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Author Topic: Round bases it is!......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM)  (Read 396546 times)

Offline Mason

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game set-up) Update 14/08/11
« Reply #75 on: August 16, 2011, 09:34:54 AM »
Ninja; Thanks for the advice. Will give it a go!

Deafnala; Go ahead. I have no issue with you doing that.

Luckyjoe; You are most welcome, Old Chap!

Bezzo; 'Returns salute!'

(For info; Will post some pics of one of the games tomorrow.)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 09:38:13 AM by Mason »

Offline thenamelessdead

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game set-up) Update 14/08/11
« Reply #76 on: August 16, 2011, 10:50:02 AM »
My compliments to the gardener, who's obviously doing a tremendous job long after everyone else has left the town!

Offline Argonor

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game set-up) Update 14/08/11
« Reply #77 on: August 16, 2011, 11:26:28 AM »
Skeletons. With scythes.
Ask at the LAF, and answer shall thy be given!

Cultist #84

Offline Mason

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game set-up) Update 14/08/11
« Reply #78 on: August 16, 2011, 11:43:22 AM »
My compliments to the gardener, who's obviously doing a tremendous job long after everyone else has left the town!

They were just tiny daisies when the earthquake happened!

Skeletons. With scythes.

Is it wrong that you have just given me an idea for the corpse of the groundskeeper of the graveyard?

Offline Argonor

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game set-up) Update 14/08/11
« Reply #79 on: August 16, 2011, 11:48:27 AM »
Is it wrong that you have just given me an idea for the corpse of the groundskeeper of the graveyard?

Actually, I was referring to the gardeners...  lol

But I think that would work, too  :)

Offline Legionnaire Bert

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game set-up) Update 14/08/11
« Reply #80 on: August 17, 2011, 02:16:14 PM »
Having played on this magnificent table on Saturday, I have to say how awesome it is! The pics do actually do it a fair bit of justice, too - well done, Mason.

The fact that I lost both games didn't tarnish my enjoyment of the board, it really didn't! Still saddled with a rubbish batch of inferior Pffenigland black powder, clearly...

Next time, Mason, next time... >:D

Offline Mason

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game Pics) Update 17/08/11
« Reply #81 on: August 17, 2011, 09:34:15 PM »
Promised some in-game shots.
Well, here they are!

Firstly, I must apologise. I cannot write a proper battle report as most of the pictures I took were too damn blurry. Cant get the hang of focusing for close-ups at the moment. Guess I will get better with practice!

These were of the first game we played between my Nordland 2nd Expedition (the first being wiped out in the last campaign by Berts Undead in the final game!), and Berts Dwarves, the Pits Bog Stealers.

We were playing the Occupy scenario from the rulebook.
For those not familiar with this, you basically have to be in possesion, unopposed, of more of the objective buildings than your opponent at the end of eight turns.
We decided that the four objectives would be the corner sections of the Temple.
This was always going to be a tough one for the Dwarves, as they only had seven members available for the mission compared to thirteen Nordlanders!

First few pictures show our initial starting positions;

The Nordlanders grabbed the Watchtower with a Marksman and Youngblood with crossbow to give a good fire support position

Another group, led by the brave Captain started in the Graveyard to attempt to rush forward and take the objectives.

The rest of the Nordlanders formed up on the Docks ready to move into the other objectives on the Docks side of the Temple.

The Dwarves decided to start next to the Inn to advance on the objectives nearest the Docks.
There are only four Dwarves on the board at the start of the game. The rest are with the Miner, heading underneath the battlefield via tunnels, cellars and sewers to gain a foothold when they emerge later.
(We use a set of house rules that allow a Dwarven warband to take an additional hero, the Miner. The Miner allows a form of infiltration for himself and up to two others. They appear from the second turn onwards, decided randomly, at a pre-determined location, written down prior to set up by the Dwarven player. This always deviates somewhat, but does help to counter the Dwarven lack of mobility in Mordheim.

The first few moves were sucessfully captured by the camera showing the Warbands advancing on their objectives;

A group of Nordlanders surging forwards along the Docks

More Human advances into the Temple.

The Dwarves charging at a 'swift' amble into the overgrown orchard of the Temple

At this point things moved on, but alas the pictures were not much use. Basically the Nordlanders moving along the Docks encountered the Dwarven troops moving towards them and a missile dual ensued between the Dwarven crossbowman and one of the Handgunners. This went on for several turns, with much cursing from both players as shots went astray, or hit but failed to wound.
Meanwhile the Nordlanders on the other flank surged into the Temple and claimed two of the objectives unopposed.

Or so they thought!

It was at this point in time that the Miner finally found his way through to his target, leading the Trollslayer and the Dwarven Noble above ground. They had appeared right next to the Nordland Captain and announced their presence by the Noble shooting said Captain in the buttock!

It was at this point that the 'brave' captain decided that the most important part of his strategy involved climbing a ladder (VERY QUICKLY) and putting some distance between himself and the enraged Stunty-folk!


« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 09:48:48 PM by Mason »

Offline DeafNala

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game Pics) Update 17/08/11
« Reply #82 on: August 17, 2011, 10:56:59 PM »
VERY COOL! Beautiful terrain & minis separately are terrific, but, taken in combination with some narrative, they become WONDROUS TO BEHOLD...thanks for some wondrous.
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Offline Luckyjoe

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game Pics) Update 17/08/11
« Reply #83 on: August 18, 2011, 03:26:30 AM »
Man, I'm loving this.  :o Can't wait for the next update.

Offline dodge

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game Pics) Update 17/08/11
« Reply #84 on: August 18, 2011, 10:26:47 AM »
Oh Yes that is just brilliant stuff,

how long did it take to make it all up?


Offline Mason

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game Pics) Update 17/08/11
« Reply #85 on: August 18, 2011, 01:54:27 PM »
Thanks for the comments, Chaps!

Unfortunately, they are the only pictures of the first game that came out any good.
The game continued with the Nordlanders avoiding contact with the three Uber-hard members of the Dwarven tunnel party, whilst bringing them under heavy fire from three handguns and a crossbow, eventually taking the Trollslayer out of action and driving the others off.
The game ended with a Nordland victory by virtue of holding two of the objective buildings, whilst contesting possession of the other two.

I have some pictures of the second game that we played, when the Pits Bog Stealers took on a Shadow Elf warband.
Post them later.

Oh Yes that is just brilliant stuff,

how long did it take to make it all up?


This town has been an ongoing project for about two years now, whilst doing other things.
I tend to get bored if I do too much of one thing for too long, so like to flit between projects.
I will make a couple of scenery elements for the town and then move onto something else.
There are two things I want to finish with this before moving on to my VSF ideas.
(That is something I have always fancied doing and now a few of the chaps in the group have shown some interest, it looks like a goer! :D)
The two elements of scenery that are next up are adding the second floor to the building on the left in this picture;

I had deemed it finished, but it is too small and needs a second level.
It will become an Undertakers, after I found a good few coffins in my bits box, left from a project that I never did get around to doing. A removable second floor with an overhanging porch covering half of the yard should bring it up to scratch.
It does mean that I will have to take a saw to it, but that will be easy enough as it is made of polystyrene. Also thinking of re-doing the fence. Hmmm, thinks on that one.

The other element is a collection of smaller building on the same base to represent the poorer parts of town. I hope to do at least three different ones, so they can take up a large section of the board by themselves.

They are next, but there are plenty more things in the pipeline.
I have already drawn up the plans for a clocktower, market place, and a revolving bridge, along with other interior pieces to be used in conjunction with the 'Temple' corners, to make a library, a museum and a jail for starters.
That was the reason why the corner pieces of the 'Temple' did not have any overt religious symbols placed on them. They can then be used for any municiple-type buildings by altering the interior.
 I do still need to paint up the pews, pulpit and altar to finish the ;Temple' interior pieces. I am also looking for some bells in the right scale,as I think that would look good.
 Oh, and the main front entrance to the 'Temple', which will involve two of the MDF bases and another Pegasus Gothic Ruins set............
It never ends!

Offline dodge

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (Game Pics) Update 17/08/11
« Reply #86 on: August 18, 2011, 02:33:05 PM »
That's very cool, pegasus kits are very good I have a number of the 1/72nd russian house kits which work perfectly for 28mm back of beyond/russian civil war and anything that needs a wooden cottage etc..

keep up the good work


Offline Mason

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (More Pics) Update 19/08/11
« Reply #87 on: August 19, 2011, 01:18:19 AM »
Some pics of the second game from last weekend.
This time it was Shadow Elves taking on the Pits Bog Stealers.
Scenario was again rolled for randomly from the rulebook; Hidden Treasure.
(You basically have to search all the buildings on the board until you find the chest, rolling randomly each time you enter a building to see if it is there. If it is not found before, it is always in the last building searched- and usually is!)

After deployment the Elves immediatly heded up any available ladders to get as good a shooting angle as possible, searching a couple of the buildings as they passed through.

The Dwarven band kept their searching low at the begining, their Noble setting off for the docked Barrel-sub at the first chance he had. (Methinks he was more interested in checking out the wooden contraption than searching for loot!)

The Dwarven tunneling party turned up rather sooner this time, directly underneath where the Elven leader and wizard were!

Meanwhile, the Dwarven Noble had finished investigating the Sub and had started to sneak along the Docks to try and join the tunneling group, which this time consisted of the Miner and TWO Trollslayers (a frightening prospect!)

....Only to be picked off by the Elven ShadowMaster with a tremendously accurate shot from his bow, causing the Dwarven Noble to topple from the Docks into the drink!

Much frantic activity by the Dock ensued as the young Beardling accompanying the Noble tried desperately to keep his master from drowning, whilst trying to 'fish' him out! This was more heroic than it sounds, as he was being rained upon with longbow arrows the whole time, even being hit twice and shrugging off the pain!

Upon regaining his feet on the Docks and spewing up several pints of unpleasant-looking water the Noble surveyed the scene around him to see that things were not looking too good.
Ther were three small groups of his kin either pinned down by accurate bow fire, or even worse, being hit by it!
The worst of the casualties was the meanest member of his band, Nosha Powlssen, the two-axe wielding psycho Slayer had finally succumbed to his injuries after being hit several times.

He was quickly followed by the Engineer, Smuggrin Klarkssen, who had been picked off by an Elven warrior, but not before he himself had blown one of the Pointy-Ears clean off of a walkway with his trusty handgun.

Unfortunately for the Dwarves, Smuggrin was quickly followed by the other Youngling, who was mercilessly cut down by the combined fire of two more Elves.

With three Dwarves out of action and two more pinned, the Noble decided it was time to retire from the fray before any more of his band succumbed to the wicked Elven bowfire.

Nashing his teeth and muttering about Pointy-Eared cowardice he led the remnants of his stout band away to lick their wounds, leaving the Elves free to search the area and find the treasure, before they slipped away into the shadows leaving the battleground mysteriously empty and silent...........

Offline Legionnaire Bert

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (2nd game Pics) Update 19/08/11
« Reply #88 on: August 19, 2011, 01:53:03 PM »
Great effort on the pics and narrative, Mason! A top record of a top day. Despite losing both games, I had a blast - I don't mind losing to an opponent who is as generous of spirit as you, sir.

When we playing next? ;D


Offline Luckyjoe

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Re: The ruined town of Krappefortt. MORDHEIM (2nd game Pics) Update 19/08/11
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2011, 02:01:53 PM »
Sweet! Great read and great terrain.


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