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The Space 1999 buggy was the Amphicat ATV. Same buggy used by the Banana Splits if you want to bring in alien encounters. Crooked Dice has them in their 28mm Fruit Loops set. : 3
@zemjw - I'm on my phone and it doesn't do links very well. I typed in '1/48 Lunar Rover' and found a 'Space Voyager Lunar Roving vehicle' which looks like a toy but with 2 seated crew, a 'Space Adventure Lunar Rover' toy set with not just the lunar rover but a few other interesting items and a couple of figures. In addition there were a couple of resin kits, a metal one, a 4d (?) puzzle kit and the one you mentioned I think. When I typed in '1/48 Moon Buggy' most of the hits were for Space 1999 models of the 6 wheeled buggy they used - the same type as used in 'Silent Running' on the Valley Forge. It seems to be available in 1/48 resin or a plastic kit (almost certainly long OOP) as well as resin Space 1999 astronauts in the same scale - also available via Crooked Dice or Ainsty castings in 28mm to fit in with their astronauts.
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