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Author Topic: THE SANTA ZONE - Zona Alfa at the North Pole - 23 Dec - 5th AAR added  (Read 8146 times)

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - First AAR 10 Dec (Pic Heavy)
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2020, 04:12:40 PM »
Bit late to this party.

Excellent idea. nice terrain and models.

Great AAR. I look forward to hearing and seeing more.

Offline dadlamassu

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - AAR For First Game 10 Dec
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2020, 04:27:03 PM »
In the Stalker pc game I remember them shooting but their aim was awful.  May be something fun to add in.  :)

Thanks for the kind words another report will follow as soon as I write it up. 

I don't play PC games so the Stalker reference is useful.  I may let them shoot as they were easily overwhelmed and I don't have many rifle armed zombies.  Though I do have a few zombies and ghouls with hand weapons that I need to think about.
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.'
-- Xenophon, The Anabasis

Offline dadlamassu

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - More terrain items
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2020, 08:24:07 PM »
I started laying out terrain for the next game and decided that I needed some specific terrain pieces.  I also looked to the next few after that and made up a list.  The results are below:

A couple of dead Zone Runners made from zombie bits, some scrap and a few stones

An assortment of bits that may be "Points of Interest" or "Hot Spot" markers - a Kinder Egg, a blown car headlamp bulb, some bases and a thing I found that had 4 "ears" and springs

An odd thing that I found out walking with a hatch made from a 25mm base and scrap.  No idea what it it is but now it has become a vent and entrance to somewhere underground:

A couple of scrap piles:

A couple of leaking drums of toxic stuff:

A ruin or rubble shack

Containers for robot toys donated by grandson Nathan and repurposed into towers or drop pods or whatever else I may need them for.

A battered tower made from a "Quality Street" chocolates carton donated by Mrs H.

A toy used without any work at all

And finally some "Anomalies" made from broken Christmas decorations and tinsel found in the bottom of our box.

Offline dadlamassu

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2020, 05:53:06 PM »
A walk through Tiddybar Woods

Well you all did OK that time.  Those rotten zombies and dogs nearly got you Harlyn, so make sure your pockets are empty of dog biscuits this time.  The other zombies were coming in fast so we grabbed a haversack and that mouldy old case from the Panhard and a couple of French Assault Rifles.  Turns out we did well besides the guns and ammo.  The laptop was, apparently, in good order and worth a lot but the docs in the case were pretty mucked up.  I saw a couple of sheets marked with red stickers and kept them.  They were in French, of course but I made out that there is a big secret stash over by Mireton in one of Oraks Corporation Labs.  The docs mention a “Carte-clé” – That’s keycard to the uneducated. 

So we have to get a keycard to get in.  Uncle Tommy, yep, the Legendary Uncle Tommy, told me that a thug called Rial Badyin down from Glasgow has it.  He was fed up being a nobody in the Bar-L Toi gang so he came here to make a name for himself.  He plundered the Panhard the night before we got there.  Uncle Tommy says the word is that he is hiding out in Tiddybar Woods and has a gang of “Glesga Keelies” with him. 

We’ll go for a walk in the woods tomorrow, same teams, same plan as last time one from the east and one from the west down the track.  We Go in hard and fast.

The layout

The gang (not very hidden) hideout:

Both groups decided to deal with the hot spots first and then move in on the gang.  This sacrificed the element of surprise but would probably prevent a rear attack from any Zone Hostiles that might be there.
Zayne, leader of Team Bravo, moved up to deal with the hotspot, lobbed a bolt and spotted 4 giant rats .  "I hate rats, Harlyn, you got any rat food?," crackled over the personal radio net.
"Ha ha, funny guy!" came the response.

"They probably hate you," came the reply. What are they doing?"
"Nothing," answered Zayne, "They're all dead." 

He blew the smoke from his suppressed SMG.  He then rejoined his team.

On the other side Rookie Slim enthusiastically moved ahead of the team and spotted the hot spot.

His bolt toss failed to go anywhere near it.  Edan was more successful and spotted yet more giant rats.  With Team Bravo in a good position he lobbed a grenade that landed directly on target killing 3 rats and suppressing the survivor.

The blast also drew the attention of Rial Badyin and his gang away from their approaching doom.

Suddenly all hell broke loose from both teams and despite a spirited resistance all the gangsters except one were soon eliminated.

Rial Badyin was one of the first target of Karilla who made no mistake.  He died without knowing what hit him.

The one remaining gangster traded shots rather ineffectually on both sides until Karilla got him in her sights.  A shot rang out an a hi scored.  The gangster needed to score a 1 on a d10 to survive.  And ...

Her second shot nailed him. 

Rookie Harlyn, dealt with the last gangster at close quarters after his rifle jammed. 

Edan triggered the mission objective and found an anomaly. 

Luckily he did not trigger any adverse reaction.  It was now turn 6 and the team had achieved its objective.  All gangsters dead, all Zone Hostiles eliminated and no team members even scratched.  Loot included 5 assault rifles, ammunitions, loot and a significantly strange and probably valuable thing from the anomaly.  A lucky and very profitable day indeed. Things are looking up for the next mission.

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2020, 06:52:07 PM »
Great report and pics. Makes me need more trees.

Offline Hami

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2020, 08:19:34 PM »
the photos look good, i am really enjoying playing these games.

Offline racm32

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2020, 05:57:50 AM »
Do you remember where you got that construction walker toy?

Offline dadlamassu

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2020, 07:37:32 AM »
Do you remember where you got that construction walker toy?

Sorry no.  It has been sitting at the back of a shelf for donkey's years.  I think it was given to me by one or other of our sons and, from memory, it came with a video game. 

Offline iDreamofMinis

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2020, 12:43:12 PM »
Great report and pics!  Looking forward to more.
These really make me want to get back to The Zone.  I'll be back soon, comrade!

Offline CookAndrewB

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - New terrain Page 2 and 2nd AAR
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2020, 04:03:24 PM »
Fun report. The new objective markers look good too. I think the anomaly markers are appropriately shiny and alluring lol.

Offline dadlamassu

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - Now with 3rd AAR 17 Dec
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2020, 05:57:56 PM »
Right, listen in and listen close.  We have been successful so far, and lucky too with that anomaly and the gizmo we found there.  Today’s mission is to get into the basement of a big factory building that used to belong to Oraks.  The whole town was wiped out in the first incident.  The buildings are supposed to be pretty much intact and supposedly packed full of all sorts of salvage.  Be that as may be, the whole population is still there.  Dead.  That much sudden death leads to stories of curses and ghosts and monsters.   Everyone I’ve talked to knows of someone who went in and nobody knows anybody who came out.  But then if you find a few rich caches and make a fortune in there you’re not going to advertise it.  Are you?  Some say that the survivors of the townsfolk are still there, lurking in their homes and feeding on incomers. 

Anyway, we are going in to the Oraks factory building and into the basement.  Why?  Good question Newbie.  The key card we got says “Oraks Corporation, Research Laboratory 2 Main Building, Basement 3”.  It’s a big square concrete building more like a fort than a science lab. 

That’s why I’ve brought along Zaxary Nathly here.  He’s a veteran of the Zone and a champion salvager and scrounger.  Also he goes everywhere with his LMG.

So now you know, get your kit prepped and get some sleep.  This one is deep in the Yellow Zone so definitely more hairy than last time.

The Objective is the ugly concrete building in the centre:

Right from the start - "Contact. Zeds, wait out!" Zayne muttered into the mike.  Followed by a burst from his LMG.  "Two down, Two incoming!  Request support." 

Careful, your army training is showing", crackled in his earpiece.
"Contact, more Zeds.  You must have wakened them up!" said Edan.  Gunfire ripped the zombies apart. But if this was how it is in the Yellow Zone would they survive long enough to collect the prize?

It did not take long to deal with the Zeds but any delay was dangerous.  . "I just pissed my trousers," sobbed a voice.  "Calm it and cut the chatter.  More Zeds incoming,"  advised Edan calmly.
"Snap!  More here," said Zayne. 

Long range gunfire dealt with some of the Zombies but Edan was concerned, time was slipping away.  "Move it, Move it!" he called. 
Leaving the somewhat damp Slim as rear cover, Zayne and Gayge rushed forward.

They reached the wrecked cars were immediately attacked by more Zombies, "Clucking Bell! How many of them are there?"  shouted Gayge raising his assault rifle.

And missed.  Hand to hand was short but desperate.

Edan's group was simultaneously engaging a second wave of zombies.  "Blistering Backsides, more of them!"

But even firepower could not stop them all.  One reached Zaxary, "I think she fancies you!" called Karilla.

"Just my magnetic personality," he called back as he sliced the head off the zombie on one neat stroke with his kukri. 

Did things go quiet?  Nope - not in the Yellow Zone!

Zayne's bolt toss revealed a swarm of Zombies.

While Edan triggered a double swarm of giant rats, "I hate rats".

Both parties opened up with everything they had and wiped out all of the rats and zombies.  Time was running out!  "Charge the building.  Move it. Now!" shouted Edan urgently.  Karilla bounded onto the roof of a car and peered in. 
"Ooooh graceful! Were you a ballet dancer in a previous life?" Zaxary asked.  The reply is unprintable and would have made Edan blush if he had had the time to spare. 

Just as Harlyn was about to kick in the door Karilla shouted, "Watch it, Rad Ghouls inside.  About half a dozen!  All armed!"  Harlyn stopped in mid-kick and lost his balance.

Assault rifles blasted away as the Rad Ghouls rushed the door.  As the smoke cleared two could be seen charging forward.  "Heads down," called Zayne.  "I'll get them." A rattle of LMG fire and there was silence.

"Never enter a building through only one door! Ooops, my army training is showing again," smirked Zayne.  You could hear the smile!

Moments later the Team was inside and Zaxary triggered an anomaly searched it twice and survived by using his detector.  Meanwhile the others were choosing what to take from the basement. 

They were now heavily laden. Edan and Zayne swept the surroundings with their binoculars triggering two hotspots.  Both were swarming with figures - Rad Ghouls! 

"Pack up now, Time to go.  No stopping.  Go now. Go, go, go!"  And the Team obeyed.

The team rich in plunder and weapons escaped as fast as their legs would carry them. 

Another successful mission that nearly ran out of time.  The time pressure really makes these games exciting.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 06:01:04 PM by dadlamassu »

Offline iDreamofMinis

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - Now with 3rd AAR 17 Dec
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2020, 05:27:50 PM »
Nice report!  Looking forward to seeing how far these boys can go!

Offline CookAndrewB

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - Now with 3rd AAR 17 Dec
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2020, 09:24:47 PM »
The table has made the transition to "Zone" quite convincingly!

I think that anomaly looks brilliant... pun intended.

Offline Dentatus

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - Now with 3rd AAR 17 Dec
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2020, 01:59:55 PM »
Excellent. Good looking game.

Offline dadlamassu

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Re: The Delta Zone - Zona Alfa in Dedburgh - 21 Dec - 4th AAR
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2020, 05:28:20 PM »
“Well that meeting went well!  We have a new mission for which we will be paid handsomely,” Edan looked round the faces of his team. 

Zayne looked at him and interrupted him, “Paid handsomely, eh? That usually means a high chance of getting killed and a probability of a double cross at the end!” 

“Usually, that is true.  But this time it’s a proper contract with military support.  And we have an advance payment!”  The others mumbled.  “In the Yellow Zone there is a research station that has stopped sending reports.  They were gathering information on a new kind of mutant that they had captured.  Their last message was that their work was progressing well but their searches were meeting increasing opposition from bandits.  Their vehicle had not returned from its last run.  So they want us to go in and see what has happened.”

“Why don’t they send in an army team?  It’s a Government project,” asked Gayge. 

“It is not that simple.  Never is.  The army are already moving in with a convoy but they are not trusted by our employer to be careful enough.  Our last three successful runs have made quite an impression … And so I got a good fee.  SIX THOUSAND Credits – three now, three on completion plus any salvage is ours.  All we have to do is get in, meet the research team and secure the mutant until the convoy with the scientists gets there.  They expect to get there with a truck and private security detachment.”

“So let me get this straight,” interjected Zayne, “We go for a walk through the Blue Zone, into the Yellow Zone and babysit some researchers until the science cavalry get there.  Is that it.”

“In essence, yes.”

“Piece of cake then.” Smiled Zayne.  “All done by day after tomorrow, home in time for tea and medals.  Except no tea and no medals!  Just beer and parties! What could go wrong in the Yellow Zone?” 

“Okay, suits and boots in half an hour.”

The march through the Blue Zone followed a familiar route and was almost uneventful.  And so split into their usual teams, they came to the edge of town. 

The right flank ran immediately into an ambush (they triggered a Point of Interest card)  A shout of "Look out.  Hostiles was drowned by shotgun blasts from the ruin." 

Zayne fired back and his LMG jammed.  Soon it was over.  All three bandits paid the price for opening fire right away and not waiting to short range. 

At the same time on the other flank a swarm of zombies appeared and shambled forward.  "Hah! They're mine!" yhttp://leadadventureforum.com/Smileys/frankenstein/wink.gifelled Zaxary clicking of the safety and opening fire.  One burst then ... "Damn and Blast - Jammed!"

The zombies closed in and a desperate hand to hand struggle took place.  Edan fired his pistol.  Click - it jammed. The zombie slashed and wounded him while Zaxary dropped his. 

By the time the fight was over and all three zombies dispatched, Harlyn was down and Zaxary applied a med kit while Edan bound up his own wound and took an autoject to prevent infection.

"Jizuz wept that was tough.  Those Zeds are hard," muttered Zaxary as he cleared his jammed LMG. 

On the far side Zayne's eyes lit up as he rounded the corner.  "Well I never ... Three motor bikes and in running order!"

Karilla came up behind him and poked him bringing him back to reality.  "the panniers look well filled too!  While you've been goggling like a schoolboy we've picked up 3 shotguns and 3 pistols and some ammo." 

Scouting ahead Harlyn spots a bandit at the research station.  He hand signals back, then changes it, 2 hostiles.

He moves to get a better view and triggers a Point of Interest

Everyone rushes into cover as the squall hammers down.

Edan's team took cover in an unoccupied building while Zayne's team was split between the cab of a pickup (they are shown in the back for convenience)  and a ruin that only just offered shelter.

The mutant seemed to love the rain.  It was prancing and "singing" to Karilla as she approached after the rain.

Slim scouted ahead after the rain looking for a way in to the research compound and triggered a swarm of giant rats.   

As he had used his action he called for help.
Hearing his call Gayge standing in to of the pickup switch his aim from the bandits to the rats and fired off a 40mm grenade.  The rats not killed were pinned in place and a second grenade wiped them out.

The threat dealt with a firefight developed with the bandits occupying the research station.  "Time is running out - Clear the bandits. LMGs covering fire rest get in there. Now!" Edan yelled across the radio net.  After fierce short range gun battle all went quiet and the teams converged.

A near miss pinned Edan for an action but did not save the bandits who were wiped out.

A check of the area yielded 2 Assault Rifles, 3 more shotguns, grenades and supplies.  But no sign of the scientists, their computers, files or their escort.  And nobody left alive to ask. 

The next move (the 7th) the convoy arrived.  Naturally the Employer was somewhat dismayed that the scientists and their research were missing but very pleased to load up the shackled mutant.  Slim and Harlyn were assigned to guard it until pay day.

At the rear of the convoy Edan, Zayne and Karilla mounted the motorbikes to ride escort.  At least that is what they said.

A very profitable venture though a lot of ammunition and med kits were expended. 

But where are the missing scientists and their research.


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