Thanks for the pic Daeothar, it's very helpful! Next to ghoul king they do indeed look very good.
Also thanks for reminding me of Mantic zombies, Sleepy Snoozy Skeletons. I might have some of those kicking around somewhere, will have to see if I can find them.
I've never had a layer line issue on an Etsy print figure... it seems an issue with terrain (some sci-fi cars were terrible and I recently pimped some ruins from Amazon), but never with a figure - the odd uncured mini admittedly, but that has always been resolved and a replacement sent and I have bits for the bit box, so I'm happy.
My dread of layer lines is likely very unbased and comes mainly from seeing 3d printed minis years ago and technology has obviously improved by leaps since then. Not just regarding layer lines but general sharpness of prints as well. Just the sheer number of companies and individuals working on 3d sculpting makes choice of miniatures absolutely huge. As said, I'm sure at some point I'll give them a chance and buy some.