I have added an article to my blog with an account of a 28mm game based on the 2nd Battle of Polotsk.
http://blenheimtoberlin.blogspot.co.uk/I have also added a page to the blog with the scenario notes, background, player briefings and OBs.
Bavarian redoubt opens fire
We had 6 players with myself as non playing umpire. There were approx 1200 figures on a 14ft by 5ft table. I adjusted the OB and terrain to suit the figures available and the shape of the table. Game played out in about 5 hours excluding the lunch period.
Main Russian attack gets underway.....
More photos and descriptions at
http://www.flickr.com/photos/bill26048/set...57629698341158/We used Black Powder but with the modified turn sequence - Initiative moves, Shooting, Ordered moves, Melee - works as well for Napoleonics as in previous AWI games.
This modified Black Powder sequence of play comes from the WSS “& Blenheim” rule modifications by Ian Hopping available on the Yahoo BP Forum. We have used this revised turn sequence in numbers of AWI and Napoleonic games and it seems to work well. It prevents the often complained issue of units making double or treble moves and firing at their enemy at short range when the enemy has not been able to fire. It also gives unit’s a chance to exploit the effect of their shooting by charging units that may have become shaken or disordered. This is actually more useful in Napoleonics as cavalry can react to the effect of shooting on squares.
This version is my extended text of the original.
Initiative Phase
Declare and undertake initiative movement – there is no change to the basic rules for this.
All moving units to be marked as having moved this turn. (They cannot move again in Command Phase).
Reactions - Any units charged may deliver ‘Closing Fire’ at the end of the initiative. Units evading are moved at the end of the initiative moves. Counterchargers move to meet their chargers as usual.
Firing Phase
Moving player carries out firing as per the rules.
All firing units to be marked as having fired this turn (for modified Command Penalty).
Command Phase
Give orders and move as per the Command phase of the rules.
There is an additional command penalty:
“-1 if fired this turn”
Any units charged may deliver ‘Closing Fire’ if they have not fired before in this turn.
Melee Phase
Conduct Melees as per rules