I'm personally quite pleased SG stayed similiar to FG, I'm starting to have problems with getting rules confused from various systems!
And I disagree that the background is too generic - I'd rather have a (relatively) blank canvas to put my backstory than a fixed one where, if I want to deviate, I run the risk of getting bitched at by other players (like my [very old] plans for a SM Chapter of mutants, or when anyone brings up female SM).
All that said, I can understand that *Grave mechanics aren't for everyone, and that some people had hoped for a system that divulged more than it did - horses for courses, and no system is going to please everyone.
My biggest gripe with the book is the artwork - after the gorgeous art in both 1e and 2e FG (and GA) the art in SG seems pretty poor to me (although much, much better than I could manage).