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Author Topic: SECTOR12  (Read 17267 times)

Offline Grumpy Gnome

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #75 on: September 13, 2022, 10:26:00 AM »
Very creepy! Excellent work! 👍
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Offline Daeothar

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2022, 11:07:31 AM »
The only instance where a shotgun actually is an essential gardening tool...  :D

Very nasty weeds, those; great work on making them so gnarly!
Miniatures you say? Well I too, like to live dangerously...
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Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #77 on: September 14, 2022, 01:01:57 PM »
Cheers Gnome👍🏼
Daeothar-I never leave the shed without one😆🤣😆

Offline Cacique Caribe

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #78 on: September 16, 2022, 06:53:05 PM »
Those are hyena ticks???  If those are just the ticks on the hyenas, I’d hate to see the darn hyenas!   They must be massive. :)


Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #79 on: September 16, 2022, 08:52:36 PM »
Caribe…🙄…more a handle for their scavenging/hunting behaviour 😆

Offline Noctuary

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #80 on: September 21, 2022, 07:24:11 PM »
Love the thread! I agree with your comment about having some similar tastes :)

Offline Easy E

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #81 on: September 21, 2022, 07:52:03 PM »
Great thread Chimpfoot. Keep it up.
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Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2022, 09:12:21 PM »
Thanks Noctuary and Easy E 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #83 on: April 29, 2023, 09:55:05 PM »
Hooper, Pathfinder Anderson Cole, Radcliffe and Butler kitted out and ready for a jaunt into Sector 12…..wish them luck 😳
« Last Edit: April 29, 2023, 10:00:03 PM by Chimpfoot »

Offline pauld

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #84 on: April 30, 2023, 09:57:46 AM »
Late to the party again I've only just read through this thread.


I'm very glad I did as there is some wonderful stuff here across many pages.

Looking forward to more
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Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #85 on: April 30, 2023, 05:12:35 PM »
Thanks Pauld much obliged
There are two other older threads: SECTOR12 the return and First spend no money which are in a similar vein if you’re interested 👍🏼

To the action…

Scenario 1: A simple Search mission they said...

Well the burning mists have cleared, the hyena ticks have moved to pastures new and Sector 4 is in dire need of supplies. The Flicker calls and it is time to venture forth once more into SECTOR 12...

Our new four strong crew (one level 4 Newhand and two level 3 Greenwings) and led by the soon to be famous Anderson Cole (Gunslinger) has been just barely kitted out by the Quartermaster, two pistols, one shotgun and a rifle and along with a backpack and a couple of frags what else do they need? Quite a bit more it turns out...

Mission 1: a nice simple SEARCH in the wilderness with not too much excitement just to get everyone stretched and warmed up for the coming horror...yeah right...

Only two objective markers were rolled to start which is good because the name of the game is searches in this scenario, four in fact, which would generate enough excitement  on its own.

Turns 1-3
Cole led the way with two actions, moving 6 and conducting the first Search on the way, spotting 3 objective markers all in the deployment square, cheers Boss.
They were all within someone's LOS so all had to be immediately revealed. 2 Salvage, 1 Alien Savage, 1 Alpha Mutant and 2 Hyena Ticks. Could have been far worse but still might be a long day. With Radcliffe rolling a 1 and failing to activate at all, Butler default moving for 3 inches and Hooper moving 6 everyone just milled around looking nervous...

The Adversarial forces moved first in turn two with the ticks random moving and claiming some salvage. Cole ATC'ed toward the savage, causing 2 wounds, the follow up shot was saved by cover but the savage would not activate this turn. Radcliffe's paltry default move brought him in CLOSE range of the Alpha Mutant losing him one condition; the Alpha managing to survive unscathed, licked its multiple lips.

Butler shot at the alpha mutant twice in an effort to help his friend and missed twice (cheers) while Hooper moved 6 toward the second square ready to search next turn.

Things heated up in turn 3.

Cole immediately caused a giant spider to appear by revealing another marker. He then ATC'ed the savage again, taking it out, and shot at the spider too. The Alpha Mutant chose Butler this turn and cost him 2 condition points with a flurry of blows and stopping his activation. Radcliffe random spawned a Ban-dog and some Rad Rats with a roll of 12 but put his 3 actions to good use by blasting the Alpha Mutant out of this life with his shotgun. Feeling invincible he then CLOSED with one of the Ticks (come on...it's just a big bug) he smashed it with the butt of his shotgun but he had been injured last turn and the bug, with a frankly astonishing roll for its size, did for him too. Radcliffe out...

The second Tick sensed blood and CLOSED with Cole only to find its fate on the end of the Pathfinder's machete. Hooper, well away from the action, completed the second Search and thankfully it turned up nothing.

Turns 4-8

Spider rampage time....

The adversaries took the initiative again in turn 4 with the Giant Spider targeting the weakest crew member, unfortunately it was able to CLOSE with Cole on the way. The attack resulted in 5 unanswered wounds that took the Pathfinder out and then some.

Both Butler and Hooper failed their activation rolls no doubt shocked by the sight of their glorious leader being chewed by a spider while the Ban-dog and Rats stalked toward Butler.

The crew wrestled the initiative back in turn 5 despite being down to two men, or women, well one of each actually.

Butler Closed with the Rat swarm and dealt it 2 wounds to take it out with boot and rifle butt. Hooper only managed a 6 inch move not quite making it into the  3rd square for a Search while the spider random moved, obviously still digesting, and the Ban-Dog moved to claim a salvage marker. 

Initiative went to the crew again in turn 6, not that it did them much good, Butler claimed a salvage marker with his 6 inch move and Hooper failed to activate again. Both spider and dog realised what they were missing and converged on the deliciousness Butler.

Turn 7 and Butler top scored for actions causing more Rats and another Alpha Mutant to spawn. The spider was still the greater threat so he used his first action to blast it. JAM... for the love of...

Well faint heart and all that...so he Closes with the beast with his second action thinking it will be easy pickings being down to one Condition point and dropping down to 6’s for all its rolls and Butler controlling the engagement for being the attacker...

Yeah right.
Not that type of game today.

Despite cancelling one of its attacks the beast still scored enough to relieve Butler of his last Condition point and put him out of the game before it expired.

Hooper managed to get into another square with a slim chance of completing the third Search of four in the last.

Slim chance means no chance. She fails to activate at all AGAIN!!! (give her some slack she's only a low level Greenwing on her first mission for fleg's sake) and the game ends with the Alpha Mutant stalking her through the woods but coming up thankfully 2 inches short of a melee attack.

Downtime...not much I'm afraid.

To start with we need to see if anyone survived.

Apparently no one was actually eaten by spiders and bugs. Our glorious leader managed a 'that was close' result for his survival roll as did Butler. Radcliffe did a little better with 'you'll never believe this'...giving the crew an extra EXP for a grand total of 3 for the mission with one each for the 2 successful Searches. Unfortunately there was 0 salvage as anyone who was carrying any was taken out.

The three points give Radcliffe a Resolve and Intellect improvement and a Melee increase for Cole. And that's it, not a lot for the work, rations and ammo expenditure but that's how it goes sometimes...Sector 12 can be an awkward beast when the dice are not with you.

But there is movement ahead and the best form of defence is....

Pics to follow.
Stay tuned...

Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #86 on: April 30, 2023, 05:15:34 PM »
Shots from mission 1….

Offline CapnJim

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #87 on: April 30, 2023, 05:44:22 PM »
A.  Good-looking crew!

B.  Apparently, however, good looks don't mean much in a fight with mutants...it could have ended up worse for the crew, though  ;).  Better luck next time... 8)
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Offline Chimpfoot

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #88 on: May 01, 2023, 04:58:01 PM »
Thanks Cap
Good looks only mean deliciousness in SECTOR12 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Offline Mr. White

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Re: SECTOR12 New crew
« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2023, 08:18:42 PM »
Sweet Project!
