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Author Topic: Last Train to Fischhausen  (Read 2337 times)

Offline 7dot62mm

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Last Train to Fischhausen
« on: December 17, 2023, 08:24:09 PM »

Gemigabok presents...

Last Train to Fischhausen - A Chain of Command scenario

Last Train to Fischausen is a scenario included in the TooFatLardies 2014 Christmas Special...

We're playing Chain of Command rules with a 6x4 table and 20mm figures.

In preparation for our Königsberg 1945 campaign, we decided to play this scenario in January 2023 as it features much of the same equipment as the campaign, even though it chronologically takes place after the campaign.

We have Aksu as the Soviets while Ukko plays the Germans. This should be good practice for the campaign.

It is April 1945 and the city of Königsberg – the future Kalingrad – is again surrounded by the Red Army. In a bid to finally invade the city, the Soviets launch another offensive...

The Soviet armored spearhead's objective is to seize the station as it controls both the road and the railway to Fischhausen and Pillau. The Germans must prevent this.

This is a Big Chain of Command scenario. The Germans start with one and the Soviets with two platoons. What's more, both sides know that they have armored reinforcements on the way. The scenario states that the Soviet tanks will arrive on Turn 3 and those of the Germans on Turn 4, but as I'm concerned that we won't get that far before the game ends tonight, I shorten these times by one Turn each.

That' turns out to be unnecessary however as we actually end up playing this scenario for three evenings!

After Patrol Phase, the game begins. Two late-model T-34/76s trundle onto the table...

Both of them go on overwatch....

It doesn't long until some Soviet SMG men are seen moving near the water tower...

As this is a Big Chain of Command game, Ukko gets a free CoC die because he has one platoon fewer than the attacker.

More of the Desanti appear near the smallest warehouse...

The Russians near the water tower approach the grey residential buildings.... Aksu has rolled a double phase and is threatening to disable the German jump-off point there...

Ukko plays his CoC die and suddenly it turns out that a German LMG team is located upstars...

The MG42 fires a looong burst which takes out two of the submachine gunners and causes the rest two points of shock...

The Desants run closer to the house, out of the arc of fire of the defenders.

Closer to the tanks, Aksu dispatches a scout patrol...

They're heading toward the German jump-off point on this side of the table.

At the intersection, Ukko deploys a section of infantry...

...who quickly start moving towards the biggest warehouse.

While one T-34 stands guard, the other starts moving...

Propelled by its 500 horsepower engine, the lead T-34 speeds down the field... 

When suddenly a group of Hitler Youth boys fire a Panzerfaust at it!

The deafening explosion sets the tank on fire and destroys the crew!

But Soviet vengeance is immediate, the T-34 at the other end of the road lobs a 76mm shell at the boys which kills one of them. The rest scamper away...

A third T-34/76 enters the fray...

This is the tank platoon leader's vehicle.

The other T-34 makes its way towards the railway cars and the smallest warehouse beyond it...

It stops at the corner of the warehouse...

Here it has a very calming effect on the panzergrenadiers trying to make their way up the street...

In the other intersection, Ukko's men gun down the Soviet scout team, but are immediately subjected to more T-34 cannon fire...

Concerned by the T-34 down the street, Ukko sends a team into the large warehouse...

The Soviets are now moving along the railway line...

The tank turns onto the street...

...which causes Ukko to pull his men out of harm's way.

The T-34 goes on overwatch dominating the street...

We continue the game a week later. On the Soviet right flank, Aksu deploys the rest of his section.

To counter them, Ukko deploys a section behind a hedge.

The fire is not terribly successful as not all of the Germans can see the Russians. But one of the SMG gunners is nevertheless grievously wounded...

Someone throws a smoke grenade which hinders the line of sight...

In the rail yard, the other Russian squad is advancing...

They too fling a smoke grenade to give cover to their approach...

The tank platoon leader's vehicle is advancing... soon it will be able to target the Germans behind the wall on the right flank...

But the Germans are unlikely to run out of anti-tank weaponry in a late-war scenario such as this...

Indeed, a Panzerschreck team materializes out of nowhere!

Achtung! Feuer! … the loader shouts... the gunner pulls the trigger... with a mighty bang the rocket speeds away...

It is a near miss! The location of the Panzerschreck team is now revealed.

The platoon leader turns his turret and aims - in a T-34/76 the platoon leader is of course also his own tank's gunner – and sends a shell towards the Shreck team... Protected by the stone wall, they only get a point of shock...

Destroying the command T-34 would be a good thing force-moralewise, and the Russians only have one other tank left. Therefore Ukko deploys his 7.5 cm PAK 40 anti-tank gun...

”Ziel T-34, dreißig Kilometer pro Stunde, ein hundert Meter! Achtung! Feuer!”


But it is another near miss!

On the Soviet phase, the command tank fires another shell at the Panzerschreck team causing a further point of shock...

Then the T-34 moves out of the field of fire of the very dangerous anti-tank gun...

In CoC an anti-tank gun is often more dangerous than a Panzerschreck team because it activates on both a 1 or a 3, whereas the Panzerschreck requires a 1 to activate.

On the other flank, the other T-34 is on the move, accelerating towards the big warehouse...

The command tank reaches the red brick warehouse.

Schweinhund! Der T-34 ist behind ze brick warehouse gegangen!”

Aksu's Desanti have gone tactical, as indicated by the rock.

Despite the cover provided by the hedge and the smoke grenade, another two men have now fallen... and the squad has two points of shock. One of the defenders has also bitten the dust...

But Aksu cannot win this game if he stays put. He runs his medium machinegun team and his senior leader... out of the Talhausen warehouse/station building...

The T-34 likewise finds a convenient window at this end of the warehouse... and goes on overwatch to prevent any Germans sneaking up on it through the warehouse...

Soon the MMG is placed onto the goods platform of the largest warehouse...

Meanwhile the situation of the section on the right flank is getting more and more desperate... they now have three men and three points of shock and are on the verge of becoming pinned...

Some Russians have lodged themselves into the brick warehouse and are shooting from out of the windows... The PAK 40 fires a delayed-action HE shell into the building...

The command tank is once again approaching the Germans on that flank... looking for an angle from which the crew could see the enemy behind the wall...

Another shell crashes into the wall nearby, showering the defenders with shrapnel and stone shards...

But the Germans are able to kill the LMG loader of the already decimated squad and this is enough to send the Junior Leader and the gunner running back towards where they came from.

Aksu's attempt to take the German jump-off point has failed.

By moving towards the infantry behind the wall, the command T-34 has again partly exposed itself to the German anti-tank gun... Ratch-boom! it fires again...

Offline 7dot62mm

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2023, 08:25:06 PM »

It is yet another near miss... the third in this game... how lucky can one tank get...

Ukko feels that his men are badly exposed in their present location – the Russians could pop up from behind the corner of the building at any time now... To get at least some cover, he has concoted a plan... he throws a smoke hand grenade backwards, toward his own lines...

But then an unforeseen turn end interrupts his plan. The German jump-off-point in the residential building, disabled by the SMG men at the beginning of the game, disappears.

All smoke is likewise gone...

And as this is now the second Turn, Aksu's reinforcements arrive... a platoon of three T-34/85s!

The new arrivals immediately take the anti-tank gun under fire... the first shell causes two points of shock...

Another T-34/85 appears on the road...

The second shell is much better aimed and kills two gunners, causing a further two points of shock...

The gun crew are now almost pinned...

Ukko moves his men onto the road again...

But... (cue in Jaws main theme...)

The T-34 in the warehouse backs a bit and shoots the grenadiers with its mighty 76mm gun...

Luckily the result is just a single point of shock...

At this point Ukko is facing three Soviet platoons with his infantry platoon...

But we then remind him that there are renforcements on the way on the next Turn...

The T-34s shoot again, killing one more gunner and pinning the gun crew...

Ukko withdraws his men from the stone wall.

We continue the game a week later... Ukko plays his CoC die, bringing in the Feuer Brigade...

Over the course of the war the Germans perfected a technique of having a unit of armor in standby reserve, to be deployed wherever most needed...

Here the Fire Brigade consists of one Tiger and two Panzer IV ausf Js...

Uninterested in being blown to bits by the German monster, the T-34 on this flank disappears behind the largest warehouse...

Have you noticed that although the ausf J was a very prevalent version of the Panzer IV, it is never mentioned in any later-war CoC campaigns?

The jump-off-point in the grey house destroyed, the second SMG section is now making its way towards the fighting when it is targeted by the Tiger...

Two of the men die, the rest getting two points of shock...

The Panzer IVs fire, the next shell slams into the lead T-34/85, destroying it...

The other Panzer IV takes out the second T-34/85... German tank gunnery is obviously first class – they've had lots of practice!

The squad targeted by the Tiger – or rather, what is left of it – runs out of view.

As the street is under Tiger 88 mm fire, Aksu moves his tank to the railway side of the buildings...

Ukko's men are again in a firefight with the Russians in the brick building.

The Tiger turns and now targets the men in the brick warhouse...

The Russians in the building back away from the window...

Meanwhile, the platoon leader's T-34 inches towards the corner of the building...

Aksu has turned his other T-34 onto the railway tracks...

Here he is temporarily in a defilade from the frightening tanks of the Fire Brigade...

Aksu cannot win this scenario if he stays put, he must advance! The T-34 roars as it speeds towards the enemy...

On the Soviet right flank, the platoon leader of the T-34/85 platoon arrives, parking his tank in partial cover, behind the smoking remains of the rest of his platoon...

The tank shoots at the Panzer IV but misses...

The Panzer IV drives over the PAK 40, deserted by its crew...

From here it will be possible to take the advancing T-34/76 under fire...

The platoon leader reverses, hoping to get out of sights of the Panzers, should they come around the corner. 

Aksu must keep the pressure on on the right flank. Thus his two-man squad again advances towards the Germans. This should keep the German section where it is now...

Ukko drives his Tiger onto the railway tracks....

The 88mm gun barks...

.. the shell glancing off the front of the tank... the T-34's driver gets an point of shock and is unable to act...

The HJ boys are back, now hiding behind a stone wall...

Here they can target the two men who comprise Aksu's second squad.

It is the Russian's phase... The T-34 has one round of improved APCR ammunition for its gun... the tank commander orders the loader to load it up...

Fire! The APCR shot smashes into the front armor of the Tiger but is unable to defeat it... what remains of the shot bounces off...

The Tiger shoots back, hitting the vehicle squarely in the center and starting a fierce ammunition fire...

One of the Panzer IVs moves so that it is able to target the T-34/76 platoon leader's tank...

One of the Panzer IVs moves so that it is able to target the T-34/76 platoon leader's tank...

The Panzer takes a shot at the T-34 but misses its target...

The last T-34/85 tries to hit the Tiger, but it is another miss...

The Tiger's heavy turret turns...

But before Ukko has a chance to fire, The T-34/85 speeds away, trying to make it to the brick warehouse, out of sight of the German monster...

At this point this has become a tank battle, with the infantry not really relevant any more...

Ukko's second section has lost its leader, and they have four points of shock...

The only remaining Soviet tanks are the two platoon leaders' tanks...

The T-34/76 platoon leader sends a shell at the exposed Panzer IV...

The Panzer is hit, but there is no damage...

The Panzer then shoots back a Panzergranate 39, but that shell too bounces off its target in a shower of sparks... this is something like the forth time that this T-34 has gotten lucky...

The other Panzer now targets the T-34/85 platoon leader...

The ammunition of the tank explodes, sending the turret flying...

The white T-34 then fires another shell at the Panzer IV and this time there is a result...

The Panzer is now on fire...

On the Soviet right flank, the HJ boys have lost one of them, but are firing at the two-man Soviet section there...

The leader of the squad is knocked out, and the loss causes the Soviet Force Morale to fall low enough that the game is over...

Aksu's forces now consist of around ten infantrymen and one T-34 tank, so there is no point in continuing...

Ukko still has undeployed forces – a machinegun, some old Volksturm men, and one more grenadier section. But there aren't that many good places to deploy them. 

The battle is over, the Germans have won.

It was nice to finally get to field these two Panzer IVs which I've had for years but never used in a game.

We really enjoyed playing this scenario! There are too few good Big Chain of Command scenarios out there. There's a lot of hardware here but it kind of works in the flow of the game as they are introduced piecemeal.

Our Königsberg 1945 campaign reports will start appearing here soon.

Some of our Chain of Command campaigns and games:
Rajajoki Station http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4857
Fire in the Sky http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4055
Fangs of the Wolf https://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4954
April 9th http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3636
Citadel – The Breakthrough – Grossdeutschland Attack at Kursk  http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1353

Other Games:
The Drive on Minsk; http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=815
Unternehmen Nordwind: http://thewargamersforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&p=30957

Our Clubs:
GeMiGaBoK: http://www.the-ancients.com/gemigabok/
Stadin Strategit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/474796192532203

Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2023, 09:43:13 PM »
WOW! What an AAR! Fantastic! Excellent photography! Awesome way to capture the game!
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Offline dickiegranthum

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2023, 02:05:36 AM »
Brilliant! I feel like I’m right there in the game - like, Fischhausen by Proxy!  :D

Online snitcythedog

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2023, 01:19:02 PM »
Very nice write up of what looks like a hard fought game.  Sounds like loads of fun was had by all. 
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Offline Daeothar

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2023, 01:43:38 PM »
That was a tense battle! For a while it could have gone either way, but towards the end, especially when the German armour arrived, it became a foregone conclusion.

A really nice AAR and the terrain and minis are awesome and fit the setting perfectly!

Thanks for sharing  :)
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Offline Redmist1122

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2024, 01:59:32 AM »
Awesome looking game and models! I remember seeing this scenario in one of the RFLs Special...good show!
Greg P.
Tucson, AZ, USA

Online bluewillow

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2024, 07:23:40 AM »
 Excellent game thanks


Offline Mo!

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2024, 08:43:13 AM »
wow your terrrain is amazing
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Offline CapnJim

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2024, 06:15:31 PM »
Now, THAT was an AAR!  Gripping stuff.  Well done!   :D
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Offline arshak

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2024, 08:43:24 PM »
Great report, the first part of the battle looking as a Soviet victory and then the Germans coming out victorious!
may I ask what makes are the (dirty) roads? thanks in advance

Offline 7dot62mm

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2024, 03:08:29 PM »
may I ask what makes are the (dirty) roads?

They are Flames of War 15mm scale roads. They sort of work in 20mm too.

Offline BillK

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2024, 02:58:59 AM »
Handpainted or printed terrain cloth?

Offline Gunner Dunbar

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2024, 11:34:48 PM »
Nice looking game, looks like good tank country, thanks for sharing.

Offline 7dot62mm

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Re: Last Train to Fischhausen
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2024, 06:47:22 PM »
Handpainted or printed terrain cloth?

Printed, it's Northlands by Deepcut Studios


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