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Author Topic: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Musicians and general added.  (Read 10386 times)

Offline WillieB

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2016, 09:46:15 AM »
These are wonderful looking figures and with lots of conversion possibilities.
For some time now I've been toying with the idea to 'divert' from my usual time frame and period ie. Western Late Roman (5th/6th C) to a slightly later early 7thC Eastern setting.( Rise of Islam) Would these figures be usable for that era?
I'm sure I can find enough Arab, and Berber figures but I have to admit I don't (yet) have many details about the Sassanid, Eastern Romans or Ghazanid ones.
Read on your website that you're also planning early Byzantines. Would these too be suitable for an early 7th C setting?
Thanks very much!

Panic, Chaos and Disorder. My job here is done

Offline Smithy

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015)
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2016, 10:15:55 PM »
Hi WillieB

If I can answer the second part of your question first. The short reply is 'yes'
Keith and I are agreed on this. The 'Early Byzantine' range we plan will cover the period from Belisarius to the end of Heraclius' reign. It should run from the end of your Late Roman 5th/6th cent. period to the end of the Sassanian period. This also coincides with the upper end of the time frame for our own Sassanian range (just ignore the really early looking figures) They will therefore cover the early rise of Islam period, but do read some of the other comments on this thread about later use.
We also include two distinctly different sets of archery equipment with the cavalry packs roughly ranging from the 4th century to the 11th century.
The Sassanian infantry and the various Steppe nomads we have released recently have been designed to be as versatile, both in nationality and time span as possible. The infantry could be useful for a great number of nations from the 3rd century to the early medieval period depending on which head is fitted. As soon as the last infantry command pack is released I will be working on some additional head packs to that end. Just as an example of the versatility of these various units. The Steppe nomads would be useful as Khazars fighting for Heraclius as mercenaries or as prisoners recruited by the Sassanians. They would also do as Huns fighting for Belisarius or as Turks fighting for Sassanians. Sassanians from our range could be used with Belisarius fighting Goths! The permutations are endless and we still have to do German cavalry which will be included in the Byzantine range.
Hope this helps!  Adam
'I see lead people'

Offline Smithy

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015)
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2016, 10:40:18 PM »
Hi Druzhina, just noticed I missed your question on the origin of the shield we supply with the infantry. We supply both the large 'mantlet' type shield and the smaller shield, both of which are from the Yale University Collection published by Simon James in his excellent book 'Excavations at Dura-Europos 1928-1937' Final Report VII. Length for the large 'shield' is given as 1.55M+ but it is incomplete so this is an informed estimate I would imagine. Simon James has examined this shield and concluded that although the remains are roughly rectangular the fact that the ends of the cane rods have been cut obliquely strongly suggest the end was pointed like the other shields in the collection. The smaller shields are 1.01 - 1.02 metres in length.    Adam

Offline Mithridates1

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015)
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2016, 06:15:19 AM »
Most helpful Adam.

My Byzantines are a mixed bunch dating from the early 1980s - largely Hinchliffe with some Essex and Lamming.    Look forward to your range - particularly some General figures.


Offline WillieB

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015)
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2016, 09:53:06 AM »
Thanks very much Adam!
I'm always a bit 'shy' to step into a new period or sub- period in this case. Too often I had to give up a project for lack of figures but now, knowing that one of my favourite manufacturers will support it, it's time for the next phase. The Heraclian period is exactly what I had in mind but those Bellisarians will no doubt prove to be equally irresistible.

And yes, those Steppe Nomads are extremely versatile. For the time being I've press-ganged them ( and some of the Avars) as bodyguards/ opponents for Aetius in the West :)
Wouldn't mind doing them again for another era.

Thanks again Adam. Now I really have something to look forward to this year!


Offline Aventine

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry completed, last command ready
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2016, 10:24:27 AM »
We have the last infantry packs ready and in our store. A set of armoured spearmen standing behind the large pavais thrusting overhand and a command set for them and the rest of the armoured infantry.

And some WIP



Offline Mithridates1

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry completed, last command ready
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2016, 11:39:39 PM »
Great sculpts and poses Keith.    Good to have the option of decent heavier infantry, the draco comes up very well and the officer looks a solid dependable sort. 

Just a question.   Are you planning on having any musicians in the command group - afterall a levy needs every encouragement it can get!  (A drummer would be nice).  If not it occurs to me the bowman flourishing his bow above his head could be modified to carry a trumpet, as could the unarmoured command chap pointing with spear.

Look forward to the Samnites.


Offline Aventine

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry completed, last command ready
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2016, 07:48:56 PM »

Adam is looking at a musician now, we have another mounted general in the wings so we can add the extra figure in with him when the time comes.

Offline Mithridates1

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry completed, last command ready
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2016, 08:36:38 PM »
Thanks for that advice Keith.   The General will be very handy.


Offline Aventine

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Infantry completed, last command ready
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2016, 05:39:35 PM »
General and musicians added today.

More info and photos here




PS Heads are being sorted into sets for a mould next week.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 10:20:22 AM by Aventine »

Offline Mithridates1

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Musicians and general added.
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2016, 09:19:11 PM »
Word fail me Keith - 2 drummers!!!  Splendid looking fellows and a quite regal General.


Offline bigredbat

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Re: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Musicians and general added.
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2016, 10:59:27 PM »
And such nice drummers,  too.  The general is super!


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