Today is the day - Salute 2017, the largest wargame convention in Europe takes place at the Excel Centre in London. As part of our annual real-time coverage of this great event organized by The South London Warlords, we have been busy gathering pictures from different sources (you could be one of them) to show you the great variety of display and demonstration games along with pictures of new miniatures releases and announcement of upcoming games or rules.
Perry Miniatures TravelBattle - small scale portable wargame
Gripping Beast Plastic Medieval/ Dark Age Archers
Perry Miniatures Napoleonic French Chasseurs à Cheval
Warlord Games Doctor Who Exterminate! Game and Miniatures
Warlord Games Plastic Bolt Action Paratroopers
Warlord Games Konflikt '47 Weird War Tanks and More
Northstar Miniatures Plastic Modular Old School Dwarves and Goblins
Warlord Games Beyond the Gates of Antares Plastic Freeborn
Fireforge Games Plastic Medieval Scandinavian Infantry
4Ground The Fabled realms Fantasy Miniatures
Northstar Miniatures Plastic Frostgrave The Ghost Archipelago Heritor Crew (ideal for warhammer/ mordheim)
And much more and mean lots moreYou can check our very thorough post here and note this post is updated real-time so keep checking and feel free to share this post around on other forums, Reddit, social media, websites and blogs! Couldn't attend myself but so you don't miss anything! Found more news or you have taken pictures yourself feel free to share the link and I will add it to the post!