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Author Topic: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: The Weirdstones  (Read 6855 times)

Offline Sunjester

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A great read, thanks! ;)

Online Spinal Tap

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Chapter Five  - The Gap of Wat Ford

This time the party are heading to the far South of the Island.

Following the battle with the Beastmaster the remainder of the party rested to regain their strength then headed back towards the Capital, with the body of Plissken slung across his horse.

On their way they are intercepted by a courier carrying a message from Marek.

‘Great news’ it read ‘go to my outpost on the border of the Southern Savage Lands and speak to my representative, Fergus; he has some exciting news about the whereabouts of a couple of Weirdstones. Get your arses down there double quick’.

The party agree to send Plissken with the courier to Marek for resurrection;  combined with his share from the venture the other three stumped up 100 Silver each and send Plissken, the money and the courier on their way.

Once they could return to An-Mor he would be able to rejoin them to complete the quest.

Holvand speaks, ‘OK boys, now that’s sorted, I want to get to Marek’s outpost as soon as possible. We will have to take a few risks with the Lizardkin to save 2 days travel; we’ll go via the Gap of Wat Ford’.

Set Up:

This is the Through The Badlands Scenario from the book but with a stream running along the length of the table roughly North to South.

Traps, Individual Rewards and Deployment as per the book – 4XP basic.

Starting Foes:

Giant Reptile

4 Snakemen

Horde of 3 Lizardmen

That May Come In Handy – The PC spots a Weirdstone is the nearest patch of terrain.

Victory Conditions: The party successfully leave the map to the South.

Complications: None.

Wandering Monster: A Reptile appears from a random edge and charges the closest PC.

P1250072 by markndebs, on Flickr

P1250076 by markndebs, on Flickr

P1250077 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn One – Holvand looses a fireball at Snakeman who’s a little too close for comfort, then Teleports Wicked Lester along the pass in the direction of the exit. Unfortunately, the Half Orc becomes disorientated and stumbles badly.

He regains his wits and stands but, being a little fogy still, stands on a scorpion and takes a wound. For whatever reason all the beats in the pass Frenzy, the Giant Reptile attacking a Snakeman who was foolhardy enough to get too close.

However, the Snakeman was much faster and tougher than he appeared and delivered 2 wounds to the huge wild beast. He quickly followed this with another 2 wounds as his own frenzy took him.

All the other monsters howled and hissed moving towards the party.

Olvir took the opportunity to catch up with Lester leaving the Mage a little exposed at the mouth of the pass.

P1250074 by markndebs, on Flickr

P1250075 by markndebs, on Flickr

P1250079 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Two – Holvand runs to catch up with the others then hastily attempts a Fireball spell at another Snakeman which fizzles out with little effect.

Olvir takes it on himself to end the snake and rushes at it, missing with 2 blows and receiving 2 wounds in return; it could have been much worse but a quick flick of his shield deflected one attack.
Olvir has only one wound left.

Wicked Lester advances to aid the dwarf, swapping blows to which the Snakeman finally succumbed, unfortunately leaving Lester with only 1 wound left as well.

P1250080 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Three – Holvand Teleports himself some distance up the pass but not so far that he can’t aid his wounded companions. However, he was dizzy and nauseous on returning to Terra Firma, and, despite thinking he was fine, he totally failed to Teleport Lester.

Lester takes matters into his own hands and runs towards the Mage as a horde of Lizardmen close in on Olvir, getting very close indeed.

Olvir, believing discretion is the better part of valour, hurries after the others and the party is rejoined.

P1250081 by markndebs, on Flickr

P1250082 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Four – Holvand again tries to Teleport his friends and his magic fails him completely (rolled a 1).

Lester and Olvir move along the pass, keeping the Mage in range of assistance and call for guidance.

Given the wounds suffered and the total loss of Mana, Holvand decides that they should abandon the field.

The Giant Reptile lunges again at the Snakeman, this time killing the brave humanoid snake.

Despite misgivings over the value of the Scales of the now weakened Giant Reptile and the as yet unfound Weirdstone, the two wounded friends leave the pass.

Holvand follows them moments later and they travel on to Marek’s Southern outpost.

On arrival Fergus, a rather large Faun, arranges healing, baths, food and booze.

The next morning he tells of another pass where Weirdstones coalesce naturally; he gives directions and a map and the band head out.

This scenario netted the crew 3 XP but no other wealth.

Given that it ended after only about 25 minutes I hastily adapted another scenario from the book, making it a bit tougher and more Weirdstony, to be played on the same board but this time bottom to top rather than right to left.

Will have this chapter of the adventure online later this week when I've had time to write it up- apparently I have to go to work to get paid or some such silliness!!!!!

Loved playing this scenario as it allowed me to use the dinosaurs I bought cheap at B and M Bargains and based with the cardboard box they came in, some terrain from when I first started (that I still love even though it looks naff compared to 3D printed stuff) and my newest fantasy painted stuff, the Snakemen.

Even though this scenario had to end early due to wounds, it was never fraught - the next episode was definitely more tense; I thought it was the end of the adventure with a total party kill but I got way with it just in time.

Offline Sunjester

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Absolutely superb and sounds like a lucky escape by the skin of their teeth!

Online Spinal Tap

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Chapter Six – Wild Weirdstones

The following morning the party are awake early and preparing to roll out to the location identified as having Weirdstones simply growing from the ground.

It’s a full days travel from the outpost but is at least on the way back to An-Mor.

Set Up:

This is basically the ‘In Search of Rare Herbs’ scenario with few changes to increase the difficulty and has 3XP – no bonus XP exist; the possible Weirdstone locations are placed on the board followed by the party and, finally, the starting foes -

2 Lizardmen per PC with half forming a horde and the others being spawned singly.

Snakemen equal to the number of players +1

Reptiles equal to the number of players

Terrain – water is treat as rough ground – note Snakemen and Lizardmen are not hindered in movement by any and all terrain and receives bonuses to their DL when in water.

3 possible locations for Weirdstones are placed randomly.

When a PC contacts a marker they perform a DL10 to pass search action with no modifiers.

Passing the test reveals a Weirdstone that can then be taken with an action; it must be moved off the table to count.

Passing the test with a 20 would reveal 2 Weirdstones – a Doubler.

If no Weirdstone is found at the first 2 locations then the 3rd will contain a Doubler on any passing roll.

Bribing – Snakemen can be bribed as per the scenario rules.

Scenario Event – a monk armed with a Crossbow appears and can be utilised as per the scenario rules.

Wandering Monsters – a Reptile with appear from a random position on a table edge and charge the nearest PC.

Complications – None.

Traps – as per card.

P1250083 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn One – the party decide to enter the area from the South-West corner as this places then nearest to all 3 possible locations.

Unfortunately a horde of Lizardmen and a single Snakemen are waiting close by.

P1250084 by markndebs, on Flickr

The horde reacts firsts and moves towards the party, maximising contact by each attacking a different PC; Wicked Lester kills his opponent stone dead but both Olvir and Holvand take a wound – not a good start.

Holvand retaliates and kills the Lizardman with his knife before shooting a Fireball at the nearby Snakeman, killing him too.

Meanwhile Lester moves to attack the remaining Lizardman engaged with Olvir and fells it with his sword as another Reptile appears, fortunately to the far East, although it’s lightning speed will easily bring it to range within a few turns.

P1250086 by markndebs, on Flickr

Olvir uses his Very Fast to move to, and search, to possible locations, one is no use but the other contains a small, but perfectly formed, Weirdstone.

P1250087 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Two – Olvir picks up the Weirdstone and sticks it in his bag before moving roughly towards the final area to be searched. He ensures he’s not too  close to the Reptile and remaining Snakemen who are pretty much guarding the search area, and awaits his companions.

Holvand attempts to Teleport Lester up to Olvir but fails. Meanwhile Lester decides to run the distance but runs into a bear trap instead. Although his strength allows him to escape he still has 1 wound and movement reduced by 1 until he is healed.

Turn Three -  Holvand moves to support Olvir and a third reptile appears.

P1250088 by markndebs, on Flickr

Lester was about to take a healing potion when yet another Reptile appears (how many Wandering Monster cards are in this deck?), this time close to Olvir. It charges and inflicts grievous wounds upon the Dwarf putting him Out of Action.

Lester decides to forgo healing and take a shot at the Reptile before it can go for the nearby Holvand; he does wound it but can’t, at this point, take it down.

The noise attracts a pair of nearby Lizardmen who moves rapidly towards him.

P1250089 by markndebs, on Flickr

P1250090 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Four – Lester prepares to shoot again but the Reptile reacts first, launches at Holvand and takes him to the ground and Out of Action as well.

Lester coolly takes an Aimed Shot – with his bonuses he only needs to roll a 3 to hit and kill.

He rolls a 2.

P1250091 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Five- Wicked Lester in now the last man standing with a field full of variously vicious reptilians.

He takes another aimed shot at the Reptile, this time killing it.

P1250092 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Six- Lester moves to Holvand, administers a Healing Potion and checks on the Mage; he’s comatose but will survive so long as he can be moved to safety. Lester needs to go check Olvir too so takes a potion himself to allow him to cover the required distance easier.

Turn Seven – Lester moves to Olvir, administers his last Healing Potion and checks the dwarf’s condition. Luckily he’s wounded but can walk, talk and fight albeit poorly.

(-2 to all rolls and moves at half speed).

Olvir stands and starts to move off the field of battle.

‘Oy’, shouts Lester, ‘don’t forget this’, tossing the dwarf his bag with his possessions and, more importantly, the Weirdstone in.

P1250093 by markndebs, on Flickr

There’s little chance of finding another Weirdstone now so Lester decides his time will be best spent recovering the unconscious Mage whilst Olvir attempts to leave under his own steam.

He moves to the Mage, stumbling somewhat but recovering, before hoisting his friend onto his back.

Turn Eight – Olvir manages to get to safety with the Weirdstone and Lester hurries to follow, stepping on a Scorpion as he goes to reduce his health to 1HP; he does manage to follow Olvir to safety with a loud sigh of relief.

This was a really fun scenario and, despite it being only a souped up basic one, it caused real problems. I was pretty convinced for a while that this was the end of the Weirdstones adventures and a total party kill was on it’s way.

As it was the group survived with a Weirdstone, three less Healing Potions and only 2 HP between the three of them.

It does show though how small increases in difficulty can, especially if your dice rolls are poor, really make a game difficult (but satisfying).

The dishevelled party return wearily to An-Mor with the still comatose Holvand slung over his ride, he will recover but it will take a while.

Following extensive healing, rest and recuperation the party spent their last cash on Healing Potions, swapped a couple of items for even more Healing Potions, collected Plissken from the Temple and made ready to get back out in the wilds.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 07:18:13 AM by Spinal Tap »

Offline Sunjester

  • Mastermind
  • Posts: 1598
Great stuff!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds that the "Wandering Monster" cards seem to multiple in the course of a game! lol

Offline robh

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Excellent stuff.

Did you save Plissken purely for sympathy or do you have a narrative hook for him?

Online Spinal Tap

  • Mastermind
  • Posts: 1073
Excellent stuff.

Did you save Plissken purely for sympathy or do you have a narrative hook for him?

He's one of only two heroes I have armed with bows and the other ones had lots of use.

I really need to get a couple more ranged fighters.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 08:17:40 AM by Spinal Tap »

Online Spinal Tap

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Chapter Seven – Prisoners

Marek receives word that a pair of his employees, Iset and Nubia, had found a Weirdstone on their way back from Lionhome, capital city of the Land of the Catfolk, Andamon.

Unfortunately, the report goes on to say that they had been captured by Gnolls on their return from their homeland and were currently being held for ransom.

Marek asks Holvand if he would travel to the Crystal Forest and free the Catwomen; Holvand readily agrees.

Set Up.
The table is a mass of rocks and strange plants with, in the middle of the Northern side, a cave entrance where the Catwomen are being held.
The PCs enter in the centre of the Southern side, opposite the cave mouth.

That May Come in Handy: is not a Weirdstone for this scenario.

Traps:  The Gnolls have set up a number of snares on the field (treat as a roll of 19/20 on the trap table), do not remove the trap card after it has been played.

2 Gnolls per PC split evenly into 2 hordes and placed randomly on the field.
Player +1 Gnoll Matriarchs, placed randomly on the field.

When the AMBUSH! card is drawn, 1 Gnoll leaps out from the nearest cover.

Reinforcements: 1d6 Gnolls

They are at our backs: Roll a D6:

1-4 – 1xD6 Gnolls/Gryph Hounds
5-6 – 3 Monks of Odersfelt Abbey who will attempt to keep the escape route open – only one group at a time; if even a single monk remains then a 5-6 will do nothing.

The Brothers will activate in a group of 3 and remain within 4” of the exit at all times.
The group activates as if they are a PC, roll up to 3d6 as usual, all Brothers in the group will have the same number of actions.
If the Brothers fail any activation rolls, they DO NOT draw event cards.
They do not receive any bonuses for ranged combat and suffer-2 to melee rolls.
They will not voluntarily move into contact with a foe, but will fight to defend themselves if a foe attacks them.
(Note the number of surviving monks at the end of this scenario as they will be still holding the exit for the next one).

Complications: None

Scenario Event: A Gnoll Matriarch Archer emerges from the cave entrance.

Wandering Monster: If a wandering monster card is drawn, roll a d6.
1-5 – 1 x D3 Gryph Hounds
6 – The Gnoll Queen and her Alpha Gryph Hound – he is placed randomly D6 inches away from her and he has a Weirdstone as decoration on his harness – kill the Alpha to collect the stone.

Victory Conditions: The PCs must cross the table and enter the cave, barricading it against the Gnolls as they go.

Other individual rewards: A PC carrying an out-of-action PC off the table gains 1 XP. Killing the Queen earns 1XP.

P2060072 by markndebs, on Flickr

P2060073 by markndebs, on Flickr

Figures are randomly placed by D20 by D20 rolls but have all managed to be directly between the heroes and the target.

Turn One – Holvand attempts a Teleport spell to move him self forwards to an elevated position out of line of sight of the Matriarch archer. He Fails. Three times.

Plissken moves forward to bring the enemies into LOS as three monks from Odersfelt Abbey, armed with those strange modern ‘guns’ appear to aid the party (roll 6 on Wandering Monster).

As Wicked Lester holds round and Olvir starts to flank the oncoming Gnolls the lead Matriarch responds and advances.

The monks fire off a volley of shots at her, all but one miss but the hit is critical (20) and she is downed.

P2060077 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Two -

Holvand fails his spells again (it’s going to be one of those days) as a Gnoll ambushes Lester. He kills it and moves toward Olvir’s position by the trees.

The closest horde moves towards the pair and Plissken kills one with a well aimed shot.

As the Gnolls continue to advance Olvir notices that the lead beast is wearing a huge golden chain (He’s Loaded) and he moves to greet the beast with his hammer.

The monks loose off again and kill another 2 Gnolls – they seem to be the only ones really doing anything!

P2060080 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Three – Another Gnoll Matriarch, this time an archer, emerges from the cave mouth (Scenario Event), Holvand again attempts to Teleport Wicked Lester forward, fails on attempt one and his magic fails completely on the second attempt (rolls a 1). He’s having an awful day with 5 fails spells and now cannot cast magic again for the rest of the battle).

Wicked Lester advances on foot, shoots at a Gnoll Matriarch and misses; Plissken lends his fire at her and kills her with his second shot.

As the monks dig in with no targets Olvir advances to the bridge.

P2060082 by markndebs, on Flickr

P2060084 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Four – Holvand can do little now but move forward and try to keep out of the way.

A Gnoll horde rushes to the side of their Matriarch just as Lester fires an aimed shot and rolls a critical hit, killing her. The Horde howl with grief and rage.

A Monster Frenzy ensues and the enraged horde attack Olvir, he manages to kill one but takes 2 wounds in the process and is still engaged at the end of his turn.

Plissken can do little to help except move to a better firing position.

Again the monks merely hold their ground.

P2060085 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Five – Plissken takes an aimed shot at the Matriarch archer and scores a killing hit as Olvir dispatches another of the Gnoll horde. He then uses his Whirlwind of Steel to try for another, fails and takes a blow which drops him to the ground (OOA).

Lester takes 2 shots at the other advancing horde but misses both.

Holvand sprints forward to check on Olvir, glad to be doing something useful, administers a potion and checks the Dwarf; ‘just a flesh would’ and Olvir is back on his feet.

He immediately advances on 2 Gnolls using his Whirlwind of Steel to kill both.

The monks continue to defend the exit.

P2060086 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Six – Holvand stumbles into a snare and struggles but fails to release himself as another horde of Gnoll appear to the North East and 2 Gryph Hounds appear ‘at our backs’ attacking the three monks. In the first exchange one monk and one Hound are killed.

The Gnoll horde advances twice on Plissken (Horde Activates twice!!) who looses off a shot and misses.

Olvir moves to the Snakeman’s aid and kills all but one of the Gnolls but then goes down again to a hit from the last one.

The monks manage to kill the remaining Gryph Hound and recommence their guard duties.

Turn Seven – Holvand breaks free of the snare and is immediately attacked by the Gnoll which he kills with his knife.

Plissken joins him on the bridge and Lester moves up towards them as the monks hold position.

Turn Eight – Plissken moves to Olvir and checks him out – he’s dead. The others move up to join him as the Gnoll Queen appears far away across the battlefield with her Alpha Gryph Hound close by. Plissken’s keen eyes notice that the beast has a Weirdstone embedded into it’s harness.

P2060087 by markndebs, on Flickr

P2060088 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Nine – the party carry Olvir’s lifeless body into the cave, collapse a roof section and hastily barricade the entrance.

Moving further into the cave complex they find no Gnolls but eventually reach a series of cells holding the Catfolk, Iset and Nubia.

A hurried conversation ensues and the following is agreed:

The party will use the potions in the guards room to heal their wounds, Holvand will rest and regain his Mana, they will hide, and magically protect, the Dwarf’s body in one of the side caves, sealing it off from the Gnolls and the Catwomen will give Holvand location of the Weirdstone they had hidden from the Gnolls.

After laying the brave dwarfs body to rest in the cave the party ate and slept in preparation for their flight to safety.

As Holvand’s magic grew so he cast a protection spell on Olvir which would preserve his body for many years and allow it’s recovery and resurrection at some future time; the whole party, including Iset and Nubia swore to it.

Offline Sunjester

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Re: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: Chapter Seven-The Prisoners 07.02.21
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2021, 09:47:23 AM »
Another great story!
I am really enjoying this campaign and can't wait for the next installment. :D

Offline BZ

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Re: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: Chapter Seven-The Prisoners 07.02.21
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2021, 08:05:05 AM »
You have some great looking monsters!

Offline robh

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Re: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: Chapter Seven-The Prisoners 07.02.21
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2021, 11:16:51 AM »
This is a great campaign, it's been fun following the stories.

Offline Mister Frau Blucher

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Re: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: Chapter Seven-The Prisoners 07.02.21
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2021, 02:10:08 PM »
I've enjoyed following these, too. Thanks for writing them up!

Online Spinal Tap

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Re: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: Chapter Seven-The Prisoners 07.02.21
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2021, 08:47:43 AM »
Thanks all, glad you like it.

I think there's one or two more adventures before the 5 Weirdstones are secured, there's 3 in Holvand's vault, one hidden by Iset and Nubia that can be collected from it's hiding place on the way home, and a final one on the Alpha Gryph Hound if he can be killed and searched as the party makes it's escape.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2021, 07:33:27 AM by Spinal Tap »

Online Spinal Tap

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Re: Sellswords and Spellslingers campaign: Chapter Seven-The Prisoners 07.02.21
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2021, 04:22:41 PM »
Chapter Eight – Make A Run For It

When all felt rested enough to fight they set about dismantling the collapsed roof and barricades that had kept them safe from the Gnolls outside.

With three Weirdstones already in Holvand’s vault back in Dorantia, another obtained by the Catfolk and one not far from the cave it seemed the adventure was nearly over.

There was just the matter of a Gnoll Queen, her Alpha and her minions to deal with first.

It was going to be a long day.

Set Up.
The field of battle remains the same as the previous scenario with whatever number of monks surviving the first encounter here still waiting t provide covering fire.

The party enter via the cave mouth and need to exit anywhere along the Southern edge; the 2 remaining monks will provide covering fire for as long as possible.

That May Come in Handy: is not Weirdstone for this scenario.

Traps:  The Gnolls have set up a number of snares on the field (treat as a roll of 19/20 on the trap table), do not remove the trap card after it has been played.

2 Gnolls per PC split evenly into 2 hordes and placed randomly on the field.

The Gnoll Queen placed randomly with her Alpha placed D6 away from her. The Alpha has a Weirdstone on it’s harness which can be obtained if a PC kills the beast.

When the AMBUSH! card is drawn, 1 Gnoll leaps out from the nearest cover.

Reinforcements: 1d6 Gnolls/Gryph Hounds

They are at our backs: Will for this scenario appear at their fronts where the party first entered the map in the previous scenario. Roll a D6:

1-4 – 1xD6 Gryph Hounds
5-6 – 3 Monks of Odersfelt Abbey who will attempt to keep the escape route open – only one group at a time; if even a single monk remains then a 5-6 will do nothing.

The Brothers will activate in a group of 3 and remain within 4” of the exit at all times.
The group activates as if they are a PC, roll up to 3d6 as usual, all Brothers in the group will have the same number of actions.
If the Brothers fail any activation rolls, they DO NOT draw event cards.
They do not receive any bonuses for ranged combat and suffer-2 to melee rolls.
They will not voluntarily move into contact with a foe, but will fight to defend themselves if a foe attacks them.
(Note the number of surviving monks at the end of this scenario as they will be still holding the exit for the next one).

Complications: None

Scenario Event: None

Wandering Monster: A Gnoll Matriarch appears from a random table edge, odds with an axe, evens with a bow.

Victory Conditions: The PC must cross the field and escape anywhere along the Southern edge.

Other individual rewards: A PC carrying an out-of-action PC off the table gains 1 XP.
Killing the Queen earns 1XP.

P2150076 by markndebs, on Flickr

P2150080 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn One – Holvand moves to bring a Gnoll horde into LOS, casts fireball and destroys all five in a single fiery blast.

Iset moves over to Holvand as does Nubia, as the second Gnoll horde moves to flank the party.

Plissken is ambushed by a lone Gnoll warrior, he kills it easily and advances to try to bring the Gnoll Queen and Alpha Gryph Hound into LOS.

As Wicked Lester kills a single Gnoll from the horde 3 Gryph Hounds appear near the monks and immediately attack; one Gnoll killed and a single monk remaining.

The monk kills a Hound with his knife then shoots the other dead.

The party have all nearly reached the bridge and are staying close to safeguard each other.

P2150081 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Two – The horde activates, moving closer to one of the lionesses. One feels particularly brave and continues his charge into combat with her.

Big mistake.

Plissken continues to advance and manages to get both the Queen and her Alpha into sight and range.

Holvand seems to be on form after such a dismal display on the way in and killed the 3 remaining Gnolls with another well executed fireball.

Not to be outdone, Lester moved to the bridge alongside Plissken and loosed off a bolt at the Alpha – great shot and the beast fell.

Nubia moved forward while Iset held the ground, as did the remaining monk.

P2150083 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Three – seems I spoke too soon as Holvand’s Mana spectacularly failed him again; with the exception of highly risky Blood Casting he would be sending no ore fireballs today.

To make amends he volunteers to get the Weirdstone from the Alpha and rushes forward, putting himself close to the Queen.

Plissken gets a great opportunity to fire off two aimed shots (20, 17, 11) and both hit their target; the Gnoll Queen has joined her Alpha in death.

There are currently no monsters on the field so it’s simply a case of grabbing the loot and heading home.

Nubia rushes past Holvand to the body of the Gryph Hound as Lester and the monk hold their positions to provide cover.

Turn Four – Nubia removes the Weirdstone from the Alpha’s Harness and starts to head back to the bridge.

Meanwhile Iset takes the crown from the dead Queen’s head and starts her own retreat.

Lester and Plissken continue to hold the bridge as the sisters move towards safety.

Meanwhile a Gnoll Matriarch archers appears close to the monk and kills the poor man before he can react.

As Holvand moves South she begins to advance towards him.

P2150084 by markndebs, on Flickr

P2150085 by markndebs, on Flickr 

Turn Five- Iset and Nubia both reach the bridge safely as Plissken lines up a long shot at the Gnoll Matriarch. His aim is hindered somewhat by it starting to rain but he holds his nerves and drops the Gnoll dead.

P2150086 by markndebs, on Flickr

P2150087 by markndebs, on Flickr

Wicked Lester moves to the body to loot it before realising they don’t carry loot.

As Holvand follows he steps and a scorpion but luckily squashes it flat before it can harm bite him.

Turn Six – All five adventurers move South.

P2150088 by markndebs, on Flickr

Turn Seven – All the party are within 2 moves of leaving the field.

Nubia and Lester leave then Iset is ambushed by a Gnoll. She takes a wound but kills the beast moments later.

A horde of 4 Gnolls appear to the East but are a long way off and of no concern to the remaining party.

Plissken moves to the edge but holds his ground now Iset is wounded.

Holvand stands his ground near Iset for moral support until she can make the 2 moves off the battle field.

Turn Eight – Holvand now leaves as there’s little more he can do. As Iset prepares to follow him 2 Gnoll Matriarch archers appear, one far to the North but the other only a short distance from the wounded lioness.

It hasn’t got LOS at this time but moves itself so it will be able to shoot the next chance it gets.

As Plissken scrabbles for an arrow the creature looses one of it’s own and Iset growls and falls.

Prepared at last he moves and shoots but misses.

Turn Nine – Plissken shoots once more and misses again as the horde advances.

Turn Ten – Plissken notes that this Matriarch is a bit bigger and tougher than the others ‘That’s a Big One’ and has one more HP than normal – he must now hit her twice.

Turn Eleven – The horde has now crossed the river, it’s becoming a threat now.

Plissken takes 2 wounds from the Gnoll, returns fire and misses again.

Turn Twelve – Plissken takes a shot and hits. He needs to hit again on his second shot or they’re in trouble; he takes an age to aim, looses the arrow and the great Gnoll Archer falls.

Turn Thirteen – As the horde advances again Plissken finally reaches Iset, administers a potion then has a closer look at how she’s doing – still comatose.

Turn Fourteen – Plissken hoists the injured lioness onto his shoulder and leaves the field.

That was a close call after such an easy start.

The band of weary adventurers make their way slowly back to Lionhome via the caves where the sisters had hidden the other Weirdstone they had found.

They quickly hire a ship to speed them back to Dorantia and arrive a week later at Marek’s Adventuring Service.

Holvand wanders to his vault, collects the three Weirdstones stored there, and takes them, with the two collected in Andamon, to Marek.

To say he’s pleased is an understatement, he nearly smiled, not once but twice.

He also told them that he had sent a group to recover Olvir’s body and, once resurrected, was going to send the dwarf out with some raw recruits to toughen them up and pay off the life debt.

With their payment in their pockets the adventurers go their separate ways…..but not for long.

Offline Elbows

  • Galactic Brain
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Where is the fur-clad mage figure from?  I like that guy.
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