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Author Topic: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR  (Read 4023 times)

Offline Vagabond

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Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« on: June 10, 2017, 08:47:38 PM »
The Hunt for Mary Scroggins

"Hell’s Teeth – Jesus, Mary and the Holy Ghost – By the Love of God – where is that damn woman". It all went quiet. When Sir Marmaduke Langdale lost his temper everyone knew about it, but that is not why it had gone quiet.
"Oh no" he muttered underneath his breath. "Sorry Sisters it’s been a long day". This was addressed to the 3 nuns who had joined the column that should have set out early this morning to search for Mary Scroggins.
Things had gone badly from the start, the cart horse threw a shoe and had to be taken to the Blacksmith, who could not be found, they searched all over the small village before finding him drunk in Ruth Appleton’s bed.

Then there was the delay sobering him up, getting the forge going, bandaging his hand when he smashed it with the hammer. It went on, the Nuns went missing in the late afternoon ministering to the poor – for heaven sake, everyone was poor.

The final straw was when Maude Porter heaved her pack on her back and the strap broke. Maude was the most essential person in the column, she was carrying the brandy, so they had to wait until she could repair the strap.

By now it was early evening. Everyone else was looking forward to a few beers and then to bed, setting off early in the morning, however.

We can set off now and make up for the lost day, it’s only 8 miles to Greater Piddling in the Marsh and we can search the road side as we go and see if she is still with her friend when we arrive”. “Not to worry” said Sir M “it’s a full moon tonight we will be able to see fine it wont be a problem”.

I posted a game http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=95433.0, when Mary Scroggins had gone missing, the local landowner Sir Marmaduke Langdale had been informed of strange goings on in Little Piddling in the Marsh, there ensued a desperate night of very strange goings on and now he had decided that there was nothing else to do but try and find Mary Scroggins, hence the expedition. The sooner it was over the sooner he could go back to Langdale Hall and enjoy the latest shipment of fine wine from France rather than this foul smelling ale the villagers drank.

The outskirts of Little Piddling in the Marsh showing the road through the forest to Greater Piddling.

Yes the trees are bits of sponge, stuck on dowels, with a bit of hardboard for a base. Cost nothing and I have 100 off them. I took these to a local club and some young sprog said “I’ve never seen the like before”, he was brought up on a diet of G.W, where if each tree don’t cost £10 it can’t be a real tree. His mate said “Yes they are very old school” I don’t think he was being complimentary. The tiles are 1’ squares of hardboard off an old door

This is intended to be a road movie, so as the group move left to right, once they have moved from the 3 tiles on the left of the board, they will be cleared and moved to the right of the board and re-decorated with terrain and so on. Overcoming the limitations of only having a 3x4 table, this is the 2nd time I have tried this device and both games didn’t get to the 1st change over, ho hum.

The river on the edge of the forest and the only way over is the bridge.

The head of the column leaving Little Piddling with Sir Marmaduke leading with his faithful dog Baxter by his side.

The rear of the column, Mary Porter carrying the brandy and the three nuns, Sister ? from the Order of the Virgin Mary, carrying the staff. Sister Matilda of the Blessed Sacrament with a saddle Pistol and Sister ? from the Order of Perpetual Pain armed with a steely glare. The Sisters have only just been painted but not christened yet. I know - I am such a slacker.

1st Turn and the column moves out, the encounter markers were then placed randomly, 14 of them, they move in a random direction and distance each time they activate. They can move off the table, when one moves into line of sight it is resolved by turning over a playing card and each card represents 1 of the 14 encounters which can be just the wind blowing in the trees (nothing) to any manor of things even the missing Mary Scroggins.
It’s starting to get dark and even with the moonlight, line of sight is only 12”.

How does it go – In all the bridges in all the world and you walk over my bridge. The Werewolf Lord (Big W), the most powerful of the likely encounters is the 1st one drawn. This may explain why Mary Scroggins is missing thinks Sir M.

Just a gratuitous picture because I liked it.

The huge Werewolf sees the hated humans and failed to activate, stood there glaring malevolently and looking scary. Baxter the Dog, Jeramiah Pile and Samuel Smith, without hesitation charged forward and attacked the beast, no brains and too much testosterone. – Do dogs have testosterone? The wolf wins the fight against all three of them but fails to inflict any damage.

As the three musketeers move forward to attack the Werewolf they come within range of the encounter marker on the bridge – the Red Ghost with a terrifying aura of 10”, they are 11” away and so not affected.

The fight goes on - Baxter bites the wolf but his teeth are not sharp enough and he does no damage. J.P. and Smith are both hit again but take no damage.

This fight goes on and on. I may be misunderstanding the rules but it seems hitting is not too difficult but causing damage is harder and fights last quite a long time, this may be the intention, as vitality is lost bit by bit.

Moving randomly Brunn the Bear appears, sees the hated humans (does everything hate us) and charges. Simon Darkwood doesn’t like bears and runs away, but the others stand their ground and fire at Brunn, a musket ball reduces his vitality by 1 but a lucky shot from a pistol -4 vitality kills the bear. The fight with the Werewolf continues with some damage inflicted.

The fight had been going on for 6 turns before the 1st man went down, next turn Baxter goes down, Sir M steps up and immediately goes down, Jeramiah Pile goes down, it’s turned into a blood bath.
This is the situation on turn 10, Jasper is fighting Big W on his own, no one else passed their resolve tests to step in to the fight, although Daniel the Carter has moved forward when most of the fighting men have moved back.

The next turn is a little surreal. Daniel the Carter with a stick and a sick look on his face together with Sister ? from the Order of the Virgin Mary, with a staff (big stick) both enter the fray, just as the last fighting man Jasper goes to meet his maker.

Sister ? is laying about her - admonishing Big W as the spawn of the Devil to go back to the foul pit he crept from. Obviously embarrassed by the fact that a Nun and a Farm Labourer were doing all the fighting, and doing it better than the fighting men, Johnathan Hawke led 2 others into the fray.

Odds of 5 to 1 tell in the end and the Werewolf finally succumbs to numbers and goes back to meet his maker.

The relief is short lived as immediately the Red Ghost swoops into the fray.

Which is a big mistake because although everyone except the guy in the Monmouth hat were terrified by her terrifying aura, no one runs and she faces 5 determined enemies and is killed, or what ever happens to ghosts when they die. Laid to rest probably.

Well with 5 of the party down, 2 running for the hills and 4 terrified, the general consensus is to leave Mary Scroggins to her fate and go back and drink some more of the foul smelling local ale and have a good nights rest.

Conclusion of the Story

Sir Marmaduke Langdale made a full recovery, apart from the limp, but Baxter his dog lost both his canine teeth when he took hold of the Werewolf and wouldn’t let go, he now has his meat chopped finely.
The Nuns helped minister to the wounded and poor in spirit, and may continue the journey to Greater Piddling at a latter date.
Daniel the Carter decided he had enough of adventure and retired to his farm in Soggy Bottom.

As a game it was a bit of a none event and didn't go the way I expected - but I wanted to know what happened to Mary Scroggins, it appears she is dead.

If you are still here – thanks for reading.

Dino - If you read this I wanted to post a sexy vampire for you and the Red Ghost is the best I could do - sorry best I've got


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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2017, 10:46:15 PM »
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 12:15:47 AM by TikiCoast »

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2017, 11:28:15 PM »
I really don't know about CinC but the 2HW Chain Reaction that I usually use work for me in a solo game.
Once you get your head around the reaction tests you can play one side and the system plays the other. With the additional characteristics most decisions can be resolved by a dice throw against an of the cuff probability.
I am working on combining CinC and Strange Aeons mythos into 2HW should be fairly straight forward but I've got carried away with the old West.
However 2 months at least before I get back home so plenty of time to change my mind. ;)
Enjoy your gaming

Offline Malamute

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2017, 04:16:55 PM »
I enjoyed reading this as I did your previous scenario. Great stuff. ;D
"These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but go on age after age, feeding on the blood of the living"  - Abraham Van Helsing

Offline dinohunterpoa

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2017, 05:34:19 PM »
Vagabond, GREAT scenery, minis and a VERY FUN AAR! A BIG THANK YOU for sharing!

That red dress lady was sexy as they come, THANK YOU!!!  :-* Hope to see her again soon; I am pretty sure she is not permanently out of action, because sexyness never rests!  ;D

That big werewolf is a heck of a fighter! I am sure he also isn't really dead, and will come back with a vengeance in the next full moon!

I hope old Baxter gets a nice pair of iron canine teeth implants for the next adventure! (rulewise: increased damage and an even stronger grip, of course! :D)

Have a great vacation and come back with new adventures for us!

EDIT> "Just a gratuitous picture because I liked it" is PRICELESS!!!  lol lol lol lol lol
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 05:43:59 PM by dinohunterpoa »
"Because life is made of inspiration, dreaming and insanity in about equal measure."
- Erzsébet Báthory - 1560-1614 (?)

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2017, 10:27:13 PM »
Malamute - thanks I'm pleased you enjoyed it. I have trawled back through this board and think your Johnathan hawker series was exceptional so from an acolyte to a master - cheers


That red dress lady was sexy as they come, THANK YOU!!!  :-* Hope to see her again soon; I am pretty sure she is not permanently out of action, because sexyness never rests!  ;D

I hope old Baxter gets a nice pair of iron canine teeth implants for the next adventure! (rulewise: increased damage and an even stronger grip, of course! :D)

Hum - sexiness never rests - she is a ghost - I didn't realise you were in to necrophilia  :o :o :o lol lol lol

The iron teeth for Baxter is a brilliant idea, sure I will use that.

Thanks for the smiley input, enjoyed it

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2017, 10:45:26 PM »
Most enjoyable and a very honest conclusion - too many solo games seem to be tweaked so that they pan out more or less exactly as the player envisaged they would. This was bad news for M/s Scroggins of course but I'm sure she was happy to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of artistic integrity. :D

I also appreciated the old school trees (being very old school myself). I never ever got round to making any of those foam trees but this reminds me that I have a packet of pan-scrubbers I bought in the late seventies to make hedges out of. I really must get round to doing that.

I look forward to seeing more of our AARs and excellent photos. I've been planning a game to try out the Pulp Alley solo rules and this has given me the necessary impetus to get on with it - thanks Vagabond.


Offline dinohunterpoa

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2017, 11:01:02 PM »
Hum - sexiness never rests - she is a ghost - I didn't realise you were in to necrophilia  :o :o :o lol lol lol

As my Gf says to me about certain things: "Only over my cold dead body!"   :D

The iron teeth for Baxter is a brilliant idea, sure I will use that.

Thanks for the smiley input, enjoyed it

Thank YOU for that great AAR!

Looking forward to see old Baxter Ironbite in action again soon!  ;)

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2017, 08:19:38 PM »
Doug, I shall look forward to seeing your game, I have bought the solo rules but not tried them yet so will appreciate your thoughts.

Internet is likly to be a bit spasmodic for me over the next couple of mouths do would appreciate you PM ING me a link so I can view when I can.

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2017, 08:20:46 PM »
As my Gf says to me about certain things: "Only over my cold dead body!"   :D

lol lol lol

Offline marianas_gamer

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2017, 08:45:19 PM »
Great story telling, as always :-* and that poor dog lol By the way I think your trees look great.
Got to kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight.

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2017, 10:43:27 PM »

Internet is likly to be a bit spasmodic for me over the next couple of mouths do would appreciate you PM ING me a link so I can view when I can.

Will do, Sir - with pleasure😄


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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2017, 12:13:12 PM »
Another great ripping yarn!   :-*   :-*   :-*

Great fun reading, it's nice to see Big Trouble in Little-Piddling! Over here in Much-Piddling we are much more law-abiding folk! Sorry to hear that La Scroggins is brown-bread but that's what happens to maids as leaves Little-Piddling to go to Great-Piddling, they get all betwaddled and end up in a bleddy gert cawtch.

Looking forward to your next game report, Sir!

but this reminds me that I have a packet of pan-scrubbers I bought in the late seventies to make hedges out of. I really must get round to doing that.

Do you think that might be some kind of record, Doug?   :o

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2017, 04:33:35 PM »

Do you think that might be some kind of record, Doug?   :o

It may be for pan-scrubbers but I have many figures from the early seventies still lacking a coat of paint. Now I feel depressed.  :'(


Offline Vagabond

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Re: Finding Mary Scroggins - AAR
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2017, 07:35:25 PM »
By the way I think your trees look great.

Cheers Lon - where I come from "Sumat fer nowt is reet good" which translates as "free is good"

they get all betwaddled and end up in a bleddy gert cawtch

I didn't realise you could speak Russian, could you translate for the rest of us ;) ;)

Pan scourers and 1970s figuresI- Mad Lord/Doug you are not going to start discussing your old scrotums again as on my last game report on this board, it got very embarrassing.  lol lol lol


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