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Author Topic: Round bases it is!......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM)  (Read 396200 times)

Offline Mason

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Game Two Report-P29) UD:10/01
« Reply #420 on: January 10, 2012, 03:05:49 PM »
Sorry for the double post, chaps, but this should have been added to the previous blurb but I ran out of time.  :D

As previously mentioned, Legionnaire Bert was running late, so he missed out on the first game and made it just in time to see the Nordlander's escape with the loot.

(There is no foundation to the rumour that Bert had been detained by Interpol for attempted identity theft in Sweden!)  ;)

Bert had brought his Possessed warband, the Theatre of the Grotesque.
(He forgot to bring the Undead Pirates- Doh!)

Bert's Possessed have some extremely tough members who are exceptionally hard to wound, so getting as many hits on them before they get into combat is a must!

The first game we generated was Defend The Find, which meant that Bert's lads would set up in the centre of the table and had to keep the Nordlander's away from the central building.

As the Possessed had only seven members this would be a hard task, no matter how tough that they may be!

The Grotesque had to set up first and duly did so.
The Nordlanders, who were designated as the attackers in this scenario, had the option of setting up on any table edge and could split their forces and appear on several edges should they wish.

Realising that the best option was to stick together and get as many shots off as soon as posssible, I opted to put the whole warband on the same edge and get the Marksmen up as high as possible to keep the pressure on.
Bert decided that his best option was to just charge into the mercenaries as quickly as they could.

A couple of shots showing the initial set up of both warbands;
First up, the Possessed, attempting to Defend the central building where they had stashed their supplies

The initial deployment of the Nordlanders, bunching up for support, with the Marksmen up high

A small detachment, including the Blunderbuss wielder were set up on one flank to enfilade the Chaos lunatics when they advanced

The game began with the Nordlanders opening fire with everything that they had, taking out the Magister and putting a wound on one of the Possessed.
Realising that staying back would only result in everybody being shot, Bert charged the whole band forward.
Unfortunately for the forces of Chaos, none of the band was within range and they could only await the countercharge.
Fortunately for them, there were only two members of the human warband brave enough to charge them, a champion and a Halbardier!
Everyone else had failed their Fear tests!
Unfortunately, for the Possessed at least, these two brave souls proved enough.
Withstanding the ferocious charge, the two stalwart warriors dealt out enough damage to take down one of the Chaotic monstosities.
The fall of their leader and one of their toughest members, coupled with the fact that the humans were enveloping them and waiting to pounce was enough for the cowardly scum, who promptly turned tail and fled!

The second game, however, would be a very different story!

Back with the last game pics soon.................

(Apologies for a lack of pictures, but we did not take any more as the game was over so quick!)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 03:08:21 PM by Mason »

Offline Damien

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Game Two Report-P29) UD:10/01
« Reply #421 on: January 10, 2012, 03:18:12 PM »
I just read through this whole thread and all I can say is wow  :-* I wish I had your skills! Love the buildings, the minis and the atmosphere, what a fantastic thread. I really like the Empire warband, nothing is cooler than a well painted (gaudy) Empire army or warband.

Great stuff

Offline Legionnaire Bert

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Game Two Report-P29) UD:10/01
« Reply #422 on: January 11, 2012, 02:16:03 PM »

The fall of their leader and one of their toughest members, coupled with the fact that the humans were enveloping them and waiting to pounce was enough for the cowardly scum, who promptly turned tail and fled!

Cowardly? Moi? You'll take that back as we shout over our shoulders at you, running off in entirely the opposite direction...


All I will say in typical Bretonnian fashion is 'Pfah!'

Oh -  and yor muzzah wazza 'ampstair and your fazza a mangy dog, you Empire peeg! Oink! Oink! Peegy weegy!

*Apologies to any readers of French extraction for any inferred racial steroetyping/offence - I assure you this is not the case; it is merely the highly fictional Bretonnian accent I mock, and no insult to Mother France is even vaguely intended...


Besides, I am highly proud of my Bretonnian possessed lads - not necessarily after this, the second quickest skirmish wargame I have ever been involved in. (the first involved a game of Necromunda - we still don't talk about that one outside of therapy... o_o).

As Mason says, the second game was much better for me! So without further ado...

Must congratulate my man Mason on his superb posting again though, and his Nordlanders are a fair sight to behold.

I must also apologise to Gentle Reader (yes, you - the one skulking at the back...) as I did promise to bring my undead pirates along. I am afraid a migraine attack earlier in the day didn't only force me to be late but also scrambled me noggin, so I forgot. Next time I promise :P.


Offline Mason

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Game Three Report-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #423 on: January 11, 2012, 09:35:58 PM »
I just read through this whole thread and all I can say is wow  :-* I wish I had your skills! Love the buildings, the minis and the atmosphere, what a fantastic thread. I really like the Empire warband, nothing is cooler than a well painted (gaudy) Empire army or warband.

Great stuff

Thanks, Damien!
I only noticed your old school thread for the first time a few days ago and, I have to say, it only reinforces my love for miniatures from yesteryear.

Thanks Bertie!
Here is your chance for a bit of well deserved gloating!:

Game Three; Nordlanders Vs Possessed.

Having received a bit of a pasting in the previous (and very short) game, the Possessed were out for revenge.
Having completed the post game phase (in which the Possessed became EVEN harder) and no serious casualties taken on either side we randomly generated a scenario for the next game.

The fates decided that we would play Wyrdstone Hunt.

This scenario consists of placing a random number, four in this case, of counters on the table.
These represented shards of  the precious substance that all the warbands in Krappefortt had entered the town to find and fight over.
A model could claim one of the shards by moving into contact with it and move unhindered, only dropping it if the model was taken 'out of action'.
The shards were placed fairly evenly and both warbands began to set up with their recovery in mind.

Here are a few pics of the initial starting positions of the antagonists.

Firstly, the Theatre of the Grotesque had both of their Possessed and a Darksoul on their right flank

On the left, the Magister lead the Beastman and Mutants

A view showing the distance between the two elements

On the other side of the table, the Nordlanders formed up, keeping close together.

The warbands advanced on each other, making for the shards of Wyrdstone

The Possessed moving forward, striking fear into the hearts of the human warriors

The Nordlanders started to spread out, making for the two nearest shards

The Possessed continued their surge on the right flank

While the Magister continued his advance on the left supported by the rest of the band

The first clash happened in the centre, where the Nordland Youngblood had already grabbed the first shard and was trying to make his escape back to the safety of his friends.

The Nordlanders hired Ogre stepped into the fray but was swiftly taken down by the combined attacks of the Chaos Beastman and Mutant.. Meanwhile the Magister brained the human who had foolishly aimed an unloaded blunderbuss in his general direction!
(Yep, the Nordlanders luck with blackpowder weapons was running true to form!  >:( )
Things were not looking good for the Northern troops at this point.

In the Slums the humans had grabbed another piece of Wyrdstone and were getting the rest of the Marksmen into position to cover the withdrawel of their beleagured compatriots.

On the Nordland left things started off quite well for the human adventurers.
Having caught the Darksoul that had claimed the shard that was situated in the courtyard and (rather surprisingly) taken him out of action, the Halbardier was attempting to reach the safety of his fellows, when the Possessed announced themselves with a terrible bellowing!

What followed was not fit for mortal eyes.
(Meaning that we both forgot to take pictures at this point as the resulting combat overtook us!)
Suffice to say, it was not good for the brave Nordlanders, with four humans out of action in quick succession, including one of their Champions!
With six of the band out of the game and none of the foul Chaos spawn they elected to get out of town pretty sharpish and conceded the day to the Dark Gods!

(And to rub it in, of the six Nordlanders taken out of action in the game, having rolled on the injury table, four of them died from their wounds! Including the fallen Champion!  >:()

Bert had certainly had his revenge!

(Sorry for the lack of pictures towards the end, but the action had gotten pretty intense by then and the camera had been forgotten. DOH!  ::) )

Be back soon with the finished Halfling Quarter.
It is almost done!

Until then...

Offline Thantsants

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #424 on: January 11, 2012, 10:33:20 PM »
Stop having so much fun - we want to see the pictures!  ;)

Great looking game as always.  8)

Offline Legionnaire Bert

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #425 on: January 12, 2012, 01:13:43 PM »
R.I.P. Sgt Schweinhammer :?

Always a little regrettable seeing off a worthy opponent and valued member of an opposing warband - there but for the grace of the (dark) Gods and all that. Henchmen are one thing, but losing an experienced champion is quite another. I feel your pain, Mr Mason sir. Sorry it was I who made you feel it..

Certainly a good game for me, one of those steamroller affairs when everything seems to go right. Poor old Mason - his blunderbus failed to wound a T3 Magister and that was typical of his luck in this one. :'(

We both know he'll have his revenge soon. Possibly even tomorrow as we play again!  :D Not sure if I'll be facing him personally, though, as we may both paly Jason's Grey Dawn one on one. I've been a reproachably poor slackpants this week, and have failed to summon the energy to put in the work needed on my Possessed since we played this game a week ago. My mutant, Masque, did rather well on a visit to the Shadowlord and won himself a suit of chaos armour, and this desperately needs to be presented on the model. I think an entirely new mini is needed, rather than convert the existing one - a full suit of spikey chaos armour is needing an entirley new model. Will see what I have lurking in the bitz boxes.

Also need to put in some work on the magister, as he's a newly acquired model whose basing doesn't fit in with the rest of the warband. For shame! I promise I will get to work over the weekend.

These games really are as much fun as they look on camera, and I really do thank my friend Mason for peerlessly hosting them on such breathtaking boards.

Love-in over - c'mere Mason, so I can lamp you with somefin 'eavy!


« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 01:16:15 PM by Legionnaire Bert »

Offline Kitsune

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #426 on: January 12, 2012, 01:58:25 PM »
Great report and pics chaps. I had a late night, pre bromide, victory text message from Bert about this one!

Offline Faber

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #427 on: January 12, 2012, 02:10:25 PM »
R.I.P. Sgt Schweinhammer :?

what a wonderful game is Mordheim.

great game report Mason. :D [fake smile]
...as always [whispered with envy  >:(]

Offline DeafNala

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #428 on: January 12, 2012, 02:13:12 PM »
EXCELLENT STUFF! While the camera may have been forgotten in the heat of action late in the game, those photos you did take show just how OH-SO-COOL the minis & the LOVELY terrain pieces are.

Did you know that Mordheim gaming leads to a long, & merry life whereas V.S.F. causes irreversible goop of the brain? Something to consider.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 05:20:47 PM by DeafNala »
I'd NEVER join a club that would have me as a member.  G.Marx

Offline Faber

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #429 on: January 12, 2012, 02:46:34 PM »
Did you know that Mordheim gaming leads to a long, & merry life whereas V.S.F. causes irreversable goop of the brain? Something to consider.

Totally agree with the wise DeafNala: do it for your mental sanity, keep Krappefortting.  :-I

Offline Ninja

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #430 on: January 12, 2012, 05:00:06 PM »
I was just thinking to myself, I check this post almost every day now like reading the newspaper, and like the news paper it will be a dead media outlet if you move on to the WAY less cool vsf.....
Break out of your gaming shell! www.brokenegggames.com

"Yes, I am a ninja and no I won't show you my moves."

Offline Mason

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #431 on: January 13, 2012, 12:42:56 AM »
Thanks for all the comments, Chaps!

Stop having so much fun - we want to see the pictures!  ;)

Great looking game as always.  8)

I know, I know!
It is terrible of us to get sidetracked playing the actual game... ;)

On that note, we have another afternoon's gaming planned for tomorrow, and there are three of us.
So one person can be designated the photographer for each game and we may get it right this time!
No promises, though!  :D

Legionnaire Bert; Very gracious of you sir!
Love-in over - c'mere Mason, so I can lamp you with somefin 'eavy!


Yeah, yeah! See ya tomorrow, matey!

Great report and pics chaps. I had a late night, pre bromide, victory text message from Bert about this one!

Thanks, Kitsune!
Will try to make sure he dont bother you tomorrow....

EXCELLENT STUFF! While the camera may have been forgotten in the heat of action late in the game, those photos you did take show just how OH-SO-COOL the minis & the LOVELY terrain pieces are.

Did you know that Mordheim gaming leads to a long, & merry life whereas V.S.F. causes irreversible goop of the brain? Something to consider.

Thanks, DeafNala!
I am afraid I have to move on to VSF, regardless of any medical advice.
Promises and all that...

Totally agree with the wise DeafNala: do it for your mental sanity, keep Krappefortting.  :-I

Thanks, Faber!
Dont worry, mate. I will be frequently popping back to add to this thread as I have a few small parts of the project that I will be doing to keep my sanity.  ;)
Plus we will still be playing Mordheim, so we can still bother you chaps with the battle reports.  ;)

I was just thinking to myself, I check this post almost every day now like reading the newspaper, and like the news paper it will be a dead media outlet if you move on to the WAY less cool vsf.....

Thanks for the vigilance, Ninja!
As I just said, the thread will continue, just not as prolifically as itit is now.

Back soon with a few more battle reports.
Also; I have just spoken to Bert and he assures me that he has his Undead Pirates packed up for tomorrow, ready to pose for pictures!  ;D

Until then.....

Offline Legionnaire Bert

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #432 on: January 13, 2012, 08:33:47 AM »
I love the smell of wyrdstone in the morning....but does it smell like victory?

Only time will tell! Ah, pre-game anticipation - that lovely sense of hopeful optimism before your best warband members get a sword shoved up their gizzards and much sadness ensues! Hope this doesn't turn out to be prophetic. Note to self: just cos the possessed are nasty beasties does NOT make them invulnerable to human halberds and eluf swords...

Looking forward to this afternoon's mayhem. What will the day's adventuring produce?


Offline Mason

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #433 on: January 13, 2012, 10:39:44 PM »
Well, todays shenanigans have taken place.

First up on the schedule for the afternoon was the game between Berts Possessed, the Theatre of the Grotesque, and Jason's Shadow Elves, Grey Dawn.
I got to play photographer.  ::)

I must warn that this game ended up taking the whole afternoon, the longest game of Mordheim that I have witnessed and so many photos were taken that when I uploaded them it did not quite work properly and some twenty odd photos were missing.
I will have to upload them again (quicker than working out which are missing!  ;))

I will post them tomorrow, but be warned; There are a lot of them!
Hopefully it will be worth it, as it was a great game, and I was only the photographer!

Offline DeafNala

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Re: The ruins of Krappefortt MORDHEIM (Chaos Revenge!-P29) UD:11/01
« Reply #434 on: January 13, 2012, 11:12:26 PM »
I will post them tomorrow, but be warned; There are a lot of them!

OH BABY...bring 'em on!


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