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Author Topic: Battle Report: Turf War- The Big Score  (Read 652 times)

Offline Easy E

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    • Blood and Spectacles
Battle Report: Turf War- The Big Score
« on: August 04, 2021, 02:39:33 PM »

Stitches had been right, Donnie was not taking Bobbie Tarantine's provocation lying down.  It was going to be war. 

Donnie had been in the gambling den's office when Stitches pulled Tony Baloney into the room.  The kid was still all shaken up, but he had enough wits about him to spill the beans to his boss.  Stitches had never seen Donnie turn red in the face like he did that night, and he knew then that Bobbie was going to go big or go home. 

"Stitches, gather up the crew.  It's time we taught those Double Dueces that we are not under their thumbs no more.  We're goin' our own way."

The next week, Suzie Q got the info the boss had needed.  The Double Dueces had a small shop where they had stashed a safe.  Inside was supposedly a stash of incriminating photos and the like.  Tarantine had used the goods in the safe to blackmail the Commissioner to spring his girl Queenie out of the slammer.  That was the kind of juice that Donnie needed.  He knew getting the goods in the safe would be good for him, and a big loss for Bobbie. 

As a added bonus, Suzie had heard that Queenie herself was there after her stay at the concrete hotel.  Stitches was eager to pay her back for what she did to Big Knuckles and Tony.  However, he was pretty sure he would need to get in line, since big Knuckles had his own ideas.  As an added bonus, Donnie thought taking out Bobbie's main squeeze would add just that extra bit of jazz to make this an extra Big Score. 

That was how you made a big splash in this town!

The Score
The Upper East Siders had staked a Gambling Den on this scenario, while the Double Deuces staked their new Cheap Hooch turf.  Since the Upper Eastsiders turf was worth double the Double Deuces, they got to choose to run a Big Score instead of a normal one.  In a Big Score, both sides choose a Score, and the Upper East Siders are trying to accomplish both!  This could score them +2 Rep and a Favor in addition to any other winnings!   

Donnie Ricketts and the Upper East Sides choose to play The Hit score, and secretly picked Queenie as the target of their Hit.  Meanwhile, Bobbie Tarantine and the Double Deuces choose the Safe Cracking Score, so the Upper East Siders would need to get into a locked safe and grab the goods inside. 

It's raining and the gangs will clash at dawn.  There are no other complications.

The Gangs
During a Big Score, the normal gang limits are not in place.  This is the kind of score where everyone gets called to the table! 

The Upper East Siders will be lead by Donnie himself.  The only one not coming is Tony "Baloney" Maloney because Queenie put him in the hospital last week, and he was still recovering. 

Upper East Siders

Donnie Ricketts- Boss- Pistol, Fancy Suit, Pocket Watch

Nanny Nancy Grace- Gun Moll- Shotgun, Lock picks, Cigs

Stitches McAvery- Gangster- Tommy Gun

Ray "Big Knuckles" Smitty- Gangster- Pistol, Brass Knuckles

"Knock-Knock" Lucino- Gangster- Revolver, Billy Club

Billie "Da Babe" Bambino- Hood- Bat, Snubnose

Suzie "Q"- Flapper- Pistol, First-Aid kit

Bobbie and his gang are also bringing everyone to the Big Score.  The Double Deuces will be missing Bobby "2 Hearts" Henrizio as he is recovering from an eye injury suffered last week.  The Double Deuces also have a Rep of 1, so they have a re-roll.   

Double Deuces

Bobbie Taratine- Boss- Pistol, Fancy Suit, Lock Picks

Maria "Queenie" Lambuzzio- Femme Fatale- Tommy Gun

Tony "Spades" Gambio- Gangster- Tommy Gun

Al "9 Clubs" Guizzie- Gangster- Tommy Gun

Rickie "Push" Puzzino- Gangster- Shotgun     

The Set-up
The board is a 3x3 foot board.  In this case, the defender gets to set-up the terrain to fit the Score. The Safe-Cracking Score requires a building or something similar to be placed in the deployment zone of the defender.  In this case, the Double Deuces decide to put the Oldfield Tire Shop as the location of the safe.  The Defender's (The Double Deuces) can place models anywhere within the center of the board OR from their hide-out. 

Queenie and Bobbie go in the tire shop.  Rickie is outside of it by the door.  Meanwhile, Tony and Al are moving along the building edges along the road out front.
The rest of the board is a scattering of industrial buildings, alleyways, and roads.  The Upper Eastsiders get to spread themselves to any of the other board edges, but can not come within 12 inches of any of the Double Deuces.  This allows them to spread out across town, and move in under cover.  They form a loose net with Donnie, Nancy, and the other gangsters out front, while Tony and Suzie form a back-up. 

You can read how the whole shebang went down at the Blood and Spectacles blog.  Get all the juicy details here:

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