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The Conflicts that came in from the Cold / Re: More figures for Lunar
« Last post by zemjw on Today at 04:01:15 PM »
I caved at the weekend. I managed to stop at the 2 player starter set, but some of the other astronaut sets are tempting. I have the Crooked Dice astronauts, so it'll be interesting to see how they look next to each other. I also have a Reaper astronaut, but he's holding his helmet, so limited use on the surface lol

I also splurged a bit on the Revell 1/48 Apollo Lunar Module kit Amazon UK link. Given Revell's passing relationship with scale, I am hopeful, if not optimistic.

I did have a nostalgic look for the Airfix 1/72 Astronauts, but the reprint they did is long gone. Not a big deal, and much more a stroll down memory lane than anything else.

As with all these tings it depends how accurate you want to be. The Jacobs rifles figures have later rifles not available to troops in the mutiny, their webbing is later as you might expect and they have puttees which the troops in the mutiny were not using. There is loads of choice of troops in the right uniforms and kit from manufacturers like Empress who do some lovely figures.

If you are looking for troops you can use for different Wars, many of the Sikh Wars troops can be used for for the later Mutiny and the earlier 1st Afghan War so these are worth considering.

Having said all that its your game so whatever you and your opponent are comfortable with.
With my latest game I am working through some Sikh Wars rules development, AAR report with pictures on the blog: https://gapagnw.blogspot.com/2024/10/a-third-sikh-wars-game-using-card-system.html

Colonial Adventures / Re: Sikh Wars Rules Test 3
« Last post by Rogerc on Today at 03:42:04 PM »
With pleasure, I will share progress on here so happy to keep in touch.
Wonderful unit, and yes information is limited on these chaps sadly.

Based off what I've read and seen, I'd say no on the Perry Sculpts but honestly its your project and its close enough to the Foundry ones!

Sometimes a little historical "what if" is absolutely OK to me.
The Conflicts that came in from the Cold / Re: AK47 Zaio invades Numsia.
« Last post by CapnJim on Today at 03:30:42 PM »
Bacon?  I doubt it.  More like pulled pork.  VERY pulled pork...
Age of the Big Battalions / Re: Waterloo in 28mm - My journey log
« Last post by CapnJim on Today at 03:29:31 PM »
One down, how many to go?

They do look good...
Great job on the Garde-jager and that cavalry.

But, I gotta ask:  How long did it take your eyes to recover from painting all that very vibrant green?   8)
They look good!  Welcome back to being paint-able...  :)
Thanks, lads!

@CapnJim - I’ll have to get my calipers out and measures the bases that come in the Perry boxes. I’ve certainly got piles of those.

That's where mine came from...some of those sprues with bases of various sizes on them.  IIRC, it had both 40x40 AND 40x45 bases.  But more 40x45, so that's what I went with...
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