Heyhey, I'm looking into terrain for playing with my Giant Robot Toys(tm). They're about 13mm tall, at a 1/144th scale. Naturally I'm looking into 10mm terrain, and possibly getting it for cheap, because I'm not even sure if I can find good rules and if gaming with such huge figures works at all.
So I ran across Dropzone Commander's cardboard Cityscape. As far as I hear TTCombat released a reworked version when they took over. Either way, 20 buildings for EUR 35,00 or so sounds like a steal, especially since it comes with those poster things to put on. They can't be much worse than the WARBEAST foldable cardboard terrain I got in that kickstarter.

Anyway, does anyone of you have experiences with that set? Especially so if you maybe supplement the thing with some of TTCombat's 10mm sci-fi/modern MDF buildings, maybe a few potted trees in the park, a few little 10mm sci-fi cars andso on?
I hear the buildings are pretty good, but the tiles/posters for the floor are very thin? I'd be thankful for any input. Cheers!