On this weekend we have played our first (real) Black Powder Game.
We have used a scenario from the Albion Triumphant supplement.
Poor development of the French forces on turn 1.
The British (same turn)
The french in full advance.
The British left and center move slowly to the middle of the table.
And the same on the right wing.
The Black Watch has climbed the hill (one of the objektives) to shoot in the back of the French Legeres. The shooting wasn`t very successfull and in the French turn the square was broken by the charging hussars (it`s still a game of dices
The heroic or confused KGL-hussars (after a blunder in the order phase) charge the French and were annihillated. Now the first British brigade was broken.
A lonely regiment must face the unharmed left flank of the French army.
Soon after that the second British brigade was broken as they tried to storm the hill and again couldn`t
defeat the charging hussars and the day was lost.