Things have been quiet here recently, what with moving house, moving offices and loads of other things. As Christmas holidays approach, the annual Blogger winter painting challenge from
Analogue Hobbies has started. Each participant has three months to paint up as much of their lead/plastic mountain as possible, with points awarded for each complete model (full scoring is over on Curt's blog linked above).
No painting was allowed, other than undercoating, before the kick off date of Dec 15th... so this will be a record of what I manage to clear out of the backlog, along with some ideas of where they will eventually be used.
First up were my four Heroquest mummies.
These guys have been rebased as all my pulp/mythos creatures are going to be based this way for ease of play on different surfaces; plus I like the look of it. They will also form the start of my attempt to rebuild my Warhammer Quest set that will spin off properly in March after the challenge finishes.