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Author Topic: ...in a 15mm galaxy far-far away...(Star Wars proj. - upd. pg.5 more buildings)  (Read 11140 times)

Offline Father Primus

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The "Brethren of the new light" Infantry from GZG hve helmets that work well for Rebels as well...


Yes, they look quite rebel-like!

I took free sample of some 6mm IG stl for Epic on Cults3d and modelled weapons\heads in 3d-editor.

Offline BeneathALeadMountain

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I’m loving all of this. Where can I get a helpful friend that’ll print such things for me? That would be very useful.


Beneath A Lead Mountain - my blog of hobby procrastination and sometimes even some progress

Offline Father Primus

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Some quick-reaction forces for the Empire. idea was to make some kind of "pacification" force or literally "death brigade" that uses old-fashioned second-line equipment on some backwater worlds.

And some heavy support for the rebel forces:

Offline Oldben1

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Simply amazing!

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Great additions  :)



Twitter account -     @OSHIROmodels
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Offline Maniac

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Lovely stuff.  15mm can be a lot of fun to paint up.
On time, on target, or the next one's free

Offline Grimmnar

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Some quick-reaction forces for the Empire. idea was to make some kind of "pacification" force or literally "death brigade" that uses old-fashioned second-line equipment on some backwater worlds.
Would love to know where all the mini goodies came from?

Also on a base kick lately. Where your basescome from and what sizes did you use?

« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 04:39:22 AM by Grimmnar »

Offline Father Primus

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Minis are 3d-prints. Some are Wakes Emporium 6mm clones upscaled to 15mm with headswaps. In 15mm downscaled Lego stormtrooper heads and weapons are flawless  :D

These rebels are downscaled 28mm miniatures. I prefer less detailed miniatures as they are easier to paint and still look good at that scale.

Bases for vehicles are 30-35-40-40mm mdf or cardboard circles.

Offline Father Primus

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Made more terrain for the project. Finally gaming table starts looking like a gaming table:

Need more high buildings though.

Offline FifteensAway

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Buildings look good.  Are these commercial products or are you scratch building them?  If the latter, an explanation/tutorial on the how is in order.  If the former, a link is in order - please.

Offline Father Primus

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Buildings look good.  Are these commercial products or are you scratch building them?  If the latter, an explanation/tutorial on the how is in order.  If the former, a link is in order - please.

All buildings are made of thick card and textured paper. I can make some kind of a tutorial.

Offline mellis1644

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This all looks so good. Great work
My painting blog is at: http://mellis1644.wordpress.com/

Offline Father Primus

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Here I start making walls to add more LOS-blocks.
I cut them from thick card, and add some additional elements to make them more durable (and also to allow them stand vertically and not to fall from slightest breeze).

Then I add modelling paste mixed with sand to the ruined section (to make huge rubbish pile) and use paper, dipped in pva glue to add "fabric" cover to the boxes and to make a poster on the wall.

I use textured paper to make sheets of rusty metal - for example the metal box at the corner of the wall.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 01:48:29 PM by Father Primus »

Offline mikedemana

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I like what you are doing with the scratch builds. What textured paper do you use? I have used the 12"x12" square pieces you can buy at craft stores that I believe are intended for scrapbookers. Or is this something else from a different source?

Mike Demana

Offline Father Primus

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I use cheapest tools and materials found at the craft store.

Then I paint rubble with burnt umbra and walls with a mix of yellow and white paints. At this stage I use cheap paint from craft store.

After it's dry I highlight the walls with pure white acryllics.

Then I wash the walls with a watered-down brown umbra mixed with glaze medium.

When it's dry I add damage with black acryllic marker, highlight all the rubble and paint all the graffiti etc.

Here are the painted walls:


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