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Author Topic: BattleTech Alpha Strike AAR [Pic Heavy]  (Read 1531 times)

Offline fourcolorfigs

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BattleTech Alpha Strike AAR [Pic Heavy]
« on: July 27, 2015, 02:30:11 PM »
We had a game Sunday, 7/26/15 between my new unit, the 5th Dneiper Explorer Corps (funded by mysterious multi-billionaire Shango Agathi) and Kurita forces augmented with Mercs. Setting is loosely 3050s - early 3060s.

I took a bunch of pics, so I will show them here. We used all of the basic and advanced rules, but did not employ variable damage. Awesome game, all around!

Above elements of the 5th assemble to defend a research installation on Dneiper. I fielded 259 pts.--8 'Mechs and 1 unit of infantry.

Above a close-up shot of the 5th units who participated in the battle. Captain Geoff Yandorak calls the shots from his Atlas!

A hothead at the con, Corporal Quai-Lung did not know that the battle would call more upon her Hatchetman's stand-off anti-air capability than her machine's eponymous melee weapon!

Above a shot of MechWarrior Charon Crawford in his 60 ton Quickdraw QKD-8K--he would find himself in the thick of the battle in short order!

A raiding force of Kurita 'Mechs and mercenary 'Mech and Aerospace elements landed on Dneiper in the dead of night! Their goal? Seize valuable research data and hardware from the Carnegie Center For Science and Innovation nestled in the bucolic countryside of the planet's central continent.

Pictured above, Falon's Wood--it would become a central scene in the pitched assault on the Center! Madsen's Flea FLE-17 streaks headlong into it to scout the oncoming foe...

Above, as scientists and workers scurry for the safety of the Center's panic bunkers, Captain Yandorak lumbers ahead in his 100 ton Atlas AS7-S, and the 5th's intrepid infantry take up positions in one of the facility's buildings.

Above a Kurita Grand Dragon fords the Sage River! A Guillotine approaches behind him, and a Panther flanks and provides withering covering fire. The enemy is upon us!

Above, elements of the 5th take up defensive positions in Falon Wood, the Guiilotine strikes after jumping the river, and the Merc Aerospace elements make the first of three deadly strafing/bombing runs!

Above, a view of the battle from one of the Center's aerial recon drones! Due to severe damage from the Merc Aerospace, Madsen and his Flea had to, well, flee!

Above, another deadly strafing run from those pesky Merc fighters! Salazar's Orion ON1-MA used its Flak to good advantage, scoring a hit on the fighter, but the skilled pilot stayed airborne!

Above, Quai-Lung's Hatchetman HCT-5S fires on and hits the second enemy Aerospace fighter, but the Merc keeps his cool and remains in flight! Meanwhile, Madsen narrowly avoids total destruction from the strafing run--speed is armor!

Above, Quai-Lung and the 5th's infantry fend off a flanking Quickdraw as the Kurita Atlas lumbers into deadly medium range! Also, that pesky fighter makes its last run!

Meanwhile, combined fire destroys the Kurita Guillotine, but not before he blows up Veronica Beck's Commando COM-5S!

Above, with the Guillotine dispatched and Beck safely ejected from her burning machine, Crawford's Quickdraw and Kwint Savak's Vindicator VND-3L leap from Falon Wood and land behind the Merc Zeus and prepare to blast him!

They strip him of all of his Armor and get into his Structure, but they cannot put the kibosh on the stubborn Merc warrior!

At this point both Aerospace fighters were stripped of all armor and refused to make further runs. The Merc Zeus also fled rather than risking dispossession, and the Kurita raiding force pulled back, driven off by the stiff resistance of the 5th Dneiper Explorer Corps! Beck's Commando was salvaged, but the Kurita Guillotine proved too far gone to reclaim. The 5th had to content themselves with knowing they had successfully defended the Carnegie Center For Science and Innovation!

Thanks for reading!


Scott P.

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places."

--Ernest Hemingway

Offline audrey

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Re: BattleTech Alpha Strike AAR [Pic Heavy]
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 07:57:30 PM »
How long did it take to play this size game of AS?
Mistress of slayage

My Oubliette:

Offline Elbows

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Re: BattleTech Alpha Strike AAR [Pic Heavy]
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 11:17:01 PM »
Lovely report - not sure how I missed this one...perhaps we need a "Battletech AAR thread" for everyone to post in?  Looks like we have 4-5 different BT projects ongoing at the moment.
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Offline fourcolorfigs

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Re: BattleTech Alpha Strike AAR [Pic Heavy]
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 01:00:16 AM »
How long did it take to play this size game of AS?

Under two hours!


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