I've never been a fan of post WWII historical wargaming but I was lured into the murky realm of African Bush Wars by members of my club.
The whole idea of this is to make small, cheap forces using 20mm polyurethane figures and what ever 1970's (early 80's) vehicles you can get. It's not something that I would normally venture into. Being a former soldier sort of makes me shy away from more modern conflicts but the imagi-nations aspect made it easier to come to terms with.
Anyway, my imagi-nation is Hembabwe (based on my surname). You can see more about all of this as well as lots of pics from my first game on my blog @:
https://this28mmlife.blogspot.com.au/2017/07/african-bush-wars.htmlThe rules we're using are Force on Force. I've never played them before but, after a few turns, found them to suit the context pretty well.