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Author Topic: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)  (Read 1319 times)

Offline grubman

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Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« on: October 27, 2017, 05:45:50 PM »
I've always wanted to get into some historical gaming.  I like the "age of Arthur" thru the Viking Age period...in theory.  I like the idea of smaller armies (not small skirmishes of a dozen figures) fighting those in-the-moment and locally significant...but pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things battles.  Warlords trying to hack out miniature "kingdoms"...and then trying to keep them.

In a fantasy world, that's pretty easy to grasp...in history it's very complicated!  Even when I try to read 4 or 5 page summaries of everything that was going on during these periods, my brain begins to hurt.  So many places, kingdoms, nationalities, people, armies its very difficult to keep things and when exactly they happened straight.

Now I'm American, so none of these locations are familiar from experience (such as when I studied the Wild West), and all the changing maps and location names sure don't help.

So...I guess what I'm asking, is if I wanted to do some "Dark Age" gaming, 400-800AD, is there a specific (small) area and (specific) time I could focus on?  Something with a variety of army/faction choices and a simple to follow "storyline" of what's going on?  I like the idea of this time period and love all the miniatures...but the history is overwhelming, but I don't want to just play without having ANY historical backdrop...otherwise I might as well just play fantasy.

Along with that, any recommended "for dummies" history books (or documentaries) that focus on whatever you recommend would be appreciated.  I don't want to feel like I'm studying for an exam, so the simpler and more entertaining the better.

And while we are at it...I still can't help gravitating toward WAB and The Age of Arthur (or Sheildwall).  I also have Warmaster, which I like...but I like idea of individual 28mm models (it's more personal).  But not doing any actual playing in this genre, I'd like to hear people recommend any rule system I might want to look at.  

I already have Dux Bellorum, which seems like a descent system, but again, just doesn't seem as "grand" yet "personal" as I like.  I have Song of Arthur and Merlin, but I'm not interested in a small scale skirmish level game for this.  I have Dragon Rampant, so I have a pretty good idea of what Lion Rampant would deliver (even if it's not specifically for Dark Ages).  Ironic all three of those rules systems are by the same author.

I have Sword and Spear as well, but some of the mechanics are to "gamish" for me.  I've been looking at Swordpoint, and there seem to be a lot of good things about the system, but I'm a little fearful there is too much bookkeeping and math, and that might take away from the drama of play.

I guess anything suggested will we judged against WAB, as that's the balance of rules, drama, bookkeeping, tactics I like.  I'm open to any scale...but as I age, I find it harder to paint and SEE the smaller scales (smaller than 25mm) on the table, which is frustrating.  I also don't really know about individual vs. element basing.  I like the granularity of base removal representing damage.  WAB breaks it down into the simplest form possible 1 wound = 1 base, and I like that, and it lets you know at a glance with no confusion the state of a unit.  The more "artsy" damage gets, the less I generally like it.

Sorry for the long winded post.      
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 05:48:45 PM by grubman »
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Offline Cubs

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2017, 05:57:34 PM »
I'd recommend the Bernard Cornwell 'Winter King' trilogy (for 6th century Britain) and the Saxon Chronicle series (for 9th century Britain - a little outside your focus I realise). They're not 100% historically accurate and aim to give a 'feel' of the period and conflicts, as opposed to being a reliable record of events, but they're a really good starting point for further study I've found.
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Offline grubman

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2017, 06:02:50 PM »
I'd recommend the Bernard Cornwell 'Winter King' trilogy (for 6th century Britain) and the Saxon Chronicle series (for 9th century Britain - a little outside your focus I realise). They're not 100% historically accurate and aim to give a 'feel' of the period and conflicts, as opposed to being a reliable record of events, but they're a really good starting point for further study I've found.

I've actually read the Saxon Chronicles...and a little while back I watched the Last Kingdom series.  I didn't know they were the same, Ha Ha.  It had been YEARS since I read the books and I was about 10 minutes into the TV show when I was like, "HEY...wait a minute...this is very familiar..."

I'll check out the Winter King.  That will be a little more "time consuming" research, but I like his writing.  Will this give me some specific focus for battles?  Does it focus on a smaller area, or is it more epic in scope?   

Offline A Lot of Gaul

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2017, 07:20:31 PM »
See my response in the recent "Swordpoint?" thread: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=104614.0
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 08:09:32 PM by A Lot of Gaul »
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Offline grubman

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2017, 09:52:10 PM »
I'd suggest the kingdom of Northumbria in the 7th and 8th centuries.
It starts off as two separate kingdoms - Deira and Bernicia - so you can do civil war scenarios. In the early part of the 7th century it's still more or less pagan, so you could do battles along pagan/Christian lines as well. You could also do battles with neighbours - north Wales and Strathclyde were favourite sparring partners.
When Edwin dies (mid 7th century?) Northumbria splits again back into Deira and Bernicia, to be unified again under Oswald. Then they war with Mercia and...well...so on.

Yeah, I'd say 7th century Northumbria would make a good 'anything goes' setting for a dark ages campaign. You have pagans, christians, civil war, back stabbing, raids, expansions, exotic nations (later picts)...
But no vikings.

Oh yeah, rules.
If I'm honest, you seem like you've already made up your mind - WAB.
Heaven knows why you'd want to play such a rotten system that's over 30 years old, but each to their own.
I was going to suggest Saga. That seems the obvious one. But if something like WAB is your wargaming hot spot then I'm not so sure you're going to like Saga. I can't imagine two games more dissimilar.
If you like WAB then stick with it.

That sounds perfect, thanks.  As far as WAB, its more my love of WFB which I played 3rd through 5th edition.  LOTS of history, familiarity, and good times.  I've read a lot of other systems (mostly fantasy and sci fi...but some historical as well) and I always find many things I just don't care for and don't seem fun.  I'm always looking though...since a live system is always better...but I really don't like skirmish games for these kind of battles.

Offline LeadAsbestos

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2017, 05:08:54 AM »
Read The Winter King trilogy, get the Age of Arthur supplement for WAB, play games with Lion Rampant and it's Dark Age variant from WSS or WI, and buy Dux Britanniarum for the campaign system.
Bit of a Hodge podge, but the best of all things!

Offline Codsticker

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2017, 04:45:11 PM »
  I've read a lot of other systems (mostly fantasy and sci fi...but some historical as well) and I always find many things I just don't care for and don't seem fun.  I'm always looking though...since a live system is always better...but I really don't like skirmish games for these kind of battles.
It's hard to get a real feel for a how a set of rules plays out on the tabletop unless you have actually put them through their paces; I ma always suprised to find some aspect of them that I thought would be bad/good in the reading but turned out the opposite on the tabletop. I thought Dux Bellorum was a good set specifically for the period but if you are interested in WAB-like games then there is Clash of Empires and War and Conquest.

Offline Whitwort Stormbringer

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Re: Dark Age Research Focus (and game recomendtations)
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2017, 11:20:17 PM »
I really enjoy the British History Podcast, which starts in pre-Roman times and is still going. You could easily skip the first chunk and pick it up in the post-Ronan period, and continue through the period of your choice.

The host is neither overly scholarly nor simplistic, and has a fairly conversational tone, so IMO it's a great resource for non-academics with an interest in the subject.


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