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Author Topic: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures  (Read 11330 times)

Offline Lenin

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28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« on: February 10, 2010, 04:37:48 PM »
New range from Inkerman Castings mentioned over on TMP:



Will have to get these as it was my father's war, though with typical British understatement it was called an Emergency!


Offline matakishi

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 04:55:34 PM »
It was called an emergency so as not to invalidate the local UK business interests' insurance from Lloyds as I recall.

Offline bc99

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 05:05:53 PM »
Is "Emergency" the British equivalent of an American "police action"?

Offline Lenin

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 05:08:35 PM »
I think you may well be right about the origin of Emergency, though we, by which I mean the British Government, had a habit of calling post WWII conflicts anything other than a war, after all Suez was a Crisis and Borneo a Confrontation.

Going back to Malaya, my father still refers to the MNLA as bandits.


Offline commissarmoody

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 12:58:47 PM »
Oh this is intresting, any links or sights I could look into to find out more info on this conflect?
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Offline AKULA

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 01:02:18 PM »
The Osprey book on it is very good.

Malaya has been on my project list for a couple of years now - a textbook example of how to fight a counterinsurgency campaign.

Some interesting vehicles, helicopters etc.


Offline matakishi

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 04:08:42 PM »
Potted Introduction: (wall of text version)

The Malayan Emergency was a guerrilla war fought between Commonwealth armed forces and the Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA), the military arm of the Malayan Communist Party, from 1948 to 1960.
The Malayan Emergency was the colonial government's term for the conflict. The MNLA termed it the Anti-British National Liberation War. The rubber plantations and tin mining industries had pushed for the use of the term "emergency" since their losses would not have been covered by Lloyd's insurers if it had been termed a "war".
Despite the communists' defeat in 1960, MCP leader Chin Peng renewed the insurgency in 1967, which lasted until 1989, and become known as the Communist Insurgency War.
The British Army soon realised that clumsy sweeps by large formations were unproductive. Instead, platoons or sections carried out patrols and laid ambushes, based on intelligence (from informers, surrendered MNLA personnel, aerial reconnaissance etc.) A typical operation was "Nassau", carried out in the Kuala Langat swamp:

After several assassinations, a British battalion was assigned to the area. Food control was achieved through a system of rationing, convoys, gate checks and searches. One company began operations in the swamp about December 21, 1954. On January 9, 1955, full-scale tactical operations began; artillery, mortars and aircraft began harassing fires in the South Swamp. Originally, the plan was to bomb and shell the swamp day and night so that the terrorists (sic) would be driven out into ambushes; but the terrorists were well prepared to stay indefinitely. Food parties came out occasionally, but the civil population was too afraid to report them.

Plans were modified; harassing fires were reduced to night-time only. Ambushes continued and patrolling inside the swamp was intensified. Operations of this nature continued for three months without results. Finally on March 21, an ambush party, after forty-five hours of waiting, succeeded in killing two of eight terrorists. The first two red pins, signifying kills, appeared on the operations map, and local morale rose a little.

Another month passed before it was learned that the terrorists were making a contact inside the swamp. One platoon established an ambush; one terrorist appeared and was killed. May passed without a contact. In June, a chance meeting by a patrol accounted for one killed and one captured. A few days later, after four fruitless days of patrolling, one platoon en route to camp accounted for two more terrorists. The No. 3 terrorist in the area surrendered and stated that food control was so effective that one terrorist had been murdered in a quarrel over food.
On July 7, two additional companies were assigned to the area; patrolling and harassing fires were intensified. Three terrorists surrendered and one of them led a platoon patrol to the terrorist leader's camp. The patrol attacked the camp, killing four, including the leader. Other patrols accounted for four more; by the end of July, twenty-three terrorists remained in the swamp with no food or communications with the outside world ...
This was the nature of operations: 60,000 artillery shells, 30,000 rounds of mortar ammunition, and 2,000 aircraft bombs for 35 terrorists killed or captured. Each one represented 1,500 man-days of patrolling or waiting in ambushes. "Nassau" was considered a success for the end of the emergency was one step nearer.

Malaya in 1947 was made up of various ethnic groups; to understand many aspects of the emergency it is helpful to understand the background of these groups.

The first group was the indigenous Muslim Malays. The made up a large proportion of the population and generally accepted British rule but their loyalty was first and foremost to their Sultans. The Malay Federation was made up of 9 states each ruled by a Sultan, Johore, Pahang, Negri, Sembilan, Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Perlis, Trengganu and Kelantan.  The Sultans had limited powers but retained the trappings of power and the wealthy lifestyle.

The second ethnic group was the Aborigines. This group refused to recognise the power of the sultans and lived an isolated existence following a traditional way of life deep within the Malayan jungles. Their population was estimated to between 50 and 100,000 in 1948.

The Chinese population was also strong with around two million Chinese living in Malaya in 1948. Many were second generation that is born in Malaya but their loyalty was generally to China with whom they identified culturally. Their population had increased drastically with the Japanese occupation of China during World War Two and although many generated income for Malaya there was also over half a million Chinese squatters by 1948. The Chinese ethnic group represented about 10% of the Malayan population. 

The Indian ethnic group were also well represented in Malaya with about half a million in 1948. They were predominantly mobile labour for the rubber plantations as the wages were much higher than in India. They were mainly Tamil speaking from the Madras area of India.

The British were also a large ethnic group in Malaya and certainly the most powerful with political power far beyond the size of their population numbering only 12,000 being mostly Civil Service, Police, rubber planters, Doctors and businessmen.  Malaya had been effectively under British control since 1874.

The biggest problem facing the Malaysian government following the end of World War 2 was the restoration of civil government.  Because the Japanese had been removed with violence Malaya had suffered little loss of life or damage to its towns and cities but many of its tin mines and plantations had been destroyed to prevent the Japanese using them, so the Malayan economy was slow to recover after the war. The Japanese occupation had also sown the seeds of future unrest. They had pursued a policy of divide and conquer by favouring the Malays while persecuting the Chinese who were already anti Japanese due to the Japanese actions in China.  This resulted in some violence in the period between the Japanese leaving and the British returning.

Another potential cause for unrest was the British plan for a new constitution for Malaya, know as the Malayan Union. This had been devised in Britain with little thought to the feelings of the local population and no consultation.  The plan would wipe out the power of the Sultans effectively take Malaya from a protectorate to a Colony it would also grant citizenship to anyone who had been born in Malaya in the last ten years regardless of race or ethnicity. This raised concerns among the Malay population that they would be swamped by the millions of ethnic Chinese and Indians living in Malaya.

A huge outcry resulted and the British government relented and eventually after consultation a new constitution was developed which formed the basis of the Federation of Malaya Agreement in 1948 and is the basis of the modern Malayan constitution today. These post war events sowed the seeds of rebellion in other ways; they showed that the British could be made to back down if pushed and that the British promises of protection weren’t always fulfilled. For many it was clear that a post War Britain had other priorities, domestically and internationally and Malaya was low on the list. Nationalism was stirring within Malaya for the first time and the Malayan communist party thought the time was right to push and they saw the real chance of winning for the first time.

The Insurgents

Some have argued that the Malayan Emergency was part of a wider communist plan to gain power in South East Asia. Certainly the Malayan communist party leaders attended various international conferences in Europe and India during 1947/48. Apart from this there is little evidence to support the theory it was part of a co-ordinated plan. More likely is the fact that the Malayan communist party was actually on the verge of collapse having failed in any legal attempts or to gain widespread popular support, insurrection may have been their last hope and it was a case of now or never. A former  very popular leader of the party Loi Tek had disappeared and his successor Chen Peng was trying to make a name for himself (in fact Loi Tek had fled taking much of the parties funds with him not only this he was in fact working as a British agent).

By 1948 they were ready to go to war. Chin Peng had in fact learnt his jungle warfare skills from the British.  After Singapore fell to the Japanese in 1942 several British officers harassed the Japanese from the jungle including the famous Colonel Spencer Chapman and his ‘Force 136’.  Eventually supported by the Chinese the force swelled to over 5,000 and was known as ‘The Malayan Peoples Anti-Japanese Army’.  The British trained them in jungle warfare and modern weapons, knowing they were mainly communist but figuring the enemy of my enemy is my friend at least in the short term.  This gave the rebels a handy striking force that easily just changed the name to the ‘Malayan peoples Anti –British Army’.  The fighters were paid out of money extorted from the local population following the Leninist principle that a small force by the infliction of terror can conquer a nation. They were split into 8 regiments spread across the country. Each would then split down further into small groups who would carry out traditional Maoist style guerrilla warfare in the rural areas to keep the element of surprise.

The Rebels also had another organisation, the Masses Movement (Min Yuen) These had no uniform, no wages but were the support network spread across all levels of Malayan society.  The Communist party linked the two parts with a highly organised chain of command.

The plan

The communists planned for 3 distinct phases;

Phase 1;

The guerrilla fighters already being battle hardened in combat against the Japanese would raid isolated estates, tin mines and police and government buildings in rural areas to drive the British into the cities

Phase 2;

The areas abandoned by the British would be renamed ‘Liberated areas’ and guerrilla bases would be established to train new recruits drawn from the Min Yuen as the Army expands

Phase 3; 

The new expanded army would move from the ‘Liberated areas’ to attacking towns, villages and railways with the Min Yuen acting as saboteurs to cripple the economy. Once the country was on its knees the Army would face the British on the open battlefield. 

The attacks started at 8.30am on 16th June 1948 in the northern state of Perak, with the shooting of Arthur Walker on his estate followed by other attacks on the same day on other estates sometimes involving the shooting of unarmed people taken prisoner, who they referred to as ‘Running dogs’  meaning British supporters. Murders became more frequent and the plantation owners became alarmed especially when their calls for armed protection fell on deaf ears.  Eventually protests forced the High Commissioner Sir Edward Gent to declare a state of emergency, police were granted greater powers and quickly armed. The rebels continued to target mines and plantations as if the Malaya economy collapsed then the country would soon fall.  At first the government was defensive with small groups protecting mines etc but police recruitment was soon stepped up with new ‘special constables’ , by  September 1948 there were 24,000.

The Empire Strikes back, the ‘Briggs Plan’

In 1949 there was a sudden change in the political climate in Malaya mainly due to the appointment of Lt General Sir Harold Briggs as director of operations. Briggs realised that one of the major sources of recruitment for the communists were the large numbers of vagrant Chinese mentioned earlier so he decided to do something about it,  The Briggs plan was to resettle these squatters into new villages surrounded by fences and police posts cutting the communists off from their source of food, supplies and manpower.  It also gave the settlers more faith in the Malayan government and made them less prone to support the communists.  500 new villages were created forcing the communists out of the jungles where the British forces could defeat them more easily.

Secondly Briggs introduced War Executive Committees at federal, state and district level, this improved planning and cooperation drastically especially between civil, police and military. The focus was always on defeating the insurgents and not going to a war footing.  The communists still remained on the offensive well into 1951 and in that year assassinated Sir Henry Gurney the high commissioner at the time. This backfired as his replacement was General Sir Gerald Templer who was able to co-ordinate both military and civil authority easily.  Templer restored morale by ensuring some military successes and was ruthless towards anyone who didn’t cooperate gaining him the nickname the ‘Tiger of Malaya’.  A new military push aided by the arrival of new troops from commonwealth countries like Fiji, East Africa, Australia and New Zealand.  The communists started to realise that their policy of terrorizing supplies from the local population was just breeding hostility, facing renewed military opposition they pulled back into the deep jungles and stopped the random attacks. By 1953 the communists had lost the initiative and were never to regain it.

British military tactics also advanced using close air support and helicopters to force the guerrillas deeper and deeper into the jungles including constructing jungle forts and deep patrols some by Special Forces like the SBS and 22 SAS Regiment. It is worth remembering that deep jungle is a hostile environment to live and operate in regardless of the skill and training of the troops involved, this meant the guerrillas were also operating in a very difficult environment.  Templer introduced ‘white areas’ which were free of terrorist activity and had relaxed restrictions on food and travel.

In 1955 negotiations with the communists were tried but broke down, but by this point they had ceased to be a real threat.  The emergency had been costly, costing the Malayan Government around $200 million a year between 1948 and 1955 and the British government about $500 million a year.  By 1957 the Emergency was still ongoing despite the fact Malaya became independent that year, by 1960 most of the country was free of terrorist activity with the few remaining lurking near the Thailand border.

The Malayan Emergency offers many interesting lessons most of which were then ignored by the US in the conflict in Vietnam shortly afterwards.  Malaya managed to repel an organised communist insurrection mainly due to the authorities getting organised, the influence of people like Briggs and Templer and the communists thinking they could win by military means.
5 October - Congo Peacekeeping Mission (1960-1962). Malaya sent 1,947 personnel were dispatched as part of the United Nations Operation in the Congo or ONUC.

The Malayan Emergency was declared on June 18, 1948 after three estate managers were murdered by the MCP (Malayan Communist Party). Australian involvement in the emergency began in 1950, with the arrival of RAAF 1 and 38 Squadrons to Singapore. Dakotas from 38 Squadron carried out cargo runs, troop movement, and paratrooper and leaflet drops, whilst Lincoln bombers of 1 Squadron carried out bombing raids. The RAAF in Malaysia were particularly successful, using 5 Lincoln bombers, in Operation Termite, a joint operation with the RAF and ground troops. Operation Termite destroyed 181 communist camps, killed 13 communists and forced 1 into surrender. In January, 1956, the first Australian ground forces were deployed on Malaysian peninsula, the 2nd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (2 RAR). 2 RAR mainly participated in "mopping up" over the next 20 months, as part of 28 Commonwealth Brigade. 2 RAR left Malaysia October 1957 to be replaced by 3 RAR. 3 RAR underwent 6 weeks of jungle training and began driving MCP insurgents back into the jungle of Perak and Kedah. By late 1959 operations against the MCP were in their final phase, and most communists had been pushed back and across the Thai borer. 3 RAR left Malaysia October 1959 to be replaced by 1 RAR. Though patrolling the border 1 RAR did not make contact with the insurgents, and in October 1960 were replaced by 2 RAR, who stayed in Malaysia until August 1963. The Malayan Emergency was officially over by 31 July 1960. Australia also provided artillery and engineer support, along with an air-field construction squadron. The Royal Australian Navy also served in Malayan waters, firing on suspected communist positions between 1956 and 1957. By the end of the Malayan Emergency Australian forces had suffered 66 casualties, 39 of which were fatal. The Emergency was the longest continued military commitment in Australian military history.

Offline matakishi

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2010, 04:12:05 PM »

The Malayan Campaign 1948–60
Paperback; June 1982; 48 pages; ISBN: 9780850454765

Britain’s Secret War
The Indonesian Confrontation 1962–66
Paperback; July 2006; 48 pages; ISBN: 9781846030482

Offline Lenin

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2010, 07:01:58 PM »
BTW I have shown my father the pictures of the figures and they get his seal of approval with regards to accuracy.

For those of you without easy access to "primary" sources, Britain's Small Wars is a good alternative:



Offline Gluteus Maximus

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2010, 04:26:29 PM »
These are very nice figures! I've just read Sir Peter De La Billiere's autobiography and his descriptions of the early SAS campaigns in Aden and Malaysia are quite inspirational for gaming.

Offline Helen

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2010, 07:11:28 PM »
Dave sent me an e-mail after I asked about the status of the new range:

"Thanks for the email, we have been so busy there has not been time to update the website, however they are ready and i  have attached a full list for you.
I will also be doing the Police + Ghurkas etc and also a few vehicles."

The Malayan Emergency
1948 to 1960
In 28mm

British and Commonwealth Security Forces

CODE No     Description    Price
MEB   1   2 x Iban Trackers   £2.40
MEB   2   Infantry Patrol leader, Radio op and point man with shotgun   £3.60
MEB   3   3 x Infantry figures  with jungle carbines   £3.60
MEB   4   3 x Infantry figures with Sten / Owen guns   £3.60
MEB   5   2 man Bren Gun team advancing   £2.40

Communist Terrorists

CODE No     Description    Price
CTS 1   HQ  group with Officer , Commissar and NCO   £3.60
CTS 2   3 x  figures with Lee Enfield rifles   £3.60
CTS 3   3 x Figures with Sten, Tommy gun and M2 carbine   £3.60
CTS 4   2 x figures with double barrel shotguns   £2.40
CTS 5   2 man Bren team advancing   £2.40

My father was there with the RAAF at Butterworth airbase in 1955, Later on in the army I was there at Butterworth. I managed two trips. What you may not be aware of it that the actual formal surrender/whatever didn't occur until 1989.

A nice range that is something a little different from the norm. Small enough to collect and game without hurting the purse.


Best wishes,
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Offline carlos marighela

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2010, 09:38:55 PM »
Will have to get these as it was my father's war, though with typical British understatement it was called an Emergency!

Dunno, I think if we are talking about understatement then the Irish description of the Second World War as 'The Emergency' takes the prize.

Fascinating period and Inkerman's website talks about expanding to do Cyprus, Aden, Konfrontasi etc. Pity that the miniatures look so bloody awful as I've long dreamed of a decent range that covers Britains post colonial small wars.

A good work on the period in general with chapters on the Malayan Emergency is Blaxland's The Regiments Depart. War of The Running Dogs is a good campaign specific work and readily available second hand. The obvious film treatment is The Planter's Wife with Jack Hawkins.
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Offline Helen

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2010, 10:26:05 PM »

A good work on the period in general with chapters on the Malayan Emergency is Blaxland's The Regiments Depart. War of The Running Dogs is a good campaign specific work and readily available second hand. The obvious film treatment is The Planter's Wife with Jack Hawkins.

"Seventh Dawn" is another classic on the Malayan Emergency.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 10:32:05 PM by Helen Bachaus »

Offline bluewillow

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2010, 03:18:12 AM »
A very interesting little war, The Australian Army still posts Rifle companies with support elements every three months on Rotation to Malaysia and Borneo.

The last communist killed by an Austrlian patrol was in March 1989!


Offline Gluteus Maximus

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Re: 28mm Malayan Insurgency Figures
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2010, 08:36:04 AM »
Dunno, I think if we are talking about understatement then the Irish description of the Second World War as 'The Emergency' takes the prize.

I spent 4 years trying to soothe "The Troubles" in Ulster in the 80s  :?

We seem to love bizarre names for wars in the British Isles  lol

I hadn't realised the Malayan Insurgency wasn't officially done till 1989, though  :o


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