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Author Topic: Grey Aliens miniatures  (Read 12994 times)

Offline cheetor

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2009, 01:57:26 PM »
Apparently the original codes have been re-packaged as a 10-man boxed set

I know that this dead horse has already been flogged but Griffin owe me figures and money (and an occasional response to an email).  I wouldnt buy from them again, despite how nice those grays look.

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2009, 04:01:19 PM »

Arguably making saucers out of readily available and sometimes recognisable scrap items makes them more authentic (in B movies SFX terms) I feel.  It is the sort of straightforward (and crucially for me, inexpensive) solution that I am looking for.

When you get your grays and saucers ready be sure to post up some photos :)

I totally agree!

Yeah, I'll post em up on my blog and here.  ;)

Offline headzombie

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2009, 06:04:43 PM »
I lean towards the Zombiesmith ones myself- The pricing on them was good, although I thought the casting quality left something to be desired...

Uh oh! I apologize! I will always replace anything bad, sometimes things slip through when I should be looking!

Offline warrenss2

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2009, 08:13:17 PM »
"The aim is to abduct Cows and any humanoids you can (there will be Rednecks, US Infantry and FBI)."

Er... Rob... Greys only mutilate cows, not abduct them. Kidnapping humanoids is cool.

What about making some crop-circles a goal too... while your gaming table is set in the American Heartland?
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 08:15:50 PM by warrenss2 »
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2009, 08:54:27 PM »
Okay then, I'll add the option!

I've been writing the rules. I'm trying to keep them child friendly for shows as well.

I can post the rules up here if you want, they're a little muddled at the moment.

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2009, 09:08:55 PM »
Ugly Grey Things From Outer Space!
The objective of this game is to abduct and destroy Non Player Characters (controlled by a GM), in order to gain knowledge of this strange planet.
You will gain points for killing or abducting certain creatures of different levels.
Should you ever try to kill another Grey Alien, your head will explode and you cannot be re-cloned from your flying saucer.
After (x) turns, whoever has the most points wins the game.

Example Stat-Line

Move: How far the model can move
Mind: The psychic capability of the model.
Melee: The combat quality of the model
Energy: How much energy the model has to power weapons.
Hit Points: How many hits the model can take before dying. .
Worth: How many points the creature is worth if it is killed/How much the creature is worth if abducted.

Grey Alien Stat-Line

Move: 4+D4
Mind: 2D6
Melee: 2D6
Energy: 3D6
Hit Points: 3D6+2D4
Worth: Nothing, we know everything about ourselves! Every time you are killed, a clone of the same model comes out of the team’s flying saucer with 1 less mind than before.

Grey Alien Flying Saucer Stat-Line

Move: 10
Mind: -
Melee: -
Energy: -
Hit Points: Can’t be destroyed by human weapons
Worth: Can’t be destroyed by human weapons.

Cattle/Livestock Stat-Line

Move: 4
Mind: -
Melee: 6
Energy: -
Hit Points: 8
Worth: 0/1

Human Farmer/Redneck/Civilian

Move: 5
Mind: -
Melee: 8
Energy: 15 (represents ammunition)
Hit Points: 8
Worth: 1/1

Human Cop/Infantryman

Move: 5
Mind: -
Melee: 8
Energy: 20 (represents ammunition)
Hit Points: 10
Worth: 1/2

Human Scientist/Commander/FBI agent

Move: 5
Mind: -
Melee: 8
Energy: 25 (represents ammunition)
Hit Points: 12
Worth: 2/3

Of course, these are not solid, written in stone stat-lines. They are just examples.
A good GM could set up a set of human characters with their own character cards and specialised stats. i.e. a scientist may not have a very high Melee or Hit points, but may be worth quite a bit more if abducted.


The movement value of a model represents how far a model can move
The mind value of a model represents the psychic capability of the model.
The melee value of a model represents how good it is in hand-to-hand combat
The energy value of a model is effectively representing the ‘store’ of energy the alien holds for using weapons. In the weapons section, each weapon will have a score of how much energy it takes to use. Every time the weapon is used in the game, the energy score goes down.
Energy can be regained by remaining still for a full turn and making no actions.
Hit Points determine how much damage an alien can take. This goes down throughout the game upon receiving damage from Melee or being fired at.

This game works in turns.

The turn is broken up into phases which are as follows.

-Start phase-
-Grey Aliens-
-End Turn-

Start Phase
In this part of the turn, the GM hands out 4 cards to each Grey Alien player, these can be used at any time.

Grey Aliens Phase
At the start of this phase, each team of grey aliens rolls 2 D6 and adds their results. The highest result goes first and then clockwise from there.
During this phase, each grey alien may make 2 actions (they may move twice in the same turn, but cannot fire or use mind twice unless otherwise stated). These can be:
-Move (includes Combat) (up to twice a turn)
-Shoot (up to once a turn)
-Mind (up to once a turn)
The Grey Aliens players can also move their saucers which can do 2 actions per turn
-Move (up to twice a turn)
-Abduct (using abduction ray) (up to once a turn)

Non Player Character (NPC) Phase
This phase works in the same manner as the Grey Aliens phase. The GM moves the NPC models according to how he feels they would react. Remember, the aim of being a GM is not to win, it is to make the game fun for the players as well as yourself.
With this in mind, armed characters may act in an offensive manner, unarmed will run and cattle will do very little unless guns begin to go off. Earth creatures cannot make mind actions.

End turn
Dealing with taking in used and discarded cards.


By taking a move action, the miniature may move up to it’s movement statistic. If the miniature moves into base contact, it gets a free melee attack.
Movement is all in inches. If a model is addressed as having Movement: 6, then the miniature can move up to 6”. If the model crosses difficult terrain, then it’s movement is halved whilst in the terrain. You can avoid this by using a jump pack, but you will use up energy doing this (this will be covered in the equipment section). 
If you wish to initiate melee, read this:
The Melee value of your alien works in a similar way to the ‘Mind’ value. The lowest the value can be is 2 and the highest is 11. This value never changes, unless specified by a random event card.
Combat is initiated when one miniature comes into base contact with another and the player who moved into contact declares that he wishes to fight.
The attacking player rolls 2D6 and tries to roll under his/her ‘Melee’ value.
Should he/she succeed, then the defending player rolls 2D6, if this is under their melee value then the attack is blocked and no damage is done.
If the defender fails to block then the attacker causes 1D6 damage to the defending miniature.
If the attacker fails, then the defender causes 1D4 damage to the attacking model.

You may choose to fire with all your models (unless otherwise specified) each turn.
See the weapons rules, under equipment, for further rules.
If you are a grey alien player and you attack another grey alien, your head will explode, killing your model outright and getting wiped off the cloning database. You may not be reincarnated as usual. 

You may choose to make a Mind action.
The mind value of your alien will explain how much psychic capability the alien has.
i.e. Mind: 2 (A low value) or Mind: 11 (A high value)
To perform a psychic action (described in the actions section), you will need to roll 2D6 and score under your psychic capability. Every time you perform a psychic action, your ‘Mind’ score will go down by 1 (to a minimum of 2). However, in the game, you can draw DNA from an abducted miniature (you can only do this as soon as you abduct the model, not before, not after) to increase your Mind value (to a maximum of 12). If you do this, the value of the abducted miniature is halved and you gain the following amount of ‘Mind’:

Livestock/Cattle: 1 Point
Redneck/Civilian: 2 Points
Security/Cop/Infantryman: 3 Points
Commander/General/FBI agent: 4 Points

Here are the available mind attacks:

Read Mind
Reading an earthling’s mind will rob them of their concentration. For each turn you Read the earthling’s mind, they will make no actions that turn.
Once you have managed to target the model you want to read, you will not need to roll for him/her again until you change your target or change your actions (i.e. if you want to read the same mind 3 turns in a row, you will only need to roll the target score once rather than 3 times like shooting). 
Range: 24”
Target: 3+
Reaction: The model having his/her mind read cannot make any actions until they stop having their mind read.
Mind Cost: 1 per turn used

This psychic power may be used to pick up objects and pull or push them somewhere else.
If you manage to target a model, then the model can be thrown up to 2D6 inches (from you, not the target model). Once they land, they are considered to have passed out. You can therefore pick them up and abduct them, or fly the saucer over them to abduct them.
Range: 18”
Target: 3+
Reaction: See above.
Mind Cost: 2 per turn used

This power allows you to control a model for every turn you keep him/her under your command.
When you activate the model controlling the hypnotised model, both make their actions as usual (using their normal stats). This means you can tell them to walk to your saucer.
Range: 24”
Target: 3+
Reaction: See above.
Mind Cost: 3 per turn used


Jump Pack (Grey Alien)
The jump pack is an important device for Grey Aliens. Because of their skinny physique, they cannot jump higher than 10 or 11 inches off the ground. The jump pack enables them to fly to incredible heights.
The pack may not be used in 2 consecutive turns (it may only be used every other turn).
The Jump pack allows a model to move up sheer surfaces their full movement statistic, though at the end of the turn, they MUST land. Whilst moving with the jump pack, the model ignores all rough terrain and impassable objects.
Energy Cost: 1 point per turn used

Energy Bubble-Shield (Grey Alien)
Grey Aliens can use an Energy bubble shield to protect themselves from fire.
Treat all attacks to the miniature wearing the bubble-shield as targeted on the shield rather than the model wearing it. Once the bubble’s Hit Points wear out, it is useless and the model wearing it no longer is protected by it and continues to take damage as usual.
An energy shield has D6 Hit Points.
The energy shield does not protect against melee attacks, but it does against ranged and mind attacks (the latter is blocked outright).
Energy Cost: 1 Point per turn used

Body Armour (Human)
Human infantry and FBI agents wear body armour, this grants them D6 extra hit points in exactly the same way as a Grey Alien Energy Bubble Shield.
Energy Cost: 0 Points

Ranged Weapons

Electroraypistol (Grey Alien)
The standard Grey Alien weapon.
The weapon requires reloading after it is fired twice. You may reload it after the first time it is fired so that next time you fire it will cost no energy.
Range: 18”
Target: 3+
Damage: 2D4
Energy Cost: 0 first turn used, 1 second turn used

Disintegrator Ray (Grey Alien)
An interesting weapon. It leaves completely vaporises it’s target into a little pile of ash.
Range: 12”
Target: 4+
Damage: Auto Kill
Energy Cost: 1 Per turn used

Testing Probe (Grey Alien)
To ‘examine’ earth beings, we probe them. Allowing us to examine them… Intimately.
The probe causes no physical damage, but reduces the mind of the target by 2D6 (to a minimum of 2). It also increases your mind by 1D6.
Range: 12”
Target: 3+
Damage: 2D6 (to mind score)
Energy Cost: 2 per turn used

Abduction Beam (Grey Alien Flying Saucer)
The Abduction Beam does exactly what it says in the name.
To abduct a model, the saucer must fly over the top of it and remain there for a turn. (i.e. I fly my saucer over a Livestock model. I remain there until the end of my next turn, by which time, I have finished my abduction. I pick up the miniature and take it off the table and put it with any other abducted beings).
Range: 0”
Target: Auto hit
Damage: 0
Energy Cost: None

Rifle (Human)
Range: 18”
Target: 3+
Damage: 2D4
Energy Cost: 1 Per turn used

Pistol (Human)
Range: 12”
Target: 4+
Damage: 1D4
Energy Cost: 1 Per turn used

Light Machine Gun (Human)
Range: 18”
Target: 4+
Damage: 3D6
Energy Cost: 3 per turn used

Shotgun (Human)
Range: 12”
Target: 4+
Damage: 3D4
Energy Cost: 3 per turn used

Any suggestions for other weapons and rules tweaks would be nice. I still gotta playtest them!

Offline Lowtardog

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2009, 09:54:11 PM »
Hold up there a moment matey....

Zombiesmith's lovely greys!


These are the one's I'd get personally but go for it.

D`oh forgot those shame on me

Offline Cosmotiger

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2009, 04:14:34 AM »
I wonder how the Zombiesmith Greys would look with a more subdued paint job.  The sculpts are cartoony, but I wonder if they could be made to look a little more sinister. 

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2009, 08:22:41 AM »
That's my only quarrel with them.

Offline Cosmotiger

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2009, 09:58:30 PM »
Yes, I've been looking for Greys that are small, but creepy.  The Griffin ones are about right in appearance, but too tall for me.  Same with the Thrade from 3Dminiatures.com. 

The companies that have smaller versions like Brigade and Zombiesmith, have made them too comical for my taste.  The only other option that I've seen are the Copplestone ones, which are fairly alien and sinister, but have uninteresting poses, IMO.


Offline P_Clapham

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2009, 05:03:16 AM »
How about $30 for one Hundred Greys in three Different Poses?


The plastic used for these guys feels less bendy than the Zombie Tile Game.  These guys look like they stepped out of Destroy All Humans.
"When in doubt, have a man come through a door with a gun in his hand.— Raymond Chandler

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2009, 03:03:41 PM »

I didn't think they were out yet!

Ahh well, I prefer metal anyway.

I will be buying that game though! :)

Offline Cosmotiger

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2009, 03:33:01 PM »
How about $30 for one Hundred Greys in three Different Poses?
Yeah, I like those.

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2009, 10:13:17 AM »
I got my greys from matakishi today (thanks again mate!). They are very nice models and exactly what I am looking for.

I think I will just use another version of Overlord's lost world game. With a few tweaks to encourage players to abduct things rather than just kill stuff. 


Offline Renfield286

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Re: Grey Aliens miniatures
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2009, 01:51:22 PM »
Blackcatbases have some nice sculpts if any one is still after some


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