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Author Topic: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 6 report  (Read 130788 times)

Online Digits

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1215 on: July 26, 2023, 01:37:44 PM »
Cheers all.  Simple to make tbh.   Not sure WHY I hadn’t done any before now! Lol

I need to make one for Jamie and one mid sized one for myself then I’m done……these will take up valuable storage unfortunately!

My next terrain project will be Eastern Front so in another thread.   

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1216 on: July 27, 2023, 12:45:27 AM »
Thanks, Digits.  No idea if you have the same variety in the UK but over here in the US the color variety in rattle can spray paints has exploded in the last ten years - at least within my knowledge base.  Between auto stores, hardware stores, and craft stores there is a very wide array of colors, though not as much in flat as I would like, sometimes have to settle for satin and hit with matte medium to dull it down.

Offline has.been

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1217 on: July 27, 2023, 07:58:23 AM »
these will take up valuable storage unfortunately!

You could store them at my house David. :D

Of course I'll take them out every so often...to test they still work. lol

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1218 on: July 27, 2023, 08:00:39 AM »
Mr Smith….you are all heart  lol

Online Digits

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1219 on: July 28, 2023, 06:53:21 PM »
Thanks, Digits.  No idea if you have the same variety in the UK but over here in the US the color variety in rattle can spray paints has exploded in the last ten years - at least within my knowledge base.  Between auto stores, hardware stores, and craft stores there is a very wide array of colors, though not as much in flat as I would like, sometimes have to settle for satin and hit with matte medium to dull it down.

To be fair, there are quite a few her3 too.  Halfords auoto parts etc ones in particular have quite a range of Matt paints.  They are not as expensive as say Games Workshop / Army painter but to be honest, spraying this teddy bear fur takes a LOT of paint.

Final surface dry brushing with a variety of light greens etc from your paint box helps too.

Peter…thanks for your kind offer, but I’m afraid I will pass this time 😉

Offline has.been

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1220 on: July 28, 2023, 07:09:26 PM »
Peter…thanks for your kind offer, but I’m afraid I will pass this time 😉

 :'( :'( :'(

Offline gamer Mac

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Re: CoC - Western Front - take that hill!
« Reply #1221 on: July 29, 2023, 10:53:28 PM »
Been a while since I have seen this thread
great stuff loads of inspiration :-* :-* :-*

Online Digits

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 5 report
« Reply #1222 on: September 28, 2023, 03:18:13 PM »
Not sure why, but I forgot to put up the last couple of reports from our Martlet campaign.

Anyway, last Saturday we played the fifth game, this time on map 3 - ATTACK ON THE HAUPTKAMPFLINIE.

After working up our campaign losses and standings, and Jamie sorting his replacements, it was time to tackle this one, the scenario being an attack on an objective.  The target being to take and hold the crossroads.

View from my side of the table.

Jamie will at some point in the campaign at his choosing get a fresh platoon, whereas I will get a replacement platoon on the next map.  Therefore I realise I can afford to loose a few men here and if there is a chance to remove a few more British troops, I MAY just get to force his hand earlier than he’d hope.

However, not going to be too easy for either of us.   I have a depleted platoon, I’m down one MG team and I am trying to break in a new nco.   Yes I do have a panzer IV H and seven points of support.  I choose to spend them on another Panzer.

Jamie is down two thirds of a section but has 20 points to spend.  As usual, he chooses to take the AVRE, plus a 4th section, adjutant, another PIAT and a forward observer.

I rolled high on the morale table, Jamie not so and he only managed two free moves at the outset of the patrol phase so not a bad start for me.

The orientation of the village affords little or no usable hard cover with a facing towards the enemy but to be fair…with the AVRE on the table, it wouldn’t be safe sat inside anyway!

Despite some players adopting a 30” max range and choosing not to be able to hit moving tanks ( the AVRE petard in reality was notoriously difficult to aim) we were using it per the stats which meant it’s a fairly useful anti tank platform!  Without my usual panzerschreck, I would be reliant on the panzer guns and three panzerfaust distributed to my platoon, one per section.

My plan for this one would be fairly straight forward.   Ensure all my jump off points were far enough back to avoid them being taken, and curb my usual aggressive play style by keeping my infantry undeployed for as long as possible to see how the attack would develop.

I would be relying on the two panzers to try and inflict a few casualties and hope their armour would protect them from the inevitable barrage….

What developed was a cagey advance from the British.  For a while it seemed that the reluctant Tommies just didn’t want to move whenever Jamie rolled their dice.

The advance was so slow that we were both amassing the fives and the inevitable CoC dice.

I did however get the tanks on the table.

One senior leader was coordinating the attack down the main road whilst the other was advancing through the walled gardens, ordering his mortars to keep popping smoke to block fields of view and protect the advance.

The radio operator managed to whistle up a few spotting rounds and then I rolled triple sixes ending the turn.    Smoke and markers were removed and I had a target so an infantry section opened up their MG’s from the hedgerow near the greenhouses inflicting a causally or two and pushing the British heads down behind the brickwork. 

A misunderstand on my part on the rules ended the forward observer’s fire mission (he’d only fired spotting rounds thus far) though to be fair, I had enough CoC dice at that point to end it had it come in hard anyway…(.one to watch for future).

One Panzer pushed up and ended up being shot by the AVRE….but it failed to damage, as indeed did the return shot from the panzer.

After that, being wary of the piat team in the brickwork AND his AVRE, I moved the first panzer up and left to go though the woods whilst the other moved right to try and get a sneaky shot on the flank of the road attack.

The panzer moving through the woods became the target of an ambush from a second piat team but was lucky to have it clang harmlessly away.

This however shook my nerve and the second panzer failed to come out from its position on the right of the table for the rest of the game for fear of being ambushed itself!  Too many CoC dice kicking about!

The British consolidated into the walled garden to avoid the tank on my left.

Then the AVRE rolled down towards the junction, leaving his support infantry far behind.

However, in my first ever actual use of a panzerfaust, a team popped up and ambushed it from point blank range, killing the gunner and rattling the tank so that it pulled back….

More smoke had started being deployed and Jamie pushed his support section deep between the buildings to attack the area in front of the greenhouses.

I opted to deploy a section into the stables to the side of this section ready to open up on the exposed section, but Jamie used another CoC dice and interrupted before I could fire.   Instead of retreating, he ran them forward, around a corner and straight into combat with a depleted section I had there!

In the ensuing melee…..I managed to inflict a lot of casualties on the British section, loosing all but my junior leader in the process!

It became apparent that this was going to result in a stalemate at best, and the British, now with their morale down to four, decided to withdraw to lick their wounds and no doubt come back stronger!

It remains to be seen whether the British will hand over the reigns to another platoon to finish the job, or come up with a cunning plan to oust me.   I Have 5 permanently missing  guys, 1 temp and a junior leader not yet accepted by his men so I’m down one section.

Jamie has 10 permanently missing and 1 temp.  Effectively he’s also down a section.

He will get plenty of support points to try again however and knowing him, he will be strategising already on how to win the next game! 😉

I will need to hold my nerve I suspect, and look to the dice gods!


Due to the Germans unexpectedly slowing down the Brits, I just realised I will not be able to use the wildcard “Punch from Wünsche“ to counter attack later in the game! 🙁. I was looking forward to that too…..

« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 09:29:53 AM by Digits »

Offline Westbury

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 5 report
« Reply #1223 on: December 02, 2023, 03:10:07 PM »
Just caught up with this Dave, great job on the hills.

Online Digits

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 6 report
« Reply #1224 on: February 18, 2024, 12:53:47 PM »
Cheers fella.

Ok, game 6.  The British are still trying to force their way through the main German defensive line at Fontenay.

Worried about the losses sustained so far, the Brits pull their troops out to be replaced with a freshly brought up platoon.

The Germans don’t have that luxury, and have to hold with what they have.

Dice rolls at the outset are very much in my favour.    I roll high on force morale, Jamie low, and to further thwart him, he only rolls for two advances in the scouting phase.

I am down to two depleted sections for this one, a panzer IV and  7 points of support.   Having struggled to make two tanks work for me before, I opted to spend points on a sniper, a small rifle section with junior leader and an adjutant.   This later point was wasted as it happens.

Jamie had a fresh platoon and 21 points of support *parrrrrp*

My biggest hope was to inflict losses against this new platoon before loosing the table.   

As this is turn 6…..I have lost the option to use the wild card counter attack later in the campaign.  A shame as I was looking forward to using a pair of panzer Vs and had bought the half tracks especially for this.  Maybe we can fight that game after the campaign conclusion?

Anyway, on with the game.

I just want to post this.   These are Jamie’s notes taken through the game.  I want simply highlight the ridiculous number of times double or more sixes were thrown but both sides when rolling the command dice!   First time either of us had thrown  a quad six…..though it turned out to be a damp squib….but in a more dynamic game, this would have been carnage!

Jamie's notes

“Dave rolls a double phase
Dave then rolls four sixes.
Pre game barrage gone and he has a CoC dice
I then deploy three squads and drop smoke
Dave rolls 64443 does nothing
Jamie moves up two of his sections and brings in a ranging shot on the road.
Dave rolls 63322 and moves tank
Barrage comes down more smoke deployed units move up.
Dave ends turn.
Dave’s roll is 11224 sniper fires at FOO and puts shock on 2”mortar
Dave deploys a unit near the barn and fires at the unit in the open. SL injured. 4 dead and 4 shock. Tank rotates to change direction
66311 battery is available smoke is placed. Churchill moves down road
66542 sections move up barrage activated
Churchill crosses hedge to left flank
Dave 32211 sniper misses. Tank moves up really fast!
Jamie rolls 66332. Small unit movement and shock removal. 
55432 barrage wipes out 2 sections. More shock removal and a section moves up. Dave has a JL wounded and is only remaining man in that section
66653 tank moves up. Turn end.
66555 full CoC dice now
55442 moves line JL back lots
66541 moves up places smoke
22211 Churchill moves up section on right does too
55521 small rifle section of five appears and throws a grenade and opens up. JL wounded by grenade. 9 shots all no effect!
64311 light mortar fire ineffective unit fires back. 2 shock.
Dave rolls 33111 sniper kills off a 2”mortar team. Morale down to 4
Jamie rolls 5411 puts shock in small unit.
Spends a CoC dice fires again and pins small unit.
65111 2nd CoC dice.
Jamie withdraws and section three lose 3 men and on JL next campaign turn
Also two men dead.”

Long and short of it….the Brits set up a heavy machine gun, an artillery spotter and light mortar to cover three deployed sections as they approach the chateau and its important crossroads.

I had been covering the road with my panzer.

My sniper was pretty active through the game, but only managed to take out a couple of 2” mortar firers despite their being a selection of officers and forward observers available!

The artillery spotter successfully brought in a barrage on target twice in the game was ended once by my playing a CoC dice and once again by the rolling of all those sixes.  They were in contact with the battery a third time too but by then the infantry had moved up too close for it to be a comfortable choice to bring down.

The section and senior leader moving to my left flank looked awfully tempting and I declared a section of two mg’s a tad early, inflicting injury on the SL, with four more dead and four shock.

One of those barrages though effectively wiped out my section, the only survivor being my junior leader!

The surviving Brits climbed into the walled garden.

I moved my panzer, indecisively left, then right ( looking for opportunity to use it) and this allowed the Brits to rush a Churchill down the road which then veered to its left to support the two sections moving though the field on my right.

The remenants of the British section, proved too tempting for me, and I deployed my rifle support section such that they could lob a grenade which injures the JL, then sprays them with bullets……missing every single one of them!   In return they get pinned by combined small arms fire and he rounds from the two small mortars.  My sniper finishes off one of the mortars as I said, and their morale drops to 4.

I decide to bring in my final section as I see a chance to hit another section in their flank behind a hedge over the road….but Jamie then declares they are pulling out!

It seems I had fixated on a support section, not part of his core force.   So in truth I had knl6 inflicted a couple of kills that would count.

The sections dashing back to their start positions mostly made it back unscathed with a small handful getting lost en route.

I had managed to hold them up once more.    After all the end of game rolling, the following stats were determined.

British finish.
1 permanent loss,  4 temp.  New JL with one action to stand in for temp loss JL)
CO +1
MO +1

22 points of support to play next game.

German finish
8 permanent losses,  2 temp. Still have three JLs
CO+3 support +1 point
MO -1

So I get 8 points of support next time.   

Jamie is now feeling a little time pressured and I’m wondering how to inflict the maximum damage on the Brits next game.  I need to read the signs better and try to hit core units rather than support ones.    That one extra point of support does give me ideas though…😉

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 6 report
« Reply #1225 on: February 18, 2024, 05:42:54 PM »
Fantastic looking game!
Hoc quoque transibit
Sanguinem sistit semper

Online Digits

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 6 report
« Reply #1226 on: February 18, 2024, 07:12:19 PM »
Yup Jamie puts on a great table!

Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 6 report
« Reply #1227 on: February 18, 2024, 09:44:12 PM »
Superb!   :-*   :-*   :-*

Offline brunei35

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Re: CoC - Western Front - Martlet Map 3 Game 6 report
« Reply #1228 on: February 19, 2024, 10:47:10 AM »
Excellent looking game and just noticed the 'hills' and the how to. Thanks for posting that.


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