Not looking at that game was planned as test and special expectations it was not planned, actually all left simply remarkably!
In general a legend such: the unit ottoman expeditions will come across (to a siege were not ready - absence of guns, other adaptations have constructed on a place) on the lock Polish noble (the lock small, yet up to the end completed - absence of a ditch, artillery, there is not enough people). After rough (obscene) refusal on the offer to surrender for the symbolical repayment and an oath of allegiance to the sultan, Turks, seeing the superiority in strength have decided to take the lock to a descent...
The first variant of precipitable small town.
Further the decision to simplify a lay-out of a city for convenience of game was accepted.
Total variant of a city
Turkish positions before attack
The first throw of a cube has appeared very successful! Turkish the trebuchet the well-aimed shot was destroyed by a copper with pitch in gate tower, having killed also two defenders. Further this miracle of engineering thought repeatedly caused a considerable damage to not numerous defenders of a city.
Sniper shooting Turkish a trebuchet (with model has not developed therefore have replaced model catapults) is simply amazing 5 shots of successively 100 % of hits, that that mystical is simple! And I so hoped for a successful pulling down for me, on that as shot in the end already risky! Turks already were under walls.
Turks are carried to city walls, the trebuchet continues the well-aimed shooting reduce numbers of defenders...
Defenders have tried to take measures and have dragged in gate tower a copper with pitch,
But the next well-aimed shot Turkish a trebuchet has deprived of their any hopes.
Turkish troops have prepared for a resolute throw on walls, bowmens practically with zero effect
Watered walls with hailstones of arrows (for each course it was made more than 100 shots,
But from their fire it is killed only three defenders)
The siege tower has reached walls of a city and has cast away transitive the bridge, the Serbian knights the first have tried to go on walls, but have been stopped by supersuccessful shots of crossbowmens and a handful of defenders. At first led by sir Dezom, and then after its destruction, one of the Teutonic knights who have appeared in a city in transit. Battle on the bridge of a siege tower became an ornament of all game. Some times the Serbian knights landed on a wall, but over and over again it was possible to defenders to reject them. From group of knights in 12 figures remains only 5 which have rushed on a tower, have destroyed the crossbowmen and have lifted the flag over a city.
Turks have got on walls, but have been for a long time blocked by defenders. Serbs are once again rejected, but nevertheless have rushed on walls
Final stage of storm. Turks managed to get on walls on two of six ladders, having overcome with the big losses resistance of defenders. Forward units, having crumpled civilians has rushed into a city. Last Teutonic knight near a tower still resisted, on one of flanks it was possible to defenders to block a heavy Turkish infantry climbing up on ladders, gate still kept, but the city has been already doomed. A Turk it has appeared too much...
Yes! Game has turned out simply super!!!! I so was not dragged for a long time!!!!! Many thanks to Oleg Babirusu, Andrey, and also Roger for encouragement!!! Time in general has imperceptibly flown by.