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Author Topic: What is it about Frostgrave?  (Read 12064 times)

Offline Digitarii

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2015, 12:37:52 AM »
Well, this is my first post at the LAF in a very long time. I started reading up on FG on another forum some time ago and my interest has been piqued. I've been building large scale armies for the last 3 years, all Sci-fi, and I'm needing a change. Frostgrave does have that old-school D&D vibe, and since miniatures are what got me into D&D in the first place 35 years ago, it's very much a piece of nostalgia for me. Given that it's all skirmish and uses very small groups (usually less than 10 models per group), I can have several groups painted and ready to go, and get others to try it as well. I might even be able to get my Fiancee to try it!

Open ended rules and setting? Sounds like Greyhawk to me!
Any models I want, but with a full complement of already existing models for specific characters? Yes!
Planned campaigns and scenarios? Again, sounds like D&D.
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Offline Helznicht

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2015, 01:43:35 PM »
Open ended rules and setting? Sounds like Greyhawk to me!
Any models I want, but with a full complement of already existing models for specific characters? Yes!
Planned campaigns and scenarios? Again, sounds like D&D.

Your on it.  The game fees and plays very much like D&D without a dungeon master.

Offline Timeshadow

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #32 on: December 08, 2015, 08:12:00 PM »
I like the simple straightforward rules and ease of play but with just enough complexity and randomness to keep it interesting. It makes a great story backdrop. I'm loving journaling my wizard's exploits.

Offline jp1885

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #33 on: December 08, 2015, 08:20:37 PM »
Came quite late to the Frostgrave party, and can only echo what's been said above (excepting the few who don't like the game!)
It's brought me back to fantasy after about 30 years, got me making more of an effort with painting, and it makes a very nice change from painting greys, browns and khakis!

Offline Corporal Chaos

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #34 on: December 08, 2015, 11:10:05 PM »
Just the seeming simplicity and the vague background.... So open and ready to be explored. I think I was hit with a charm spell!  :-*
I should be painting right now.

Offline ragsthetiger

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2015, 12:27:44 AM »
My gaming buds and I have been playing Pulp Alley for the last year or so.  It's a terrific game that does pretty much anything you want it to...very flexible and adaptable, with storytelling elements that allow you to construct narrative campaigns in just about any genre or setting.
Except...it doesn't have a real magic system, at least not in the classic RPG or fantasy wargame sense.  Frostgrave really delivers on that front, scratches that particular itch, and allows us to haul out the old RPG, Mordheim, and Fantasy Battle minis we haven't used in years.  So, between the two of them, we have all our tabletop gaming needs covered, and are really getting our money and effort's worth our of our mini and scenery collections.
It's a very good time to be a tabletop gamer, thanks in no small measure to Joe McCullough and Dave Phipps.  My sincere gratitude to both of these very creative gentlemen.

Offline Bishop Cockthrottle

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2015, 08:08:53 AM »
Have to agree with the "old school" feel of FG - I play home-brewed RPG at the moment and have suggested we integrate some FG concepts as they are so usable.

The "look" of FG on table is very appealing as well, the more terrain there is the better

It is also very (very) easy to learn plus most wizards come away something every game

Offline Fencing Frog

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2015, 12:52:45 PM »
For me its the combination of a clean set of rules and a compelling setting with just enough detail to get my own brain going.  Also the open attatude of the game creater with regard to what figures you want is very refreshing compared to some other game companies attatudes.

Offline Philhelm

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #38 on: December 09, 2015, 03:03:05 PM »
I think Frostgrave scratches an itch.

1.  After playing Warhammer for many years, with my Holy Roman Empire inspired humans, its nice to return to the old school, generic fantasy that had lured me into tabletop games to begin with (HeroQuest was the game that started it all).

2.  Nice miniatures.  While we aren't by any means pressured into using the official miniatures, I find them to be quite nice.  The soldiers kit was one of the best sets I've worked with in a long time, and I like it better than even the old Mordheim kit.

3.  The focus on wizardry.  I've been on a cleric kick for quite some time, so the Thaumaturge scratches that itch (well, except for the no armor part, but that's no big deal).

4.  Tight rules.  These days I find myself asking whether additional rules and complexity actually add to the enjoyment of a game.  I find that often times, some systems are needlessly complex and slow down the game.

5.  Random encounters with monsters was a really nice touch.

6.  Shorter game lengths means a greater opportunity to play.

7.  I don't need a 6 x 4 (or greater) table to play.

8.  I don't need 200 miniatures to play.

Offline Elbows

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #39 on: December 09, 2015, 06:08:47 PM »
I'll have to join the unfortunate crowd...after reading a bunch, listening to several reviews and playing a game myself, it dropped off my radar.  I'll keep the rulebook because it's beautiful, but it didn't scratch any itch for me.

However, I'm intrigued by the possibility of a huge house-rule conversion.  I love the figures and can't wait to get my hands on the plastics.  I may just have played a poor game, so maybe I need someone to host a quality game for me.

+Warband style skirmish game, always good
+Heaps of fun spells and interesting ways to impact the game
+Neat schools of magic
+Great rulebook w/ wonderful art/pictures
+Cool theme/idea/background
+Lots of potential*

-Grabbing treasure is boring.
-Movement is a bit too slow for me in almost all areas
-Campaign system doesn't work for me, could use a lot more depth
-Imbalance created quickly by the campaign from just one game
-Disposable henchmen is a bit of a shame
-D20 is a bit swingy (after watching two Zombies kill four of my buddy's warband including his wizard!)

Overall, it's a decent game, but I was expecting a lot more after the reception it got.  I would gladly play it if we house-ruled up a bunch of fixes to my dislikes.

*Potential: This is the key.  I don't think it's a brilliant game, but I think it could be.  Since it's not tournament based there isn't anything keeping people from making it their own.  I think it provides a fantastic framework for someone to make the game into something truly wonderful.

I do think the game could definitely use much more storied/varied scenarios (of which we've already created a heapload on this forum), some story campaigns, maybe some cooperative rules (or co-opetitive).  So I think it has plenty of potential, just really didn't do much for me at all.
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Offline Steelwraith

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2015, 08:38:09 PM »
Being a fan of all things skirmish, Frostgrave grabbed my attention, and imagination. Reminds me a lot of Mordheim, enough for me to get my crews out and have a dig through the frozen city, and I like the figs being put out for the game. BTW, does anyone know if the reindeer guy from the new supplement is being made? He's just too darned cool not to have in my collection.

Offline Philhelm

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2015, 09:04:51 PM »
Being a fan of all things skirmish, Frostgrave grabbed my attention, and imagination. Reminds me a lot of Mordheim, enough for me to get my crews out and have a dig through the frozen city, and I like the figs being put out for the game. BTW, does anyone know if the reindeer guy from the new supplement is being made? He's just too darned cool not to have in my collection.

The Rangifer?  I've seen pictures of the sculpt online, so assume it will be released in the near future.

Offline Zinkala

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2015, 10:18:20 PM »
I ordered them with the Deal X pack and there's news about them in the latest newsletter. Should be generally available very soon. I want to get a few more of them myself.

Offline ElOrso

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2015, 08:29:42 AM »
1) We love the pace of the game. Alternating turns are a blessing when coming from WHFB. In big (multi)battles you sometimes had to wait 30-60 minutes for your turn. Now it's just a couple. Keeps you more engaged.

2) Due to the low model count i am able to spend money on terrain. I now have a big set of terrain available for all kinds of scenario's while in the past we had a few crappy trees and 1 hill. :-)

3) Games go fast, you can easily play a few games in an evening. Bookkeeping does take up some time after the games but it's , in my opinion, just doable.

4) We love to campaign, we always tried to invent campaigns in the games we played. Keep them simple, keep them balanced and not too complex. The only thing we had additionally was an underdog system.

5) Budget & rule wise it's easy to pick up. And i'm able to convince a lot of players to give it a try as we all have some miniatures all kinds of games. Due to the low entry others are also enthusiastic. And the rules are also simple, but this also leaves for some unexplained situations that need house-ruling.

Offline Daniel36

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Re: What is it about Frostgrave?
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2015, 09:29:24 AM »
I don't think I have answered yet.

For me, the total package is just perfect.

My best friend and I have very different tastes. He really likes tactical gaming, coming up with brutal combos, setting up a game plan for the battle. I like narrative gaming. I love the background stories of the warbands and why they fight. I don't really care much for tactical gaming.

Warhammer was not for me. It was all about the list building. Battles were won before we even set up a single model. Mordheim wasn't really for my friend, it was too random for him, too much focused on what was happening and not how you played. Frostgrave has found the perfect middle ground. It doesn't punish me for not having good combos, and it doesn't punish him by focusing too much on the narrative aspects.

That, and the feel of the official miniatures just works for me. It has an old school charm without being old fashioned.

You can be done with 10 miniatures. Not that that is stopping me from getting more, but you COULD be done with 10 miniatures. Also, setting up and playing doesn't take ages and I am not left with a headache afterwards.

Everything about it just works. Also, the supplements really are supplements. They are not needed but they add flair. I am looking forward to the underground supplement but also the interestingly named Sellsword.



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