow  :o  great work once again mate  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: hubbabubba on August 19, 2014, 10:00:05 AM
Great stuff, and it looks like you could set it up in a million different ways.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: warburton on August 19, 2014, 12:11:55 PM
Really nice stuff.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: Malebolgia on August 20, 2014, 07:28:43 AM
WooooooooooooooooooooooooW! Excellent city man!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: pocoloco on August 20, 2014, 07:50:22 AM
Now that looks like a proper city  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Clan city completed (Page 21)
Post by: matakishi on August 20, 2014, 12:21:58 PM
I should point out that in the game the term 'city' is used to describe some pretty meagre collections of buildings. Despite this my board is only representative of a small section of one of the cities.

Today, Holo Ads! (from Micro Arts)



Despite being in a tasteful shade of Omni-Tek grey they will appear in all my different locations (except Shadowlands where they won't).

Also, there are worms in the deep deserts of Rubi-Ka. These are from Acheson Creations.




Can't decide what to do today, it's either going to be the crashed spaceship of some vehicles. Maybe both.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: Mason on August 20, 2014, 01:12:30 PM
Amazing work, Paul.
My favourite setting so far.
Simply gorgeous!
 :-* 8) :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: Eric the Shed on August 20, 2014, 01:28:28 PM
Fabby dabby Paul...is all this lot going to be at BLAM ?  If so is a 4x8 table going to be big enough?

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: matakishi on August 20, 2014, 01:33:34 PM
I plan to use the Clan setting during the day and switch to the Omni city for the evening so the lights will have some effect. I doubt I'll bring the Brink board as it's quite a pain to transport the scenery which is far more delicate than I usually have. However, once I've made the buildings for the Brink I may not be able to resist.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: Suber on August 20, 2014, 01:35:17 PM
I am truly amazed :o. Gorgeous works! I'm in love with that city! :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: Eric the Shed on August 20, 2014, 03:47:41 PM
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: cheetor on August 20, 2014, 04:25:50 PM

Trailblazing stuff. Again  :o

Every time that I catch up with this project the bar has been raised, again.  That Clan/Neutral set up is my favourite so far I think.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: PF on August 20, 2014, 04:32:42 PM
That city is fantastic!  :-*
Just to be picky, I'm not too find of the Infinity panels as they remind me too much...well...Infinity. I guess you have spent enough time but I'm sure you could make your own panels with some blister plastic and freehand. :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: Bravo Six on August 20, 2014, 04:55:25 PM
Geez Paul, you always manage to single handedly inspire the populous of LAF with your great work. I'm LOVING this project!

Did the holo-ads come with the generators? Or did you do them yourself.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: matakishi on August 20, 2014, 06:18:35 PM
Just to be picky, I'm not too find of the Infinity panels as they remind me too much...well...Infinity. I guess you have spent enough time but I'm sure you could make your own panels with some blister plastic and freehand. :D

I know what you mean, they're not perfect but they're good enough to insert instant sci-fi flavour. They won't be alone, I've made my own billboards and there will be working video screens and speakers to add to the feel.

Did the holo-ads come with the generators? Or did you do them yourself.

They come as part of the kit, they were the only reason I bought the set, I wouldn't spend money just on frames :D

Can't decide what to do today, it's either going to be the crashed spaceship of some vehicles. Maybe both.

Or, none of the above! Why don't I just make some more buildings. These are Omni-Tek buildings for outlying barracks or outposts. The first buildings I designed for this project and close to the last to be made (of course).

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: FramFramson on August 20, 2014, 06:26:07 PM
That city really is the business! Excellent work.  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Worms in the deep desert (Page 22)
Post by: matakishi on August 22, 2014, 12:38:14 PM
Onwards and upwards. Here are the latest buildings forming a remote Omni-Tek outpost.





More photos on the project page: http://www.matakishi.com/anarcarchyofflinebuild.htm
Even more (and bigger) photos in my G+ album:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek outpost (Page 23)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 22, 2014, 12:46:24 PM
Works a treat  8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek outpost (Page 23)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on August 22, 2014, 04:43:20 PM
I'm really loving all your omni tek terrain.  I'm tempted by the y hought of trying to make some for my cyber fire game.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek outpost (Page 23)
Post by: Dewbakuk on August 23, 2014, 03:34:56 PM
That's a cool looking outpost.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek outpost (Page 23)
Post by: matakishi on August 27, 2014, 11:02:57 AM
Nearly there.
Two space ships, one functioning, one that could do with a little work.

The crashed Games Workshop one will make an excellent mission objective.



More photos here: (bottom of the page) http://www.matakishi.com/anarcarchyofflinebuild.htm

This is a huge lump of resin from Snapdragon I think. I bought it off Dentatus many years ago. It's a Unicorn orbital attack shuttle, the first port of call for players wanting to board and raid the alien ships that are orbiting Rubi-Ka and attacking human settlements.




More photos here: http://www.matakishi.com/anarchyofflinepeople.htm

I suppose I have to build an alien ship board now...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek outpost (Page 23)
Post by: Argonor on August 27, 2014, 11:55:15 AM
I suppose I have to build an alien ship board now...

Of course you do!  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships! (Page 23)
Post by: zizi666 on August 27, 2014, 02:48:37 PM
If that's 1 lump of resin, you surely had to reinforce you gaming table  o_o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships! (Page 23)
Post by: matakishi on August 27, 2014, 05:10:44 PM
Another quick update for today, my video screens.
Made from digital photo frames.



Can't seem to get the video to display :( oh well, it shows them working.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships and Video Screens! (Page 23)
Post by: pocoloco on August 27, 2014, 07:14:04 PM
Very nice and über-cool  8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships! (Page 23)
Post by: The_Beast on August 27, 2014, 07:21:47 PM
Another quick update for today, my video screens.
Made from digital photo frames.

Brilliant! Course, now I want them hanging from the underside of dirigible, while a speaker speaks the praises of a 'chance to begin again, Offworld.'

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships and Video Screens! (Page 23)
Post by: von Lucky on August 27, 2014, 10:23:04 PM
Hah - yeah, that'll be cool as these already are.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships and Video Screens! (Page 23)
Post by: Giger on August 28, 2014, 09:21:15 AM
Every time I come and look in this thread there is more glorious eye candy, superb work on a epic project.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships and Video Screens! (Page 23)
Post by: Suber on August 28, 2014, 10:32:34 AM
Beautifl! Everything here is beautiful! :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spaceships and Video Screens! (Page 23)
Post by: matakishi on August 28, 2014, 07:20:30 PM
This is The Little Green Robot, a night club franchise that has premises in every city on Rubi-Ka.


The video shows its amazing light show and musical ability :)


The sound is coming from the building, the Android figure is a Bluetooth speaker so I can stream content from my iPad during the game. This will include music, both from the Anarchy Online soundtrack and other sources, propaganda messages and sometimes sound effects.

I still can't get my videos to embed here, sorry.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: former user on August 28, 2014, 09:05:35 PM
Your devotion to the hobby is outstanding!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: warburton on August 29, 2014, 12:48:35 AM
Nice!  8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: Predatorpt on August 29, 2014, 12:52:38 AM
Outstanding work, specially on the Little Green Robot club  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: von Lucky on August 29, 2014, 08:09:57 AM
Very nice.

Regarding the YouTube video embedding, usually the "[youtube]" tags work, but they're not activated for this forum.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: Mason on August 29, 2014, 11:30:02 AM
 lol lol

That is brilliant.
Bonkers, but brilliant.

Paul: You are obviously absolutely bonkers yourself too!
In the best possible way, of course.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: zizi666 on August 29, 2014, 03:44:25 PM
Very nice.

Regarding the YouTube video embedding, usually the "[youtube]" tags work, but they're not activated for this forum.

While some could post youtube vids, I also couldn't make it work.
Then I took a look at their messages (using the quote button) and figured out the problem lies with the secure link (https)
just remove the s from the https et voila :


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on August 29, 2014, 04:29:44 PM
Brilliantly simple :)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 29, 2014, 04:30:46 PM
Wicked cool  :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: von Lucky on August 29, 2014, 09:57:10 PM
Once again, the collective knowledge shines.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - It's time to light the lights... (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on August 30, 2014, 11:17:48 AM
A frantic day of building and painting ahead as my summer break comes to an end.
For now, some more items I bought from Alan Anderson to represent the remains of the mysterious Xan civilisation that once inhabited the Shadowlands.


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Remains of the Xan (Page 24)
Post by: Mason on August 30, 2014, 11:39:12 AM

Nice finish to those 'things'...
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Remains of the Xan (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on August 30, 2014, 12:05:52 PM
Yes, I love them they remind me of Ico on the PS2 for some reason.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Remains of the Xan (Page 24)
Post by: von Lucky on August 30, 2014, 12:55:38 PM
A frantic day of building and painting ahead as my summer break comes to an end.

Watch your first Youtube clip again, I think you have far exceeded the minimum requirements for this break (both in quantity and quality)!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Remains of the Xan (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on August 31, 2014, 08:15:13 PM
To finish my summer thsn, a couple of Bronto Burger stands and an entrance to the condemned subway. The subway was originally going to be the mass transit system for Rubi-Ka but was superseded by the Whompah network. The entrances scattered around the planet now lead to a dungeon.





Some Brontos in the wild.




Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 31, 2014, 08:48:04 PM
Great stuff as always Paul  8)

Really like those alien ruins/artefacts  :)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: cheetor on August 31, 2014, 10:25:52 PM

Obviously I absolutely love the Little Green Robot and the digital ad panels - they are wonderful - but the less exotic and more mundane buildings and other constructions and the like are just fantastic too.

I dont imagine that it will be convenient or practical (or even possible due to shared elements perhaps) to set up the entire Rubi-Kai terrain set in one place at one time, but I would love to see it if you do.  This project is absolutely massive now.  How many tables worth of terrain do you have now?  Six?  Eight?  Way more than that?

Genuinely inspirational stuff, keep it coming please :)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: warburton on August 31, 2014, 11:28:28 PM
very cool.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on September 01, 2014, 12:25:14 AM
I think I have eight locations: Omni city, Clan/Neutral city, Mutant camp, Cyborg barracks, Omni outpost, the Brink, a tower site and the crash site. Obviously any number of open areas with a couple of buildings can be made too. I have one complete and two in progress 'dungeon areas' for cooperative play: The Temple of the Three Winds is done bar a single figure and the floor plans, the Condemned Subway is mostly populated now (needs some scenery but at least it has an entrance now) and Biomare (where they make mutants) is underway. I also have the figures (unpainted) for an outside cooperative mission against Trash King and his followers, a robot rebellion.
My original plan of having three game modes is already possible, the solo missions just need floor plan sets, I have enough people to inhabit them.
I need to concentrate on the play aids now, especially the equipment cards so it's playable for BLAM. After that I can go back to making stuff and painting figures.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: twrchtrwyth on September 01, 2014, 01:32:51 AM
Wow, just wow.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: ShortscaleDave on September 02, 2014, 06:05:25 AM
That wee nightclub is ridiculously charming!  I've watched that video many times already, it never gets old.  I also ordered a blue tooth speaker because that is an AMAZING idea.  Inspiring work as always :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on September 02, 2014, 06:24:21 AM
Oooh!  :-* :-*

Dinosaurs! No one can resist those!  lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on September 02, 2014, 07:46:05 PM
Now with actual burgers.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: von Lucky on September 02, 2014, 10:28:41 PM
lol mad man!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Dinosaurs! (Page 24)
Post by: matakishi on September 07, 2014, 03:21:49 PM
Here's a quick video of my Omni-Tek HQ that will sit amongst the rest of the Omni city. The star changes colour as you can see.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: aliensurfer on September 07, 2014, 09:36:56 PM
cool  :-*  where did you get the star from?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: matakishi on September 07, 2014, 09:40:39 PM
I got it from the 'book man' at work, he comes round with a selection of tat (seldom actual books). I bought this about 5 years ago meaning to put it into a sci fi setting, it was £4.00.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: aliensurfer on September 08, 2014, 10:28:59 PM
I got it from the 'book man' at work, he comes round with a selection of tat (seldom actual books). I bought this about 5 years ago meaning to put it into a sci fi setting, it was £4.00.

bargain - I think a few based up would make decent stand ins for anomalies for Pulp Alley Primevil games  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: d phipps on September 09, 2014, 03:21:46 AM
bargain - I think a few based up would make decent stand ins for anomalies for Pulp Alley Primevil games  :)

Indeed!  ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on September 09, 2014, 06:54:44 AM
Naaaaaaajs!  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on September 13, 2014, 10:31:28 PM
Loving this Paul, great work! :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Omni-Tek HQ (Page 25)
Post by: matakishi on September 17, 2014, 09:27:10 PM
I'm back at work so things may have seemed a bit quiet but I've been working on the player character sheets and the cards (all done, samples soon). I also bought a monorail. There isn't a monorail in the online version of Rubi-Ka but there will be in my version.
Pics once my paint arrives so I can colour it in.

Here it is waiting for paint.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: aliensurfer on September 17, 2014, 10:25:03 PM
that looks nice - who is it from? I recognise it from somewhere.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Malebolgia on September 18, 2014, 07:01:04 AM
Mad Mecha Guy...I know because I paid for one yesterday  lol


So got more pics? Looks really cool!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: matakishi on September 18, 2014, 07:21:01 AM
Mad Mecha Guy indeed.
There'll be more pics when it's done, it is indeed really cool.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Argonor on September 18, 2014, 07:31:30 AM
Looks really nice - can it be constructed with the inside accessible?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: matakishi on September 18, 2014, 07:36:04 AM
It is accessible, the roof lifts off.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Argonor on September 18, 2014, 07:38:45 AM
Fantastic! I have 2 toy commuter trains with working doors, but they really lack this feature.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Suber on September 18, 2014, 07:47:23 AM
This is absolutely fantastic. Besides, I didn't know about the monorail, so... added value! :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: aliensurfer on September 18, 2014, 07:50:36 AM
Thank you.  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Mad Mecha Guy on September 18, 2014, 09:42:58 AM
Dear Great Matakishi

When finished, will it be OK to use your pictures of the monorail on my site?  Do better paint work that I ever could.

Might be interested but as a request I recently did the cargo version of the 28mm Monorail. Does use my container design, but with minor trimming to chocks may be suitable for other's.

Annoyingly did my usually trick of cutting off & forgetting to take some pictures  before posting (insert selection of swear words)  :-[

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Elk101 on September 18, 2014, 02:57:18 PM
The monorail is a brillaint touch. I may have to get one!

There's some very interesting stuff on the Mad Mecha site, so much so that I missed my stop this morning looking at it. I might PM you about something.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: matakishi on September 18, 2014, 05:05:53 PM
Dear Great Matakishi

When finished, will it be OK to use your pictures of the monorail on my site?  Do better paint work that I ever could.


You can use anything you like, feel free. I'll be painting it in quite a basic way since it's scenery and I like my scenery to stay in the back ground but it should still look great running through one of my cities. I'm certainly looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: mattblackgod on September 19, 2014, 09:56:30 PM
Stunning high class work as always. Very inspirational.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: Espritfigs on September 20, 2014, 01:53:47 PM
Simply the better project of LAF  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: matakishi on September 20, 2014, 02:02:34 PM
Thanks again for the kind words and encouragement.
Nothing too creative today, I'm busy cutting and laminating 200+ cards that make up the equipment and loot deck. Once they're done the game's essentially ready to go so I can relax and await the coming of BLAM with serenity (unlike most years).
I should still have time to paint the monorail in the remaining couple of weeks, it would be nice to use it on the day.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 20, 2014, 02:04:41 PM
Rather looking forward to playing on this and rather jealous that you're just about done  lol


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: matakishi on September 20, 2014, 02:20:07 PM
To be honest I'm quite excited to see whether people will enjoy it as much as I hope they will. It offers more options to the players than any of my previous BLAM games by dint of the setting and comes close to my ideal of allowing players total freedom of action and decision making.

As players become more familiar with the setting which reveals itself through the abilities of the NPCs and the different pieces of equipment the players can find they should realise that they can do far more than they may have originally thought when looking at the bare-bones description of their profession and a team that works together with mutual support and skill sharing can achieve truly great things.

Here's hoping...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: eilif on September 20, 2014, 07:41:30 PM
Really looking forward to seeing how the monorail looks with paint. I've got a bullet trains and some track to paint up, to go with my train station, but for some reason I find them rather intimidating.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 26)
Post by: matakishi on September 21, 2014, 06:07:18 PM
It's going to be a plain monorail, nothing flashy, as befits its setting.

I made a final village building to use up some pieces and odds and sods.



And I've made all the player character sheets and just over 200 equipment and nano program cards.



Although I have much more I want to add to this project, more Shadowlands locations, Alien stuff etc, for the purposes of BLAM, the project is effectively finished.

Next week I hope to have some actual game play pictures and reports for you as I have an inaugural outing booked with my games group.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: Silent Invader on September 21, 2014, 06:16:20 PM
Bloody well done Paul  8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: Mason on September 21, 2014, 06:53:53 PM
Bloody well done Paul  8)


Gotta admit that I am a little jealous as I still have a few bits to do, and have had to concede defeat on getting everything I wanted to done.
Sometimes things just get in the way.

Bloody well done to you for getting finished with a couple of weeks to spare.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on September 21, 2014, 07:02:32 PM
That already looks inspiring!!!

I look forward to going to BLAM and getting some of the action.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: Malebolgia on September 21, 2014, 08:35:41 PM
Fantastic to see what you did from start to finish. A terrific project with an astounding amount of work. Probably my favorite topic in the LAF. Two thumbs way up man! 8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: von Lucky on September 21, 2014, 10:17:35 PM
Well done, I know the feeling of finishing early too. You must be smiling a lot to realise what you've created.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: Giger on September 22, 2014, 12:10:55 PM
This project has been / is incredible both in it's scope and execution, it's been a joy checking out each update and it looks like it will be cracking to play.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: hubbabubba on September 25, 2014, 08:45:15 PM
Fantastic stuff.

 :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: Andym on September 25, 2014, 09:14:10 PM
Fantastic Paul! It all looks amazing AND with time to spare!! WOW!!! :o :o :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: matakishi on September 25, 2014, 10:58:42 PM
I've spent this evening painting a couple more vehicles to add colour and bought some big plastic boxes to transport everything in. I'll be adding stuff until the last minute of course, but it'll all be extras. My paint for the monorail arrived yesterday so that should make an appearance at BLAM too.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: sundayhero on September 25, 2014, 11:35:50 PM
Congratulations. I often went on this topic (and sometimes commented it), and I'm always impressed by the balance you find between HUGE amount of completed minis, scenery, accessories and time you spent on the whole project. ANd the best, it's that everything is well painted, well built, and polished.  It's really impressive.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: von Lucky on September 26, 2014, 01:19:38 PM
I'd like to repeat that sentiment. BLAM attendees are in for many special games this year.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Finished, done, ready for BLAM (Page 27)
Post by: matakishi on September 27, 2014, 12:27:33 PM
Thanks again, only 7 hours until the first game...

I have posted a pdf with some sample missions here which may convey some of the flavour of the setting:

Here they are if you can't be bothered with pdfs:







Luggage space permitting, all these will be available at BLAM.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Mission samples (Page 28)
Post by: Elk101 on September 27, 2014, 12:58:35 PM
Incredible effort!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Mission samples (Page 28)
Post by: eilif on September 27, 2014, 01:34:10 PM
Awesome. Every one of those teasers makes me want to play the scenario!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Mission samples (Page 28)
Post by: matakishi on September 28, 2014, 09:54:57 AM
I rolled out the assassination mission as a tester last night. Everything went well with only minor tweeks required; the soldier profession wasn't quite deadly enough so their starting nano program selection will be changed and there were too many trash mobs around. The trash mobs were fun to kill but added an hour onto the playing time as they were hunted down so they'll be cut back in future.

The main time sink, as always, was player decision making time because there are so many options. However, everyone had fun doing it so I'm not going to add limitations to this, freedom of action is important. Most of the plans failed spectacularly once they came into contact with the enemy too, which was always good for a laugh. We found that 'simple and brutal' had the most chance to succeed unchanged. After turn one most contingency plans were ditched.

The path to winning is definitely to keep an eye on the objective and not deviate, no bad thing.

I took few photos but one of the players took more, especially of the highlights, and I'll post them when he sends them through to me.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First game pics (Page 28)
Post by: Elk101 on September 28, 2014, 10:00:29 AM
Nice! Saturday morning is going to be manic fitting in all the games I want to play!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First game pics (Page 28)
Post by: Mason on September 28, 2014, 10:02:56 AM
That set-up looks absolutely wonderful, Paul.
 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First game pics (Page 28)
Post by: shadowking1957 on September 28, 2014, 10:11:21 AM
simply  stunning as always wonderful...........
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First game pics (Page 28)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 28, 2014, 10:14:05 AM
A veritable feast for the eyes  8) 8) 8)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First game pics (Page 28)
Post by: Malebolgia on September 28, 2014, 11:25:13 AM
Stunning! 8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - First game pics (Page 28)
Post by: matakishi on September 28, 2014, 09:45:20 PM
Right, my friend Kevin has sent me the pictures I took so I can show what happened. This si a selection, there's a full gallery here:
and they'll all be up on my site once my hosting service pulls its finger out and lets me edit the page.

As I mentioned before, we played the Assassination mission.
My team contained a Doctor and a Fixer controlled by myself and an Engineer and an Enforcer controlled by Giro my team mate. We were opposed by Kevin, with a Bureaucrat and a Doctor, and Mark with his Soldier and a Fixer.

Mark's toons

Giro's force


Both our plans involved hoovering up the trash mobs, spiders, leets and some bot hackers, who were hanging around outside the camp to stop them interfering later and to get the equipment rewards into our inventories before the main assault on the camp itself.


Kevin's Crat charms a spider and uses it to destroy some leets

It took the first turn to kill everything outside the camp and then both sides regrouped for the main event.

Entering the camp from different sides we started taking down the smugglers in order to draw out our target. Giro's Enforcer, pumped up with buffs and lucky armour and weapons finds launched a devastating attack on Kevin's Bureaucrat totally destroying her.


At the beginning of the final turn Mark's Soldier, backed up by the team's Doctor ran into the centre of the smugglers trusting to his superior fire power and the Doctor's medical skills to keep him alive long enough to kill the main target who appeared from one of the buildings.
He did well until the Enforcer hammered him into bits as well incidently gaining back the initiative for my team.




Since the target had obligingly appeared right next to my Fixer I unloaded on him to claim the victory for the good guys.


Lots more pics in the gallery, do have a look :)
It was a fun game and captured the feel of its source material well. here's to a few more goes at BLAM!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and more pics (Page 28)
Post by: Predatorpt on September 28, 2014, 11:01:29 PM
Congratulations to all involved on that game, it looked like a lot of fun! Nothing better than a good group of players and some stunning terrain and figures  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and more pics (Page 28)
Post by: matakishi on September 30, 2014, 08:13:47 PM
The full game report is here:
with all the photos.

Also, I have added a PDF of the professions if any prospective players want to have a quick think about what they'd like to play before BLAM

For those who don't care for PDFs, here's a picture:

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: Eric the Shed on September 30, 2014, 09:22:42 PM
So looking forward to this.....book me in for first game please
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: Elk101 on September 30, 2014, 10:46:12 PM
That's just too slick!  :-*

I'm rather drawn to the Fixer archetype.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: matakishi on September 30, 2014, 11:58:13 PM
These are the nano programs that each Fixer starts with:

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: Elk101 on October 01, 2014, 07:17:24 AM
It looks like the Fixer has some nice touches in terms of gameplay and potential interaction with teammates.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: matakishi on October 01, 2014, 07:30:56 AM
All the professions have interaction with their team mates, that was the starting principal. Consequently, no one can do everything on their own and so need team mates to fill the gaps in their abilities in order to succeed. The most obvious is the Doctor who provides healing for everyone and, in turn, relies on them to keep the Doctor safe.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: Elk101 on October 01, 2014, 07:36:55 AM
It's a very nice idea, I like the team ethos.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Full game report and profession details (Page 28)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 12:15:22 PM
Last night we played the Data Retrieval mission. this was designed to be the introductory mission to allow players to get a feel for the mechanics of the game and, more importantly, the essential teamwork that needs to be employed to succeed.


The game lasted four turns and took an hour and a half which is pretty good for a four player game. My team lost really, really, badly this time and it was all my fault too.
There's a full write up here:

Here are some sample pics of the action.







This will open the proceedings at BLAM so study it well and learn from my incompetance :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: Eric the Shed on October 05, 2014, 12:21:54 PM
Loving this...roll on saturday
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: Elk101 on October 05, 2014, 12:28:50 PM
In fairness it also sounds like you were a bit unlucky!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 12:35:39 PM
The problem was not having enough points on my Doctor at the crucial moment, everything else was secondary, and that was entirely down to me not concentrating on the plan.
Having to cope with a crap Fixer was an added bonus too, but not a game loser.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: Elk101 on October 05, 2014, 12:38:06 PM
The problem was not having enough points on my Doctor at the crucial moment, everything else was secondary, and that was entirely down to me not concentrating on the plan.
Having to cope with a crap Fixer was an added bonus too, but not a game loser.

Still,  30 attack dice, could you habe reasonably anticipated that?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 12:52:16 PM
Yes, I could see what gun he had, I knew what buffs he had and I knew that we only had to keep the Engineer alive long enough to make a single move and exit the table.
With all this in mind, I allocated 25 of my possible 50 dice to healing. Because....why? What was I thinking? Well I thought I might need a contingency plan involving some movement and some defence for me to get off the table. of course this was rubbish, I wasn't holding any of the data and so I could die where I was and we'd still win.
Total brain fart.

That's me there, watching victory walk off the table.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: Elk101 on October 05, 2014, 01:10:40 PM
Ah, so you could have put most of your dice into healing to keep the engineer alive. Could the Fixer have stalled the enemy soldier for a turn?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 01:18:51 PM
The Fixer couldn't get away from the bloody sand worm  lol he had no LOS to the Soldier, they made sure of that.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: Elk101 on October 05, 2014, 01:28:32 PM
The Fixer couldn't get away from the bloody sand worm  lol he had no LOS to the Soldier, they made sure of that.

That shows the required interaction nicely though, because if your Fixer had been supporting the engineer you could have won, so it was in the enemy team's interest to ensure that couldn't happen. It makes for a very tactical game. I hope we do see it on Sunday as I'd love to play.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 01:43:12 PM
I've updated the report with some more pictures of the early part of the game which got lost in the ether when Kevin sent them to me.
I'll post them all below:

The set up

Desert Nomads

The bloody sand worm

My team arrives

The Bureaucrat's sand worm eats stuff


The Engineer's robot arrives

Followed by the bloody sand worm

My Doctor is surrounded

My Doctor sorts out that attack with aplomb and then we resume our normal bumbling descent into, well, anarchy :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 02:39:27 PM
I hope we do see it on Sunday as I'd love to play.

Well, I'll have it with me so if we can find an unused 4x4 space we're good to go.

As an aside, here are some slum runners (that glow in the dark) and some scooplets and a thumper. I have many more scooplets to base as well as a couple more thumpers.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: Ajsalium on October 05, 2014, 03:00:05 PM
Have you posted the rules here? Or will you offer them later?
From the game reports, the system is intriguing me...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 05, 2014, 03:08:23 PM
The rules will be available some time after BLAM, hopefully before Christmas.
I am attempting to secure a license from Funcom, the owners of Anarchy Online which is the setting that I'm using as the basis for my game. If I'm successful then Anarchy Offline will be published as it is. If not, then it'll still be published but the references to the world of Anarchy Online will be changed to more generic stuff.
Either way, the rules will be available before too long in one form or another for all to enjoy.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 06, 2014, 07:30:14 PM
The BLAM schedule of games has changed and I'll have Anarchy Offline available on both Saturday and Sunday.

I have reconsidered my plans for running the game. If I bring both the Omni and Clan boards I'll be bringing too many boxes and my day will be spent moving and packing and unpacking, it takes about an hour and a half to set up the Omni city and plug all the lights in and I'd really rather play another game in that time.

I'm going to bring the Clan set up on its own which is the one shown in the two game reports so far and the Clan city.
This will let me run the following missions:



This is the introductory mission which I can run as often as necessary.



This is a light-hearted mission but characters really need to be a bit geared up to attempt it.



This is another mission suitable for beginners.



This is quite an involved mission and will likely be run on Saturday evening.



This is another simple mission with the potential to become a little chaotic.

I can also run the extraction mission from a Clan city instead of an Omni one so there's no real loss except the lighting from the Omni City board.

Best solution all round I think, more games means more people can play after all.

If you want to book a place, Eric has mentioned he'd like to be first, then let me know and maybe some of the team prep work can be done ahead of time.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - 2nd game report (Page 29)
Post by: matakishi on October 15, 2014, 07:15:43 PM
I didn't take many photos at BLAM as I was busy running games and stuff. However, here's a collection from Dr De'ath who always comes through with the goods.
These are just a selection, there's a link to the gallery at the end.








Many more here, well worth a look:

My report of the last game is on my site, brief but comprehensive, along with the rules changes that are going to be made.

The climactic struggle atop the city:

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on October 15, 2014, 07:20:06 PM
An enjoyable game but did take me a bit to get to know the rules (I'm a simple sole)  :)


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Elk101 on October 15, 2014, 07:28:41 PM
The city looked amazing. We were pipped at the post by our opposition when they copied our plan but didn't run out of actions the way we did!  We thought we were being sooooo clever too  lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Dr DeAth on October 15, 2014, 08:54:02 PM
Great game with very elegant mechanics - wish I'd had time to play a few more games
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Earther on October 15, 2014, 09:23:07 PM
Remarkable set-ups Paul! Absolutely stunning!!  :o

Have an A-Star! ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Captain Blood on October 15, 2014, 11:52:54 PM
Didn't get time to play it, but it looked amazing, and the evolution of the table from bare desert to full citiscape was something to behold. A true labour of love.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: NurgleHH on October 16, 2014, 02:22:14 PM
Great games, great rules, great table. In one word: matakishi. Hope to play it again.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: eilif on October 16, 2014, 03:35:15 PM
Nothing to add other than to note that this topic has been a joy to read!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Eric the Shed on October 16, 2014, 03:47:16 PM
Can I add this was great fun and I know my son had a blast on the cityscape board. The terrain was stunning as usual.

There are more photos on my blog if you want to pinch any

http://shedwars.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/blam-2014-photo-album-100-pictures.html (http://shedwars.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/blam-2014-photo-album-100-pictures.html)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: nathan on October 16, 2014, 04:32:21 PM
I really like the whole table picture you just posted.  Really shows just how much visual interest you have going on here.  It looks like an old neighbourhood that has had some ultra modern stuff added to it here and there over the years.  Like when a historic part of town gets LED video billboards.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: matakishi on October 16, 2014, 05:27:12 PM
There are more photos on my blog if you want to pinch any

Thanks Giles, I've already been and stolen them :D

Things are still moving forward with this project so this thread will keep getting added to for some time I hope.
Still to come: The monorail, Harry's Outpost, the Condemned Subway, the rules (changed a little after BLAM) new-style cards, new-style character sheets, rules for implants, new missions, more game reports.
Stay tuned!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Bullshott on October 16, 2014, 10:03:20 PM
Thanks for a great couple of games Paul. Yours were really fun games that made us think about how to combine our teams' talents to best achieve our objectives, rather than just killing everything in sight. The terrain and figures were really inspirational too :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: matakishi on October 16, 2014, 11:44:50 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed them Dave. I'm looking forward to your Star Trek game next year :)
Thanks for your help with my packing too, much appreciated!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: sundayhero on October 17, 2014, 12:13:27 AM
I can't believe how many quality scenery you created in such a short time  :o

You really catched Anarchy Online look and feel !
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Argonor on October 17, 2014, 06:16:56 PM
Phantasmagoric!  :)

Who wouldn't be proud to be able to set such a board for gaming?  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Elk101 on October 17, 2014, 06:40:07 PM
The board is even better in real life with loads of detail thar you kept spotting. I wish I hadn't been quite so knackered when I was playing!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: Malebolgia on October 18, 2014, 07:02:08 AM
Fantastic to see it finally being used on D-Day and from what I can see, it looks like lots of fun. And it all looks ace together.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - BLAM pics (Page 30)
Post by: matakishi on October 18, 2014, 03:45:24 PM
I picked these up off Mason at BLAM, perfect for super mutants in Anarchy Offline but neither of us knows who made tham. The things on the red guy's shoulders made me think it was Privateer Press but I'm not too familiar with their ranges. These are plastic by the way.

If anyone has any information I'd welcome it, maybe I could get some more of these.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Figure ID please (Page 30)
Post by: Grimmnar on October 18, 2014, 07:08:41 PM
Monster Apocolasype from Privateer Press.
Dont think i spelled that correctly. ;-)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Figure ID please (Page 30)
Post by: matakishi on October 18, 2014, 07:20:15 PM
Thanks for the info.
I'd better peruse the whole range!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Figure ID please (Page 30)
Post by: matakishi on October 28, 2014, 04:03:00 PM
Halloween comes to Rubi-Ka.





The old house


Some sample loot cards (those of you who've played will see the design has been updated ready for publication.)


We'll be playing the game on Saturday so there'll be a write up soon after.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Halloween on Rubi-Ka (Page 31)
Post by: von Lucky on October 28, 2014, 08:12:08 PM
Wonderful stuff. This is the table (hell, we need to be reminded how long and how much effort you poured into it) that just keeps on giving.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Halloween on Rubi-Ka (Page 31)
Post by: Mason on October 28, 2014, 11:41:35 PM
Brilliant, Paul.
Love those Pumpkins, those eyes look proper ghostly.
 :-* 8) :-*

We are having a Halloween game tomorrow evening (WWW2).
A little early, I know, but we have those same Westwind pumpkinheads and a Ghostly House involved in ours too.

Great minds....

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Halloween on Rubi-Ka (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 02, 2014, 09:11:21 PM
The game was good even though it was a complete whitewash for the opposing team. The random mob generation favoured them egregiously.

The table


New character sheets (compact and bijou)


Gun towers and Pumkinheads


And luminous spiders too!




Uncle Pumpkinhead himself finally arrives


More carnage, and loot, lots and lots of loot.


Great fun, full report here:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Halloween mission report (Page 31)
Post by: NurgleHH on November 04, 2014, 08:05:15 PM
Fabtastic. I think you had a lot fun ith this extra mission.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Halloween mission report (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 06, 2014, 06:53:39 PM
Yes, it was good fun even if the opposition got all the loot.

Here are some sample pages from the rulebook. This is very much a work in progress but I thought I'd show them off anyway. I'm working on this exclusively at the moment so there won't be much in the way of new miniatures for a while (although I should have some new rocks done by the weekend Yay!!)

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: Eric the Shed on November 06, 2014, 07:17:25 PM
very professional ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: NurgleHH on November 06, 2014, 07:49:39 PM
Great, and when will it be released???
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: pocoloco on November 06, 2014, 07:57:06 PM
This project delivers with your every new post Matakishi, that rulebook looks dashing already!  8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 06, 2014, 09:02:55 PM
Great, and when will it be released???

I need to have a version I'm happy with and then it needs to go to Funcom for final approval and to have the company logos and legal text added then it needs to be collated as a searchable pdf, more proof reading, final checks etc.
So, um, I'm not sure :)

Won't be too long though.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: sundayhero on November 06, 2014, 11:46:11 PM
Will it be playable solo/coop, or only versus a gamemaster/opponent ?

thanks (and congrats for the rules layout ! )
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 07, 2014, 12:05:21 AM
Although the game is primarily written for team vs team play it supports co-op GM driven raids (Temple of the Three Winds is an example and will be included in the rule book) and solo missions. The explanations and rules for solo missions will be included in the rule book and hopefully a couple of examples, but this will depend on whether I can sort out some floor plans that I'm happy with in the time frame available or not.
Extra mission packs each centred around a theme and containing about 8-12 missions will be released from time to time in the future.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: ShortscaleDave on November 07, 2014, 09:10:21 AM
Sorry to digress quickly - I saw a comment on your site that a second version of Crom is in the works for a december release, is that still on target? Super interested in buying when it's out  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 07, 2014, 09:19:47 AM
Sorry to digress quickly - I saw a comment on your site that a second version of Crom is in the works for a december release, is that still on target? Super interested in buying when it's out  :)

Sorry, that's been put back a while :(
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: ShortscaleDave on November 07, 2014, 01:40:38 PM
Booo! ;)  Looking forward to it :)

I actually went to the website to get the Crom PDF and saw that comment so (being recently made jobless and poor) thought I'd save me pennies 'til then.  Got Strange Aeons 1st Ed to begin playing in the meantime so maybe it's not bad to wait a bit!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: Elk101 on November 13, 2014, 07:40:38 AM
Did you ever get the monorail painted up? I know you've been busy with the rules though  :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 13, 2014, 08:12:42 AM
I got most of the base coat done before BLAM but I got distracted after BLAM with preparing my Halloween mission because there was a time constraint on it. When I've got rid of this monster cold that's laid me low for a week (I've been looking at the same half painted rock for a week or more) I'll get back to it.
I'm currently working up the interior setting for the first set of solo missions which needs photos in the rule book so this will take priority. I'll put up details of the build once all the components arrive.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Rulebook preview (Page 31)
Post by: matakishi on November 16, 2014, 05:34:24 PM
I've spent all week with a stinking cold. I hate days at home where I can't get anything done. Oh well, just a small update then.
Firstly the painting. Two large rocks (you can see parts of them in the background), and an aquarium cave to be a mission entrance, normally the inscribed number over the cave entance would need fixing but not in Anarchy Offline, it's perfectly normal for caves to be numbered in the far future.
Also four Star Wars 1/32 scale Spider Droids which I based but left as they came for the paint. I did snip off their silly bendy nose guns though.




The other two look the same, they're here if you want to see them:

Finally, thanks to sundayhero on another thread, I've found how I want to make the geomorphic tiles for the interior and solo missions so I've been collecting stuff for this. It's a project within a project but shouldn't take too long to build. I'll be posting regular progress reports here of course.

More news as it happens.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spider bots and starting on interior locations (Page 32)
Post by: warburton on November 19, 2014, 07:15:10 PM
Nice work!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Spider bots and starting on interior locations (Page 32)
Post by: matakishi on November 19, 2014, 07:43:15 PM
Thanks. I've nearly got all the materials assembled for the interiors build, I'm hoping to start this weekend.
The work on the rulebook continues. All subject to change of course but here are a few more pages. Currently it's at 50+ pages, I'm hoping the finished book will be around 100 pages.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - More rule book previews (Page 32)
Post by: matakishi on November 28, 2014, 12:09:47 AM
Here we go then. Interiors.



I've made five of the 10 room floors so far, once they're all completed I'll start on the walls.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building interiors (Page 32)
Post by: cheetor on November 28, 2014, 06:32:16 AM

This is going to be really interesting to watch. Thanks for sharing the process.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Building interiors (Page 32)
Post by: matakishi on December 07, 2014, 05:00:06 PM
Progress. All the floors are done and I've started on the walls.




Prety self explanatory but, just in case, details here:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on December 25, 2014, 12:21:52 PM
Finished building everything on Monday. Not a fun build, too much sanding, but hopefully the end result will be worth it.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: ShortscaleDave on December 25, 2014, 08:16:04 PM
Wow.  CanNOT wait to see this finished. Looks amazing!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on December 30, 2014, 11:06:02 PM
Glorious work! :)

Sanding that is ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: sundayhero on December 30, 2014, 11:53:33 PM
Really cool; it will motivate me for my own "shadowpunk" project. I've got everything to start now.

 Just an information, the nice tile system is not my idea,  it's from this guy :


Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on December 31, 2014, 12:45:57 AM
Just an information, the nice tile system is not my idea,  it's from this guy :


Yes I know, I've linked to the blog from my site but didn't have a name to put to the work so I used yours as your thread introduced me to it. There's someone else on DM Scotty's forum making these in a smaller scale as well, it's becoming quite a 'thing'.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: sundayhero on December 31, 2014, 10:13:24 PM
I saw the link on your website after I posted my message, but I agree it's a really good idea.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Make room! Make room! (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on February 08, 2015, 05:35:30 PM
The rooms have been delayed due to recurring health issues but I hope to get back to them tomorrow. In the mean time I made a passable crashed notum tug using sunken containers from Slug Industries and a crashed shuttle from Ainsty Castings. Obvious ly everything will be more spread out during play.






Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Crashed notum tug (Page 33)
Post by: commissarmoody on February 08, 2015, 06:05:37 PM
I was wondering what to do with those things.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Crashed notum tug (Page 33)
Post by: warburton on February 08, 2015, 07:08:23 PM
Nice work!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Crashed notum tug (Page 33)
Post by: 6milPhil on February 10, 2015, 04:51:01 AM
Get well soon chum.

Nice to see the containers scrubbed up nicely.  8)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Crashed notum tug (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on August 12, 2015, 09:00:23 PM
After a bit of a hiatus I returned to the interior room tiles and finished them.
Sample layout:






More photos on the project page as well as the complete write up.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Crashed notum tug (Page 33)
Post by: Malebolgia on August 12, 2015, 09:01:54 PM
Wowie, that looks ace. Terrific build and extremely useful. Jealous as hell...as usual :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: Major_Gilbear on August 12, 2015, 09:50:10 PM
Wow!  :o


Ahem, in the spirit of a more constructive comment... That looks amazing. Not only is it sharp and neat, but it looks really playable too. Well done, and thanks for sharing! :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: uti long smile on August 12, 2015, 11:05:19 PM
Top notch as ever!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: sundayhero on August 12, 2015, 11:12:40 PM
Great result. You made what I was planning to do for my own shadowrun project...But I still even didn't cut a single tile  for now :'(

This geomorphic design really works great too, seems full of playability.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on August 12, 2015, 11:54:40 PM
Yes, whilst I understood the design and had an idea of what it would be like once finished, drawings and plans don't do it justice. The finished article is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. I'm very pleased with it.

Because I became so ill when I was working on this originally (no connection with the tiles of course, just coincidence) I was very reluctant to return and finish it which is why it's taken so long. the actual work, including painting all the furniture items in the pictures, only took three days. if my daughter hadn't done all the undercoating for me and got me jump started again I probably would never have had this set completed.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: 6milPhil on August 12, 2015, 11:59:30 PM
Those have really worked pefectly.  8)

The bevelled extra layer of cork on the floors is a lovely touch, but they must have been a pain.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: sundayhero on August 13, 2015, 12:06:46 AM
if my daughter hadn't done all the undercoating for me and got me jump started again I probably would never have had this set completed.

Now I understand how you can be so productive : free laborb !  lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on August 13, 2015, 12:08:12 AM
Wall detailing by 6milPhil folks, top quality sci fi detailing resin! There's a mention and a link on my site in the article but it bears repeating that Phil's bits made making the walls a breeze.

Designing what the floor patterns were going to be and cutting them out was fun. The work with a sanding block wasn't as much fun but each tile only took 10-15 minutes to sand the pieces. This was a feature from the very start and allows for the recessed grills, pipes etc so it was happening whatever hassle it caused. If it had been too much bother I'd have taken everything to the belt facer at work :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on August 13, 2015, 12:09:55 AM
Now I understand how you can be so productive : free laborb !  lol

If only. She's usually too busy making her own stuff to help me. the last time she undercoated for me was 18 years ago :D
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: Michka on August 13, 2015, 08:29:36 AM
I had just found your post on DM Scotty's forum a couple weeks ago. The finished product is amazing!!! This might be my favorite build of yours. I can't say for certain as there are so many to choose from.   
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: Momotaro on August 13, 2015, 01:43:20 PM
Brilliant stuff!

Not only are the tiles amazingly versatile, but you've made them look great too. 
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: blacksoilbill on August 13, 2015, 03:36:09 PM
Your board looks just fantastic. The walls colourful and overpowering, but they are still interesting. I'm right in the middle of making something like this myself and I feel half inspired, half intimidated!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior room tiles completed (Page 33)
Post by: matakishi on August 17, 2015, 02:53:09 PM
I've added some laser cut walkways and steps from Systema Gaming so i can have raised areas for interest and higher level entrance ways to rooms for more tactical options.



Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior walkways (Page 34)
Post by: sundayhero on August 18, 2015, 05:10:15 PM
Interesting 3d addon to an already great scenery !
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior walkways (Page 34)
Post by: Mason on August 18, 2015, 06:57:51 PM
Very nice additions, Paul.
 8) 8)

I shall have to check them out as I have some Necromunda style scenery to build soon and they look very useful.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior walkways (Page 34)
Post by: Dr. The Viking on August 20, 2015, 10:52:58 AM
So can you shoot over the walls?! Or in other words - is there no ceiling to be imagined?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior walkways (Page 34)
Post by: matakishi on August 20, 2015, 12:20:25 PM
The walls and ceilings still exist. You have to imagine the entrances where the walkways cross the walls.

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Interior walkways (Page 34)
Post by: matakishi on November 01, 2015, 01:14:14 PM
A VTOL from the Mad Mecha Guy with a passenger pod.




Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: von Lucky on November 01, 2015, 08:53:25 PM
In this case the blocky nature of the piece really makes it look part of a digital world. And as always, your weathering is effective.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: commissarmoody on November 01, 2015, 09:37:38 PM
Pretty cool
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: eilif on November 01, 2015, 11:29:52 PM
Looks nice.  However, whenever I see that VTOL model I can't help but thinking it should be painted up like a classic winnebago.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: NurgleHH on November 02, 2015, 10:21:41 AM
It is good to see some progress. I was afraid, that you stop it, paul. Any idea for the releasedate of it???
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: Inso on November 02, 2015, 11:21:39 AM
It fulfills a purpose and will make a good objective on the table top but I am not a fan of it. It is nowhere near the normal standard of manufacture that we have come to expect from your projects, although you have done a tidy job of painting it up :) .

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: FramFramson on November 02, 2015, 03:52:43 PM
Looks nice.  However, whenever I see that VTOL model I can't help but thinking it should be painted up like a classic winnebago.
Yes! Do this!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: Predatorpt on November 02, 2015, 04:26:28 PM
I must have weird tastes, I really like that VTOL. I'm thinking about ordering one, but the site seems to be down.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: matakishi on November 02, 2015, 06:15:42 PM
Looks nice.  However, whenever I see that VTOL model I can't help but thinking it should be painted up like a classic winnebago.

Wonderful idea but beyond my patience threshold to do :)

It is good to see some progress. I was afraid, that you stop it, paul. Any idea for the releasedate of it???

I haven't been in contact with Funcom lately. I plan to complete the rules (still some sections to finalise and take photos for) and then re-open negotiations. They were ok about a licence but it was subject to final approval. Although I sent regular updates they were not too forthcoming with their responses and the promised resources they said I could have never materialised. However, I remain optimistic.

If it ends up not being licenced I will re-write the Anarchy Online specific sections and release the rules as a stand alone, small unit, skirmish/campaign game. Maybe the Frostgrave crowd will like it.

I must have weird tastes, I really like that VTOL. I'm thinking about ordering one, but the site seems to be down.

I like it, it fits my setting perfectly. His site did seem to be down but is working now.

edit: ok, some of it is working now...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: The_Beast on November 02, 2015, 06:51:53 PM
Looks nice.  However, whenever I see that VTOL model I can't help but thinking it should be painted up like a classic winnebago.

Yeah, but don't you then have to add the Eagle 5 logo, and the 'I (heart) URANUS' bumper sticker? :D


*found image*

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: NurgleHH on November 03, 2015, 03:21:22 PM

If it ends up not being licenced I will re-write the Anarchy Online specific sections and release the rules as a stand alone, small unit, skirmish/campaign game. Maybe the Frostgrave crowd will like it.

...and Osprey will release it with all your fantastic pictures. Your book is ready to release, I think. Sometimes I think you are also a german. ;)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: eilif on November 03, 2015, 03:59:50 PM
Yeah, but don't you then have to add the Eagle 5 logo, and the 'I (heart) URANUS' bumper sticker? :D

*found image*

That's what I was hinting at.  It's like the designer was watching spaceballs and said "I can do that!"
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: Mad Mecha Guy on November 03, 2015, 10:38:11 PM
I suppose people will want a MDF Winnebago now?!!!

Site is back up, had to alter ISP set up & added an off site e-commerce system.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: The_Beast on November 05, 2015, 05:41:01 PM
I suppose people will want a MDF Winnebago now?!!!

Nah, we're saying you already have.   ;)

That's what I was hinting at.  It's like the designer was watching spaceballs and said "I can do that!"

I know, but I'm nothing if not Captain Obvious.  :D

...Sometimes I think you are also a german. ;)

Half German, myself; I've even seen a picture of the house  where my Great-Grandfather lived, in Hannover(?), though when his family moved here, Germans were one of the 'immigrant hordes' Americans are repeatedly trying to repel. I assume my British half is repulsive enough without declarations.  Oh, wait, the Native Americans did that. lol

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: NurgleHH on November 05, 2015, 08:26:59 PM
Half German, myself; I've even seen a picture of the house  where my Great-Grandfather lived, in Hannover(?), though when his family moved here, Germans were one of the 'immigrant hordes' Americans are repeatedly trying to repel. I assume my British half is repulsive enough without declarations.  Oh, wait, the Native Americans did that. lol

Hopefully you got the good half of the germans. The house of Hannover was long time the great ally of the british kingdom . But I think your british half is not really at the right place in america, I think. They tried to throw you in 1776, I think. Heard something about a tea-party. In germany or britain we solve such problems with football (soccer) and beer. ;) Native americans? You think about the vikings, I think. lol
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: Argonor on November 05, 2015, 10:37:43 PM
The house of Hannover was long time the great ally of the british kingdom .

AFAIK the were the kings of Britain for quite some time.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: The_Beast on November 06, 2015, 01:41:12 PM
AFAIK the were the kings of Britain for quite some time.

Praise to Wikipedia, if not always right, always there:
>It succeeded the House of Stuart as monarchs of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714 and held that office until the death of Queen Victoria in 1901...

Queen Victoria was the granddaughter of George III and was an ancestor of most major European royal houses. <

Of course, then her husband gave them the name 'Saschsen-Coburg und Gotha', which the unpleasantness of the last century required a change to 'the House of Windsor.' Interesting.

And even less pertinent than my own Hannoverian heritage. (You do understand they were dirt farmers running from starvation and veritable serfdom.)  lol

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Passenger VTOL (Page 35)
Post by: matakishi on November 15, 2015, 02:59:17 PM
The Omni Trans monorail system begins operations.





Bigger and more images here:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: Elk101 on November 15, 2015, 04:16:50 PM
Although it's quite boxy, which is to be expected given the material, it just looks right. I really like it and may have to get one. Is the elevated track stable enough on its own?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: Marine0846 on November 15, 2015, 05:49:48 PM
Looks like the monorail fits in perfectly.
Very cool.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: matakishi on November 15, 2015, 06:13:34 PM
Is the elevated track stable enough on its own?

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: Malebolgia on November 15, 2015, 07:26:37 PM

I wasn't really impressed by the rigidity of the whole thing, so I added magnets to the underside of the upper rail. Two magnets, one on each side. Now it's superfirm, especially with a bend in it. Very hard to topple!
And love your monorail. Great moody painting. Mine is on the list to be done, but first I need to pimp the raised rail pieces more to make them less flat and bland.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: Elk101 on November 15, 2015, 07:30:25 PM

Excellent! It really looks useful for Judge Dredd or for an Aliens colony.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: sundayhero on November 16, 2015, 12:09:37 AM
The monorail reminds me City of Heroes !
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: blacksoilbill on November 16, 2015, 04:03:54 AM
That is a superb looking table! Very varied terrain, but it all looks like it belongs. Nice monorail too!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: Suber on November 16, 2015, 09:03:26 AM
It looks extremely great :-*. I've been lurking on the Mad Mecha Guy web for a while and wondering about that monorail. I think you just convinced me!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: Oldben1 on November 16, 2015, 05:24:15 PM
Good golly Mrs. Molly.  That table is a monster.  Great work!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: The_Beast on November 16, 2015, 06:28:26 PM
Oh, you're back on topic...  ;)

Yes, most handsome! Quite thought of Fahrenheit 451.

However, I'm going to assume entering and leaving the car may be more problematic for the riders. 'Harold knew if he waited on the platform long enough, he could get the drop on Al the Snake. And Al, carrying boxes of goodies for the goons, didn't have a chance.'

Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: axiom on November 16, 2015, 06:32:09 PM
Wonderful table! I really hope to create something similar some day.

There's an elevated walkway in one of the photos with steps at either end...Looks like an mdf set? I couldn't see details on your website - and chance of getting the details?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: matakishi on November 16, 2015, 06:51:37 PM
There's an elevated walkway in one of the photos with steps at either end...Looks like an mdf set? I couldn't see details on your website - and chance of getting the details?

I made the steps from cork but the walkway is available from here http://www.wargame-model-mods.co.uk/ourshop/prod_2859287-Walkway.html
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: axiom on November 16, 2015, 07:46:50 PM
Lovely, thanks!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: eilif on November 19, 2015, 04:28:49 PM
That monorail is sweet!  
Again you're giving me a kick in the pants to get back to some of my neglected projects.

Both links to your gallery and blog are coming up errors though...
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: matakishi on November 19, 2015, 04:44:32 PM
I just clicked on both of them and they worked. Might have been a temporary glitch.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: eilif on November 19, 2015, 05:13:26 PM
The website is working for me now.  Looks awesome as usual.

The google photo link is still sending up a 404 though.  Maybe it's private to you or doesn't like USA IP addys?
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: matakishi on November 19, 2015, 05:21:04 PM
Who knows? It's a public album and people with G+ accounts can access it fine but it might be screened from outsiders. The pictures are just more of the same no it's no big deal really.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: ShortscaleDave on November 20, 2015, 09:08:11 PM
Continually amazed at every project you do.  Another winner. Absolutely adore the look of your Anarchy boards.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Monorail (Page 36)
Post by: matakishi on August 08, 2016, 09:53:00 PM
Moving away from the outlying run down Clan areas for a moment I've built a Shadowlands portal. It's an MDF StarGate kit from DarkOps Terrain and only costs £10.00.




I also started on the Wargame-Models-Mods Kickstarter haul that I got last year. Here are some colour changing street lights. I have a lot of buildings from this Kickstarter, all with lights and/or motorised parts. I'm taking my time building them but they should eventually be quite spectacular on the tabletop.




More info and pictures on the project page:
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: sundayhero on August 08, 2016, 11:16:44 PM
It's very rare to see such completly detailed gaming tables  :-*
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: FramFramson on August 08, 2016, 11:38:56 PM
Been a while! Nice to see an update here, mat.
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: eilif on August 09, 2016, 04:12:50 AM
Great to see this project continuing!
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: Suber on August 09, 2016, 09:25:51 AM
I almost got caught on that KS, I'm really curious to see that stuff on a board :)
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: YPU on August 09, 2016, 02:23:46 PM
Ahey, a blast from the past. Interesting to see you continuing in such a different style within the same project. Nice street lights, but motorized terrain you say?  :o
Title: Re: Anarchy Offline - Coloured streetlights + a portal to the Shadowlands (Page 37)
Post by: matakishi on August 09, 2016, 03:03:18 PM
Mat, go watch stranger things on netflix then look at your Ju Ju man rules.... Perfect fit if you change voodoo to MK ultra experiments. The rules dovetail beautifully though with the shadowlands stuff.

It's on my list :)

motorized terrain you say?  :o

Rotating radar dishes, moving generators and other similar wonders.