Hello everyone, here's the army that kickstarted my SAGA journey. It's supposed to work as both Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Danes

Warlords (AS on foot and AD on foot, both Gripping Beast; Mounted AS Conquest Medieval Archer body on GB horse,)

Standard Hearthguards (all GB)

Hearthguards w/ Heavy Weapons (Victrix and Wargames Foundry)

Mounted Hearthguards (GB Dark Age cavalry with poorly made greenstuff chainmail


Melee Levy/Warriors (Mostly GB, with some Conquest Medieval Archer bodies)

Bow Levy (Conquest Medieval Archers)

Mercenary Scouts (GB Welsh Bonnedig, the leader's head is from Oathmark human cavalry)

Mercenary Shieldmaidens (kitbashed from a variety of kits, including Frostgrave Barbarians II, Conquest Archers, Oathmark Humans, WHFB dark elves and the Welsh bonnedig pictured above)