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Miniatures Adventure => Back of Beyond => Topic started by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 08:20:25 AM

Title: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 08:20:25 AM
This could have gone on the Pulp board (and if you feel it should, please move it) but it was inspired by all the superb projects on the BoB board and in particular, the League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers who must shoulder a large portion of the blame for setting me off on this wild ride!  ;)

Re-reading the intro in Setting the East Ablaze 2nd Edition, this sentence got me inspired to start painting stuff. I hope you don't mind me quoting here?

'You therefore get to play with all the toys of the first quarter of the twentieth century', what more could I want? I am happy to be corrected on obvious errors as I am still reading through quite a few books to try and get an overview of this complex subject. ...and so without further ado, I present...


“There is a dry wind blowing through the East and the parched grasses await the spark. And the wind is blowing towards the Indian frontier . . .  I have reports from agents everywhere”.

Sir Walter Bullivant to Richard Hannay, Greenmantle.


GHQ, WAFFLE Corps, Peshawar, January 192?

“It’s all kicked off in Jhamjarhistan, Darling” ejaculated Major-General Kenwood-Chef. A British officer on shooting leave by the name of ‘Chippy’ Minton has been imprisoned in Djelibad. That roguish rapscallion, Faqir Al Djelibeybi, the Emir of Jhamjarhistan will be behind it all!”, he continued, in a bellicose voice that had bought many a tribal leader, quivering to their respective knees. Captain Kevin Darling, the General’s ADC was already aware of the dangerous situation in Jhamjarhistan, it was he who had laid the TOP SECRET/URGENT/EYES ONLY telegram on the General’s desk that morning.


'Chippy' Minton and Major-General Kenwood-Chef


Lakshmibai Al Djelibeybi, Emira of Jhamjarh, Faqir Al Djelibeybi, the Emir of Jhamjarh and Gunga Al Djelibeybi, the Emirzade of Jhamjarh

Major-General Kenwood-Chef was Wazirstan Amalgamated Field Force Leader ‘E’ Corps and as OIC WAFFLE Corps, Jhamjarhistan came under his jurisdiction. Jhamjarhistan being a small autonomous province to the east of Bokhara in the Pamirs.

“Darling, get me that fool Snapcase. You’ll probably find him drinking chota pegs at Madame Kharrsi’s Home for Distressed Gentlewomen”. Madame Kharrsi’s was in fact a cover for a Peshawar brothel catering exclusively for officers of field rank and above. Very hush, hush you know.

Snapcase was duly extracted by an agitated Darling from Madame Kharrsi’s establishment and hurried back to Peshawar Barracks. Ushered into Kenwood-Chef’s office, he saluted the General and accepted the offer of a mid-morning bracer, a very welcome G&T.


Snappers and Kenners

“Now then Snappers, we need you to get to Kashgar with a mixed force by yesterday!” “Stap me, Kenners, that’s a rather tall order!” riposted Snapcase. “Now look here, I’ve spoken to that transport johnny of yours, Agnew is that his name?” growled Kenwood-Chef. “Aggers, yes that’s right sir”. “Well, he and that QM chappie Johnston reckon they can cobble together enough motorised transport to get your advance column to Kashgar in a week or so. The heavy baggage and follow-up column can damn well use Shank’s pony and a mule train”. “If that’s the case then I’ll get my adjutant, Major Bovril onto the detailed planning straight away, General”, Snapcase came to the salute, about faced and marched off to cantonments to look for Bovvers, Aggers and Johnners.


Bovvers, Aggers and Johnners

When questioned, Bovvers and Aggers were adamant that they would need a team of expert mechanics to keep the motorised section running all the way to Kashgar. Aggers felt that if they could get a chap called Tuffnell from the Royal Engineers on board, then he could bring a choice selection of oily rags with him on the beano. Aggers went off to see if he could sweeten the deal with Tuffers with an all-expenses paid visit to Madame Kharrsi’s.

Meanwhile, the Political Department at Peshawar had heard of Snapcase’s imminent departure for the back of beyond. Monty Bottomley-Throppet (who some suspected was the local SIS man) dropped by to chat with Snapcase. Monty’s daughter Ophelia was on an archaeological dig with her college in Jhamjarhistan and Monty was worried about her.

The archaeological dig in Jhamjarh was being sponsored by Lord Creosote. His Lordship is a keen amateur archaeologist and when his daughter approached him for some readies to travel with her university’s archaeological club, he decided to accompany them and sponsor the dig. Lord Creosote is very jealous of his rival Howard Carter’s success in the Valley of the Kings. Lord Creosote is accompanied by his valet, Biscuit-Barrel. Creosote is known for being as rich as Croesus. His daughter is Araminta Creosote, studying archaeology at Hilda Rumpole College, Oxford. The College’s archaeological club, known as the Rumpole Scholars are working on a very ancient site near Djelibad, Jhamjarh’s main town. Passing adventurers and archaeologists in their own right, Cecil de Leominster and Baron Dietrich von Strepsil have decided to help the Rumpole Scholars in their dig.


Biscuit-Barrel, Lord Creosote and Araminta Creosote

Over drinks in the mess, it was agreed that Monty’s top two agents, one Henry Blofeld (an Old Etonian) and the other known only as Vaggers (a taciturn Yorkshireman), would accompany the advance column, first to Kashgar and then on to Djelibad to check that all was well with Ophelia and the dig. Snapcase had known Blowers at Eton and was happy to allow him on the mission.

Whilst much was known of Blowers locally, the arrival of the SIS agent Vaggers was shrouded in mystery. Rumour had it that he was an old seadog, a salty veteran of the Royal Navy. He certainly had the weather beaten appearance of an old matelot. Indeed, some said, even a colleague of Vice-Admiral Roger Keyes at the Admiralty. At the Consulate, ‘Windy’ Miller who knew about these things, opined that said Vaggers had landed from HMS Vindictive at Zeebrugge in ’18 and had suffered a rather nasty wound as a result. Whatever the truth of it, this gruff Yorkshireman was now indisputably SIS and along with his colleague Blowers, was all agog for the Jhamjarhistan mission. Unbeknownst to all but himself, Vaggers had an ulterior motive in visiting Lord Creosote’s dig. An old flame of his, the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Crust was taking part in the dig as one of the Rumpole Scholars.


Blowers, Vaggers and the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Crust

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 08:30:10 AM
Just then, a commotion arose outside the pleasant surroundings of the Officer’s Mess. “What the devil?” muttered Snapcase as he rushed outside to find the source of the unwanted interruption. In a huge cloud of dust, a battered 1912 Rolls Royce, festooned with canisters of water, petrol and assorted spare tyres pulled up with a screech of tortured brakes. From the driving seat arose a tall, thin racing snake of a man. Pushing his grime-smeared goggles up onto a dusty forehead, he advanced on Snappers, hand thrust forward in greeting. “My dear old thing, how d’ye do, D’Emfore’s the name, D. M. D’Emfore, lately of Wiltshire. Just popped over from blighty in the Roller. Only took two months to drive here. Any cricket on?” Snappers, not to be outdone by this sudden unexpected arrival uttered in a welcoming tone, “Dear boy, you must be parched after that drive? Allow me to sign you into the mess as my guest. A stiffening libation or two would be in order, would it not?”. “Throat like an Arabian desert, my dear old thing” replied the intrepid traveller, “everything now oojah-cum-spiff, push on, push on”.


D'Emfore's Rolls Royce

Over the aforementioned liquid refreshment, various facts about D. M. D’Emfore came to light. Whilst D’Emfore was making use of the Mess facilities, Snapcase hurriedly consulted the Mess copy of Wisden, concealed under a pile of ancient copies of Country Life and Punch. It transpired that D. M. D'Emfore was quite a hand in his day. A tricky left-arm leg spinner and a more than handy number five, he played for the Old Flatulents against Combined Services at Lords and emerged with a creditable 3 for 45 in the second innings and a bravura knock of 37 on a sticky dog to see the Flatulents home.

Summoning the Mess waiter for more of the alcoholic elixir Snapcase engaged D’Emfore in more conversation, revealing more of his journey. Apparently, his motor trip to India originally had two objects in view. He was planning to meet up with fellow Flatulent, the Nawab of Patuadi (no mean twirler himself) for the Nawab's annual round of rather excessive social gatherings, described by a decidedly sniffy lady missionary as "orgies to shame a Roman". Asked what he thought of the lady's comments, the Nawab replied that "he’d never been an adherent of the missionary position".

The second reason for the trip was as cricket correspondent of The Times with a brief to report on the state of the game in the Raj. “You’re in luck old stick, as regards the cricket and the Nawab. I myself am on a jolly to Djelibad via Kashgar. We pass through Patuadi en route. The Emir of Jhamjarhistan, Faqir Al Djelibeybi fields his own XI, the Djeli Gentlemen, having learnt to love the game when he attended Eton College. You must come along with us, we could field quite a creditable team from our motorised column. My adjutant, Bovvers is the devil with his full toss. Have you brought your pads?” and with that, the deal was sealed. D. M. D’Emfore slightly the worse for wear after a long drive and a bottle of gin was on his way to Djelibad.


D. M. D'Emfore

Meanwhile, at Madame Kharrsi’s Home for Distressed Gentlewomen, Captain Agnew was buttering up Captain Tufnell of the Royal Engineers. Aggers was paying for the drinks and Tuffers was quaffing as much champagne as he could, whilst the going was good. “Now look here, old man”, began Aggers “we are right in the how's your father here. Snappers has been ordered to proceed to Kashgar tout de suite using whatever bally motorised transport he can lay his hands on, with me so far, Tuffers?”. “Top hole, all received and logged in the old napper, Snappers is on a beano right up the Ranygazoo using the old bangers”. “That’s it in a nutshell, Tuffers”, replied Agnew, “and the thing is, engines are tricky blighters on the best of days. We need a performing troop of your oily-rag mechanics led by your good self to see us in clover, as it were”. “Ah, I see old horse, you may be in luck there, it just so happens that I have some drivers and mechanical types on loan from the crabs, just arrived off the old banana boat and raring to go, just need some more of the old throat oil to seal the deal, as it were”, offered Tufnell. “Take them with you and everything in the garden will be oojah-cum-spiff”.



Well, the Engineers Captain wasn’t wrong. He did indeed have some highly qualified bods in mind. The bods in question had arrived in Peshawar, somewhat bemused after their long journey. They were all members of the Women’s Royal Air Force and had not been expecting to be posted abroad, let alone to the dangerous environs of the North West Frontier. Upon their arrival, Tuffers had telegraphed back to blighty to see what the devil was going on. It transpired that some loathsome oik in the clerk’s office had made a typing error after a night on the tiles. The WRAF types were required at RAF Peshawar, an aerodrome in the vicinity of Walthamstow. The dozy oik had typed in Peshawar as the destination and here they were in British India. Tuffers had no idea what to do with them until Aggers had turned up out of the blue, looking for oily rags. Serendipity or what, he had thought.


The WRAF contingent arrive in Peshawar

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 08:38:51 AM
Der Zeppelin Korps

In the Zeppelin base at Cologne, matters seemed to be moving at a very rapid rate, indeed. LZ36 was making ready to take to the air. It was announced as a record-breaking flight to Persia for the general public. In actual fact LZ36 was to undertake a top secret mission to central Asia. The Gräfin von Zeppelin was one of the few people who knew the real purpose of the mission and she was currently engaged in embarking her clandestine corps of soldiers onto LZ36. This corps were known as Der Zeppelin Korps, formed in 1915 in secret by Helene (Hella) Amalie Gräfin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin (Gräfin von Zeppelin), daughter of the Zeppelin inventor, Ferdinand Adolf Heinrich August Graf von Zeppelin.


Gräfin von Zeppelin


Troopers of Der Zeppelin Korps

Originally part of Die Fliegertruppen des Deutschen Kaiserreiches (Imperial German Flying Corps), abbreviated to Die Fliegertruppe. In 1916 the Kaiser gave permission for the Zeppelin Korps to break away from the Fliegertruppe and become a secret autonomous arm of the German military. Only the elite were selected for service in the Korps after a rigorous selection process. Details of their missions during World War I are scarce, as the Allies suppressed details of their raids behind Allied lines to avoid panic. It is thought that the Korps took part in the raid on Britain by LZ 36. This raid was intended to destroy British historical documents, including the copy of Magna Carta held in Balcoven Castle in Scotland. This raid was only defeated at the last minute by a British spy, Lieutenant Geoffrey Richter-Douglas.


Gräfin von Zeppelin and Lieutenant Geoffrey Richter-Douglas


LZ36 flies over Cologne Cathedral

Part of the troops embarking on LZ36 are the Geier Geschwader. Unknown to all outside Der Zeppelin Korps is an elite within the elite of the Korps. Known as the Geier Geschwader (Vulture Squadron), these daredevils are experimenting with parachutes as a means of attack rather than the traditional exit from a burning plane or balloon. Led by Rittmeister Rikard D’Astardly, the Vultures are all volunteers from the Korps. Consequently, they only number three members at present. In addition to the Rittmeister, there is the eccentric inventor, Hauptmann Herman von Klunk, the Squadron’s technical expert and Oberleutnant Albrecht Zilly who is somewhat of an enigma.


Zilly, D'Astardly and Klunk

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 08:42:59 AM
I had these vehicles primed and ready to go, inspired by the Light Car Patrol before Empress brought out their extremely lovely inter-war Model T Fords (which I will be adding to this lot). I did manage to add some of the Empress crew to my vehicles.

Aggers, Johnners and Tuffers are putting together the motorised column for the arduous trip to Kashgar. Two drivers from the WRAF (Leading Aircraftwoman Honeysuckle Weeks and Aircraftwoman Perdita Weeks, sisters from Cardiff) contingent have already been allocated vehicles. D. M. D'Emfore's Rolls Royce has also been commandeered for the ride.


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on March 06, 2021, 08:45:16 AM
OK, who makes the figure of the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Cross?

Looks like this will be a cracker. Following.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 08:55:28 AM
OK, who makes the figure of the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Cross?

Looks like this will be a cracker. Following.

Thanks, Bunty Hamster-Crust is from Pulp Figures.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on March 06, 2021, 09:01:41 AM
Thank you, I'm glad you pointed her out, I hadn't noticed her before.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Captain Blood on March 06, 2021, 09:03:19 AM
Absolutely brilliant, you complete madman  lol
Wonderful storytelling and scene setting, and equally wonderful, cunning and creative curation of a quite amazing collection of different miniatures and models for your cast. Superb selections.
The Light Car Patrol as a sort of proto-LRDG is inspired. What a lovely set of vehicles and figures.

I think the French general with Lady Godiva is my favourite. Hilarious lol lol lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on March 06, 2021, 09:07:33 AM
French general with Lady Godiva? What, I missed her?!

quote author=Captain Blood link=topic=130009.msg1647642#msg1647642 date=1615021399]
I think the French general with Lady Godiva is my favourite. Hilarious lol lol lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 11:07:09 AM
Absolutely brilliant, you complete madman  lol
Wonderful storytelling and scene setting, and equally wonderful, cunning and creative curation of a quite amazing collection of different miniatures and models for your cast. Superb selections.
The Light Car Patrol as a sort of proto-LRDG is inspired. What a lovely set of vehicles and figures.

I think the French general with Lady Godiva is my favourite. Hilarious lol lol lol

Dear old thing, you are too kind. But many thanks for the comments, I'll stand you a Pink Gin in the Mess sometime!

Général de brigade Marcel le Coqsure and Lady Godiva are not fixed in the vehicle you'll be glad to hear. They do add a nice bit of colour and a certain je ne sais quoi though.

Plenty more to come...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on March 06, 2021, 11:22:53 AM
Excellent- love the approach. Keep posting please
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 11:56:15 AM
Excellent- love the approach. Keep posting please

Thanks, Mike, will do.

One thing I completely forgot to mention. Some of you are aware that I am the Official Curator of the SI Museum of Antiquities. Amongst the prized items in the museum are the Arid/Desert boards which will be used to represent Jhamjarhistan. Also the Afghans that came with it, painted by SI will be used as Basmachi.




Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on March 06, 2021, 01:35:00 PM
WOW! Fabulous, what a terrain to play on! SI?
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 01:37:30 PM
WOW! Fabulous, what a terrain to play on! SI?

SI = Silent Invader, as he is known on this forum and a genius terrain maker!

Snapforce will be a mixed force of troops available to Kenwood-Chef at the time. This allows me to have all sorts of figures. Here are my Jats. I hasten to add that these are not my work but I cannot remember who I bought them from. Lovely painting, though.


2nd Bn/9th Jat Regiment, Mooltan Battalion

Some more of the dramatis personae.


Henry Calthorpe Blofeld, Frederick Marshman Bailey, James Bigglesworth, Lord Flashheart, Mikhail Markovich Gruzenberg aka Borodin, Bartholomew Wolfe Bandy, Monty Bottomley-Throppet and Ismail Enver Pasha
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Dr Bogo on March 06, 2021, 03:02:59 PM
Absolutely astonishingly good write up, figures, vehicles and terrain!  :-* I'm going to enjoy re-reading all of that!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 06, 2021, 03:57:11 PM
Many thanks, Dr Bogo.

Whilst urgent preparations are afoot in Peshawar, the archaeological dig outside Djelibad continues apace. The girls of the Rumpole Scholars were excavating several kurgans, burial chambers dating back to the Iron Age and possibly containing remains of the Scythians of Central Asia, who were nomads and livestock herders.

A merciless sun beat down upon the covered heads of the students of Hilda Rumpole College, Oxford. Professor Hilary de Spongepants (Rumpole College’s Chair of Archaeology) was fussing over her ‘gels’. “My gels”, she declared “are the crème de la crème. Spotting Ophelia Bottomley-Throppet (daughter of the aforementioned Monty Bottomley-Throppet) stopping to mop her glowing brow (ladies do not perspire, they merely glow) she bustled over to ensure that Ophelia was fully buttoned-up. “Scorpions, you know darling, like to get in your unmentionables”, Hilary liked to warn her ‘gels’. Hilary had her favourites and was not afraid to show it. The other students had nicknamed Hilary’s favourite girls ‘the Spongepants Set’. Ophelia was in the Set, along with the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Crust, Araminta ‘Minty’ Creosote, Prunella Gusset-Monger, Philomena Uphill-Crumpet and Lady Camilla Marsupial-Trout.


Araminta ‘Minty’ Creosote, the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Crust, Professor Hilary de Spongepants (Rumpole College’s Chair of Archaeology), Ophelia Bottomley-Throppet and Lady Camilla Marsupial-Trout

Ophelia thought that being told to button-up was less to do with scorpions and more to do with the appreciative looks given to her and the other ‘gels, by the two amateur archaeologists and travelling adventurers who had joined them on the dig. Previously to their arrival the only male members of the dig (apart from the hired Jhamjarhistani labourers, of course) were Lord Gustavus Creosote and his valet, Biscuit-Barrel.

The new arrivals were Cecil de Leominster, his valet Stirrup and Baron Dietrich von Strepsil (© Doug ex-em4).


Cecil de Leominster and Baron Dietrich von Strepsil

For the back story of these two adventurers, we have to refer to the writings of D. M. D’Emfore himself. Taken from D’Emfore’s magnum opus, Travels in the Back Passage, D. M. reveals how these two legends originally met.

Cecil de Leominster was born in 1896 into an aristocratic (but somewhat impoverished) Borsetshire family and has drifted through life effortlessly. His background is classical English upper class – Eton, Oxford, a spell in the Guards. In between Oxford and the Guards, he served for a year in the 2nd Battalion, The West Borsetshire Foresters which he joined as a volunteer in 1915. Joining with him, indeed acting as his soldier-servant for a while was Stirrup, an employee of Cecil’s wealthy uncle Sir Rufus Pitt-Bulstrode, Squire of Much Rampling. Stirrup soon tired of his servant role and joined one of the rifle platoons where he served with distinction, becoming a sergeant. Cecil managed to get a transfer to the Guards after much behind-the-scenes influence was expended by Sir Rufus and also finished the war with an enviable service record.

After the war he was restless and unhappy in peace-time England and spent most of his time abroad where, surprisingly both for himself and his friends, he became fascinated by archaeology. He renewed his acquaintance with Stirrup when visiting his family back in England and soon became aware that his old servant and comrade-in-arms was as out of place in rural England as he was himself. Stirrup by this time had become Sir Rufus’ valet.  So, with the blessing of his uncle he offered Stirrup the job of valet which, given the nature of Cecil’s travel, was likely to offer as much adventure and variety as anyone could wish for.

Since then, Cecil and Stirrup have travelled widely in Asia, Africa and South America. Their adventures have been dangerous and rewarding.

Dietrich von Strepsil is the only son of a landed German family. Born in 1892, his upbringing was very typical of his class and time. His family estate in Upper Silesia was extensive and provided ample opportunity for a young nobleman to develop the skills and accomplishments that were expected of him. A spell in the army was a natural part of his education and he joined Ulanen-Regiment von Katzler Nr.2 at Gleiwitz in 1908. He served for 3 years, attaining the rank of Oberleutnant, then studied archaeology at the University of Greifswald until war broke out.

Rejoining his regiment upon the outbreak of war at his previous rank of Oberleutnant he served with distinction on the Eastern Front and was promoted to Rittmeister at the start of 1916. He was seriously wounded in 1917 and by the time he had made a complete recovery (except for a slight limp) the war was ended.

The post-war situation in Germany left him depressed and disgusted so, as soon as he could, he travelled overseas on a self-financed archaeological expedition.

 It was while he was investigating reports of Macedonian artefacts in Anatolia that Cecil first encountered the young Baron von Strepsil. Initially, it was not a friendly encounter. Both were investigating the same reports of interesting finds and both had hired groups of local labour to assist them in excavations. Confrontations and minor scuffles broke out over disputes about use of sites, water supplies and other niggling issues. The atmosphere was not helped by the indisputable fact that the two rival expedition leaders had been wartime enemies. However, everything changed on the night that mountain brigands attacked water-parties from both expeditions, murdering three labourers. Von Strepsil and de Leominster are very different in many ways but when action is needed, particularly instant, violent action, they are as one. The brigands were put to flight, leaving several of their number on the field and from that night, von Strepsil and de Leominster have been the closest of friends and constant companions in all sorts of escapades and adventures. The fact that Dietrich only fought on the Eastern Front in the war went a long way to reconciling Cecil’s man, Stirrup, to the new friendship.

(With thanks for the permission, text in italics written by Doug ex-em4 aka D. M. D’Emfore)

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 06, 2021, 05:23:32 PM
You certainly bowled me a googly on this one, Old Sport - clipped one down to fine-leg while I was expecting a thin outside edge to the slips. Back of Beyond board....! This is an exotic setting for us rough types from the Pulp board - I love the curtains, incidentally.

Anyway, now I’ve crept through the secret door into this wondrous place and discovered you holding court here, I can settle down and enjoy the fun which is already of a very high order. Very high indeed....(and take good care of de Leominster and von Strepsil - they’re on loan; not transfer).

aka etc......
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on March 06, 2021, 09:58:06 PM
Oh dear! Missed this,and I had knowledge afore thought.
Brilliant stuff,as always; lovely miniatures,brilliant storytelling,and wonderful terrain  :-*

Edit; Honeysuckle Weeks ;D  Dunsany Featherstone has a deep and abiding’thing’ for Ms. Weeks ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 07, 2021, 09:56:20 AM
Not only is Dunsany Featherstone a gentleman and a scholar, but also a man with exceedingly good taste! Pip, pip!

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 07, 2021, 10:03:37 AM
You certainly bowled me a googly on this one, Old Sport - clipped one down to fine-leg while I was expecting a thin outside edge to the slips.

D. M. you grace us with your presence. Tried not to bowl you a jaffa with this one, but the man with the willow keeps shovelling it to cow corner.

and take good care of de Leominster and von Strepsil - they’re on loan; not transfer

Understood, will keep a straight axe in the blockhole.   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 07, 2021, 11:26:48 AM
Not only is Dunsany Featherstone a gentleman and a scholar, but also a man with exceedingly good taste! Pip, pip!


She’s an absolute poppet and no mistake....

Understood, will keep a straight axe in the blockhole.   ;)

A bat would be more appropriate, even in Kashgar. Incidentally, slightly awkward question but any news on the box-share? I was going to borrow one of the Nawab's (they’re a perfect fit) but the old boy has returned from his recent visit to England with a nasty case of the Wigan Itch so one rather hesitates to share-and-share-alike at the moment, if you take my meaning.

aka etc....
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: marianas_gamer on March 07, 2021, 11:46:18 AM
Extremely happy to see that the egregious threesome is intruding into Central Asia, particularly as Vaggers has been AWOL for too long. The Dogmeat General sends felicitations and veiled warnings concerning trespass in his AOR.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 07, 2021, 03:10:29 PM
Extremely happy to see that the egregious threesome is intruding into Central Asia, particularly as Vaggers has been AWOL for too long. The Dogmeat General sends felicitations and veiled warnings concerning trespass in his AOR.

Snapforce, on behalf of the King-Emperor across the sea, extends the hand of friendship to the exalted one, his Excellency the Dogmeat General. Greetings, oh celestial being, may the Dragon of Goodness descend from the heavens and defecate on your rice paddies. We merely pass by your AOR in awe, leaving only footprints (or maybe tyre tracks) in our wake.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 07, 2021, 03:15:21 PM
Incidentally, slightly awkward question but any news on the box-share? I was going to borrow one of the Nawab's (they’re a perfect fit) but the old boy has returned from his recent visit to England with a nasty case of the Wigan Itch so one rather hesitates to share-and-share-alike at the moment, if you take my meaning.

Just to clarify and an appeal for help. D. M. D'Emfore has arrived in Peshawar avec pads but sans box. So far, Kenners, Snappers, Bovvers, Vaggers, Blowers, Aggers, Johnners and Tuffers feel themselves unable to help in D. M.'s appeal to box-share. After all, a chap's box is a chap's box, don't you know? Maybe a fellow LAF member feels he may be able to share a box with the great D. M. D'Emfore?



Sergeant Archibald Cutter, Sergeant 'Mac' MacChesney and Sergeant Thomas 'Tommy' Ballantine
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Ignatieff on March 07, 2021, 10:22:57 PM
Bloody outstanding Snapcase!  What a great tale, and told brilliantly.  And thank you for the name check on The League.  We are all lying low at the moment due to this dashed plague thing. And I am marooned in New York, where at least the cocktail bars and jam clubs are still operating. But never fear, work is going on behind the scenes on a new adventure, 'Black Moon', coming in the next few months.  Stay safe and well Old Bean
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Will Bailie on March 08, 2021, 06:11:17 PM
Fantastic stuff, Lord S!  Very inspirational, I'm looking forward to reading further dispatches from the field.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 09, 2021, 08:22:07 AM
Many thanks, Will Bailie, working on the next instalment now.

Bloody outstanding Snapcase!  What a great tale, and told brilliantly.  And thank you for the name check on The League.  We are all lying low at the moment due to this dashed plague thing. And I am marooned in New York, where at least the cocktail bars and jam clubs are still operating. But never fear, work is going on behind the scenes on a new adventure, 'Black Moon', coming in the next few months.  Stay safe and well Old Bean

Thanks Ignatieff, as I said you and the League are a great inspiration. Sorry to hear you are marooned away from home. Good to hear that you can lay your hands on a sinew-stiffening cocktail though, top hole.

Very much looking forward to seeing what the 'Black Moon' is all about, great title. I have on the shelf behind me as I type, some old copies of The Illustrated Kashgar Sporting Pink. If there are any future issues planned, please add me to the subscription list, old stick. Chin up, straight bat to the wicket and all that tosh.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 09, 2021, 09:12:52 AM
Some more players in the Great Game, assorted characters painted over the last couple of months for service in Jhamjarhistan.


Lev Davidovich Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky, TBA, the man from the Cheka, Marshal Gregorovitch Nokabolokov, TBA


Part of the foot column and mule train


TBA, a couple of ANZAC mule wranglers, TBA, the first of my Sikh troops (2nd Bn/11th Sikh Regiment, Ludhiana Sikhs)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on March 09, 2021, 09:20:01 AM
Nice. Meant to ask, who makes Tuffers?
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 09, 2021, 09:47:50 AM
Nice. Meant to ask, who makes Tuffers?

Tuffers is from ANZ10 ANZAC Battalion Command, Woodbine design, Gripping Beast.

https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/ANZ10_ANZAC_Battalion_Command_4--product--3954.html (https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/ANZ10_ANZAC_Battalion_Command_4--product--3954.html)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on March 09, 2021, 09:49:38 AM
Thank you.
Tuffers is from ANZ10 ANZAC Battalion Command, Woodbine design, Gripping Beast.

https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/ANZ10_ANZAC_Battalion_Command_4--product--3954.html (https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/ANZ10_ANZAC_Battalion_Command_4--product--3954.html)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Ignatieff on March 09, 2021, 04:26:23 PM
Many thanks, Will Bailie, working on the next instalment now.

Thanks Ignatieff, as I said you and the League are a great inspiration. Sorry to hear you are marooned away from home. Good to hear that you can lay your hands on a sinew-stiffening cocktail though, top hole.

Very much looking forward to seeing what the 'Black Moon' is all about, great title. I have on the shelf behind me as I type, some old copies of The Illustrated Kashgar Sporting Pink. If there are any future issues planned, please add me to the subscription list, old stick. Chin up, straight bat to the wicket and all that tosh.

There are, and I will......
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: JBaumal on March 09, 2021, 07:41:53 PM
What a fantastic bunch of characters, very nicely painted as well. I will be watching this thread with much interest.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 10, 2021, 09:32:58 AM
There are, and I will......

Many thanks.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 10, 2021, 09:38:07 AM
What a fantastic bunch of characters, very nicely painted as well. I will be watching this thread with much interest.

Thank you, JBaumal.

I need to point out that the figures in the photos here were painted by SI, not myself, and lovely they are too.

In January 1920, the Red Army captured Khiva and set up a Young Khivan provisional government. Junaid Khan fled into the desert with his followers, and the Basmachi movement in the Khorezm Region was born. Before the end of the year, the Soviets deposed the Young Khivans government, and the Muslim nationalists fled to join Junaid, strengthening his forces considerably.

In August of that year, the Emir of Bukhara was finally deposed when the Red Army conquered Bukhara. From exile in Afghanistan, the Emir directed the Bokhara Basmachi movement, supported by the angry populace and clergy. Fighters operated on behalf of the Emir and were under the command of Ibrahim Bey, a tribal leader. Basmachi forces operated with success in both Khiva and Bokhara for an extended period. The insurgency also began spreading to Kazakhstan, as well as the Tajik and Turkmen lands


Emir Sayeed Alim Khan of Bukhara (1880–1944), the last Emir of Bukhara


Ibrahim Bey



Bokhara Basmachi


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on March 10, 2021, 12:59:47 PM
Wonderful stuff Snapcase.  I await the inevitable "Things are getting sticky in Jhamjarh" headline with bated breath.  :D
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 10, 2021, 01:47:07 PM
Wonderful stuff Snapcase.  I await the inevitable "Things are getting sticky in Jhamjarh" headline with bated breath.  :D

"Things are getting sticky in Jhamjarh"
  lol    lol    lol    lol    lol

Thanks, trev. I will be using that one, marvellous!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 10, 2021, 03:27:42 PM
The Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa are the Ottoman imperial government's special forces unit under the War Department. They are my Turkish Secret Police. I have no idea how they fit into the story yet!


Onbaşı Bid Onee-Bey, Yüzbaşı Sanfran Cisko-Bey (undercover department), Astsubay Kıdemli Üstçavuş Guan Than Amo-Bey, Tuğgeneral Moor Kamb-Bey, Çavuş Botan ee-Bey, Binbaşı Toki oh-Bey

That's enough beys, I'll get my coat!

*Apologies in advance for the awful puns.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 10, 2021, 05:03:21 PM
They are a splendid group - you’ve gone above and beyond there, Snapcase....And the names...! I haven’t got 'em all yet but suffice it to say that you’re talent in names far surpasses your skill as a chariot driver... ;)

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: JBaumal on March 11, 2021, 12:06:20 AM
The names set the stage for a FUN game! I want a seat at this table...what are we drinking?
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 11, 2021, 07:54:29 AM
you’re talent in names far surpasses your skill as a chariot driver

...best not mention the chariot driving, although I do like a good whipping!

I want a seat at this table...what are we drinking?

You are very welcome, we'll start with a pre-dinner cocktail or two, red and white wine with dinner, followed by port, brandy and cigars after the ladies have withdrawn.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: joroas on March 11, 2021, 01:42:12 PM
Congratulations, you have cracked on with something that I have held in a planning, holding pattern for far too long!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 12, 2021, 11:33:36 AM
Thanks, joroas. I've had some of these figures for a very long time and not painted them. So, Covid restrictions seemed like a good time to paint some figures I already owned, rather than my usual habit of constantly buying more!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: joroas on March 12, 2021, 06:57:23 PM
Same here, my only thought was to situ the mythical country near Syria so that the French were the adversaries, but close enough to use Turks, Egyptians, Sudanese and Afghans.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 12, 2021, 08:20:01 PM
Same here, my only thought was to situ the mythical country near Syria so that the French were the adversaries, but close enough to use Turks, Egyptians, Sudanese and Afghans.

That sounds really interesting; GET ON WITH IT....! :D

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: joroas on March 12, 2021, 09:25:31 PM
Partly done, but currently in a queue!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 14, 2021, 05:36:46 PM
Partly done, but currently in a queue!

Sounds like my life!   ;)

At Djeli Palace, things were taking a sinister tone for Chippy Minton, one might even go as far as to say that Chippy was in a very sticky situation indeed (acknowledgement to trev, see previous post). Minton was in the stickiest situation he’d known, ever since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun. Chippy was ostensibly on ‘shooting leave’ from his regiment, the West Borsetshire Foresters. This was a euphemism used by the British to describe officers unofficially poking about in countries where they were not necessarily welcome. The British had always feared the Russian threat to the Raj and officers on ‘shooting leave’ were quite often, players in the Great Game, spying on Russian activity beyond the borders of Afghanistan and Persia in Central Asia.

Chippy Minton had entered Jhamjarhistan in the hope of discovering what was happening there. There was obviously a Bolshevik threat to Jhamjarhistan itself and currently, so Chippy had heard, Djelibad was providing a haven for White Russians eager to continue their fight against the Bolos.

Unfortunately for Chippy, he was not quite the full jar of Marmite and had had no training whatsoever in undercover work, being a simple subaltern at heart. The Emir’s secret police, the Djelibad Palace Guard had picked him up in the Gummy Souk and taken him to the Palace dungeons for questioning.

Questioning in the Palace dungeons was the province of Appah Rao, a huge Jetti from Mysore. The Jettis are a superior caste of professional wrestlers and gymnasts. In their origins, in the days of the Rājas of Tanjore, they were employed in guarding the treasury and jewel rooms. Now they are sometimes employed as executioners and despatch their victims by a twist of the neck, or if the condemned man or woman has committed a particularly heinous crime (such as entering the Emir’s zenana), pounding large nails into the prisoners' heads using only their bare hands.


Appah Rao

Appah Rao did not speak English and so the questions were asked by Sanfran Cisko-Bey, a renegade from the Turkish secret police, the Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa. They had originally entered Khiva in the employ of Enver Pasha. Seeing no future in the Basmachis who Enver Pasha had taken up with, they looked for more gainful and lucrative employment and found it in Jhamjarhistan with the Emir’s Palace Guard. When Cisko-Bey felt that the prisoner was being less than truthful, he indicated to Appah Rao who applied some nasty pressure to various sensitive parts of Chippy’s anatomy.


Sanfran Cisko-Bey

“So, Mr. Minton, what are you doing in Jhamjarhistan?” enquired Cisko-Bey. “Actually, it’s Lieutenant Minton, West Borsetshire Foresters, old boy and I’m here for a spot of shooting, don’t you know” replied Chippy. Cisko-Bey indicated to the Jetti and Chippy struggled to maintain a stiff upper lip as the torture continued. This was far worse than being bullied at Greyfriars School when that dreadful swine Horace Coker, had forced his bare buttocks against the school boiler after Chippy had burnt his crumpets, when he was fagging for Coker.


Horace Coker

“Now come, Mr. Minton” continued Cisko-Bey, laying an insulting emphasis on the ‘Mr’, “we know you are here in search of the Jīn de Guǒjiàng Guàn de Nián Shén. You might as well admit it and save yourself a lot of pain”. “I’m after the whoosit? The whatchamacallit? I’m sorry old stick, I don’t follow your lingo at all, I’m right up the Ranygazoo, sans paddle here”, feeling a little discomnoculated, Chippy was not at his best. Having your family jewels crushed by a giant Jetti, tends to put a bit of a damper on your day, whoever you are. “In English, the Jīn de Guǒjiàng Guàn de Nián Shén would roughly translate as the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods, a legendary and very powerful artefact”, pressed Cisko-Bey. “We know you cursed Britishers seek it’s power for yourselves, the Emir Of Jhamjarhistan is all-knowing”, continued the Turk. At that moment, the Emir Of Jhamjarhistan himself chose to enter the dungeon to see what progress his minions had made.


Faqir Al Djelibeybi

Faqir Al Djelibeybi, the Emir was a powerful looking man. At the tender age of thirteen, he had been sent by his father, the previous Emir to Saint Petersburg to gain a military education. In 1896 he returned to Djelibad and assisted in the ruling of Jhamjarhistan until his father’s death in 1910.

Upon mounting the throne, Faqir continued to receive tribute from the people of Jhamjarhistan in the form of bribes and taxes. He also received a rake-off from the salaries paid to court officials. Very much a traditional ruler in the style of his father, definitely a chip off the old block. Opponents of his rule were generally publicly whipped and then exiled.

In March 1918 activists of the Free Jhamjarhistan Movement contacted the Bolshevik government in Moscow and stated that the Jhamjarhistanis were ready for revolution and that the people were awaiting liberation from the Emir. The Red Army subsequently marched to the very gates of Djelibad and demanded that the Emir surrender the city to the Free Jhamjarhistan Movement . The Emir in a towering rage, responded by killing the Bolshevik delegation, along with several hundred Russian supporters of the Bolsheviks in Jhamjarhistan and the surrounding territories. The majority of Jhamjarhistanis did not support a foreign invasion and the ill-equipped and ill-disciplined Bolshevik army fled back to the Soviet stronghold at Tashkent.

This then, was the man who strode into Chippy’s dungeon and glared at him,  piercing eyes glittering beneath a great beetling brow.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Emir of Askaristan on March 14, 2021, 08:35:43 PM
An excellent tale of the back of beyond and wonderful representations of its characters, legendary or otherwise.

I note my cousin's appearance - have a care for he is more slippery than an eunuch smothered in ghee....

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 15, 2021, 07:53:57 AM
I note my cousin's appearance - have a care for he is more slippery than an eunuch smothered in ghee....

This sage advice will be my guiding light in the days to come.

Many thanks for visiting Jhamjarhistan and your kind comments, Your Imperial Majesty.   :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 17, 2021, 09:35:29 AM
So, if there’s a missing and very powerful artefact, then it stands to reason that it must be missing from somewhere. In this case the Jīn de Guǒjiàng Guàn de Nián Shén, or as we shall refer to it, the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods was stolen from the Temple of Sticky Gods in Ngari, Tibet, 500 years ago. The culprits at the time were suspected to be rival monks of the Ma-Myte sect who were jealous of the power and respect that the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods conferred on the Temple of Sticky Gods. The Ma-Myte sect died out long ago, or so we are led to believe. The location of the Golden Jhamjarh has been lost in the mists of time. But, rumours are circulating through these troubled lands that this venerated and holy artefact is about to see the light of day again after a hiatus of 500 years.


The Temple of Sticky Gods, Ngari, Tibet

In response to this rumour, the monks of the Temple of Sticky Gods have dispatched five of their most renowned warrior-monks to search for the Golden Jhamjarh and return it to its rightful home. These five monks are now on their way to the Pamirs, trying to pick up any news of the Jhamjarh and it’s location.

The monks are recruited to the Temple at a very early age and are highly skilled in the ancient martial art of Ja-Mi, which may have originally travelled to Tibet from India.

The monks of the Temple of Sticky Gods are sometimes referred to, incorrectly, as Sticky Monks. Nevertheless, this soubriquet has stuck and the local populace refer to them as such.

His Holiness the Golden Shred, the spiritual leader of the Temple carries his badge of office, the Jhamspoon of Glutinous Joy with him at all times.


His Holiness the Golden Shred

These then are the five monks tasked with the recovery of the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods and, should they be successful, will be reincarnated as higher and holier beings.


The 'Sticky Monks'

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 19, 2021, 09:15:00 PM
Love the Sticky Monks - excellent work there Young Snapcase; I really like them.

Ahhh, The Golden Shred - may he be forever Preserved......

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on March 19, 2021, 09:47:17 PM
Lovely thread :-*
Watch out for that  notorious Mongolian Buddhist cult The Way of Pekthin ,and the mysterious Rose...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 20, 2021, 09:32:42 AM
Thanks, Doug.

Ahhh, The Golden Shred - may he be forever Preserved......
    lol    lol

Blackwolf, yes, The Way of Pekthin are certainly the glue that holds the Mongolian tribes together!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on March 26, 2021, 11:03:46 PM
I could say you've surpassed yourself this time but I tend to think that with each new world you decide to delve into.

This one is certainly one of my favourites,  long may it continue. :-* :'(
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 28, 2021, 09:43:42 AM
I could say you've surpassed yourself this time but I tend to think that with each new world you decide to delve into.

This one is certainly one of my favourites,  long may it continue. :-* :'(

Thank you, Vaggers. I'm glad you are enjoying this one. To make it into a game is going to take some doing but it will happen!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 29, 2021, 10:12:38 AM
Later that night in Peshawar Catonments, Captain Phil Tuffnell received a late-night visit from none other than the mysterious SIS agent, Vaggers. “Ayup, Tuffers, its eur mafted 'un t'neet, 'n neya mistake, by’ eck!”. Tuffers was somewhat mystified by the apparent use of code words but thought that the general message was something about it being hot that night. “By jingo, old sport, you’re not wrong there”, replied Tuffers. “’Appen, on’t way ta Kashgar, us’n’ll want to sen a message ta Kenners and Darling, wi’ regard ta progress” suggested Vaggers. Tuffers puzzled on this for a minute or two and realised the gruff Yorkshire spy was suggesting that it might be somewhat of an advantage if they were able to communicate with the HQ at Peshawar whilst they were en route, as it were. “Ah av sin a bus wi’ pigeons on’t at t’vehicle park” stated Vaggers. Pondering this apparent gobbledegook, Tuffers wondered whether Vaggers had been imbibing the old methylated spirits to induce such an hallucination where pigeons had their own buses! But then it hit him, of course, the old double-decker B-type bus which had been converted to a mobile pigeon loft bus. It had done great service on the Western Front but the Peshawar Engineers had left their single example to rot in the vehicle park, after the end of the Great War. “I say old boy, you may have something there, I’ll get those WRAF poppets to go over the old motor in the morning” enthused Tuffers. “Reet”, came the reply, “ah’s off yam then, naw theur av t' ideeur” and with that pronouncement, Vaggers disappeared into the night.


Major-General Kenwood-Chef with his converted B-type bus.


The WRAF ‘poppets’ on their way to service the mobile pigeon loft.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 29, 2021, 06:54:18 PM
An excellent addition to the vehicle park - good work all round. And reassuring that old Viaggers has at last taken some elocution lessons. Previously, he was totally unintelligible..... :D

aka etc......
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on March 30, 2021, 06:47:14 AM
I'm glad you provided a translator or we would all be in the dark as to the meaning of the coded message.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 30, 2021, 09:18:10 AM
I'm glad you provided a translator or we would all be in the dark as to the meaning of the coded message.

Appen tha'il quit thy mitherin' 'n keep thi' sen calm, but that bloody whippet 'as took me cap down snicket 'n ah'm wiyaa' uz t'at!

(Keep calm, old bean, the dog has taken my hat down the alley and now I appear to be hatless!)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 30, 2021, 11:28:52 AM
Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky, is the Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army at the time of these momentous events which are taking place in Jhamjarhistan. Before the Great War, Trotsky had spent some time in London after escaping from exile in Siberia. He was writing for the revolutionary newspaper, Iskra (The Spark) alongside his Russian colleague, Vladimir Lenin.

During his sojourn in London, Trotsky met and had an affair with Lady Persephone Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh , the wife of Sir Frobisher Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh, the then Home Secretary. Lady Persephone fell pregnant and to avoid scandal, was taken away to the Swiss Alps where she gave birth to Arabella. Later returning to her position in society, her daughter was accepted as a family member and grew up in the family home, Grey Gables in Ambridge, Borsetshire.

Trotsky was moving around a lot during the Great War as country after country deported him, first Switzerland, then France, Spain and eventually for a time the USA. He left New York after hearing the news that the February Revolution of 1917 had overthrown the rule of Tsar Nicholas II.



Leon Trotsky

Trotsky made secret enquiries about his daughter during the Civil War and discovered she had been educated at Roedean School and then on to Hilda Rumpole College, Oxford studying archaeology.

With Lenin ill, Trotsky’s influence and power was waning as his rival Joseph Stalin worked his devious machinations against him.

Trotsky’s agents in Tashkent have delivered the startling news that his daughter is in Jhamjaristan on an archaeological dig with her college.

Also, contained within this information are the rumours that the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods may be discovered in the vicinity. Trotsky rapidly comes to the conclusion that possession of the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods would restore the balance of power between himself and Joe Stalin. Indeed, perhaps put him ahead of the race to control the Comintern, should Lenin become too ill to fulfil his duties.

Accordingly, Trotsky sets out for Djelibad forthwith, with two aims in mind. He will reunite with his estranged daughter and also take the Jhamjarh for himself. As C-in-C Red Army, Trotsky has his own personal armoured train. Ordering steam up, the train departs Moscow’s Oktyabrsky Terminal for Tashkent. On board are Trotsky himself, the fearsome members of Trotsky’s personal train guard, plus one or two surprises, should he meet any opposition along the way.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 30, 2021, 08:21:34 PM
Brilliant, Snapcase. This gets better and better and what an inspired addition to this wonderful yarn. Good old Leon, probably my favourite of the murderous, barbaric demagogues.

A splendid tale which draws on a wonderfully eclectic reservoir of material....

aka etc
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on March 30, 2021, 09:44:13 PM
Always brilliant!
I may have something for you of historical interest  :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 31, 2021, 07:07:24 AM
Always brilliant!
I may have something for you of historical interest  :)

Sounds intriguing!   ???
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 31, 2021, 07:10:00 AM
Brilliant, Snapcase. This gets better and better and what an inspired addition to this wonderful yarn. Good old Leon, probably my favourite of the murderous, barbaric demagogues.

A splendid tale which draws on a wonderfully eclectic reservoir of material....

aka etc

Glad you are a fan of Leon, maybe that will be your role in the game if I manage to bring it to fruition!  ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on March 31, 2021, 10:46:08 AM
Glad you are a fan of Leon, maybe that will be your role in the game if I manage to bring it to fruition!  ;)

Well, in the sixties, I convinced myself I was a Trotskyist if that helps...?

aka etc
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 01, 2021, 08:43:24 AM
Well, in the sixties, I convinced myself I was a Trotskyist if that helps...?

aka etc

I hereby appoint you commander of the Bolos! As C-in-C Red Army, you have 3,000,000 soldiers at your disposal. Probably slightly less when we get to play the game at DevLAM '21!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 01, 2021, 03:21:29 PM
In the fields our tanks are rumbling,

See the foe is on the run.

Forward then Tachanka,

With each bullet from your gun.

Hey Tachanka gun from Kiev,

You're our joy and you're our pride!

The Red youth army's gun-carts racing,

Four wheels whirring as they ride!


One of Trotsky's little surprises!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 01, 2021, 09:58:08 PM
In the fields our tanks are rumbling,

See the foe is on the run.

Forward then Tachanka,

With each bullet from your gun.

Hey Tachanka gun from Kiev,

You're our joy and you're our pride!

The Red youth army's gun-carts racing,

Four wheels whirring as they ride!


One of Trotsky's little surprises!

Splendid stuff (and something Veteris Scrotum would have benefited from). When did you get that little beauty....?

I’m reminded of my favourite line in Eisenstein's October. A revolutionary rushes into a room where all the bigwig revolutionaries are, as usual, having a meeting. "Comrades" he shouts "Great news - the bicycle corps are on our side....!" Cue scenes of wild excitement and cut to close-up images of furious pedalling. I feel that representatives of the famed Bicycle Corps are a must-have in Trotsky's entourage.

Dashed clever, these Bolshie cyclists. The bikes ride the men. That should confuse the counter-revolutionaries.

aka, OGPU etc.....
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: NickNascati on April 03, 2021, 08:42:26 PM
Absolutely bloody wonderful from start to finish!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on April 04, 2021, 03:06:02 PM
Absolutely bloody wonderful from start to finish!

Too true
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on April 04, 2021, 04:14:57 PM
Great fun  :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 07, 2021, 11:20:49 AM
NickNascati, Vaggers and OSHIROmodels, many thanks. The madness continues...

Tuffers was taking his appointment as OIC Transport, Snapforce very seriously. After being treated to an evening of delights at Madame Kharrsi’s, by Aggers, Tuffers was feeling a bit jaded but keen as mustard to fulfil his side of the deal. Walking slowly through the morning heat of Peshawar Cantonments, after a bit of brekkers, Tuffers hit on a brainwave. He always had his best ideas after a good kipper or two. He had been tasked to obtain the use of more vehicles and he knew where he could lay his hands on another pukka lorry for the motorised column.

He sought out Colour Sergeant Major ‘Bungalow’ Botham. Bungalow had worked himself a cushy number as OIC Mobile Bath Unit and was seeing out his time before discharge, pension and a ticket home from Deolali, back to blighty and retirement. “I say Bungalow”, shouted Tuffers, “I need to borrow that old Foden steam lorry that you drive the tin baths around in”. “What’s in it for me?” grunted Bungalow. “Well, old stick, I can sign your chitty for a week’s leave in the fleshpots of Peshawar” retorted Tuffers. “Done”, said the Bungalow and shuffled off to pack his bags for a week on the razzle in Peshawar.

Having given the Foden the once-over, Tuffers felt it needed a bit of beefing-up. Once steam was up, he drove it over to the armoury and signed a request in triplicate for Corporal Boycott to fit a Lewis gun to the tail gate. Once that was done, Tuffers felt he had a suitable vehicle for the platoon of Gurkhas appointed to Snapforce. There were eight of the fearsome Nepalese warriors with their shining kukris from the 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles, Frontier Force. Tuffers always felt it was a cunning plan to be on the right side of these taciturn fighters.



To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 07, 2021, 12:09:29 PM
Magnificent...looks great and a smoothly worked deal by Tuffers. Which reminds me. Is there any truth in the rumour that Pilot Officer Andrew “mad as a badger” Flintoff is heading your way on extended leave and looking for a jolly ruckus to join in?

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 07, 2021, 01:21:35 PM
I understand that the aforementioned RAF pilot, Freddie is heading this way to avoid the backlash after leading the English team to a humiliating Ashes defeat this year (1921)! We hear, here in India that the touring English team, captained by 'mad as a badger' Flintoff was no match for the Australians in March of this year. If memory serves, we haven't done so badly since 1882!

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 07, 2021, 02:09:00 PM
I understand that the aforementioned RAF pilot, Freddie is heading this way to avoid the backlash after leading the English team to a humiliating Ashes defeat this year (1921)! We hear, here in India that the touring English team, captained by 'mad as a badger' Flintoff was no match for the Australians in March of this year. If memory serves, we haven't done so badly since 1882!

Indeed....maybe the idea of substituting Johnny Douglas with "badger" as captain was ill-advised. Let’s hope the return series in England later this year will bring better results....

aka etc
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 07, 2021, 05:55:40 PM
Let’s hope the return series in England later this year will bring better results....

I do hope you are right, D. M.! However, I have a bad premonition, a feeling in my water, if you will, that we are not going to enjoy the Australian visit to Blighty this year.

We should not have replaced old Archie Carr as Captain. He had the right idea, plenty of beer the night before a match. Adds fire to your vitals next day, in my view. I was chatting to him in the Long Room at Lord's last year and he told me an amusing tale...

He reminded me of “the historic occasion on which, after having had a few, I was driving two of the Notts team back home at a fast pace. One of the two… went to sleep and fell off the back of the car and I and the other did not know he was missing until an efficient young gentleman in blue stopped us and suggested that I and my companion… should accompany him to the station. When we got there, I was invited to say, ‘Sister Susie’s sewing shirts for soldiers.'"
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 11, 2021, 11:35:36 AM

Pope Benedict XV was saddened to hear that his missionary priests in Jhamjarhistan had been slaughtered by persons unknown in the Old Souk in Gummibad, a town to the north of Djelibad. Visiting Bishop Brennan from Ireland was with the Pope when the news cam through. “Holy Father” he said, “I have just the replacement priests you need. My priests on Craggy island have been doing sterling work locally. They would jump at the chance to go to Jhamarhistan”.

Of course, Bishop Brennan was being a little economical with the truth here. The priests of Craggy island were his bête noire and he was delighted to find an opportunity to be shot of them.

The priests in question were Father Ted Crilly, Father Dougal McGuire, Father Jack Hackett and their loyal housekeeper, Mrs Doyle. They had been banished to Craggy Island as punishment for different incidents in their past: Ted for alleged financial impropriety (apparently involving some money 'resting' in his account and a child being deprived of a visit to Lourdes so that Ted could go to Las Vegas), Dougal for something only referred to as the "Blackrock Incident" (resulting in many nuns' "lives irreparably damaged"), and Jack for his alcoholism and womanising, particularly for an incident at a wedding in Athlone.

Recently Father Ted Crilly had delivered a very nasty kick up the arse to the Bishop and Len Brennan was not going to take it lying down! Ted was forced into this after losing a bet to his rival from Rugged Island Parish, Father Dick Byrne.

“Send them with my blessing “, intones the Pope “but make sure a hit-squad from the Ordo de quod Crucis Gladio go with them, for protection”. “It will be as you say, Holy Father” replies the Bishop.


Father Jack Hackett, Father Ted Crilly, Father Dougal McGuire, Mrs Doyle.

The Catholic Church's Ordo de quod Crucis Gladio (Order of the Cruciform Sword) are a covert and secret order of warrior nuns. The Order dates back to 1066, when a young Valkyrie woman named Sigrdrífa converted to Christianity. Renamed Mater Casia Bellator, she selects a new Mother Superior (distinguished by her lavender coloured robes) every generation to carry on her mission of battling the agents of hell, along with her highly trained Sisters.


Ordo de quod Crucis Gladio


To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on April 11, 2021, 12:10:10 PM
beyond comment...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 11, 2021, 01:29:34 PM
Thanks, Mike.

Started work on a small elite force for the Trotsky player (Doug). I am going to have about 10 - 15 figures to represent Trotsky's armoured train guard, the Red Sotnia. Some rather nice umootvod chaps! Here's the first one as a test piece.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 12, 2021, 12:56:10 PM
Firstly, an extract from an article which appeared in the Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Volume 267 on 8 November 1905. This is a genuine article and concerns Carl Rossegger, who is Blackwolf’s great grandfather. Blackwolf sent me a transcript of the article and it is a truly astonishing story. Ignoring the understatement in the article, an escape from Siberia, across the Gobi desert, China, Tibet, French Indo-China, then Singapore and finally to New Zealand where he made his home. He later worked as an architect/engineer designing many buildings around Sydney including the entrance to Taronga Zoo (where Blackwolf’s father was the vet, then director).

In view of the state of affairs prevailing in European Russia and Poland at the present time, and of the immense social upheaval that threatens, which ever increasing imminence, to bring both Government and State of the Czar tumbling into hopeless and irretrievable ruin, an account of the personal experiences of one who was drawn into the revolutionary movement in Russian Poland, and who suffered for that participation by deportation to Siberia, will doubtless be keenly interesting to our readers.

Mr C Rossegger, who has recently settled in Auckland, gave to a “Star” representative, a graphic version of events which he had experienced on his journey to New Zealand.

About nine years ago, he was an enthusiastic student in Russian Poland, and eager to take part in any movement that had for its object the relieving and up-lifting of the suppressed, and the advancement in general of the rights of man.  At this time, he was living at Lodz, an industrial town of considerable importance being about 100 miles to south-east of Warsaw.  The greater part of the labouring population in this district is Jewish, the working population of many of the town being entirely so and the “Yiddisher Bund” is one of the most powerful revolutionary organisations in that quarter of Poland.  This bund, which, as its name implies is a Jewish association, is very active in propagating more liberal principles, and of advocating the substitution of a constitutional Government in place of the Autocrative: but its methods have always been opposed to open violence, its members favouring a course that anywhere but in Russia would be accounted mild and law-abiding.  Open air meetings were frequently held by the bund at this period, however, and this alone constituted a crime against the State, so that everyone who attended these meetings did so at the imminent risk of arrest, with the certainty of being transported to one of the distant and isolated colonies in dreaded Siberia.

It should be understood, explained Mr Rosegger at this point, that the Russian working classes are not as violently anti-Semitic as is represented – in fact, throughout a greater part of Poland and Russia, the common struggle for greater freedom has created a bond of sympathy between the various races.  Owing to the great amount of interest taken by the Jewish part of the population in revolutionary movements, the Government adopted a strong repressive policy towards them and, accordingly encourages, either openly or secretly, all outbreaks against the Jews.  In this way, the outside world is largely misled as to the true feeling of the great mass of the people in Russia towards the Jewish section of the community.

Reverting to his own experiences, Mr Rosegger said that one night at a meeting of about 300 in the neighbourhood of Lodz, a strong force of secret police suddenly appeared on the scene and in the subsequent dispersal of the gathering, fifteen or sixteen of those taking part, including the speaker, found themselves in the terrible iron grip of the Russian Political Law.  The prisoners were entrained to Warsaw where, without any unnecessary delay they underwent a “trial”.  The proceedings were carried on entirely in Russian, which language was wholly unintelligible to the greater number of the prisoners.  The judges at this remarkable trial seemed to be solely composed of gorgeously attired young police officials who gravely considered the awful offence that had been committed by these young fellows, none of whom had given utterance to anything like the remarks that may be heard at any political gathering in a British community.  The “prisoners” were arrayed on one side of the hall, closely guarded by warders, who flourished glittering sabres.  The sergeants of the Secret Police, who conducted the prosecution, explained matters to the Court, translation being totally absent.  After some lengthy proceedings, the Court rose from their seats and judgement was delivered in the name of the “Little Father”.  The prisoners were then conducted back to their temporary place of confinement where, by bribing the warders, they gained the knowledge that they were invited to spend several years at the expense of the Czar’s Government in the colonies of Eastern Siberia.

“The invitation proved irresistible indeed”, grimly commented Mr Rosegger “ but we were young men and resolute, and all determined to make a bold effort to escape whenever the opportunity presented itself.”

At this point, it may be worth mentioning that political prisoners were kept, until leaving Warsaw, entirely apart from criminals, and the treatment was very tolerable, while sympathisers all along the journey provided comforts.  It was also common property that the exiles would attempt to leave their enforced residence as poor as opportunity should allow and through agents of the revolutionary committee, money was handed to them which in turn served as bribes to mollify the drink-sodden warders.
After a detention of about a week in Warsaw, they were, together with a number of others, exiled to Siberia and started out under a strong military escort for their distant destination, travelling through Russia by slow trains to the Siberian border.
At this time, the railway across Siberia did not extend beyond Krasuoyarsk, a place about 200 miles east of Toulsk, but political prisoners were usually entrained to Omsk and from their distributed to their various destinations by road.  The part of which Mr Rosegger was a member set out from Warsaw in the early part of the winter, and travelling across Russia by train at a very leisurely speed, Omsk was reached towards the end of December.  On the train was a church and services were regularly conducted for the benefit of the passengers and their guards throughout the journey.  The prisoners were kept under strict guard, loaded rifles being levelled at them, so to speak, night and day but apart from this they were not harshly treated, and were not submitted to the indignities and privations popularly associated with the lot of exiles bound to Siberia.  “Any undue hardships that are suffered by those unfortunates is usually the result of petty vindictiveness of the lower officials, due sometimes to the want of a small bribe” said Mr Rosegger , “and must not be regarded as the deliberate treatment meted out to political prisoners by the Russian authorities.  The Government of the Czar has always been very keep upon colonising Siberia to effect which it is not at all scrupulous as to the means.  There is no doubt that were it not for Siberia a great number of persons who are torn from their homes in Europe and condemned to Siberia as political suspects would remain quietly at home without any fear of molestation.  It is not, therefore, with the idea of immuring them in dungeons and loading them with irons that the Government transports its political prisoner beyond the Urals but with the notion of settling them in different parts of its Eastern Empire as colonists.  Those who are considered to be dangerous to the State, however, are treated more rigorously, which usually means being condemned to such a place as Yakutsk, for instance, banishment to which is held tantamount to a sentence of death.”

At Omsk, the party was divided, some being sent on to Krosnoyarsk, others to Irkutsk while a few were despatched to the dreaded Yakutsk, which is held tantamount to a sentence of death.  Fortunately, it was not his fate to belong to this last number, his destination being Irkutsk.  The distance between Omsk and Irkutsk as the crow flies is about fourteen hundred miles, but this was considerably increased by the route over which they travelled.  The journey was commenced in the early part of January when the whole country was in the grip of the Ice King, and the outlook as they travelled in sleighs across the frozen fields was indeed a dismal one.  Every guardhouse along the road was provided, however, with large fire hearths and the “Samovar” was soon steaming and giving forth the tea which mixed with Vodka, formed a welcome and warmth producing beverage to the frozen wayfarers, guard and prisoner alike.  A great part of the country through which they journeyed was well timbered and at night as they rested and thawed under the heat of the great blazing camp fires, the scene was indeed a strange one and typical with peculiar and terrible force of that anomaly among civilised nations, “Holy Russia”.

The guards were not bad fellows, however, and those of the prisoners who were supplied with money were able to obtain a number of little indulgences that greatly helped to vary the deadly monotony of the journey.

The sleigh journey to Irkutz occupied in all about three months for, although they travelled at a rate of from twenty five to thirty miles a day, the number of stoppages for rest sometimes extending over several days, protracted the journey very considerably beyond ordinary limits.  The tedium of the route was occasionally broken by passing large gangs of navvies engaged on the construction of the Trans-Siberian railroad while roving bands of Kirghiz, Kalmuks, Teherkess, etc , were often met with.  Occasionally, they passed on the road a squad of criminal convicts bound for Saghalien.  These dismal processions dragged along to the accompaniment of jangling leg irons and fierce short orders from the Cossack escorts to the lagging wretches whom they guarded.  Each convict was attired like a zanv, one side of his body being clothed in black and other half in grey, while even his head was treated in similar manger, one half of it being short close, while on the remaining half the hair grew long.  These unfortunates were chained together, and frequently linked in like manner to their guards.  The whole country through which the caravan passed seemed to be alive with uniformed Russians, the white caps and big boots of the Russian officials being everywhere in ample evidence.

When the party finally arrived at Irkutzk the prisoners were severally taken before the Governor of the district, examined registered and handed passports.  They were then allotted to certain districts, closely guarded by patrols of Cossacks and on pain of severe penalties forbidden to wander byond certain circumscribed areas.  Beyond this, however, they were fairly well treated.

After a “political has been a short time in the country and should express a desire to settle permanently, he is afforded facilities for doing so in the shape of practical assistance from the Government.  The authorities supply him with money to obtain implements and stock to start with and he is exempted from all taxes for twenty years.  Under these conditions, the expatriated political may if he becomes reconciled sufficiently to his lot to throw himself with energy into the task, eventually becomes comparatively wealthy as the soil in many parts of the country is extremely fertile and with ordinary cultivation productive of heavy crops.  “Needless to say” remarked Mr Rosegger, “these manifold inducements to settle in Siberia are seldom regarded by the deported suspect with the favour desired by the ‘Little Father’s’ paternal Government.


Mr C Rosegger, who is now in Auckland, and who in our issue of the 8th inst gave an account of the arrest of himself and other young students in Poland and their deportation to Siberia, thus describes the escape of the exiles:

Among the political “prisoners” who were interned at the Irkutsk colony, several of the younger exiles had been forming a plan, and made elaborate preparations to make an attempt to regain liberty.  At the time when our party was “settled on the land” this plot was nearly ready, and I joined the participants, twelve all told.  In a manner which prevented suspicion ammunition and good were being stored at certain secret places.  Partly by bribe and partly by drugging some of the guards, service rifles and revolvers were obtained and preparations were concluded without having roused the slightest bit of suspicion amongst the guarding troops.  An old friendly Mujik, who had a farm some 50 miles south west of Irkutsk was the authority on geography in that broken and rugged country.  During the last days of April, on a stormy and clouded night, the dash for freedom was made.
Our party numbered 12 exiles and the Mujik guide.  We had about 18 horses, three of which were loaded with ammunition and food.  To go beyond the reach of the guards it was necessary to reach the top of a steep mountain range and follow that ridge for about five miles, descending by a narrow, pathless and scrub-covered gully to the river Kitoi which was flowing on the southern side of the mountains.  We soon found there was a little used log –raft ferry which we borrowed for our immediate requirements.  The ropes were cut, and some of the fugitives moved the raft up-stream, punt fashion, with poles. 
The remainder decorated the raft with branches of fir trees so as to hide the outline of horses and men should a lightning reveal the floating group to a casual Cossack patrol.  About 4 o’clock in the morning we passed such a troop, who were sleeping round a low burning camp fire on the bank, with one drowsy guard humming a melancholic song.  It was a moment of great excitement.

The greatest silence had to prevail so as not to attract the attention of the trooper.  But luck was with us, and we passed unobserved: and at the next bend of the river landed and disembarked on the southern bank following a pathless gorge upward.  The raft was set adrift and a pursuit made difficult, no tracks being left to follow beyond the northern bank of the river.  In a cave-like recess of the gorge the first rest was made in the forenoon.  A few hours of sleep were very refreshing and, as a result, the second stage of the journey up the next range and along the ridge for a few miles was made far quicker than the previous night’s portion.  The pursuers much have been led to follow an entirely wrong scent, for they never molested us.
The farm of the Mujik was reached in a few days, and after having received full instructions as to the directions we bade farewell from our faithful guide and followed as nearly as possible a southerly direction.

Continued in next post...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 12, 2021, 12:56:32 PM

We were moving in a kind of extended order, having a vanguard of two and two pairs of side scouts.  About ten days after the escape, we sighted a small troop of frontier guards, who were moving on the foot of the range from which the fugitives were just descending.  The soldiers did not notice the caravan.  Several of our number proceeded in their descent, against the warning of the rest.  As it happened, a few stragglers of the guards put in an appearance, and the sharp report of a few shots proved the folly of the too eager scouts.  Needless to say, the shooting attracted the attention of the main body, which at once stopped, turned, and thus saw two strange horsemen.  It was lucky that we were not close together.  The soldiers were thus unaware of our full number and the existence of pack-horses.  As it was, the encounter proved to be disastrous enough.  The troops, although at a great disadvantage, being visible to anyone who hid among the trees of the slope, managed to kill five of us, but paid a dear price for them by losing over twenty.  The night was setting in, and prevented successfully an immediate pursuit.  Two more of our diminished number were missing, and were probably captured by the soldier.
We, the remaining five, with three pack-horses, proceeded on the southward journey unmolested and reached, after another week, the outskirts of a bare, rocky and hilly plateau.  This was the northern part of the great Asiatic.


Desert it was only in certain times of the year, for upon closer investigation plenty of hard, stubby herbage and even a kind of grass, was found growing in the protected places between rocks and hills.  The horses were thus provided for, and wild mountain sheep proved a very good food for the travellers. 

Several camps of Therkess were encountered, who treated the wayfarers very well indeed, especially on the understanding that we were enemies of the Russia troops, who did not seem to be popular amongst those half-civilised Tartar nomads.
Although all immediate danger of a further encounter with Russian troops seemed to have disappeared, we deemed it wise not to use the caravan route from the Baikal to Peking, but keep to the west of it and try to reach the Erzerun route, which reached the Great Wall.


The trip across the Mongolian desert, or rather around the eastern part of the desert, was dreary and monotonous.  After six weeks the summer heat began to burn the grass and herbage and to dry up what water there was left of the spring rains.  The ancient southern caravan track was reached at the end of July by two emaciated travellers with three horses, all more like skeletons than live beings.  Three of our small number who escaped the bullets of the boundary guards had succumbed to the greater foes “thirst and heat” and so had most of the hardy horses.


We met a Chinese tea merchant who was on his return journey from Turkestan, where he had sold his tea.  His knowledge of some French words made an understanding comparatively easy, and we managed to pick up quite a lot of Northern Chinese while we were travelling as his guests.  In slow stages proceeded the camel caravan on its road.  The beasts of burden here used had two humps, and were ugly, shaggy brutes.

After two months of comfortable travelling, we reached the “Great Wall” which was in excellent preservation at that part not far from the “Hwang Ho” (Yellow River).  We had by this time quite regained our strength and made our minds up to do a bit of travelling in China rather than go straight to Peking.  So we parted from our friendly host, who presented us with some money, small brass coins of infinitesimal value as compared with European money, beaded up by holes on strings which, however, represented quite a formidable sum  in the Celestial Empire.  Many hearty “Chin chin”, and we went up the river.


The country in this part of the empire was not very densely populated, it being very hilly and broken and the Chinese have an objection apparently to cultivate or inhabit elevations.  For a ridiculously small sum, we purchased the permission to use one of the small river craft to travel up stream.  Through changing scenery, large fields alternating with densely wooded low hills and rock-strewn, bare mountains, the river was winding its course and had a considerable current so that our horses, which we had lent to the skipper, came in very handy to give a “pull”.

It was early in November when we arrived at Singanfu.  By that time, we were fairly well able to understand the colloquial spoken in those parts of China.  We learned on arriving that the Prefect, the highest official in the town, had bought a steam launch which was somehow not in working order.  We saw our chance and offered at once to repair the craft.  As luck would have it, nothing serious was the matter with that new engine except that the engineer had somewhat altered the valve setting.  Being able to make the boat once more fit for use brought us together with the official, who was a very liberal and advanced man.  He had spent two years in European universities and spoke French excellently.  Upon learning our history, he invited us to stay with him and to come with him in the early spring when he intended going to some place in Eastern Tibet.  Of course, this offer was gladly accepted.


After four months, we left Singanfu as members of the mandarin’s party.  We were travelling on horseback, whereas “His Excellency was borne in a palankin” of very comfortable design.  The densely populated river flats were slowly narrowing as we neared the western mountains and soon we found ourselves amongst the grandest and most majestic mountain scenery.
After a fortnight of, under the circumstances, very rapid travelling we had arrived at the Tsishan Mountains where the mandarin owned a magnificent summer residence.  He intended to make the return trip to Singanfu via the river, and his launch was coming up stream to meet him at Jamakar on the head-waters of the Yellow River, about 40 miles from the official’s land-house.
We were now in Tibet, at least in the eastern province, Kukunor, of that mysterious country.  Of course, we wanted to go to Lhassa, but our host managed to divert our attention from that perilous project and advised us to cross the ranges to reach the head-waters of the Yangtsekiang, or further south of Mekong.  So, understanding the impossibility to reach the sacred city, we started southward.  Our hose presented us with a very useful passport, which caused that we were treated as officials travelling on government business.

After crossing the Datsky Range, we arrived in about five days in Thudi, and ancient town on the Upper Yangtsekiang, which was called here Murussa.


We visited a very interesting Buddhist Lhamasery situated on the southern hills and, after a brief stay at that monastery,  proceeded southward to Surnam, near the springs of the Mekong.  About 130 miles down the river we reached the ancient Post route from China to Lhassa.  All the country seemed to be alive here; every square  foot of the fertile river flat was cultivated.  Hundreds of little villages and many landhouse were dotting the green fields.  About 160 miles further down the river we reached Kianka, an old and very romantic frontier town near which we re-entered China proper.  The river winds through that country for a distance of about 300 miles.  We crossed the Post-road to India near Keng Hunt, and reached on the left bank, French China and on the right part of Burma.  We sighted the first Europeans here, and were well received by the French officer who commanded a small garrison.  From here we had about 820 miles of down-river trip until we reached the vast delta of the giant river. Towards the end of July, we reached and sea border and, in the capital of Rench India, Saigon, we managed to obtain a place in a vessel bound for Singapore.

I then propose to enter the realms of fiction here and state on his travels through China and Tibet, Carl Rossegger heard rumours of the Jīn de Guǒjiàng Guàn de Nián Shén. After settling in Auckland, he realised that he was never going to settle to normal life after his extraordinary journey across Asia. With what little money he had, he purchased a steam-boat passage back to that great continent and followed the little knowledge he had learnt about the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods. After many false starts, he finds himself in Djelibad, assisting the girls of Hilda Rumpole College on their dig for Scythian remains and artefacts. We shall hear more of this great adventurer…

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 14, 2021, 09:55:47 AM
Just a bit more for Jhamjarhistan. A Chinese donkey cart to be used by Snapforce. Carl Rossegger (from the previous post), deciphering a Scythian tablet and two WRAF drivers; Flight Sergeant Samantha Janus and Leading Aircraftwoman Sheridan Smith.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 15, 2021, 02:34:43 PM
Snapcase was sitting in his office, going through the logistics of his last-minute motorised force, destined for Jhamjarhistan. There came a knock at the door, “Enter” said Snappers. The door opened to reveal a fresh-faced Major who entered, came to attention and saluted. “Major L. T. J. Arlott, sir. 2nd Battalion/9th Jat Regiment, Mooltan Battalion, reporting for duty sir. I have been posted to Snapforce?”. “Yes, that’s right Major, come in and take a pew, we don’t stand on ceremony here”.


Major Leslie Thomas John Arlott

Snapcase summoned his office clerk, Corporal Mushtaq Ali, incidentally a rather interesting bod. As a batsman he played right-handed but when summoned to bowl, he was a somewhat deceptively slow, left arm bowler, albeit with an orthodox spin. “Large G and T’s for myself and the Major, please Corporal and make it snappy (Snappers was given to punning and fancied himself something of a wit). Now Major, are you a sporting man? We play a little cricket here when we can, obviously not much chance now we are on the qui vive for a move, but still, one likes to keep one’s eye in, what”.

It transpired that Major Arlott was mainly a club cricketer but had turned out once for his county. Snapcase was agog with interest. It seems that the young Arlott spent most of his free time following the Hampshire team both home and away. As a result of his regular support, he became known to the team and this led to his one and only brief playing exposure to the first-class game. He was watching Hampshire play Kent at Canterbury when they discovered they would be short of a twelfth man for the following game. Being willing and available, young Arlott was co-opted and he travelled with the team to Worcester. It was quite a memorable day in the field, with the Nawab of Pataudi scoring an elegant undefeated century for Worcester in one of his exceedingly rare appearances on the county circuit. The match ultimately fizzled out as just a tame draw with Hampshire scoring 313 and 91 – 2 and Worcester 413 – 3 declared. It was Arlott’s one and only appearance in a first-class cricket fixture and it had proved to be the pinnacle of his playing career.

“Been chummy with the Nawab of Pataudi [Mohammad Iftikhar Ali Khan Siddiqui Pataudi], or I. A. K. as we called him, ever since. One was hoping to bump into him, so to speak after being posted to India”, concluded Major Arlott. “Egad,” ejaculated Snapcase “we have a journo chappie from the Times travelling with us, one D. M. D’Emfore. D. M. tells me he used to turn out for the Old Flatulents along with the Nawab”. “Well, stap me vitals” replied Arlott “old D.M.’s here? How spiffy! I haven’t seen him since that regrettable incident in the Members' Pavilion at The Oval. Something to do with a policeman’s helmet, a billy-goat and the Chairman of the Selectors, as I recall!”.

The two officers had a jolly good chuckle over that rather bawdy anecdote as they downed their G and T’s. Then they stepped outside onto the parade ground to inspect the Jat soldiers. “They were of course, the old Mooltan Regiment until the recent Indian Army reforms. During the last war, they saw service at the Battle of Basra, the Battle of Qurna, the Battle of Es Sinn and then that bit of trouble at the Battle of Ctesiphon, leading to a withdrawal to Kut” informed Major Arlott. “Fine soldiers”, cried Snapcase as he inspected these fearsome warriors, “we’ll soon settle the hash of the Emir of Jhamjarhistan with these chaps, what, what”.


Major L. T. J. Arlott and the 2nd Bn/9th Jat Regiment, Mooltan Battalion.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: FramFramson on April 15, 2021, 07:46:59 PM
Can't believe there's still no word of comment on Blackwolf's true and amazing family history. I want to thank both of you for sharing that incredible odyssey!

As always, fiction, unlike reality, is burdened by the obligation to at least seem somewhat realistic!  lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on April 15, 2021, 09:38:33 PM
Thanks Fram,and of course my most excellent Snapcase :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 16, 2021, 06:50:28 AM
Thanks to Blackwolf for allowing me to publish this remarkable story

Can't believe there's still no word of comment on Blackwolf's true and amazing family history.

I agree FramFramson, whilst my meandering nonsense is obviously of limited appeal, the true story of Carl Rossegger is definitely worthy of everyone's time and interest.

Escaping from Siberia and then to travel across the Gobi desert, China, Tibet, French Indo-China, then Singapore and arrive finally in New Zealand is an incredible feat of endurance and courage.

'Not all those who wander are lost.'
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 16, 2021, 01:53:18 PM
Can't believe there's still no word of comment on Blackwolf's true and amazing family history......

Mea Culpa - I did comment but in an email to his Lordship rather than here. It’s a most incredible story and a great read. His Lordship has woven it into his ongoing narrative rather well, I thought...

ps: Is the Arlott cove any relation to the commentator fellow of the same name? He sounds quite posh compared with the radio fellow...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 17, 2021, 08:48:11 AM

Mea Culpa

Don't worry, I know you have been busy the last few days!

Is the Arlott cove any relation to the commentator fellow of the same name? He sounds quite posh compared with the radio fellow...

It is indeed he, I struggled to reproduce an 'ampsher accent in my writing! True story about 12th man in the Hants vs. Worcs game and the Nawab taking part, though.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 17, 2021, 03:39:39 PM

 MTrue story about 12th man in the Hants vs. Worcs game and the Nawab taking part, though.

Oh, obviously I knew that :D ;) :D

Léon et al....

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 18, 2021, 11:04:11 AM
Oh, obviously I knew that

I should have guessed that you would know that story!   lol

Ayo Gorkhali! The Gurkhas are upon you!



5th Royal Gurkha Rifles, Frontier Force


शौर्य एवं निष्ठा

Shaurya Evam Nistha

Courage and Determination
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 20, 2021, 08:31:20 AM
I should have guessed that you would know that story!   lol

Ayo Gorkhali! The Gurkhas are upon you!



5th Royal Gurkha Rifles, Frontier Force


शौर्य एवं निष्ठा

Shaurya Evam Nistha

Courage and Determination

Another splendid reinforcement to the burgeoning forces even now massing under the Earl for a purpose which, in all honesty, I’ve forgotten the nature of. No matter, it’s all fantastic and riveting and keeping me sane at a rather stressful time.

Incidentally, is there any truth in the rumour that the fragrant Miss Joanna Lumley, noted thespian and charming adornment to many a favoured drawing-room, is even now on her way out to give comfort and guidance to her beloved Gurkhas...?

aka etc
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 21, 2021, 01:44:11 PM
Incidentally, is there any truth in the rumour that the fragrant Miss Joanna Lumley, noted thespian and charming adornment to many a favoured drawing-room, is even now on her way out to give comfort and guidance to her beloved Gurkhas...?

Dear Mr. Trotsky, or may I call you Leon? I am happy to inform you that the lovely Joanna is in transit as we speak on her way to Peshawar to support her beloved Gurkhas as they set off on a daring mission to rescue Chippy Minton.


Gurkha veterans Lachhiman Gurung VC and Tulbahadur Pun VC with Joanna Lumley

In other news, many thanks to Empress Miniatures for once again, delivering excellent and very speedy customer service. Needing some snipers for my Basmachi forces, I made an order on their website just after 14:00 on Monday and they dispatched it by 14:30! Arrived today, safe and sound, many thanks.

A Komissar for Trotsky's armoured train guard, the Red Sotnia.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 23, 2021, 10:36:10 AM
The first of the Basmachi snipers. These will hopefully cause some problems for the other players.


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on April 23, 2021, 12:34:17 PM
The first of the Basmachi snipers. These will hopefully cause some problems for the other players.



Looks more like "Are you sure this is the way?" to me!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 23, 2021, 01:23:17 PM
Looks more like "Are you sure this is the way?" to me!

Mike, I think you've hit the nail on the head there!   lol   lol   lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: madman on April 23, 2021, 03:05:47 PM
Looks like a poster for Ishtar.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 30, 2021, 10:06:12 AM
Cheers, madman.

The Krasnyy Sotnya (Red Hundred), Trotsky’s personal armoured train guard are coming along. 9 painted and 6 more riflemen to be done. This will be a 15 person unit.

Ivanka Kozyrnyy, the famous Russian explorer will be the guide. Ivanka has spent many years exploring Jhamjarhistan and its surroundings, secretly on behalf of the Cheka. She is a close personal friend of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, or ‘Iron Felix’ as she refers to him. She was part of the original party which discovered Scythian artefacts and remains at the dig site outside Djelibad.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on April 30, 2021, 10:13:02 AM
Nice. Ivanka sounds a bit of a handful!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on May 03, 2021, 12:22:17 PM
I like the painting for the leather look.  The bloody red spear point of the revolution.  The workers of Jhamjar can rejoice in their imminent freedom. ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 04, 2021, 03:34:48 PM
Ivanka sounds a bit of a handful!

I think you are right on that one, Mike!   ;)

I like the painting for the leather look.

Thanks, trev. I am pleased with the way the red came out.

The bloody red spear point of the revolution.  The workers of Jhamjar can rejoice in their imminent freedom.

Indeed, comrade! Peace, land and bread to the Jhamjarhistanis!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 06, 2021, 12:48:32 PM
Completed some diggers for Lord Creosote's archaeological dig, just outside Djelibad. Is it possible that the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods may be found here? We must wait and see...

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on May 06, 2021, 01:17:48 PM
Completed some diggers for Lord Creosote's archaeological dig, just outside Djelibad. Is it possible that the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods may be found here? We must wait and see...


They’re a likely looking crew - I wouldn’t bet against them.

I must say, I’m surprised you had time to post today what with your exciting prize-winning achievements to celebrate and all.....

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 06, 2021, 02:41:55 PM
I must say, I’m surprised you had time to post today what with your exciting prize-winning achievements to celebrate and all.....

It has been an exciting day here at Snapcase Hall. Much-Piddling village is in on the news and the villagers are agog with excitement!

I have dispatched Old Scrotum (the ancient and wrinkled Snapcase family retainer) down to the wine cellar to bring up the Dom Pérignon for a little celebration later on. Mrs. Bridges the cook, is preparing a celebratory dinner of Strasburg Pie, roast beef, a pair of fowls, chops, a glazed tongue, a soused hog's face and salamagundy. Then for dessert we shall have sillabub, flummery, Spotted Dog and a Drowned Baby followed by ratafia biscuits and coffee. All of course accompanied by sherry, claret, port, and Madeira.

"A glass of wine with you, sir!"
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on May 06, 2021, 04:34:58 PM
It has been an exciting day here at Snapcase Hall. Much-Piddling village is in on the news and the villagers are agog with excitement!

I have dispatched Old Scrotum (the ancient and wrinkled Snapcase family retainer) down to the wine cellar to bring up the Dom Pérignon for a little celebration later on. Mrs. Bridges the cook, is preparing a celebratory dinner of Strasburg Pie, roast beef, a pair of fowls, chops, a glazed tongue, a soused hog's face and salamagundy. Then for dessert we shall have sillabub, flummery, Spotted Dog and a Drowned Baby followed by ratafia biscuits and coffee. All of course accompanied by sherry, claret, port, and Madeira.

"A glass of wine with you, sir!"

Thank you but - no Floating Island....!!! Are you on a diet.....?

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 18, 2021, 11:01:38 AM
Are you on a diet.....?

The old seafood diet, see food and eat it! I will now leave the stage!

Part of this project has been to paint figures I already owned. I bought quite a few 'Home Front' figures in Annie's kickstarter (Bad Squidoo) and wanted to include them in this project. It's a rather tenuous link but that's just me!

So, we have already learnt the following from a previous post:

“That’s it in a nutshell, Tuffers”, replied Agnew, “and the thing is, engines are tricky blighters on the best of days. We need a performing troop of your oily-rag mechanics led by your good self to see us in clover, as it were”. “Ah, I see old horse, you may be in luck there, it just so happens that I have some drivers and mechanical types on loan from the crabs, just arrived off the old banana boat and raring to go, just need some more of the old throat oil to seal the deal, as it were”, offered Tufnell. “Take them with you and everything in the garden will be oojah-cum-spiff”.

Well, the Engineers Captain wasn’t wrong. He did indeed have some highly qualified bods in mind. The bods in question had arrived in Peshawar, somewhat bemused after their long journey. They were all members of the Women’s Royal Air Force and had not been expecting to be posted abroad, let alone to the dangerous environs of the North West Frontier. Upon their arrival, Tuffers had telegraphed back to blighty to see what the devil was going on. It transpired that some loathsome oik in the clerk’s office had made a typing error after a night on the tiles. The WRAF types were required at RAF Peshawar, an aerodrome in the vicinity of Walthamstow. The dozy oik had typed in Peshawar as the destination and here they were in British India. Tuffers had no idea what to do with them until Aggers had turned up out of the blue, looking for oily rags. Serendipity or what, he had thought.


Inset: Leading Aircraftwoman Honeysuckle Weeks and Aircraftwoman Perdita Weeks.
Main photo L to R: Aircraftwoman Gina Bellman, Leading Aircraftwoman Suranne Jones, Corporal Joanna Lumley, Squadron Leader Philomena Cunk, Aircraftwoman Liza Goddard, Aircraftwoman Liz Fraser and Leading Aircraftwoman Lynda Bellingham.


An unexpected arrival in Peshawar!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: commissarmoody on May 18, 2021, 11:56:50 AM
And there goes the neighborhood!  :D
They look great.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 28, 2021, 02:20:17 PM
Many thanks, commissarmoody.

I have set up the scenery for Jhamjarhistan. The village on the left is Gummibad (where the missionaries are), in the centre is the archaeological dig site (Lemmers, Streppers and Bunty Hamster-Crust, Vagger’s heart-throb) by the old watch tower and top right is where the Emir of Jhamjarhistan hangs out in Djelibad. This is just a set-up for photos, the real game will be on a bigger table later in the year.



Also, a Cheka unit for the Bolo player. They will be no good for fighting but ideal for torture and execution of prisoners! I sent this photo to Doug (who is playing Trotsky in the game) and this is his reply:

"They are certainly the boys to send tremors of terror through all counter-revolutionaries, traitors, imperialists, priests, revanchists, social-democrats and similar offal and pig-dung. The People’s Revolution is well guarded by such heroes."

Of course, they arrive on site singing their traditional Cheka anthem:

Meet the Cheka ’cause the boys are here —
The boys to persecute you.
With torture and slaughter to help you on your way —
To raising the rafters with a hey-hey-hey!
With knives and skewers and whips old and new —
With us about you won’t feel blue!

So meet the Cheka ’cause the boys are here —
The boys to persecute you!
B – O,  B – O – Y – S, boys to persecute you!


The Cheka
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on May 28, 2021, 02:44:10 PM
Lovely-boys, lovely-boys those Cheka.  :D

They are certainly nefarious looking.

Very nice terrain too. 
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 28, 2021, 03:20:36 PM
Lovely-boys, lovely-boys those Cheka.
   ;)   lol

They are certainly nefarious looking.

Thanks, trev. One of them reminds me of ZZ Top though!

Very nice terrain too.

I can't take the credit for that terrain. That's all the work of Silent Invader, I am merely the proud owner!

Lieutenant Colonel Snapcase's motorised column arrives at Kashgar.



Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on May 28, 2021, 03:40:08 PM
Love the expedition transport, eclectic lot!!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on May 28, 2021, 04:48:23 PM
Love the expedition transport, eclectic lot!!

"Eclectic (c)lot" would be an apt soubriquet for the Mad Lord himself  :D

His Lordship's motorised column is a thing of joy - the old boy has excelled himself with this one....

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: FramFramson on May 28, 2021, 09:22:43 PM
"a bigger table"

ahahahaha, you utterly mad lad.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: marianas_gamer on May 28, 2021, 10:40:25 PM
I hope that you will be able to provide a music video for the Cheka boys song!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 01, 2021, 10:42:31 AM
Thank you all for the kind comments.

I hope that you will be able to provide a music video for the Cheka boys song!

 lol   lol   lol

Perhaps the players will have a go at a video whilst we are playing? Could be horrendous!

A few more photos of my recently painted figures on the terrain tiles.


5th Royal Gurkha Rifles


2nd Bn/9th Jat Regiment, Mooltan Battalion


Lord Creosote's Archaeological Dig


Mrs. Doyle serving tea at the mission station in Gummibad.


No idea how the M-PMPU (Much Piddling Mobile Pasty Unit) got to Djelibad?

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on June 01, 2021, 12:13:32 PM
The arrival of the M-PMPU is a surprise, albeit a very welcome. Some more imaginative and spiffing groups on show here.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 01, 2021, 12:37:28 PM
The arrival of the M-PMPU is a surprise, albeit a very welcome. Some more imaginative and spiffing groups on show here.


...and especially for you Tovarishch Doug Trotsky, your elite armoured train guard, the Krasnaya Sotnya take position on the old watch tower.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: FreakyFenton on June 01, 2021, 12:46:27 PM
Some great painting and very nice photography!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 01, 2021, 02:11:19 PM
Some great painting and very nice photography!

Many thanks.   :)

LZ36 has landed the Zeppelin Korps at an undisclosed location in Jhamjarhistan. The Gräfin von Zeppelin and her officers carry out a reconnaissance to see if their arrival has been seen.



Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Lord Raglan on June 01, 2021, 07:02:37 PM
Awesome stuff, you crazy Devonian  :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on June 02, 2021, 11:30:25 AM
...and especially for you Tovarishch Doug Trotsky, your elite armoured train guard, the Krasnaya Sotnya take position on the old watch tower.


They are great. And it’s a great honour (for them - to be my bodyguard :) ).

Can’t wait to get them into action.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 02, 2021, 02:06:36 PM
Awesome stuff, you crazy Devonian  :-*

Many thanks, my Lord. Your 'Back of Beyond' collection inspired me!

Can’t wait to get them into action.


6 more riflemen to finish that unit, then I start work on your other major unit, the Jhlobinski Regiment. They were apparently a bunch of ne'er do wells, so may not be quite as elite as your bodyguard!

To all LAFers, any information available on the Jhlobinski Regiment? I haven't been able to find much except a mention in 'Mission to Tashkent' by F. M. Bailey.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 02, 2021, 04:14:10 PM
Trotsky's tachanka might be in a sticky situation here in Jhamjarhistan. Out on a recce, the Bolos have stirred up a hornet's nest. A troop of Basmachi from the fierce warrior hill-tribe of the Basmati have elected to pursue the tachanka in the hope of capturing that lovely machine gun for themselves. Maybe they will take a few heads for sport, as well!

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on June 02, 2021, 11:23:39 PM
More great stuff.  Love the Feck banner and Zeppelin crew.  :D
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: FramFramson on June 03, 2021, 03:53:50 AM
The FECK banner is too perfect.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mark Plant on June 03, 2021, 06:53:39 AM
To all LAFers, any information available on the Jhlobinski Regiment? I haven't been able to find much except a mention in 'Mission to Tashkent' by F. M. Bailey.

A revolutionary detachment from Zhlobin (Belarus) arrived in the Turkestan in mid-1918, as Red forces fell back from Orenburg.

I imagine it was merged into a "regular" regiment as they tried to form the Red Army proper, say the 1st Turkestan Soviet Regiment, but it probably kept its name unofficially for a while. 


Curprum might find something more in Сафаров Г., Колониальная революция (Опыт Туркестана) but I doubt there is very much.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on June 03, 2021, 09:22:27 AM
There is this little snippet as a possible thread to follow as well.


Joining the Zhlobin Revolutionary Regiment of the Red Army in March 1918, Baranov fought in battles against the White Orenburg Cossacks of Alexander Dutov. As a platoon commander of the regiment, he fought on the Trans-Caspian Front against British troops and White forces from July. After the regiment was shifted to the Turkestan Front in October, Baranov transferred to the 1st Orenburg Consolidated Cavalry Regiment in April 1919, serving as a platoon commander in fighting against the Basmachi movement in Fergana Oblast.[2] He was contused in battle in 1918.[3]
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mark Plant on June 03, 2021, 10:41:17 AM
A bit more here: https://military.wikireading.ru/hawg06N3du

At the request of the Turkestan Council, Zinoviev sent a Moscow regiment, and Zhlobin and Kazan detachments from Aktyubinsk to Tashkent. It should be noted that these detachments refused to fight on the Orenburg front and demanded that they be sent to Central Russia through Tashkent and Krasnovodsk (which at that time was under the control of the Bolsheviks). So the fighting qualities of these units, to put it mildly, were not up to par. The Moscow regiment, upon arrival at the front in Turkestan, rebelled. Most of its soldiers and commanders, including the commissar of the detachment Pereverzev, ran over to the enemy, and it was disbanded.

I know the Kazan unit fought on the Ashkabad front, and it seems the Zhlobin one did too.

During the first offensive of the Reds on Kaakhka on August 26, the commissar of the Kazan regiment Gunzburg [7] and the commander of the communist detachment Samtsov [8] were captured. The commander of the Zhlobin detachment, Rosenberg, was killed.

In early October, the 1st Turkestan regiment, Kazan and Zhlobin detachments were withdrawn from the front line to Merv and Chardzhui - the rear base of the troops.

After this the Zhlobin unit seems to disappear. Were they pulled back to be reorganised into another unit?
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 03, 2021, 12:31:49 PM
More great stuff.  Love the Feck banner and Zeppelin crew.  :D

Thanks, trev and FramFramson. When I saw that FECK picture I knew it had to go with the missionaries from Craggy Island!


Mark Plant and trev, many thanks for those leads on the Zhlobin regiment. I will follow up on all that useful information, thanks for posting.   :)   :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 06, 2021, 02:47:15 PM
At the behest of His Holiness the Golden Shred, the Sticky Monks are crossing the Pamir mountains in search of the Jīn de Guǒjiàng Guàn de Nián Shén, or as we shall refer to it, the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods. Led by the Revered Silver Shred, the five monks head towards a tiny, remote village in search of sustenance. Here, they are confronted by a contingent of General Xiǎobiàn Hú’s bandit army.


It seems as if the General is in charge, but there is a sinister moustachioed presence, being transported in the palanquin. One of the monks, the Blessed Lemon Curd feels a sense of tremendous evil emanating from that elderly, green-robed man. Although the monks do not know it, it is of course the feared leader of the Si-Fan Tong, Dr. Fu Manchu.

General Xiǎobiàn Hú who refers to himself as a graduate of the "University of the Green Forest" (i.e., a bandit) is unknowingly being used as a tool by the evil Doctor for his own ends. Dr Fu Manchu knows that both fascism and communism present major obstacles to his plans for world domination and he is using the Warlord’s army to exterminate local communists.

However, the bandits do not know that the Sticky Monks are highly skilled in the ancient martial art of Ja-Mi. They begin to learn this ancient martial art at the tender age of five, when they are forced to eat their breakfast jam, standing on one leg.

One of the monks, the Pious Apricot uses the bow, a rarity in Ja-Mi. The rest of the monks unsheathe their naginatas and the fight begins…


To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on June 06, 2021, 06:20:15 PM
Well, well.....This is all looking rather tasty. I reckon the Silver Shred's boys will have them on toast......

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on June 07, 2021, 01:17:06 PM
Brill! Who are the guys in the photo and what was the source please?
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 07, 2021, 01:25:04 PM
Brill! Who are the guys in the photo and what was the source please?

Thanks. The Sticky Monks are mainly Perry Miniatures, I think (some might be Warlord). The Chinese are all Pulp Figures, apart from the two with their left hands in the air, they are Copplestone (topless swordsman may be Copplestone too?).

I reckon the Silver Shred's boys will have them on toast......

 lol   lol   lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on June 07, 2021, 01:36:59 PM
Sorry I meant the real guys in the real photo!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: FramFramson on June 07, 2021, 08:17:19 PM
That photo's been up a couple times around here... I'm pretty sure they're bandits, but can't recall any other details.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on June 07, 2021, 08:40:51 PM
Brill! Who are the guys in the photo and what was the source please?

For a brief, crazy moment, I thought Mike was referring to the 3 gents in the Much Piddling photo :o

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 07, 2021, 10:46:14 PM
Brill! Who are the guys in the photo and what was the source please?

Mike, sorry for the misunderstanding. The photo is captioned Bandits in northwestern China, around 1915 and comes from a Wiki article on the Warlord Era in China.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlord_Era (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlord_Era)

For a brief, crazy moment, I thought Mike was referring to the 3 gents in the Much Piddling photo

 lol  ...surely, no one could have failed to recognise The Three Gentlemen of Much-Piddling?
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on June 10, 2021, 12:30:47 PM
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 20, 2021, 02:35:41 PM
The first three on the left all form part of the Court of the Emir, but as yet have not been identified by name. Monty Bottomley-Throppet (the local SIS man) has put his second-best agent (the best being old Zebediah Vaggers) on the case to identify them. This is the renowned but highly-secretive Barrington Lovett-Behind.

In the centre, we have Mrs. Goggins from Greendale. She answered an advert in Postmistress Weekly, to assist the Emir to set up a postal service in Djelibad. However, on arrival she found it was a terrible scam to recruit British Postmistresses as Nautch Dancers in the Emir’s court. I think the Emir has some sort of grudge against the Royal Mail.

On her left is Appah Rao, a huge Jetti from Mysore who specialises in pounding large nails into prisoners' heads using only his bare hands. He it is, who is about to torture Chippy Minton to extract any knowledge Chippy has of the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods.

The three on the right are Gunga Al Djelibeybi, the Emirzade of Jhamjarh, Faqir Al Djelibeybi, the Emir of Jhamjarh and Lakshmibai Al Djelibeybi, Emira of Jhamjarh.


Also, we now have a mountain gun for the Basmachi. Here they are in training whilst the local Imam reads them the training manual. What can possibly go wrong?

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 21, 2021, 12:40:55 PM
Due to the lack of heavy weapons in Gräfin von Zeppelin's Zeppelin Korps as they land in Jhamjarhistan, I have been working on a support arm for her Korps.


Hella Amalie Gräfin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin

These will be two (still working on the second one) special Luftballons from the Aufklärung Luftballon Staffel. Mainly for reconnaissance but they may be carrying some small bombs which can be dropped by hand, with what accuracy, we are yet to see!

I would normally use a sort of CD size weighted base, with either a telescopic rod or an acrylic one. However, I thought that this covers too much of the ground and would not be stable on undulating terrain. I have been experimenting with a plastic wine glass.

This does allow the model to straddle terrain and even figures, but it does look a bit odd.


...and now with a bit of jiggery-pokery:


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on June 21, 2021, 01:41:42 PM
Oh my... what an imagination! Love it
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 21, 2021, 02:25:24 PM
Very kind of you to say so, Mike.   :)

I've had two Lee Scoresby airships hanging about for ages and I suddenly thought of them. Two Pulp Figures pilots later and the Aufklärung Luftballon Staffel are in business!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mike Blake on June 21, 2021, 02:34:57 PM
Great. I must confess I have a Playmobile Airship ready to roll out for our BoB Germans too!  The snag is that the 'balloon' is fine but the 'cabin' is too obviously a converted rowboat! The challenges of TOTS.

One of the things which makes yours so good is the German designations! I must steal create something similar
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 21, 2021, 04:08:40 PM
Great. I must confess I have a Playmobile Airship ready to roll out for our BoB Germans too!  The snag is that the 'balloon' is fine but the 'cabin' is too obviously a converted rowboat! The challenges of TOTS.

One of the things which makes yours so good is the German designations! I must steal create something similar

Mike, I'm really interested in what you do with that Playmobile Airship, I've looked at it on eBay a few times but can't see what to do with the gondola 'rowboat'.

Feel free to steal create from my craziness!

I have finished the other recon balloon now:


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on June 22, 2021, 08:56:03 AM
Very nice air ships.  This thread just keeps getting better.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 22, 2021, 05:07:03 PM
Very nice air ships.  This thread just keeps getting better.

Very kind of you to say so, trev. Many thanks, much more in the pipeline if I can keep the enthusiasm going!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on June 26, 2021, 10:39:39 AM
Two snipers, a heavy machine gun and the Basmachi flag.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on July 03, 2021, 11:54:45 AM

In true Hollywood fashion, we now have a flashback to the momentous events leading up to the mobilisation of Snapforce. Lieutenant Chippy Minton (of the Honourable Regiment of Felpersham Peculiars) if you recall, had decided to participate in the Great Game. This was a bid on his part to bring promotion and perhaps also honour to the Minton name. The Mintons were a very old family harking back to Norman times when they were awarded the Manor of Trumpton by William the Conqueror. Army officers were known in these difficult times, to take ‘shooting leave’ and set off into the wild and woolly hinterlands of Central Asia. Living as a native and spying on all and sundry, the successful officer would return to Peshawar with valuable information, hopefully in time for tea and medals! The unsuccessful officer would obviously, never return at all.

Chippy had managed to infiltrate the palace of Faqir Al Djelibeybi, the Emir of Jhamjarh in Djelibad. He was posing as a potential tutor to the young Emirzade of Jhamjarh, Gunga Al Djelibeybi.


The ancient Palace of the Emirs of Jhamjarhistan in Djelibad

Chippy, as has been mentioned before, is not the sharpest tool in the box. Indeed his old mater used to refer to him as “not quite the full jar of Marmite!” before packing him off to his boarding school, St. Cake’s.

Upon seeing the vision of lovliness that is the Emira of Jhamjarh, Lakshmibai Al Djelibeybi enter the room during his audience with the Emir, Chippy forgot his surroundings and raised his hat to the Emira. Chippy is a gent of impeccable manners and was acting automatically. The beauteous Emira was astonished to see a mop of blond hair revealed, accompanying the blue eyes of the Mintons. Realising that he was an impostor, the court of the Emir reacted in horror. Even Mrs. Goggins was agog!

The denouement of this gaffe is shown below, in this artists impression. The Emira was the first to act, drawing her revolver and Chippy followed suit. A Jhamjaristani stand-off! Thinking it through (a slow process for Chippy), Chippy came to the conclusion that he was somewhat outnumbered and surrendered his side-arm. Chippy realised that he was now in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun!


This then, is the moment that Faqir Al Djelibeybi came to the erroneous conclusion that Chippy was on the scout for information relating to the location of the legendary Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods. Maybe the Jetti from Mysore, Appah Rao would be the very person to extract the truth from Chippy?

To be continued…
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Hu Rhu on July 10, 2021, 08:22:53 AM
A quite fantastic array of back stories, names, figures, terrain (I recognise some of those hills) painting and photography.  Quite utterly mad and brilliant in equal measure.  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Love the recce balloons.  Hopefully I'll get my hands on them at some stage. ;D
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on July 10, 2021, 03:54:11 PM
Many thanks, Gary.

(I recognise some of those hills)

You do indeed, I think I remembered to move the wickiups out of the way of the photo!

Love the recce balloons.  Hopefully I'll get my hands on them at some stage.

That's a definite, you will be using these to recce the terrain around Djelibad.   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 06, 2021, 11:28:56 AM
The Krasnyy Sotnya (Red Hundred), Trotsky’s personal armoured train guard are now complete and ready for the game in November, this year.


As mentioned before, Ivanka Kozyrnyy, the famous Russian explorer will be the Krasnyy Sotnya’s guide. Ivanka has spent many years exploring Jhamjarhistan and its surroundings, secretly on behalf of the Cheka. She is a close personal friend of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, or ‘Iron Felix’ as she refers to him. She was part of the original party which discovered Scythian artefacts and remains at the dig site outside Djelibad.


Leon Trotsky has arrived at Djelibad in his armoured train. His train, the massive, armoured rail-cruiser named Revvoyensovet, is staffed by the Krasnyy Sotnia, an elite and oddly dressed group of Bolshevik soldiers who are charged with defending Comrade Trotsky and his armoured train.


The train carries everything needed onboard, including a telegraph and radio office, a power station, bathhouse, and library. The club car is used by Trotsky to entertain Ivanka and he is very proud to be able to offer 35 different varieties of vodka to his guests. There is also a fully functioning garage onboard which houses three armoured cars.


The Krasnyy Sotnya were formed in 1918 as Commissar Trotsky’s train crew and mobile guards. As such, the Krasnyy Sotnya are uniquely dressed and heavily armed to protect the chairman of the Red Army and his personal staff while aboard the Pullman cars of Revvoyensovet. Tasked with defending him with their lives, they are considered elite soldiers.


Their uniform and equipment consisted of a dyed red leather overcoat and red leather trousers and boots. Leather was highly sought after by Red Army officers, cavalry troopers, and armoured train personnel. Besides the obvious style, the leather offered some protection from the brutal Russian weather. Trotsky once remarked that they made the Krasnyy Sotnya look "heavily imposing."


Thanks to the Warfare History Blog for all this very useful information.

Warfare History Blog (http://warfarehistorian.blogspot.com/2016/02/odd-fighting-units-trotskys-red-100-and.html)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on August 06, 2021, 02:49:12 PM
Those completed Bolos look great.  I've got a commissar to paint that I will try to copy the shiny red leather look on.  Long live the revolution!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 06, 2021, 03:09:57 PM
Thanks, trev.

"Only in battle will you obtain your rights!"

The leather look is just Foundry British Red Coat Shade 88A and then washed with Armypainter Quickshade Red Tone.

Long live the revolution!

Indeed comrade!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: gamer Mac on August 06, 2021, 04:19:32 PM
Cracking stuff :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 07, 2021, 01:33:54 PM
Cracking stuff :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Many thanks, gamer Mac.   :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on August 07, 2021, 05:09:05 PM
The leather look is just Foundry British Red Coat Shade 88A and then washed with Armypainter Quickshade Red Tone.

Thanks, I'll have a look for those.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 12, 2021, 02:02:19 PM
I have just finished my 4 command figures for the November game. These represent each player personally.

From L to R: İsmail Enver Pasha (Vagabond), Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky (Doug ex-em4), Lieutenant Colonel Willard Cornelius Waterloo Clarence Wooster, 10th Earl of Snapcase (myself) and Helene (Hella) Amalie Gräfin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin (Hu Rhu). Things are getting even stickier in Jhamjarhistan.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: marianas_gamer on August 12, 2021, 08:39:13 PM
They all look great. Hopefully this will be enough to drag Vagabond back into the fold and distrct him from playing with boats and planes.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Bravo Six on August 12, 2021, 09:13:46 PM
Snappy, some fantastic stuff in this thread!  :o

I love, love, LOVE those airships!  :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 13, 2021, 10:05:08 AM
Many thanks, marianas_gamer and Bravo Six.

Meanwhile, in a small village called Kaakharjahr, just inside the Jhamjarhistan border, one of Trotsky’s battalions was about to march to the rendezvous with the great man himself. This was the penal battalion from Zhlobin in Belarus, commanded by one Komandir-Eskatrony Solomon Rosenberg. Solomon was a passionate Trotskyite and his well-meaning but incompetent leadership had meant that he ended up in command of a battalion of criminals. The criminals had been released from prison in the October Revolution and had been causing mayhem across Central Asia ever since. Discipline was very strict in the penal battalion and was imposed mainly by the arch-sadist of a politicheskiy rukovoditel (political officer), Politruk Vykopannyy Korova. Here we see the Zhlobinski Penal Battalion formed up by the River Jham, ready to march. Their battle-cry, ‘dobycha ili smert’ echoes through the village.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on August 13, 2021, 10:05:36 AM
Some amazing inspiration in this thread. Great work!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Hu Rhu on August 13, 2021, 05:41:04 PM
Gorgeous figures - The command figures and both the Red Guard and the Penal battalion. And some very exotic looking backgrounds.  :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 14, 2021, 01:06:13 PM
Gorgeous figures - The command figures and both the Red Guard and the Penal battalion. And some very exotic looking backgrounds.  :-* :-* :-* :-*

Many thanks, Grumpy Gnome and Hu Rhu.

And some very exotic looking backgrounds.

Some of them obviously constructed by a genius!   ;)

Trotsky has not been slow to consider mechanisation since he took command of the Red Army. Resources are a problem for the Bolsheviks, but of course, for Trotsky himself, nothing is too much trouble. He already has three armoured cars on his massive, armoured rail-cruiser, named Revvoyensovet. Here we see Trotsky’s Chief Engineer, Ivanka Kozyrnyy experimenting with a tractor tachanka. Ivanka is impatiently awaiting the arrival of a Maxim MG to arm the tachanka.


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: gamer Mac on August 14, 2021, 08:23:39 PM
That is a very nice addition :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on August 14, 2021, 11:48:03 PM
Very nice old bean,love an old tractor! :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on August 16, 2021, 03:07:56 PM
Martin - the penal battalion and tractor tachanka are splendid. I can personally vouch for Comrade Trotski's approbation of these additions to the People's struggle….I would have commented earlier but, as you know, I was preoccupied with a certain delicate doggie issue (issue being a very appropriate word)……

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 17, 2021, 07:58:42 AM
Thank you, gamer Mac, Blackwolf and Doug ex-em4 (doggie issue understood), always a pleasure.

You will of course recall Vaggers, the secretive and taciturn SIS man from Yorkshire.

As previously stated, Monty Bottomley-Throppet’s daughter Ophelia was on an archaeological dig with her college in Jhamjarhistan and Monty was worried about her. It had been agreed that Monty’s top two agents, one Henry Blofeld and the other known only as Vaggers, would accompany the advance column, first to Kashgar and then on to Djelibad to check that all was well with Ophelia and the dig.

Unbeknownst to all but himself, Vaggers had an ulterior motive in visiting Lord Creosote’s dig. An old flame of his, the Honourable Bunty Hamster-Crust was taking part in the dig as one of the Rumpole Scholars.

Snapcase emerged from the mess, blinking in the bright sunlight. There had been a planning session for the forthcoming beano to Jhamjarhistan. Snappers always felt that planning details were more easily ironed-out when everybody was outside a couple of stiff-uns! He had a premonition that they were going to be right up the Ranygazoo without the proverbial scull, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind.

Just then a rather curious sight hove into his peripheral vision.

“What ho, Vaggers. Sporty looking bit of kit you have there, old chap”, greeted Snappers.

“Its uz bike. Ah av stolen it fra t' bloody navy. It will doa wee eur chance ta operate on uz own. Ah want ta finn' uz Bunty. She's t' love o' uz life.”

“Jolly good show, old bean, keep it up”, replied Snapcase, not understanding a single word.

Snapcase backed away, trying to keep the befuddled look from his phizog. Why couldn’t these secret service chappies speak the King’s English?




To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on August 17, 2021, 12:44:15 PM
That’s a very spiffing bike - where did it come from…?

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 17, 2021, 01:21:50 PM
That’s a very spiffing bike - where did it come from…?


It is one of Tin Shed's lovely creations, available from 1st Corps here:

Adventurer on motor cycle (https://1stcorps.co.uk/product/adventurer-on-motor-cycle/)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 18, 2021, 11:04:28 AM
The Maxim MG and crew are now added to Ivanka's tractor tachanka.




Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 18, 2021, 11:25:56 AM
Great additions  :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Hu Rhu on August 18, 2021, 04:46:23 PM
Nice tractor and maxim.  Should provide a fair bit of supporting fire for the Reds, assuming that they can keep the thing going.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on August 18, 2021, 09:45:43 PM
Nice tractor and maxim.  Should provide a fair bit of supporting fire for the Reds, assuming that they can keep the thing going.

We shall create fuel from the blood of martyrs dead, mixed with the heaped bones of slaughtered plutocrats….

Leon Trotski
People’s Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs of The Soviet Union
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mark Plant on August 19, 2021, 01:39:39 AM
People’s Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs of The Soviet Union RFSFR. Well, at least for our period.

The USSR wasn't formed until 30 December 1922.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: gamer Mac on August 19, 2021, 03:03:06 PM
Nice paint job on that :-* :-* :-*
Must have been a tight squeeze to get them in there
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 20, 2021, 08:26:36 AM
Many thanks, OSHIROmodels, Hu Rhu, Doug ex-em4, Mark Plant and gamer Mac for your input.

assuming that they can keep the thing going

Gary, a shrewd statement there, the mechanical stuff in this game will be very prone to breakdown.

We shall create fuel from the blood of martyrs dead

Doug, good to hear that you are willing to sacrifice the Russian peasants to keep the tractor running! I would have expected nothing less from a man as ruthless as Trotsky!

Must have been a tight squeeze to get them in there

It was, it was very much like a 3D jig-saw.   lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 20, 2021, 11:11:35 AM
As H-Hour for Snapforce looms ever closer, Snappers has gone to see Kenners, along with Tuffers, Aggers, Bovvers and D. M. D’Emfore. “We need some sort of guide Kenners, old stick” said Snapcase. “Perhaps a local chappie or someone who has travelled these lonely tracks before?”. Kenners beamed at them and said “My dear boy, I have just the chaps you need. Two of the best soldiers in India!” Kenners whispered an aside to Captain Darling, who left hurriedly.

A minute later Snappers et al heard the sound of two pairs of army boots marching in step.

“Right turn, halt, hats off!” ordered the taller of the two soldiers.

Kenners introduced him as Daffadar Koda Dad Khan from the Corps of Guides. “Khan guided the Agile and Bolton Wanderers Regiment in their night attack against the ‘Raving’ Nana of Sheesh-Kebab in ’05” informed Kenwood-Chef. The other imposing warrior was a Gurkha who turned out to be Naik Majendra Bahadur Gurung, otherwise known as Billy Fish. “As you’ll recall, Snappers, Billy Fish was the hero of the defence of Fort Trumpton when the Doobrie tribe rose in revolt against the Raj in ’13. These men will guide you to Kashgar and on to Djelibad".

Khan came to the ‘shun and bellowed out the orders, “Hats on, about turn, by the left, quick march, left turn” and the pair had left Kenners office.

“Well, that’s sorted then” said Snapcase.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: 2010sunburst on August 20, 2021, 12:02:12 PM
…and there was me hoping for The Wolf of Kabul and Chung, complete with Klicky Ba……
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 20, 2021, 12:16:42 PM
…and there was me hoping for The Wolf of Kabul and Chung, complete with Klicky Ba……

Now, there's a thought................maybe!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Bravo Six on August 20, 2021, 07:35:44 PM
Great additions Snappy! I just finished the same fig from Follies holding the sword and pistol!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on August 20, 2021, 07:45:49 PM
People’s Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs of The Soviet Union RFSFR. Well, at least for our period.

The USSR wasn't formed until 30 December 1922.

You think this is HISTORY……!


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mark Plant on August 21, 2021, 02:05:37 AM
You think this is HISTORY……!

Do you doubt it for one minute? One of the features of the Russian Civil War and associated bits is just how weird reality was.

Ungern-Shternburg is as mental as anything in Jhamjarhistan. The more I read about the outer fringes, the weirder it becomes.

The Whites did actually field some armoured tractors, so the tractor tachanka is well within bounds.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 21, 2021, 07:21:49 AM
The Whites did actually field some armoured tractors, so the tractor tachanka is well within bounds.

Well, blow me down with a feather, I didn't know that. Thank you.

You are right, very much a time of the weird and crazy, which is what attracted me here in the first place! Consequently of course, it suits the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling down to the ground. Here is the Mission and Vision Statement of said Gentlemen:

The foibles, pettifogging, quirks, idiosyncranicities, waffling and hyperbole of four charming, sophisticated and erudite gentlemen of distinction, who rise above the hoi-polloi and riff-raff to bring a touch of style and class to wargaming.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Poiter50 on August 21, 2021, 07:34:03 AM

Well, blow me down with a feather, I didn't know that. Thank you.

You are right, very much a time of the weird and crazy, which is what attracted me here in the first place! Consequently of course, it suits the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling down to the ground. Here is the Mission and Vision Statement of said Gentlemen:

The foibles, pettifogging, quirks, idiosyncranicities, waffling and hyperbole of four charming, sophisticated and erudite gentlemen of distinction, who rise above the hoi-polloi and riff-raff to bring a touch of style and class to wargaming.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 21, 2021, 05:31:15 PM


The Whites did actually field some armoured tractors, so the tractor tachanka is well within bounds.

Thanks, Mark Plant. I've found a photo now, cheers.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: WarlordFish on August 21, 2021, 11:04:11 PM
Those are Medium Mk A Whippets in the Tzars service my good sir, not armored tractors.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 22, 2021, 07:56:17 AM
Those are Medium Mk A Whippets in the Tzars service my good sir, not armored tractors.

Many thanks for that, WarlordFish. It was the labelling on the Alamy site that I believed! Thanks for the correction.

A batch of armored tractors part of British aid to the White Army under General Denikin during the Russian Civil War - Image ID: B9403R
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mark Plant on August 22, 2021, 10:36:39 PM
I have photos, they are in the book Tanks of the Civil War (танки гражданской войны by армада)

Some of the text, and some pretty rubbish photos are at:  http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/tractor/bronetr0.php (http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/tractor/bronetr0.php)

Not all the tractors were as heavily armoured. Some were just tractors with sheets of metal stuck round.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 23, 2021, 08:03:27 AM
I have photos, they are in the book Tanks of the Civil War (танки гражданской войны by армада)

Some of the text, and some pretty rubbish photos are at:  http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/tractor/bronetr0.php (http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/tractor/bronetr0.php)

Not all the tractors were as heavily armoured. Some were just tractors with sheets of metal stuck round.

Many thanks for the link, Mark. Very useful information there. I have found a few photos, mainly the captured Bullock-Lombard tractor, I think?







Maybe Trotsky needs another tractor in Jhamjarhistan!   ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mark Plant on August 23, 2021, 10:03:59 PM
Yeah, those are the ones.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 26, 2021, 12:44:36 PM
Snapcase has cobbled together an HQ Section for Snapforce. Various soldiers in transit at Peshawar have been seconded into this section. Part of HQ Section will contain the lead signals element and the rest, the heavy weapons element.

First in are Private Stan Laurel and Private Oliver Hardy under the redoubtable Sergeant Major Finlayson. They form the mortar crew and are seen here learning the ropes under the forbidding gaze of Major Hector McSnapcase (a distant cousin on the distaff side of the Snapcase family). All members of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, known to the rest of the British Army as the Agile and Bolton Wanderers!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vyf5SYXJgA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vyf5SYXJgA)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Bravo Six on August 26, 2021, 05:49:28 PM
Nice work on those Snappy!!  :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: 2010sunburst on August 26, 2021, 08:03:59 PM
Now you have my undying respect.  Not only great figures and backstory, you’ve name checked the genius that was Stan and Babe.  The Finlayson figure in particular is utterly correct.  This has really made my day!  Just superb.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on August 28, 2021, 11:56:54 AM
Thanks, Bravo Six.

Now you have my undying respect.  Not only great figures and backstory, you’ve name checked the genius that was Stan and Babe.  The Finlayson figure in particular is utterly correct.  This has really made my day!  Just superb.

Thank you, my friend. I do love that 'Bonnie Scotland' movie. "Sandy" McLaurel and "Angus" McHardy! James Finlayson, superb!   :-*

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hYbVIONOjg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hYbVIONOjg)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: syrinx0 on September 02, 2021, 02:32:29 AM
Your threads are always enlightening as well as of course being hilarious.  :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on September 02, 2021, 12:15:53 PM
Your threads are always enlightening as well as of course being hilarious.  :)

Many thanks, my friend!

Snappers left his office with something of a furtive air about him. He was about to indulge himself in his daily selfish pleasure session. During the afternoon heat, a lot of the base-wallahs were kipping on their charpoys and Snapcase felt this the best time of the day for his guilty secret. He was going to have a dekko at Genevieve! He was wont to give Genevieve a good buffing with plenty of elbow grease whenever he could find the time. As he bimbled in the heat of the Indian summer, he imagined himself polishing her silver-plated radiator, bringing a lovely sheen to her glossy black mud guards and running boards and finally, polishing that beautiful plum coloured bodywork to a fine finish. At Genevieve’s wheel, Snappers had won the annual London to Brighton Run in 1910. Genevieve had been delivered to Snapcase Hall, Much-Piddling by none other than Charles Rolls himself, an old family friend. Charles popped in with the new automobile on his way to a flying display in Bournemouth.

Rounding the back of the cook house and heading towards his bungalow, he beheld a rather odd sight, at first thought, a mirage? Maybe one or two many pinks gins in the Mess?

There appeared to be a junkyard on wheels parked outside his bungalow! Not only that, but there appeared to be a performing troupe of grease-monkeys swarming all over said junkyard.

“What the devil…” he spluttered, lost for words. “It can’t be…”, but it was!

The transport-johnny at Peshawar, Aggers had as we have seen, been collecting any available vehicles for the beano to Jhamjarhistan. Snapcase had thought Genevieve a secret but Aggers had seen him sneaking off at odd times of the day and had discovered his secret. Under orders to collect every available vehicle from Kenwood-Chef, Aggers had put three of his Royal Army Service Corps (known to the rest of the Army as Run Away, Someone’s Coming) bods onto preparing the Snapcase Roller for it’s trip to Djelibad.

Accordingly, Driver Jerry Clarkson, who resembled nothing more than a large orangutan was hanging off the running board sighting his SMLE. The diminutive form of Driver Dickie Hammond was squeezed into the back seat, sandwiched between two oil drums clutching a Lewis gun almost as big as himself. Lance Corporal Jimmy May had bagged the front seat and the only attractive thing left about this dismaying spectacle was the driver, Flight Sergeant Fi Bruce of the WRAF.

Never had Snapcase felt that his flabber had been so gasted! Gone was lovingly polished glossy plum bodywork. Even his black running boards had been lavishly covered in sand coloured paint. Genevieve was a mess and there was nothing he could do about it. Back to the Mess for a few stiff ones, he thought with a heavy heart.








To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Marine0846 on September 02, 2021, 04:03:26 PM
Love the truck.
It's great.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Bravo Six on September 02, 2021, 04:15:16 PM
+1 to that! Lovely bit of kit there Snappy!!  :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on September 03, 2021, 12:00:21 AM
The vehicle is a cracker! There is actually a forum member who has done who has done the London to Peking run,and I would love to do it myself. The Morris certainly has the ground clearance  :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on September 10, 2021, 07:21:56 AM
Many thanks Marine0846, Bravo Six and Blackwolf.

London to Peking, that would really be something, especially in your Morris. My friend has a 1934 Talbot Sunbeam but I don't think he'd risk it on a long-distance rally!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: wolivant on September 20, 2021, 05:56:41 PM
Wonderful collection of progress, very inspiring :o~)


Regards Wolt
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: JBaumal on September 22, 2021, 01:00:13 PM
Another excellent addition to the Jhamjarhistan column!!!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on September 24, 2021, 09:11:19 AM
Many thanks for your kind remarks, wolivant and JBaumal.   :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Ignatieff on September 26, 2021, 04:04:53 PM
Bloody marvellous!
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on October 06, 2021, 11:39:16 AM
Bloody marvellous!

Many thanks!

Working on units, rules and objectives now, so not much painting going on.

The game is scheduled to be played on Friday 12th November at DevLAM '21 (a private meet for The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling).

The venue is Snapcase Hall, Much-Piddling. Old Scrotum (the ancient and wrinkled family retainer) and Miss Spankhurst (the Hall's housekeeper and disciplinarian) are busy directing the staff to prepare the Hall for the distinguished guests' arrival.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: marianas_gamer on October 06, 2021, 12:41:03 PM
A full report of the shenanigans is required!  lol
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on October 25, 2021, 09:52:17 AM
A full report of the shenanigans is required!  lol

...your wish is my command. Coming very shortly!

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on October 26, 2021, 01:35:04 PM
In order to draw all the threads of this rambling shambles of a story together, as the game itself approaches, I need to publish a couple more bits of waffle. This will enable me to write a mission order for each of the protagonists and their objectives. I am also drawing up some unit cards for the various units involved.

I have laid out the figures in order to calculate a rough semblance of balance between them.


...and the conclusion to the back story:

Chapter 22: von Strepsil Condemned

As Hella von Zeppelin made her last preparations for LZ36’s departure to central Asia, her mind harked back to an interview two weeks before. She had been summoned to the Neudeck estate in East Prussia, home of the retired Chief of the Great General Staff, Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg.

The great man had seemed uneasy and Hella knew that von Hindenburg had curtailed all his public appearances. Back in 1920, he had run for the presidency in Germany. A bizarre chain of events had unfolded which resulted in the postponement of the election.

Berlin was seized by regular and Freicorp troops led by General Lüttwitz, the commander of the Berlin garrison, who proclaimed a prominent civil servant, Wolfgang Kapp, president in a new government. Ludendorff and Colonel Bauer stood by Kapp's side. As the Reichswehr leadership refused to fight the coup, the legal government fled to Stuttgart. However, the coup collapsed after six days as the civil service refused to cooperate and workers went on a general strike. The strike led to a Bolshevik uprising that was put down forcefully. Kapp died in prison whilst awaiting trial, Ludendorff fled to Bavaria and Bauer went into exile.

Hella was seated in von Hindenburg’s library by his wizened valet, Hoden. In a trice, von Hindenburg had entered the room and furnished her with a large schnapps and a cigar.

Paul von Hindenburg was in a talkative mood and entertained Hella with scurrilous anecdotes about his political rivals. Then, with a frown he began to come to the point. In his eastern command in 1917 was the Ulanen-Regiment von Katzler Nr.2, defending Cireșoaia peak during the Battle of Oituz against the Romanian Army. Facing overwhelming odds against the Romanian Mountain Troops, the Ulans wished to withdraw to a better position and the commanding officer dispatched a young Rittmeister, Dietrich von Strepsil to carry the message back to the German Command. When von Hindenburg refused to allow the withdrawal, matters became heated between the General and the young Rittmeister. Returning to the Cireșoaia peak, von Strepsil was seriously wounded and the rest of his regiment were wiped out, to a man. After the war finished, von Strepsil swore to return to Germany one day and challenge the General to a duel. Since that day, von Hindenburg had lived in mortal fear that the Rittmeister would one day return and confront him on the field of honour. Dieter is known for his skill with sword and pistol and von Hindenburg, for all his military prowess, was a duffer with weapons.

The Gräfin’s mission was to travel to Jhamjarhistan and obtain the Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods for von Hindenburg and Germany, but secretly she was to ensure that Dieter von Strepsil was to suffer an unfortunate but fatal ‘accident’ during the Zeppelin Korps’ raid on Djelibad. Hella felt this to be a dishonourable task but was compelled to obey.

Chapter 23: Remember the Drumshanbo Massacre

Enver Pasha had travelled to Moscow in 1921 after his falling out with Mustafa Kemal during the Turkish War of Independence. He was well received by the Bolshevik authorities there. Indeed, Lenin himself sent Enver on a secret mission to Bukhara City in the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic. The intention was to help suppress the Basmachi Revolt against the local pro- Bolshevik regime.

However, Enver dreamed of pan-Turkic unity and started to work in secret, building up contacts with the Basmachi rebellion and its leaders. When ready, along with some of his followers, he declared himself for the Basmachi Rebellion. Aiming to unite the various warring Basmachi factions under his own command, he carried out several small but successful military operations against the Bolos. He wanted to mount a co-ordinated offensive against the Bolsheviks and he managed to establish himself as the rebels’ supreme commander. He turned their disorganized forces into a small but well-drilled army. He built a command structure along German lines and his staff included a small number of experienced Turkish officers.

Enver’s burning passion to assert himself as a great pan-Turkic leader may in part, have stemmed from his harsh treatment as boy. At only seven years of age, he had been dispatched to a Catholic school in Drumshanbo, County Leitrim, Ireland.

A very vicious teacher known only as Father Jack, was his Housemaster. Father Jack was a surly, rude, alcoholic, lecherous, senile, foul-mouthed and violent priest, who frequently lapsed into aggressive behaviour, particularly when his fellow clergy denied him alcohol. He would beat his students with a hurley stick and tell them they would burn for all eternity in Hell.

A very unpleasant time for the young İsmail Enver. After he had returned to Turkey at the age of fourteen, there was a lot of gossip about the Drumshanbo massacre, but he never heard the full details.

The Basmachi, like all inhabitants of that region had heard the rumours of the possible discovery of the location of the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods and sought the power of this legendary artefact for themselves. Enver Pasha had also heard rumours of a new missionary arrived in Gummibad in Jhamjarhistan. An aging white-haired alcoholic who could hardly get out of his armchair, name of Father Jack he had been told. Was there now a chance for retribution?

Enver had some personal weaknesses which were going to tell against him, however. He was a vain, strutting man who loved uniforms, medals and titles. He had ordered a golden seal to use in stamping official documents, that described him as ‘Commander-in-Chief of all the Armies of Islam, Son-in-Law of the Caliph and Representative of the Prophet.’ Very soon after that he was calling himself Emir of Turkestan, a practice not conducive to good relations with the Emir whose cause he was supposedly serving. Recently the Emir of Bukhara had broken off relations with Enver and this was one of the motivating factors in his desire to possess the Golden Jhamjarh and usurp the Emir in a coup.

Chapter 24: …and so to war!

This then, is the story of three men and one woman yet to meet, whose fates are closely intertwined in Jhamjarhistan and the search for the the Jīn de Guǒjiàng Guàn de Nián Shén, which roughly translates as the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods.

We await their encounter in the turmoil of Cental Asia, already ablaze with revolutionary fervour and war. Who will triumph? Helene Amalie Gräfin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin, Lieutenant Colonel Snapcase, Enver Pasha or Leon Trotsky? It is in the lap of the gods now.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on November 09, 2021, 05:18:47 AM
This is a absolute tour de force my Lord, I  can't believe it's April since I  last saw what you were up to on here.

You've done a fantastic job and Well words just fail me........
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 09, 2021, 07:39:19 AM
This is a absolute tour de force my Lord, I  can't believe it's April since I  last saw what you were up to on here.

You've done a fantastic job and Well words just fail me........

Many thanks, Vaggers!

I have printed unit cards now and terrain set-up commences tomorrow. After bacon butties on Friday morning, we cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war! Hoc est in deorum gremio!


Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 19, 2021, 11:47:48 AM
...and so finally, the long awaited encounter begins. With a stellar cast, the shenanigans, capers and malarkey surrounding the Golden Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods are enacted under the blazing skies of Central Asia.


We began proceedings at around 10.00am (after bacon and egg banjoes had been issued to the troops) and unbeknownst to us at that time, the game would not conclude until 02.00am on the following day. It takes great stamina to be a Gentleman of Much-Piddling! Owing to the length of the game and my numerous photos, I think I will have to produce the AAR in a series of chapters.

Chapter 1, The Debouch

The sun was like a ball of fire as the various factions came in sight of the dig site near Djelibad in Jhamjarhistan.


Below we see the ruins of an ancient Scythian temple and the entrance to Lord Creosote's dig. In the foreground stands an old watch tower, used in the past to give warning of the marauding bands of lawless Basmachi. To the left is the missionary station at Gummibad and the tents which make up the accommodation for the young ladies known as the Rumpole Scholars.


Below we can see Snapforce collecting supplies from the Royal Navy on the edge of the Caspian Sea. Just ahead of them is Djelibad, the capital of Jhamjarhistan. It's market day in the capital and traders have come from far and wide to display their wares.


A view of the Great Plain of Jhamjarhistan with Gummibad in the far distance.


In the Royal Palace at Djelibad, we see the court of the Emir of Jhamjarhistan, Faqir al Djelibeybi. Lakshmibai Al Djelibeybi, Emira of Jhamjarh is there along with her son Gunga Al Djelibeybi, the Emirzade of Jhamjarh. Appah Rao, the huge Jetti from Mysore is visible, along with Mrs. Goggins from Greendale. Mrs. Goggins you will recall, answered an advert in Postmistress Weekly, to assist the Emir to set up a postal service in Djelibad. However, on arrival she found it was a terrible scam to recruit British Postmistresses as Nautch Dancers in the Emir’s court. On the right in the white robe is Chippy Minton, currently the Emir's prisoner.


Snapforce assembles and prepares for the drive on Djelibad by loading the essential 'three B's', beans, bullets and bandages.


Red-tabbed staff officers swap notes on their accommodation and check their stores of medicinal whiskey and champagne.


The WRAF mechanics and drivers are very confident that every vehicle is mechanically sound and ready to go. So much so, that they are taking their leisure at the mobile pasty unit.


The inhabitants of Djelibad are busy at the market, unaware of the dark and dangerous forces mustering in the vicinity. Abdul Eu Lalie, the purveyor of ladies unmentionables has a special offer on pink bloomers today, BOGOF!


Snappers decides to send a smaller force forwards to reconnoitre. In the foreground are the 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles, Frontier Force under the command of Major B. A. Johnston MC. To their left are the 2nd Bn/9th Jat Regiment, Mooltan Battalion, commanded by Major L. T. J. Arlott. To their left are the scratch force of odd bods from Peshawar cantonments, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Snapcase and named the Gentlemen's XV for the purposes of this mission. To their left is the mortar platoon, Privates Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy under the redoubtable Sergeant Major Finlayson, led by Major Hector McSnapcase (a distant cousin on the distaff side of the Snapcase family). Genevieve (Snapcase's Rolls) driven by Honeysuckle Weeks is on the left flank, along with Vaggers on his his trusty Royal Enfield.


To the south-west of the dig, Trotsky and his Bolshevik forces make their appearance and start to scout the scene.


At the dig site, Bunty Hamster-Crust (blue shemagh, bottom left) is directing a digging party of native labourers. Cecil de Leominster and Dietrich von Strepsil guard the entrance to the dig. Rumours of the Golden Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods are bound to draw bandits and other nefarious ne'er-do-wells!


Here we see the camp site where the girls of Hilda Rumpole College are billeted.


In Gummibad, the nuns of the Ordo de quod Crucis Gladio prepare the defences of the Mission Station. On the roof, Father Jack Hackett, Father Ted Crilly and Father Dougal McGuire are served tea by the redoubtable Mrs Doyle. Bishop Len Brennan looks on in disgust.


To the north-west, Enver Pasha and his hordes of Basmachi take to the field.


Whilst to the north-east, the troops of the Zeppelin Korps are so far, unobserved. The Gräfin von Zeppelin wanting to keep a low profile, owing to her force being somewhat outnumbered (or so it seems).


This then, is not the beginning of the end, but it may well be the end of the beginning.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 19, 2021, 12:19:28 PM
Having only been present virtually and for a brief time at that, I’m looking forward to reading an impartial account. This may even be it?

Looks terrific so far and the Snapcase produced scenario is, as usual, a tour-de-force.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: trev on November 19, 2021, 02:56:19 PM
Oh wow!  Only just seen all the updates.  Spectacular stuff MLS.  Will dive in and read through at my leisure.  ;D
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 19, 2021, 04:36:51 PM
Oh wow!  Only just seen all the updates.  Spectacular stuff MLS.  Will dive in and read through at my leisure.  ;D

Many thanks, trev. Much more to come!

Each player was given a secret briefing order before the game began.

This is Trotsky's brief:


You are Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known to the world as Leon Trotsky. You are one of the seven members of the first Bolshevik Politburo. You are also head of the Red Army as People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. However, your ally Vladimir Lenin is ill and your influence and power is waning as your rival Joseph Stalin, works his devious machinations against you.

During your sojourn in London (before the Great War), you met and had an affair with Lady Persephone Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh, the wife of Sir Frobisher Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh, the then Home Secretary. Lady Persephone fell pregnant and to avoid scandal, was taken away to the Swiss Alps where she gave birth to Arabella. Later returning to her position in society, her daughter was accepted as a family member and grew up in the family home, Grey Gables in Ambridge, Borsetshire.

You have made secret enquiries about your daughter during the Civil War and discover she is being educated at Hilda Rumpole College, Oxford studying archaeology.

Your agents in Tashkent have delivered the startling news that your daughter is in Jhamjaristan on an archaeological dig with her college.

Also, contained within this information are the rumours that the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods may be discovered in the vicinity. You rapidly come to the conclusion that possession of the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods would restore the balance of power between yourself and Joe Stalin. Indeed, perhaps put you ahead of him in the race to control the Comintern, should Lenin become too ill to fulfil his duties.

Accordingly, you set out for Djelibad forthwith, with two aims in mind. You will reunite with your estranged daughter and also take the Jhamjarh for yourself. As C-in-C Red Army, you have your own personal armoured train. Ordering steam up, your train departs Moscow’s Oktyabrsky Terminal for Tashkent. On board are yourself, the fearsome members of your personal train guard, plus one or two surprises, should you meet any opposition along the way.


Main objective – Obtain the Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods, location unknown but in the vicinity of the archaeological dig at Djelibad.

Secondary objective - Reunite with your estranged daughter, Arabella Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh, located somewhere at the dig site outside Djelibad.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 19, 2021, 04:41:21 PM
...and for Hella von Zeppelin:


You are Helene Amalie Gräfin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin, daughter of the Zeppelin inventor, Ferdinand Adolf Heinrich August Graf von Zeppelin and Isabella Freiin von Wolff. Known to all as Hella, you married Graf Alexander von Brandenstein-Zeppelin in 1909. The marriage is not a happy one, as you find his dilletante, philandering ways, not to your taste. You have formed a very close relationship with one Marlene Spanckwürst.

Marlene is currently your second in command in Der Zeppelin Korps. You formed the Korps in 1915 in secret and Marlene was of great assistance to you.

Der Zeppelin Korps were originally part of Die Fliegertruppen des Deutschen Kaiserreiches (Imperial German Flying Corps), abbreviated to Die Fliegertruppe. In 1916 the Kaiser gave you permission for your Zeppelin Korps to break away from the Fliegertruppe and become a secret autonomous arm of the German military. Only the elite were selected for service in the Korps after a rigorous selection process. Details of your missions during World War I are secret, and the British suppressed details of your raids behind Allied lines to avoid panic. The Korps took part in the raid on Britain by LZ 36. This raid was intended to destroy British historical documents, including the copy of Magna Carta held in Balcoven Castle in Scotland. This raid was only defeated at the last minute by a British spy, Lieutenant Geoffrey Richter-Douglas.

Recently, in the Zeppelin base at Cologne, matters had been moving at a very rapid rate, indeed. LZ36 was making ready to take to the air. It was announced as a record-breaking flight to Persia for the general public. In actual fact LZ36 was to undertake a top secret mission to central Asia. You are one of the few people who know the real purpose of the mission and you are engaged in embarking your clandestine corps of soldiers onto LZ36.

As you make your last preparations for LZ36’s departure to central Asia, your mind harks back to an interview two weeks before. You had been summoned to the Neudeck estate in East Prussia, home of the retired Chief of the Great General Staff, Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg.

You had been seated in von Hindenburg’s library by his wizened valet, Hoden. In a trice, von Hindenburg had entered the room and furnished you with a large schnapps and a cigar.

Paul von Hindenburg was in a talkative mood and entertained you with scurrilous anecdotes about his political rivals. Then, with a frown he began to come to the point. In his eastern command in 1917 was the Ulanen-Regiment von Katzler Nr.2, defending Cireșoaia peak during the Battle of Oituz against the Romanian Army. Facing overwhelming odds against the Romanian Mountain Troops, the Ulans wished to withdraw to a better position and the commanding officer dispatched a young Rittmeister, Dietrich von Strepsil to carry the message back to the German Command. When von Hindenburg refused to allow the withdrawal, matters became heated between the General and the young Rittmeister. Returning to the Cireșoaia peak, von Strepsil was seriously wounded and the rest of his regiment were wiped out, to a man. After the war finished, von Strepsil swore to return to Germany one day and challenge the General to a duel. Since that day, von Hindenburg has lived in mortal fear that the Rittmeister would one day return and confront him on the field of honour. Dietrich is known for his skill with sword and pistol and von Hindenburg, for all his military prowess, is a duffer with weapons.

Your mission is to travel to Jhamjarhistan and obtain the Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods for von Hindenburg and Germany, but secretly you are to ensure that Dietrich von Strepsil is to suffer an unfortunate but fatal ‘accident’ during the Zeppelin Korps’ raid on Djelibad. You feel this to be a dishonourable task but are compelled to obey.


Main objective – Obtain the Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods, location unknown but in the vicinity of the archaeological dig at Djelibad.

Secondary objective – Eliminate Baron Dietrich von Strepsil, Hindenburg’s nemesis, located somewhere at the dig site outside Djelibad.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 19, 2021, 04:43:50 PM
...and for Enver Pasha:


You are İsmail Enver, better known to the world as Enver Pasha. After the 1913 Ottoman coup d’état you became the Minister of War and were a part of the ‘Three Pashas’ who held de facto rule over the Ottoman Empire from 1913 until the defeat of Turkey and the end of the Great War in 1918. Following that defeat, you, along with other leading Unionists, escaped the Ottoman Empire.
In July 1921, you travel to Moscow where you manage to win the trust of the Soviet authorities. In November 1921 you are sent by Lenin to Bukhara City in the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic to help suppress the Basmachi Revolt against the local pro-Moscow Bolshevik regime. Instead, however, you make secret contacts with some of the rebellion's leaders and, along with a small number of followers, defect to the Basmachi side. Your aim is to unite the numerous Basmachi groups under your own command and mount a co-ordinated offensive against the Bolsheviks, in order to realise your pan-Turkic dreams. After a number of successful military operations, you manage to establish yourself as the rebels’ supreme commander and turn their disorganized forces into a small but well-drilled army. Your command structure is built along German lines and your staff includes a number of experienced Turkish officers.

Your burning passion to assert yourself as a great pan-Turkic leader may in part, have stemmed from your harsh treatment as a boy. At only seven years of age, you were dispatched to a Catholic school in Drumshanbo, County Leitrim, Ireland.

A very vicious teacher known only as Father Jack, was your Housemaster. Father Jack was a surly, rude, alcoholic, lecherous, senile, foul-mouthed and violent priest, who frequently lapsed into aggressive behaviour, particularly when his fellow clergy denied him alcohol. He would beat his students with a hurley stick and tell them they would burn for all eternity in Hell.

A very unpleasant time for you. After you had returned to Turkey at the age of fourteen, there was a lot of gossip about the Drumshanbo massacre, but you never heard the full details.

The Basmachi, like all inhabitants of that region had heard the rumours of the possible discovery of the location of the Golden Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods and sought the power of this legendary artefact for themselves. You have also heard rumours of a new missionary arrived in Gummibad in Jhamjarhistan. An aging white-haired alcoholic who could hardly get out of his armchair, name of Father Jack you have been told. Is there now a chance for retribution?

You have ordered a golden seal to use in stamping official documents, that describe you as ‘Commander-in-Chief of all the Armies of Islam, Son-in-Law of the Caliph and Representative of the Prophet.’ Very soon after that you started calling yourself the Emir of Turkestan, a practice not conducive to good relations with the Emir whose cause you are supposedly serving. Recently the Emir of Bukhara had broken off relations with you and this is one of the motivating factors in your desire to possess the Golden Jhamjarh and usurp the Emir in a coup.


Main objective – Obtain the Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods, location unknown but in the vicinity of the archaeological dig at Djelibad.

Secondary objective – Revenge yourself on Father Jack by either kidnapping him or killing him outright. Believed to be at Gummibad.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 19, 2021, 04:45:45 PM
...and for Snapcase:


You are 10th Earl of Snapcase, Bertram Willard Cornelius Waterloo Clarence Snapcase.

After the Great War, you had returned to your ancestral home after a long absence. Relations with your pater, the 9th Earl of Snapcase had been somewhat strained when you had left home years ago to attend Balliol. As the first-born son you had then been Lord Willard but had now returned to Snapcase Hall as Lord Snapcase, the 10th Earl of Snapcase. The 9th Earl’s liver had finally given up in disgust after years of alcoholic abuse and the old Earl had dropped dead at a cream tea given by the ladies of Much-Piddling Women’s Institute. It was considered by all concerned that it was a particularly apt moment to shuffle off this mortal coil as it happened during the traditional rendition of Jerusalem at the conclusion of the Darjeeling, scones, cream (which of course was added to the scone first) and homemade jam bean-feast in Much-Piddling Village Hall.

After putting your affairs in order, you have been posted to India along with your regiment, the 17th Lancers. On arrival in Peshawar, you have been put under the command of Major-General Kenwood-Chef, an old comrade of yours from the trenches on the Somme.

“It’s all kicked off in Jhamjarhistan” ejaculated Major-General Kenwood-Chef. A British officer on shooting leave by the name of ‘Chippy’ Minton has been imprisoned in Djelibad. “That roguish rapscallion, Faqir Al Djelibeybi, the Emir of Jhamjarhistan will be behind it all!”. This is how the adventure into Jhamjarhistan started. Kenwood-Chef proceeded to brief you.

“Now then Snappers, we need you to get to Kashgar with a mixed force by yesterday!” “Stap me, Kenners, that’s a rather tall order!” you riposte. “Now look here, I’ve spoken to that transport johnny of yours, Agnew is that his name?” growled Kenwood-Chef. “Aggers, yes that’s right sir”. “Well, he and that QM chappie Johnston reckon they can cobble together enough motorised transport to get your advance column to Kashgar in a week or so. The heavy baggage and follow-up column can damn well use Shank’s pony and a mule train. Oh, and by the by, there’s a rumour of a strange artefact in the vicinity, the Golden Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods. Be a good chap and pick that up as well. It would look rather nice in the trophy case in the Officer’s Mess”. “If that’s the case then I’ll get my adjutant, Major Bovril onto the detailed planning straight away, General”, you come to the salute, about face and march off to cantonments to look for Bovvers, Aggers and Johnners.

When questioned, Bovvers and Aggers were adamant that they would need a team of expert mechanics to keep the motorised section running all the way to Kashgar. Aggers felt that if they could get a chap called Tuffnell from the Royal Engineers on board, then he could bring a choice selection of oily rags with him on the beano. Aggers went off to see if he could sweeten the deal with Tuffers with an all-expenses paid visit to Madame Kharrsi’s.


Main objective – Obtain the Jhamjarh of Sticky Gods, location unknown but in the vicinity of the archaeological dig at Djelibad.

Secondary objective – Rescue Chippy Minton from the clutches of the Emir, Faqir al Djelibeybi. Location, Djelibad.

Tertiary objective – Ensure Vaggers rescues Bunty Hamster-Crust from the dig site outside Djelibad.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on November 19, 2021, 11:06:01 PM
Well you're off and running but there's  a long way to go but a tremendous start. :-* :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: madman on November 19, 2021, 11:53:53 PM
Wow! But now I can't stop whistling the theme from Raiders.

A decade too early for Indiana, plus no Nazis. Or at least in the guise we have come to know him in (unless like us you have all the young Indiana Jones Chronicles).

Love both the multiplicity of character lines and the amazing detail and care working through which gives you (us) the mission objectives. Looking forward to the chase.
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on November 20, 2021, 12:12:40 AM
Smashing! Looking forward to the story unfolding  :)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 20, 2021, 09:17:47 AM
Many thanks, Doug, Vaggers, madman and Blackwolf.

Chapter 2, A Surprise for Father Jack

The Basmachi have armed themselves with a mountain gun. A small calibre piece, but surprisingly long range. Although muzzle-loaded, it has a rifled barrel and fires a 7 pound shell up to 3,000 yards.


Keen readers will have noticed that Enver Pasha's secondary objective was to abduct or kill Father Jack Hackett. Not being one much given to vacillation, Enver gives the order to open fire immediately on deployment. The very first shot of the game is from the Basmachi mountain gun.

A match is applied to the touch-hole and with a tremendous bang, the gun fires. As the smoke clears from around the gun, the crew are as surprised as anyone to see an explosion at the Mission Station.

As previously seen, Mrs. Doyle was at that moment serving tea to the assembled Fathers on the roof. Seconds later, an explosion and tragedy. A direct hit on Father Jack, who manages to utter his dying words, "Feck, girl's knickers" as he shuffles off this mortal coil. The tragedy lies more in the demise of Mrs. Doyle and Father Dougal as collateral damage.


Father Ted and Bishop Len Brennan can only look on in horror. "That money was just resting in my account" mumbles Father Ted, as if expecting Divine Retribution to come his way next!

Over to the south-east, Vaggers has opened the throttle on his Enfield and roared across the plain, heading for the dig site, with only one thought on his mind, Bunty!


Honeysuckle Weeks has the Roller at top speed, trying to keep up with Vaggers.


The Gurkhas advance towards the Royal Palace in Djelibad, the Jats appear to be heading for the market and the Gentlemen's XV, along with the mortar platoon are heading for the dig.


To the north-east the Zeppelin Korps seem to be advancing in three directions, with Marlene Spanckwürst remaining at the deployment zone.


In the south-west, the Zhlobinski Penal Battalion advance towards the Mission Station after hearing a loud explosion from that direction. The Tachanka covers their right flank. The Krasnyy Sotnya lead the advance towards the dig, followed by the Cheka and the Traktor HMG. Trotsky himself brings up the rear accompanied by the P'yanyy Kazaks.

It has to said at this point that Trotsky began to sing. His favourite tune? The Cheka Song and he gave a lovely rendition of it as the Cheka swaggered pompously along, in the wake of the Krasnyy Sotnya.

Meet the Cheka ’cause the boys are here —
The boys to persecute you.
With torture and slaughter to help you on your way —
To raising the rafters with a hey-hey-hey!
With knives and skewers and whips old and new —
With us about you won’t feel blue!
So, meet the Cheka ’cause the boys are here —
The boys to persecute you!
B – O, B – O – Y – S, boys to persecute you!


With Bolsheviks advancing from the south-west and motorised troops advancing from the south-east, the ad hoc dig-site guards were getting twitchy. Fingering their triggers, they prepared to sell their lives dearly. As it transpired, the HMG in Genevieve and rifle fire from the Krasnyy Sotnya, disposed of them before they fired a shot.


Now, if you have been paying attention, you will know that the German's secondary objective was to eliminate Dietrich von Strepsil. Hella von Zeppelin was loathe to carry out this villainous order, but felt she had no choice. Now, the terrible deed had been done for her, although she is yet to gain the dig site entrance and find the truth for herself.

Undeterred by the opening of hostilities, the elite Krasnyy Sotnya advance in good order. They do however, realise that they have low supplies of ammunition (a poor dice roll). Bunty Hamster-Crust appears to be in mortal danger and needs to relocate swiftish!


To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 20, 2021, 09:50:19 AM
Bloomin` brilliant. It almost makes up for not having been there - a very vivid account. Keep it going.

Incidentally, I’m looking forward to reading how, as the shadows lengthen and night falls, two battered, bloody but definitely alive figures creep away from the carnage to safety, the taller of the two muttering "nearly there, Dietrich old boy - we live to fight another day".

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 20, 2021, 10:31:42 AM
Thanks, Doug.

Incidentally, I’m looking forward to reading how, as the shadows lengthen and night falls, two battered, bloody but definitely alive figures creep away from the carnage to safety, the taller of the two muttering "nearly there, Dietrich old boy - we live to fight another day".

This will definitely happen, it's a given!   ;)

Commander's Briefing

I am using 'Setting the East Ablaze' by Steve Langan and Cameron Thomson as the rule set for the game.


This was my first game using these rules and I was very impressed. Very easy to use and very little referring to the rulebook. I had printed out the QRS for use by the players, but I had also printed out unit cards, which contained the stats for each unit. An example here:


Each Commander was issued with a briefing folder containing some useful information and some photos etc. just for atmosphere. Some examples here.




Some atmospheric photos for individual folders.

Enver Pasha:


Hella von Zeppelin:




...and Snapcase (There was a slight wardrobe malfunction during Bunty's photoshoot, an unfortunate gust of wind exposed more than intended. Luckily, the censor has stepped in to protect viewers of a sensitive disposition):

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Dr Bogo on November 20, 2021, 05:16:12 PM
Absolutely brilliant stuff MLS! Those unit cards are a great idea and I love the *ahem* briefing dossiers too
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: marianas_gamer on November 21, 2021, 03:15:19 AM
Excellent so far! Everything that I could ask for in a campaign  :-* :-* (other than your drinks table in the opening sequence appears deficient  lol lol- better get Old Scrotum off his posterior and down to the wine cellar with reinforcements!).
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 21, 2021, 11:29:38 AM
Thank you, Dr Bogo and marianas_gamer for your kind comments.

(other than your drinks table in the opening sequence appears deficient - better get Old Scrotum off his posterior and down to the wine cellar with reinforcements!)

Old Scrotum was run off his feet once the sun had risen above the yard-arm! He's getting a bit too old and wrinkled to make continuous journeys up and down the wine cellar steps! Chinstrap, the valet had to help him out!

Chapter 3, Even More of a Surprise for Snapcase!

Traders and clientele at the Djelibad Market seem still to be unaware of impending doom. Mustapha's rugs are selling like hot cakes (well, hot rugs really, I suppose).

In the top right, we can just make out the Emir's court still questioning Chippy on the location of the Golden Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods. Chippy has not the slightest clue as to the whereabouts of this bally Jhamjarh thing they keep harping on about.

Those shadowy figures in the background could be the elite members of the Zeppelin Korps, making good use of the terrain to carry out a reconnaissance in force.


Meanwhile, to the south of Gummibad, the Zhlobinski Penal Battalion advance towards the Mission Station under the command of Mikhail Borodin, Trotsky's second-in-command.


The warrior nuns of the Ordo de quod Crucis Gladio perceive danger from the advance of the Bolos. They open fire but take serious casualties in return.


Seeing the frightening sight of the nuns taking fire from the advancing Bolshevik hordes, Father Ted starts to think about how best to make a run for it.


With the only steps to the courtyard leading directly into the murderous rifle fire of the Penal Battalion, Father Ted elects to make a jump for safety from the first floor of the Mission. Bishop Len Brennan follows his lead but unfortunately lands badly and breaks his leg. Father Ted hesitates for a second and then shouts "feck it" and runs for his life, leaving the Bishop to his fate.


Back in the environs of Djelibad a strange sight appears in the sky above. "Stap me vitals" ejaculates Snapcase. "There's some sort of balloon coming our way, open order chaps!" he shouts to the Gentleman's XV. It is of course, Gräfin von Zeppelin's secret weapon, the Luftballon. Flown by Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg, who has the full complement of 6 light bombs to drop on the assembled foes below.


With cold and cunning ruthlessness, Gräfin von Stauffenberg selects her target.


Honeysuckle floors the accelerator of the Rolls and heads away from the path of the Luftballon. Vaggers follows suit with the throttle of his Royal Enfield wide open. He doesn't deviate from his path towards the dig site and the lovely Bunty.


Unfortunately the Gentlemen who are on foot cannot escape the path of the oncoming aerial threat. They fire wildly into the sky but the Gräfin drops her bombs with precision and there is a explosion in the centre of the XV! Snapcase goes down with a large lump of shrapnel embedded in his buttocks. A nasty business and a wound that will prevent him from carrying on. Others are also hit, D. M. D'Emfore is down, along with Blowers, Tuffers and several other Gentlemen. This is a bad moment for Snapforce.


Meanwhile, so far uncontested, the advance of the Basmachi continues. The outriders of Enver Pasha's bodyguard along with Enver himself, are entering the outskirts of the dig. Undeterred, Vaggers weaves the Enfield through the villager's crops, searching desperately for Bunty Hamster-Crust.


As Vaggers turns his machine westwards, Honeysuckle in Genevieve wrenches the steering wheel hard over and heads for the patch of gourds. Her sharp eyes have seen movement in a nearby wadi and she intends to line up the HMG in the front of the Rolls with any threats to Snapforce.


As the players break for lunch (a lovely treat provided by Hu Rhu) and head in to the pavilion, we get an overall picture of the momentous events so far, unfolding on the plains of Jhamjarhistan.


To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on November 21, 2021, 04:44:37 PM
It's almost as exciting reading it as it was playing it.

The gunners were so elated with their direct hit on Father Jack that they danced the Basmati jig, but I believe that was the last direct hit they made, although they tried very hard indeed, firing at any target of opportunity.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Hu Rhu on November 22, 2021, 08:54:48 PM
It's almost as exciting reading it as it was playing it.

My thoughts exactly. The Mad Lord certainly has a way with words. lol lol

As I recall the Grafin's aim was almost as perfect as your mountain gun, at least on the Gentlemen's 15, which was reduced on successive turns to the First Eleven, then the Sevens and then finally a Bridge team.  :D :D

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Blackwolf on November 22, 2021, 09:53:41 PM
Brilliant as always  :)
Your room looks fascinating, the ravens, floating thistles, et cetera.
And as for the priest, I'll have to tell you about my past occupation at some stage ;D ;)
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 26, 2021, 03:14:51 PM
Many thanks, Vaggers and Hu Rhu.

Your room looks fascinating, the ravens, floating thistles, et cetera.

Lady Snapcase's artistic touches there.

And as for the priest, I'll have to tell you about my past occupation at some stage

Blackwolf, I sense a story here, even more dramatic than that of your ancestor, Carl Rossegger! Spill the beans, old boy!   ;)

Chapter 4, A Daring Rescue

The sharp-eyed Honeysuckle Weeks, driving Genevieve had seen movement on a nearby hill and turned to investigate. Against all accepted military doctrine, the Kaiserlicher Stab (part of the Zeppelin Korps) have silhouetted themselves against the skyline. This can be excused on their part, as being staff officers and General rank, they can make their own minds up without being confused by the facts. One old military maxim has it, that the most dangerous combination a common soldier can experience is an officer with a map!


A far more lethal threat is still flying above the battlefield. The Gräfin von Stauffenberg is still threatening Snapforce in the vicinity of Djelibad market. Another Luftballon has also joined the fray. Piloted by Ernst Udet, the Great War ace, he seems to have chosen the Basmachi as a target. The Gentlemen's XV is now reduced to the Gentlemen's IX and they are heading to join up with the mortar platoon. The Jats are entering the market place and the Gurkhas are heading for the Emir's Palace in Djelibad. Bottom left, we can see Snapcase who has inched his painful way towards safety, with a sore arse, full of shrapnel. Chulmleigh, his faithful bulldog accompanies him.


The ever-resourceful LACW Weeks lines up the front-facing HMG in Genevieve, preparatory to potting a few Generals. The Zeppelin Korps troopers in the background are shouting a warning to the Kaiserlicher Stab, but to no avail. "Nimm deine verdammten Köpfe runter!"


In the meantime, our hero Vaggers has managed to reach the dig site. Ducking and weaving his way through a hail of lead, the intrepid Yorkshireman espies Bunty Hamster-Crust, hiding behind a Scythian pillar. "Bunty, uz beauty! Ah'm 'eear ta rescue theur. Gerr thy shapely arse ont' pillion, uz flower!" Perhaps the longest speech the reticent SIS agent has ever made to the alluring Bunty. Without further ado, the object of Vagger's passion is aboard his throbbing machine and ready to ride. Just in time too, as the Krasnyy Sotnya are entering the dig site from one side whilst the Basmachi are flooding in from the other.



The Basmachi have overrun the encampment around the dig site. Some of the dig members are fleeing for their lives. Professor Hilary de Spongepants (Rumpole College’s Chair of Archaeology), Lady Camilla Marsupial-Trout and Arabella Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh were trapped on the roof of the building on the right. Hilary de Spongepants and Camilla Marsupial-Trout were executed in cold-blood by the vicious Basmachi horde, but for some reason Arabella has been spared this end. Trotsky will no doubt be cursing the fact that his daughter is a prisoner of the Basmachi, but grateful that she is at least, still alive.


Ernst Udet navigates his Luftballon acros the field of conflict, aiming to inflict as much damage as possible on the Basmachi.


Enver Pasha and his bodyguard of riders enter the dig site. We can see Carl Rossegger the archaeologist and Charlie Chan, a police detective on holiday from Honolulu. They are about to duck into that doorway behind them to try and avoid the inevitable carnage.


"The infidel camp is ours", cry the Basmachi as Ibrahim Bek leads them forward.


Ernst Udet is still struggling to aim his bombs, obviously somewhat lacking the skill of his Luftballon colleague, the Gräfin von Stauffenberg.


Speaking of the Gräfin von Stauffenberg, having seen the Gentleman's IX disperse to avoid the bombing, she makes anothe bombing run towards the Mooltan Battalion, not caring one iota for the traders and customers in Djelibad's busy market place. A few desultory rifle shots are fired at the Luftballon, but to no effect. The She-Wolf of the Zeppelin Korps scores another hit and five Jats are down out of an original force of eleven. No problem with the morale of this elite regiment though. "Jat Balwan, Jai Bhagwan!" they shout their battle-cry.


In the intervening period, the small vodka-fuelled unit of P'yanyy Kazaks are now busy looting the campsite area of the girls of Hilda Rumpole College Archaeological Society. Rifling through the scattered luggage, it was inescapable that they would discover many items of women's unmentionables. Even the Cheka pass by, registering their disgust at their Cossack compatriots dancing around a wrecked camp site with frilly knickers on their head, consuming even more vodka as they dance the Troika!


To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 26, 2021, 09:06:38 PM
Many dastardly deeds are uncovered here. The Basmachi will attract the righteous opprobrium of all right thinking people as will the cowardly aerial attacks of the Luftballoneers apart from their entirely justified attack on the Basmachi, of course; that’s the way to teach those murderous savages a lesson.

I’m amazed at the reported drunkenness of the Cossacks. They’re decent lads, a bit boisterous, a bit rough round the edges perhaps but drunks? Never! How could this have happened? I think rather they were overcome with grief at the fate of the young ladies and this extravagant mourning was misinterpreted by onlookers not familiar with their homely ways.

Splendid work, m’lord; I’m on the edge of my seat. Can’t wait for more.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Bravo Six on November 27, 2021, 01:21:11 AM
Lovely stuff Martin! As always!  :-*
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Hu Rhu on November 29, 2021, 08:36:01 PM
I might add that the Germans refused to fire at Vaggers, astounded as they were by his audacious driving right across their front.  lol lol lol

Or was it that I did fire but missed the blaggard?  I can't seem to remember especially as the game finally finished at about 2.45 in the morning.  :o :o
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on December 03, 2021, 03:53:25 PM
I think rather they were overcome with grief at the fate of the young ladies and this extravagant mourning was misinterpreted by onlookers not familiar with their homely ways.

Sounds like BS to me, Trotsky!

Thanks Bravo Six.

Or was it that I did fire but missed the blaggard?

A senior moment, I think. Vaggers seemed to be invulnerable, on the day. True love will out, bai 'eck.

Chapter 5, The Dig Site Overrun

After facing down a volley from the Krasnyy Sotnya, the Gentlemen's IX becomes the Gentlemen's IV! Aggers has taken over from Snappers and is still standing, with Lord Flashers, Sergeant Archibald Cutter and Billy Fish. Aggers decides to join forces with the mortar platoon.


As Vaggers roars past on the Enfield, with Bunty still firmly attached to the pillion, the Kaiserlicher Stab decide to charge Honeysuckle and her crew in Genevieve.


Over to the south-west the Tachanka brews-up after the Basmachi get in range.


The P'yanyy Kazaks have got their dander up now! With bloomers and camiknickers adorning their papakhas, the boys are feeling ready for a bit of a dust-up. The small four-man unit decide to charge the Basmachi horde...


...with a rather sad and predictable end to their alcohol-fuelled berserker rage.


Over in Djelibad, the Royal palace is in chaos. Under the command of Jonners, the Gurkhas have moved forward uttering their immortal battle-dry, ‘Ayo Gorkhali!’. Coming under fire from the Emir's court, the Gurkhas return fire with a vengeance. More than half of the Emir's fawning court are down, before the Emir (a notable fence-sitter) panics and decides to surrender. Turning to his former prisoner, Chippy, the Emir pleads for terms. Chippy, sensing his moment of glory has come, leads the Emir and his family down into the courtyard of the Palace and calls to Jonners and his men, who are forcing the gate. "I say old boy, Minton here of the Felpersham Peculiars. I have taken the Emir, Emira and Emirzade into my custody. Be a good chap and stop shooting, would you?", "Good show old stick", replied Jonners, "Gurkhas, cease fire!". This was the secondary objective achieved for Snapforce, the rescue of Chippy Minton. However, it effectively removed the Gurkhas from the game as they were needed to garrison the Djeli Palace in case of insurrection.


So, as we had seen previously, the Kaiserlicher Stab had elected to charge into Snappers' Roller to try and remove the HMG threat to the Zeppelin Korps. On the left can be seen the three men of the Geier Geschwader; Rittmeister Rikard D’Astardly accompanied by Hauptmann Herman von Klunk and Oberleutnant Albrecht Zilly. During the first exchange, the generals are going down like nine-pins and the Gräfin can be seen, trying to recall her errant staff.


As the last of the Kaiserlicher Stab fall to the blood-spattered plain they manage a Parthian shot. Genevieve, after travelling overland from Peshawar, through Kashgar and into Jhamjarhistan catches fire. Honeysuckle and her crew are forced to bale out to avoid the flames. A regretful end to one of Henry Royce and Charles Rolls finest creations. Snappers, nursing his shredded buttocks, watches from afar and cannot stop a tear or two rolling down his dusty cheeks (on his face, that is!).


The slaughter in the Mission Station is finally over. The Zhlobinski Penal battalion have cut down the last of the Warrior Nuns of the Ordo de quod Crucis Gladio.


In the overrun camp site, the Basmachi are getting to grips with the Bolos HMG, supplied by the Red Navy.


The boys from the Penal battalion reform in order to rescue their HMG.


However, the Traktor HMG is surrounded by snarling tribesmen, wielding blood-stained talwars. It looks like curtains for the Krasnyy Flot moryaki.


The Zhlobinskis take casualties as they advance, but the presence of the Bolo 2nd in command, Mikhail Borodin steadies them.


Enver Pasha heads through the dig site, looking for clues as to the location of the Golden Jhamjarh of the Sticky Gods. Carl Rosegger and Charlie Chan really do need to get out of the way!


It's the end for the HMG and the Cheka run as fast as they can for the entrance to the underground workings.


Enver Pasha and his bodyguard are desperate to cut down the Cheka before they reach the safety of the entrance. Will they make it?


Exciting news in Djelibad, as Vaggers and Bunty tear through the market place scattering cows and market produce, left, right and centre. "By 'eck lass, 'a' wor close. Alreight r e?". Bunty looks at Vaggers in adoration and manages to reply in the vernacular "Ah'm gran', me duck!". It looks as if they have made it to safety. The tertiary objective for Snapforce is complete.


Only one more chapter remains now of our thrilling tale. Various forces of the protagonists are entering the entrance to Lord Creosote's underground workings. Who will prevail? Stay tuned.

To be continued...
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on December 03, 2021, 08:28:12 PM
Great stuff - really looking forward to next episode which I believe will be a bit of a change in terrain.

Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: Vagabond on December 04, 2021, 12:02:16 AM
We've heard a lot about the drunken Russians, dressed up in ladies underwear, the rather ineffectual German staff officers and the public school XV who became  the badminton duo but the hero's are obviously the underdog Basmatchi Tribesmen led by that Napoleon of Stan Emver Pasha.

The only other hero on the field of battle is of course Vaggers the intrepid Yorkshireman but the discerning reader will have grasped that fact immediately.

I'm looking forward to the last instalment because, and I quote from many a Congressional Hearing " I have no memory of that incident your honour"
Title: Re: Setting Jhamjarhistan Ablaze!
Post by: FramFramson on December 04, 2021, 05:47:13 PM
For an event so hyped and built up, it's still paying off very well!  :D