So I have a 4 year old son who loves board games, and always watches me painting miniatures and presses his nose against my cabinets filled with miniatures in my man cave. I thought it would be neat to get a copy of HeroQuest in Swedish to play with him since he loves small monsters and heroic figures. I was not planning on painting up the stuff right away, as I am knee deep in my own Bloodborne project, but having played a few made up scenarios that was him moving around the board and fighting baddies he asked me "when are you going to paint my miniatures, I don't like that they are single colored"
I told him I could squeeze in some minis every now and then between my own painting, and said I would start with the 4 heroes.
I must admit I had a pretty good time painting these up even if the cleaning process of removing most of the mould lines was time consuming. I actually purchased 2 versions of the game. I got the 2021 version to get a slightly larger board and the vastly improved terrain, cards and other stuff. Then I got the 1989 version just for the miniatures as I think the "old school fantasy" is both more aimed towards children compared to the hideous 2021 minis and something I myself never was a part of and wanted to try painting up.
Then my wife came and said "Don't put too much effort into a game you are going to play with a 4yo". Naturally I proceeded to paint them up to a standard I would prefer for myself and while I was at it I thought this project would be a very nice and self-contained experimental chamber for me trying to learn proper Non Metallic Metal. For some reason I also thought about that scene from Dumb & Dumber when Harry tells Lloyd to go shopping but not waste their small amount of money, upon which Lloyd answers “Yeah, I’m not an idiot”
Anyway, I have the base game and the expansion Kellars Keep, in total some 50 miniatures which I think will be quite managable.
I will be updating this thread every now and then when stuff gets painted up.