I think he wants "ready-to-play" unit cards, so that he doesn´t have to fill in the values and calculate the points.
Grimm, we´re going to add "readymade" cards to the supplements, which have the relevant details for "preconstructed" units.
It is a bit difficult because, in theory, you can have troops of any quality from almost any force - okay, in the Spain supplement, we will not allow Raw Foreign Legion troops, and there shouldn´t really be Raw German Stormtroops. Thus, you could use such completed cards ONLY for THIS VERY TYPE of squad, so their use would be limited.
On the other hand, if we had to add all stat values to the card, it would become clogged and unreadable. But once we get the army lists finished, you´ll just have to copy the stats onto the cards, and the cards from the supplement will have pictures on them, so you´ll only have to add the stats for your chosen quality.