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Author Topic: Complete reboot of wild west collection. (22/8 Cattle! )  (Read 10217 times)

Offline Legionnaire

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Complete reboot of wild west collection. (22/8 Cattle! )
« on: March 10, 2024, 12:05:06 PM »
For many years, I had a 28mm wild west collection which I enjoyed gaming with.  Several strips and repaints down the line, health issues etc, I am now selling it all off to start up a 32mm one!

I have bought several 3D Breed character packs and several TT Combat MDF buildings. Looking forward to giving my favourite genre a much needed face-lift 😊.

Rules wise I think Fistful of Lead Reloaded 2nd edition will be my go to as several participants at the club seemed to enjoy the trial game I put on earlier this year. Excellent rules with no demand on previous experience.

Being of Swedish origin, I'm considering the working title "Turnip Town "  lol
« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 10:10:48 AM by Legionnaire »
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Offline Orctrader

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection.
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2024, 01:48:35 PM »

Is there much difference between "modern" 28mm OW miniatures and 32mm?

I have bought several 3D Breed character packs...

Do you print them or buy as figures?  (I'm not really familiar with them.)  And, wouldn't Black Scorpion be OK?  I thought they were 32mm.

Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection.
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2024, 04:20:55 PM »

Is there much difference between "modern" 28mm OW miniatures and 32mm?

Do you print them or buy as figures?  (I'm not really familiar with them.)  And, wouldn't Black Scorpion be OK?  I thought they were 32mm.

Yes, it's a very noticeable difference between say Foundry and Artizan 28mm and Heroic 28 (32). Zombicide is a good example of 32mm scale miniatures.

I have no printer myself but know people who do, although I have ordered some online that I'm currently awaiting delivery. Black Scorpion is indeed 32mm and look like "giants" alongside normal 28mm.

I had some Black Scorpion in the past but the ones I've seen looks so much nicer with better detail to be honest. Also, the particulat 3D Breed line has a stagecoach, some cattle,  extra horses and other bits and bobs so I don't need to source much from other manufacturers.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 04:37:13 PM by Legionnaire »

Offline Malebolgia

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection.
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2024, 07:33:11 AM »
Cool! Can't wait to see how your project unfolds.
TT Combat is great for scenery, super cheap andf with some extra love for the mdf they are quite nice.
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Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection.
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2024, 11:51:11 AM »
Cool! Can't wait to see how your project unfolds.
TT Combat is great for scenery, super cheap andf with some extra love for the mdf they are quite nice.

Cheers mate!

Yes TT Combat is my go to for MDF terrain, very affordable and lovely to work with.  I'm looking forward to trying out MDF sealet spray and their range of spray paints for my new buildings. The decision for the face-lift mainly came about after building one of their Barn kits, although ok for 28mm I felt 32mm was going to look even better  lol.

Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection.
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2024, 12:02:22 PM »
Received my 3D printed 32mm miniatures today. Got an extra duplicate of one of the female gunfighter. From top to bottom:

Female gunfighter, I like to have a bit of range and diversity to choose from. Definitely not the weaker sex  lol.

U.S. Marshals

Mexican Outlaws, I really like the Mariachi guy with the guitar and the Tequila bottle wielder,  lovely characterful sculpts.

Sioux warriors, I see the company also have Apaches so will get them at some point. GOT to have natives putting their hat in the ring.

Bounty Hunters.

I might be tempted to get the mounted sculpts for these too, but it's not a priority right now. I would like the Tong crew though.

A guy at my local gaming club has a printer and might do the stagecoach and some cattle and horses for me. £5 for the STL file, compared to £18 to buy the stagecoach printed...
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 12:04:14 PM by Legionnaire »

Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection. A meatballs western.
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2024, 07:06:54 PM »
Having thought a little about the setting for my new collection, it'll be a "wild west that never was but I think THIS would be fun!".

So, mainly taking place in Minnesota in the late 1870's-1880's. According to some sources, more than half the population have Scandinavian and German heritage. The biggest concentration of Scandinavian heritage in the whole of the US  :o.

Me being Swedish obviously would like to play on that to some extent. Enter the budding frontier town originally named Guteburg, but more popularly called Turnip Town.

There'll be many colourful personalities, a Finn by the name of Esa Pekka Perkele is the local law, but Siddharta "Sid" Gupta got to be in a league of his own. Hearing about a large tribe of Indians, the man from Bombay set out to find his fellow countrymen. Making the best of the initial confusion he is now the war chief of a small band of natives  lol. After all they have many things in common...

There's also a band of Mexicans, led by Enrique Cojones, who after an epic drinking session took a wrong turn at the Pecos and now find themselves in the land of ice and snow.

Not to forget, Bluebell Johnson's Petticoats, the All-ladies gang, sometimes heroes and sometimes villains, depending on who you ask. As I was given two miniatures of the same sculpt by mistake, they will be the Rose and Daisy Fothergill-Smythe, twins. Led by Marjorie Mercy Bluebell Johnson, a very capable emancipated black lady with an iron will!

Reverend Valter Ljungdahl is ruthlessly lording over a group of hard men, for whom anyone could potentially be worth a pretty penny. Anyone with a prize on their head will sooner or later come into the reverend's crosshairs and he and his "flock" will "smite" them.

I'm awaiting delivery of a fantastic looking 3D printed stagecoach with a team of horses in the next week or so, and will probably start putting things together slowly after that, as I have other projects on the table I want to finish first.

Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection. A meatballs western.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2024, 07:47:59 PM »
Received my 3D printed stagecoach for 32mm today!  Looks awesome and I can't wait to get started on the model. Pablo from Zombicide Undead or Alive is taking an interest in the new arrival. Probably casing it for a hold-up later  lol.

Offline Malebolgia

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Awesome model! I also still need a stagecoach (and more horses and mounted cowboys!), this looks like an excellent option.

Offline Legionnaire

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Awesome model! I also still need a stagecoach (and more horses and mounted cowboys!), this looks like an excellent option.

Being my first ever experience of 3D printed stuff,  it has proved to be very challenging! Delicate and brittle,  even with lots of care I have encountered several breaks and cracks as I unfortunately dropped the model  :'(.  Most of it is fixable but has caused me lots of extra work. If it turns out it isn't up to snuff, I might have to buy a second model and try again. With other projects being worked on simultaneously,  I reckon it will be a week or three before I start on the west stuff properly.

Offline Legionnaire

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I've been busy with work and finishing off another hobby project.  Now I have time to ficus on this project over the next months probably.

Not a lot done,  but as I'll be using Fistful of Lead Reloaded 2nd Edition,  I put some reminders on the cards with special abilities. Just an old deck of cards I already had and some sticky labels cut to size, nothing fancy but will do the job.

Offline terrement

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection. (29/3/24 FfoL card deck)
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2024, 08:38:48 PM »
A few quick notes and questions:

Brittle nature and fragility of the 3D prints
Do you know whether this is a function of the resin (correct term?) used to make them, a shortcoming of the printer, a flaw in the curing process or something else?

Stagecoach itself
From the pics, it doesn't look like the seat for the guy driving the coach is large enough for another mini to ride shotgun.  Is it?  Or just a problem with the way it looks in the picture?

The "back porch" on the model is where freight, cargo, luggage, and a drunken Kid Shaleen would ride under a covering (canvas?).  Are there fittings for you to scratchbuild something like that?

Any additional hardware and directions for the tack, hardware, and reins to hook up the horses?  I see the one additional piece, but looking at illustrations online, and from memory of movie and TV westerns, there should be more.




Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection. (29/3/24 FfoL card deck)
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2024, 08:50:04 AM »
A few quick notes and questions:

Brittle nature and fragility of the 3D prints
Do you know whether this is a function of the resin (correct term?) used to make them, a shortcoming of the printer, a flaw in the curing process or something else?

Stagecoach itself
From the pics, it doesn't look like the seat for the guy driving the coach is large enough for another mini to ride shotgun.  Is it?  Or just a problem with the way it looks in the picture?

The "back porch" on the model is where freight, cargo, luggage, and a drunken Kid Shaleen would ride under a covering (canvas?).  Are there fittings for you to scratchbuild something like that?

Any additional hardware and directions for the tack, hardware, and reins to hook up the horses?  I see the one additional piece, but looking at illustrations online, and from memory of movie and TV westerns, there should be more.




From what I gather, there is a bit of difference between how you cure etc. But in general, handle with a soft touch. I had several gun barrels breaking off during a very gentle wash with a soft toothbrush.

I was thinking the same, probably could fit in a shotgun messenger though.

Aha, I see you've seen Cat Balou  lol. You probably could, providing the tarp is a soft cloth as the fasteners for the luggage compartment at the back is quite fine.

I think if you want to go down the route with pimping the team, maybe some thread for added reins, some of the harnessing is moulded into the horses themselves so could probably get away with that.

If you want to see what the model looks like, Google 3D Breed Wanted Join or Die Stagecoach to get a better idea what it will look like put together.

I hope to be able to show at least a partially painted example in the next couple of weeks. If worst comes to worst, I have to get a second model and at least I can modify one driver to shotgun messenger as well.

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection. (29/3/24 FfoL card deck)
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2024, 12:58:15 PM »
I believe the term for the covered storage at the back of a stagecoach is called the boot.  Could be wrong.

For the reins, try and find model railroading material meant for stringing power lines, might be easier to work with than string - or if you use string, 'stiffen' it somehow, like dipping in thinned white glue.

3D prints can be brittle and break so handle with care, a hazard of the medium.  So far, mostly, so good with what I have had others print for me.  I'll take metal over resin whenever and wherever possible but some things just aren't available.  I find best use of resin is for scenery over figures, especially if a 'bulkier' item with greater durability.  All of my 3D figures are for Star Wars only, in 15 mm.

Nice project by the way.

Offline Legionnaire

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Re: Complete reboot of wild west collection. (29/3/24 FfoL card deck)
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2024, 03:20:18 PM »
I believe the term for the covered storage at the back of a stagecoach is called the boot.  Could be wrong.

For the reins, try and find model railroading material meant for stringing power lines, might be easier to work with than string - or if you use string, 'stiffen' it somehow, like dipping in thinned white glue.

3D prints can be brittle and break so handle with care, a hazard of the medium.  So far, mostly, so good with what I have had others print for me.  I'll take metal over resin whenever and wherever possible but some things just aren't available.  I find best use of resin is for scenery over figures, especially if a 'bulkier' item with greater durability.  All of my 3D figures are for Star Wars only, in 15 mm.

Nice project by the way.

The same term as the luggage compartment in a car in The King's English  lol

Thanks for the advice FifteensAway. I am still undecided and have to see what it looks like at a later stage when I've started this project proper. Probably will base it on 3mm thick foam core as it is the same thickness as the bases I have for the figures. The resin is lightweight so shouldn't be an issue and I happen to have a well padded foam container that will be just the right size for it!


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