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Author Topic: Warcry: Catacombs  (Read 2539 times)

Offline Pictors Studio

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Warcry: Catacombs
« on: November 14, 2020, 03:02:16 PM »
This arrived at my local shop on Tuesday last.  I've been working so much lately that I haven't had much time to get to the painting I need to do so adding this to the pile was a stretch and I've not accomplished much so far, but I did get a few of the figures finished and a few pieces of scenery. 

The Scions of the Flame are not much different from the rest of the Warcry line in that they are excellent and characterful models, each of them having a unique flare while still having a coherent feel as a warband.  I've decided to do these ones a little cleaner than the rest of my warbands, who have been pretty dirty looking. 

I've just finished the four figures so far, the two Initiates, one of the fireborn and the Immolator.  I went full-on Human Torch with the Immolator as there is a picture like that in the book that looked neat and it was also quicker.

These guys are a neat warband but I don't think they will replace the Corvus Cabal as my favourite any time soon.

I'll post more pics as I get more stuff done.  I'm working on some more scenery and the Brazen Champion today. 

I also managed to finish bases for all the Scions so I'll be able to just pop them on those as the models are finished which is nice. 

It might a little bit before I get to the dark elves in the set and it is likely that I'll finish all the terrain first. 

Offline Bloggard

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2020, 05:01:16 PM »
looks a good deal better in your photos than GW's promotional stuff! Great stuff.

Offline Ultravanillasmurf

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2020, 05:06:36 PM »
Very nice.

Offline LouieN

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2020, 07:05:45 PM »
good work there

Offline mweaver

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2020, 04:17:18 AM »
Very nice.

And greetings from Texas (yiiii ha!)


Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2020, 11:25:21 PM »
Thanks guys!  And nice to hear from  you Michael.  How have you been?

I'm glad all of you liked them, I'm  a decent painter but absolute crap at taking pictures so that is nice to hear.

Here are some more:

Hoping to get the last two of the Scions done tonight.  I have some more of the terrain, two more doorways and three more other pieces that I'm working on tonight along with some 15mm Vikings as well. 

Offline Dentatus

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2020, 01:40:46 PM »
Those are very nice. Thanks for posting.
I ordered this set in fact, for the Dark Elf warband. Might never play the game but the figs and terrain will certainly see use.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2020, 01:57:26 AM »
The Dark Elf figures look really cool as well.  I wanted to take a little more time on them as they are part of the start to a Dark Elf army I'm doing so I did the Scions first to get one of the sets finished.

And we managed to get our first game in today.  Scions vs. Unmade.

Through the heat haze of the fiery chasm Olmec could see the scurrying dark forms of the enemy, they looked fast but it didn't matter, the treasure would be his.

The words, the last words it was to be, of Surtorak ran through Olmec's mind.  He warned about trusting too much to anything in the hall of the illusionist.  Things would look like the scarab, even feel like the scarab, but upon being in one's possession they would disappear, as insubstantial as a dream.

The enemy were quick.  Olmec glanced their furtive movements in the illuminated hall.  It hurt to look across the big room after moving through the dim tunnels both because of the illumination and the heat.  A door barred his way and he smashed it down with his flaming sword.

Then they saw the scarab ahead of them.  It was on a brazier at the foot of a bridge over the chasm to the center of the hall. 

Grindalm rushed past Olmec as the door burst in and grabbed the scarab. 

"I have it Olmec!"

Olmec looked across the hall to see dark forms grabbing something on a matched brazier on the other side of another identical bridge.

"That may not be it.  We have to take everything that looks like that in the room.  Kill those wretches. Find them all."

The sound of combat brought their attention to the right and they could see the party that had taken the fork in the tunnel were battling with the enemy. His men hurried past Olmec and rushed across the bridge. 

One of the hideous foe had rushed to the brazier in the center of the room and quickly grabbed something before diving into the midst of Olmec's followers.  Blades whirled as the scrawny warriors sliced this way and that, but the attack was ineffectual and Grindalm was soon pummeling the creature to the floor with his flaming fists.  Snatching the pouch off of the downed fighter Grindalm retreated back across the bridge.

"I have another one."

"How many can their be?" wondered Olmec.

Hearing movement behind him Olmec turned to see one of the enemy warriors had crept into the hall.  He moved to deal with the newcomer.

Meanwhile his own flanking forces had entered the fray.  Warriors were moving back and forth with the dance of the combat.  A twisted monstrosity sprang across the floor on feet of steel slicing through his warriors.  Shouts of triumph rang out as a warrior slew another and seized a scarab from them.

Grindalm could stand the inactivity no longer and charged into the enemy.  As he did so sounds of surprise rang out from some of the warriors as the treasured gems they had been carrying faded to nothing. 

It soon became clear that the one remaining of Grindalm's two scarabs was the real artifact and the conflict moved to surround the flaming warrior.  Blades clashed around him as Olmec moved up to cut the enemy down as they tried to cut down the scarab bearer.

Grindalm was not wanting in his ability to defend himself however and two enemy warriors found themselves battered to the ground by his flaming fists. 

As Olmec watched the scarab moved out of Grindalm's closed fist and the beetle-looking gem moved up his arm and perched on top of his head.  The immolated man jerked back as if in pain, his eyes closed and a massive burst of flame erupted from his body.  The heat thrust the combatants away from each other.  With the scarab now glowing on top of Grindalm's head as he floated a few feet above the floor the Unmade realized that they had lost their opportunity and scattered, gathering their wounded as best as they could as they went.

Olmec thrust his sword through Grindalm's back, the blade came out of the front and the light from the scarab dimmed as the blood came rushing from the Scion warrior.  He fell heavily back to earth and dropped immediately to his knees as his life drained from his body.  Olmec pulled the sword out and grabbed the scarab as, dark now, it fell from the head of his minion. 

Olmec quickly thrust the jewel into a pouch on his belt.  Nephrena came over and quickly wrapped a gold chord around the pouch and then the warband was quickly moving away from the accursed chamber. 

Offline Bloggard

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2020, 02:15:43 PM »
crikey - those last 3 or 4 pics have such great atmosphere. As I said, you're doing a better job promoting this latest set than GW!

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2020, 01:19:57 PM »
Thanks!  The game is a nice little change up from our usual Warcry games, although no games have been that usual lately. 

I think the catacombs setting will get a little old quickly if you just do that, but it is a neat option to have for Warcry campaigns certainly.  I like the idea of one of those campaigns running through some underground layers as they wind their way through the Varanspire.

Here are some more gates. 

They are really channeling the late 80s, early 90s GW chaos vibe in these gates.  They take a while to paint too.  I need to do one more before I have enough to fill the board, although with the collapsed gate piece I have enough to fill up all the spaces as is. 

It will probably be a little while before I do the rest of them after I finish that one more.

I like the blue one most of all.  I think I'll call that the serpent gate.

Then yesterday I was also able to bang out the two ruins pieces that come with the Catacombs boxed set from start to finish.

These are great terrain pieces.  I already have them from the original boxed set so I wasn't super excited about them in here but it is always nice to have more.  They work for both AoS and 40K settings and I've been getting a lot of use out of the last set in Istvaan III games for 30K.

I did these ones in a slightly different colour from the others to give them a mossy kind of old look.

Then I put some flock on them to make it look like they were in a more wet environment from the last ones I did. 

They are super quick to build and paint.  Yesterday they were all just pieces cut off of the sprue.  I got them both assembled, primed, painted and flocked in one day and I was on-call so not bad.

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2020, 09:31:10 PM »
Played a second game.  It was a good one too.  At first the Scions looked like they were going to walk away with it but they lost significantly in the end.  It was the Ogor in the Iron Golems that really sorted them out, plus the low level Iron Golem guys out performed their equivalents in the Scions. 

No story this time, unfortunately but here are some more pics. 

Offline Pictors Studio

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2021, 06:49:54 AM »
Last night we did a mini Warcry campaign and a Catacombs game was the culmination of it. 

The poor Untamed Beasts were beaten from domain to domain in the city of Atros.  Finally they fled the city proper and made their way in the mountainous suburbs of the ruined city.  There they fought with massive beasts that guarded the entrances to the Underearth Forges.

The Rust Eternal guild were not pleased at the prospect of trespassers moving through their works. 

The Untamed Beasts tried to force their way through but ended up confronting the forge masters.

With eyes that were unused to the depths of darkness and the flickering shadows cast by the firelight the Untamed Beasts were at a disadvantage in the fighting.

And not knowing their way, the most ferocious fighters in their warband were late in making their way to the sounds of combat.

Ultimately they failed to inflict much damage on the Rust Eternals and dragged dead or unconscious their bodies fed the Never-Doused Flame. 

Offline The Rock

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Re: Warcry: Catacombs
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2021, 03:10:45 PM »
Very nice job!


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