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Author Topic: (COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Musicians and general added.  (Read 10376 times)

Offline Aventine

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(COMMERCIAL) Aventine's Sassanid Musicians and general added.
« on: December 11, 2015, 01:27:49 PM »
Some might have already seen the facebook posts about the expansion of the Sassanid Range by adding infantry. We now have the archers, javelinmen and spearmen finished. There is a command for unarmoured units and we are working on the armoured command pack now. It is our intention to have the infantry complete by Christmas. The only other addition would be more heads, the details of which we have not sorted out yet. Anyway here are some photos and a link to the slideshows on the site. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. Keith and Adam.

Site is here...http://aventineminiatures.co.uk/

« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 08:53:24 PM by Aventine »

Offline Phil Robinson

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2015, 01:38:42 PM »

Offline delbruck

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2015, 05:36:49 PM »
Very nice infantry figures, potentially useful for many different armies - (Khurasian, Ghazanid, & many more)

The only other addition would be more heads, the details of which we have not sorted out yet.

The choice of heads and  horses is becoming confusing. Donnington's website (Ancient & Modern Army Supplies) has a dropdown feature when you order a pack that allows you a choice of options  (different horses or weapons). This type of feature would be very useful. Also, it would really be helpful if the heads were also sold separately.

In addition, I am under the impression you released packs of Asiatic light cavalry. I can find them no place on your website. The Hun/Turk/Avar section lists only heavy noble cavalry.

Beautiful figures and service :), but you website could use some improvement.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 05:43:04 PM by delbruck »

Offline Prof.Witchheimer

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2015, 05:50:59 PM »
Wow, Keith, these are awesome  :-*

Offline Aventine

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 06:10:03 PM »

The website is like Aventine in general, started small and has grow like roots of a tree as it aged. I will try and address the issues you have raised but drop down menus are not an option with the software as far as I know. The best way is to ask in an email and I will sort it most times most bits have their own moulds so mixing and matching isn't usually an issue.

We had pondered listing all the packs as separate parts eg riders, horses, weapons but then it just gets way too much. We did this with the newer cavalry so you can select the riders then the horses for the same total price.

We will list the heads early next year by then I might have sorted out the mess they have gotten into. I hope to offer sets of 5 heads in a pack, I just need to organise the new moulds to do that and I want to wait to see what new ones Adam makes.

The Steppe light horse are here

For some reason the sub folders were not being displayed, sorted now and thanks for the heads up.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 06:13:37 PM by Aventine »

Offline Mithridates1

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2015, 08:56:56 PM »
Great looking figures Keith - been watching them on the web site.   Nice to see a non-globe hatted option at last.  The bare headed options (facial characteristics give them a real plus) are would be handy in any number of dark age or even ancient armies like say Pontic or even Dacian.   Interesting question about the shields - personally I would go with pointy end up!

Lots to ponder for the New Year - all the best for the Silly Season.


Offline Saucy Jack

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2015, 09:43:37 PM »

The website is like Aventine in general, started small and has grow like roots of a tree as it aged. I will try and address the issues you have raised but drop down menus are not an option with the software as far as I know. The best way is to ask in an email and I will sort it most times most bits have their own moulds so mixing and matching isn't usually an issue.

We had pondered listing all the packs as separate parts eg riders, horses, weapons but then it just gets way too much. We did this with the newer cavalry so you can select the riders then the horses for the same total price.

We will list the heads early next year by then I might have sorted out the mess they have gotten into. I hope to offer sets of 5 heads in a pack, I just need to organise the new moulds to do that and I want to wait to see what new ones Adam makes.

The Steppe light horse are here

For some reason the sub folders were not being displayed, sorted now and thanks for the heads up.

Your website might not be the best but your minis certainly are. Very impressed with the EIR I got.

Offline Smithy

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2015, 10:59:08 AM »
Just noticed Keith's post. Did you go to Italy to photograph these? Nice backdrop. We appreciate the comments. As for the shields, Keith and I did discuss this when we first seen them. Although there is no conclusive evidence as to which way up they should be we both agreed that the pointy end should be at the top. Unfortunately, there is very little in the way of illustrations showing this. The best known of these appear in the Osprey books by David Nicolle. These show the smaller version of the shield and both are held with the pointy end at the bottom. Photographs of the originals also usually show the pointy end at the bottom. Therein lay the problem, do we go with the best known illustrations (which may be valid for the smaller shields) or with the more likely option of them being held pointy end upwards? We decided to opt for the former as we felt it would be more familiar to our customers and attract fewer comments. Obviously we were wrong....
The best argument for this can be found in Simon James' excellent book 'Excavations at Dura-Europos 1928-1937' on page 186. Hope this helps. As for me, I will probably glue mine both ways as I am sure I have some Brad Pitt type shield swingers in my unit.
There will be a couple more sets of heads available after Christmas and I'm sure Keith will work out a solution for listing them as he always does!       Adam
'I see lead people'

Offline archiduque

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2015, 12:28:44 PM »
awesome!! :-*

Offline delbruck

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2015, 01:00:34 PM »
Great work Adam.  :)

I couple more suggestions, if you don't mind.

1) Since you already have Late Roman heads, please offer the Sassanid infantry with these (command, spearmen, javelinmen,  & archers). In addition, offer them with Roman shields (auxiliary, and legionary oval & rectangular). These could be used as Palmyrans, Armenians, Late Romans, early Byzantines, and Sassanids with captured equipment).

2) With the release of Aurelian your Sassanids come at a perfect time, but it would also be nice to see about three packs of 3rd century Roman infantry.

3) It looks like the officer has a smaller wicker shield. Will these be available?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 12:27:28 PM by delbruck »

Offline Aventine

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2015, 03:40:04 PM »

1. They will be in the separate heads section as soon as we get the mould done early next year.
2. We have discussed this and will attempt to add the 3rd century infantry when we get a chance, no time for that set as yet.
3. Again it is just getting the time to make the mould. We have the shields sitting but with everyone ordering for Christmas we are really under pressure to keep the order moving.



Offline Sir Tobi

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2015, 09:43:03 PM »
This infantry really IS fantastic. A great addition to an already great range.

As a matter of fact, two of the Sassanid units in Sam Mustafas Aurelian http://www.sammustafa.com/honour/aurelian/ are from Aventine:

in the original, they look like that:

I'm really grateful to Keith and Adam - not only for producing such wonderful figures, but for sending me the shields even before listing in order to help me to keep the publication-deadline. And now I'm going to order these new packs...

Offline Druzhina

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2015, 02:46:19 AM »
Some might have already seen the facebook posts about the expansion of the Sassanid Range by adding infantry. We now have the archers, javelinmen and spearmen finished. There is a command for unarmoured units and we are working on the armoured command pack now. It is our intention to have the infantry complete by Christmas. The only other addition would be more heads, the details of which we have not sorted out yet. Anyway here are some photos and a link to the slideshows on the site. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. Keith and Adam.

Are the shields based on a Sassanid Leather and Cane Shield, from Dura-Europos, at Yale University Art Gallery?

Mirror site
 Sassanid Leather and Cane Shield, from Dura-Europos, at Yale University Art Gallery

Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 06:49:06 AM by Druzhina »

Offline Byblos

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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2015, 09:37:27 AM »
Hi !

Superb minies as usual  ;)

Totally agree with the Delbruck' suggestions !


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Re: Sassanid Infantry nearing completion (11-12-2015) Aventine
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2015, 08:42:15 AM »

These are so fabulous I may have to get some even though I've got loads of Sassanids already!

Can't decide which way up the shields look better which is the only criterion to use as the historical info is inconclusive?




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