I am back after my Taiwan trip.
Last week I experimented with the new fence for the Proxxon and made all of the compound walls and the church tower.
The pieces were skinned and then textured with rollers.
The MDF windows from Shifting Lands look far too small of this size of model so I found an STL of a Romanesque Window and printed a set of windows.
This was a task in itself as it is a long time since I last used the 3D printer and the first two sets failed.
I thought about it and made a new layout with the windows at 45 degrees to the bed but starting at the outside edges.
This layout worked.

I found the best way to fit the windows was to hold a scalpel vertically and cut in the foam using the window as a template.
This was much better than using the hot wire cutter.
Yesterday, I made the church roof and the gatehouse. The roofs have a double pitch.
First I made a roof with a shallow 30 degree pitch and then cut it off parallel to the floor.
Then I made a 60 degree triangle and glued it on top.
Both roofs were covered with plasticard rooftile from Greenstuff World.
The outer walls were capped with corrugated card as this looked much better than the plasticard.
I added magnets to the wall corners so that they snap in place and hold together.

In German they talk about a building completing the "raw build" and I would say that that is where this is up to.
There is still a lot to do.