Yes, I was going to post this but you were far too quick - by about 8 hours 
Not really into gaming Zombies as such at the moment, but it looks good and might be useful for other similar alien creatures.
To be honest, I'm not really into zombies either. This was a "flash club project." Everyone bought one or two packs of zombies form Wargames Factory and painted them up. I already had all the "good guys" we'd need in my Pulp collection. We've had a lot of fun with the zombie games. I'm sure to an outsider our conversations about whether zombies should be easy to stun and hard to kill or easy to kill would have appeared humorous. Like the day I listened to two guys' animated, 30-minute conversation about the white stars on US tanks in WWII.
This download does not stand alone. You need GASLIGHT to use this free supplement. TBCBG is recommended.
The "black hawk down" scenario was among the most fun we've had on club night in months.
Let me know what you think after you've had a chance to try them out.