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Author Topic: Round bases it is!......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM)  (Read 396308 times)

Offline anevilgiraffe

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Re: The Bastard's Inn (Interior).......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 22/09
« Reply #1455 on: September 25, 2014, 12:22:16 PM »
cracking stuff...

Offline Too Bo Coo

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Re: The Bastard's Inn (Interior).......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 22/09
« Reply #1456 on: September 25, 2014, 12:38:01 PM »
Bloody nice Mate!  Did you buy this from Steve already made or was it from a set of plans?
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men."
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Offline Mason

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Re: The Bastard's Inn (Interior).......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 22/09
« Reply #1457 on: September 25, 2014, 04:06:10 PM »
Bloody nice Mate!  Did you buy this from Steve already made or was it from a set of plans?

Most of the hard work was done by Steve.
I recently bought one of his FIW buildings that he put up on the Bazaar, as I thought that it would work well both here and in my Old West town of Upsheet Creek.

It originally looked like this when I got my hands on it:

I just gave it a few washes and drybrushing to alter the colour so that it was less green, and also repainted the chimney breast to match the rest of my stonework, followed by a quick rebasing, so that it now looks like this...

(Please excuse Tom the B*stard in his Old West guise).

There are more pictures here if you are really curious:

« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 04:09:12 PM by Mason »

Offline Mason

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The Krappefortt Gazette.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/02
« Reply #1458 on: February 16, 2015, 09:18:48 PM »
I finally got around to messing about with my new pooter and found a load of old documents that I had forgotten about.
Amongst them were the old editions of the Krappefortt Gazette from our first campaign set in the town.
This was some years ago and turned out to be a real blast from the past.

Here is the earliest Issue I can find, from the start of the campaign that got the ball rolling.
It is a simple 'copy and paste' job so it has lost some of its initial layout and typesetting, but it should give you an idea of what was in it.
If anyone is interested I can post some of the others that I have found.....

 1 pfennig (free to the afflicted)

Chaos and Destruction strikes Krappefortt- Again!

Oh woe and betide!
Yet another catastrophe has struck our great town of Krappfortt!
Yesterday, in the early hours of the morning, an explosion of great magnitude occurred at the crypt of the Most Holy, St. Agnes of the Blessed Nipple.
The dust and debris caused was flung across a great swathe of the neighbouring Dockside district, covering the affected area in dust up to an inch deep.

When the dust had cleared, locals reported that strange keening wails were heard emanating from the ruins of the crypt, and that the entire roof and a large portion of the walls had been destroyed in the explosion!
A few of the braver locals are reported to have been tempted to investigate the ruin, but so far, none have returned.
Be warned! This appears to be a most foolhardy venture and local authorities are advising locals to steer well clear of the area until the Most Holy Sisters of Sigmar have scoured the area and proclaimed it safe.

There are rumours aplenty doing the rounds in the local area.
Ranging from speculation that the explosion is somehow connected to the recent chasm that has ripped Krappefortt asunder, now known locally as the Krappefort Krack, to stories that the living dead have been seen wandering the area. Ghostly forms bearing a striking resemblance to deceased Holy Sisters, who had been interred in the burial ground attached to the Crypt, are claimed to haunt the area!
Some even claim that the body of St. Agnes has been stolen, but, as with all the rumours mentioned, this cannot be confirmed at the present.

Beast Stalks Dockside!

Reports have reached us of a string of ghastly murders in the Dockside area.
The victims, all ladies of the oldest profession, are reported to have been heavily mutilated, either during or after their deaths.
The authorities are making no definite comment at the moment, claiming to be too busy trying to deal with the chaos that has afflicted the area in the last few weeks following the appearance of the Chasm that has devastated the Krappefortt district.
They claim to have the matter in hand and will be pursuing a list of suspects that they have for the murders.
Locals of the Dockside area are threatening to take matters into their own hands, after it emerged that there were now five known victims, and the local Watch seem to have matters that they consider more pressing to deal with.
One local, who asked not be identified, said; ‘If dem in power don’t do summink about dis, then we will ‘ave to sort fings ourself! Its only a matter of time before the Watch ‘ave a proper riot on their ‘ands!

The Gazette would like to point out the similarities between the local murders and those that took place in Altdorf not long ago.
Is it the same man?

Campaign rule; Rat Infestation. Rules as before, the Rat staying in place, attacking the same model, regardless of any other model attacking it, until it is killed, .

Warbands Update!

Folowing on from last issues report on the influx of Warband sightings in the Krappefortte area we can now bring you more up to date information.
More details have emerged on the subject of previous sightings and, citizens beware, as well as the usual human bands that have afflicted other areas of Mordheim,we can now confirm there are indeed bands of Orcs, Undead and Skaven in the city.
As well as the previously mentioned Dark Elves, it is now rumoured that there have been sightings of another band of Elves, these are reportedly of the variety known as Shadow Elves, (the author is unsure of the nature of these types, but rest assure that we will endevour to get to the bottom of this)
Following on from this we can give you confirmation of two groups composed predominantly of Humans.
The first are from Marienburg, operating under the name of The Posenhosen Trading Company.
Their leader, one Helmut Von Posenhosen, claim that his group are a legitimate Trading company, with an edict from the Marienburg City Council, and are not a ‘warband’ at all.

The second confirmed group appear to originate from the Reik.
Their leader refused the opportunity to partake in an interview with this esteemed publication, but did send a letter to the editor, an extract of which follows;

‘’I was once a soldier of the greatest Duke that ever lived. Lichenstein was my master and friend and I, Tomsk Galips, will never stop hunting the foul undead that stole this great man and destroyed all who supported and relied on him.
My men are loyal and will fight to their deaths to regain their honour, having failed their beloved master. It is we who are blamed for his death for it was our watch, the humiliation was too much to bear and we now wander the lands to search for this dark lord. We, who are known only as the Watchmen, will scour all lands and follow all leads, which has lead us to Krappfortte.
But our journey has also lead us to encounter the greenskins, whom we hate as they cowardly ambushed us when we were fevered and dying, further reducing our numbers.

Our scouts have proven worthy yet again, confirming rumours that Black Arcs have been spotted on the high seas, bringing torture and death in the form of Dark Elves, which are only one step away from undead!.
After my 22 years as a Captain of the Guard I thought I had seen all manner of horrors and yet I am forever terrorised in nightmares by things that I cannot name or describe.
‘How do we live???’, you ask. We are mercenaries and hunt down the foulest fiends, scavenge the lands for food and seek shelter in run down barns. People avoid us for we look tainted, morbid but we only have one objective, to send back the Vampire Lord to hell.
As Reiklander’s we honour our oaths, and do so with pride, bow and sword. Let no man, elf, dwarf or greenskin stand in our way as we seek to destroy the Dark Lord.
You must forgive us, stranger, for we now have to go, there are rumours that Rats the size of small men walk our streets and we need to verify this, for we are contracted with this chore...’’


Gangs of Krappefortte

The following are gangs that can be confirmed as active in the district.
This appears to be just the tip of the iceberg though, as we have confirmed sightings of other gangs, including Shadow Elves, Undead, and at least one more Orc band.
It is also known that there is at least one group of Witch Hunters in the area and the Abbess of Mordheim has confirmed that she will being sending a detachment of Sisters to help cleanse the streets of Krappefortt!

The Watchmen- Reikland
The Posenhosen Trading Company-Marienberg
Da Filthee Greenbacks- Orcs
The White Klaw Kabal- Skaven
The Dark Stalkers of Khaine- Dark Elf


Tales from the cellar!

Here follows another snippet of conversation overheard whilst hiding in the same cellar as last time.
I have sound reason that disgusting wreck of a building, formerly a tannery judging by the overwhelming smell of urine,( but that may just be the odour given off by its current occupants!), is the location that this Orc Warband calls ‘Home’.
I believe the two voices to be the same as last time, possibly the leader and his second in command.

Voice 1: “Now den, you fucka – oo’s da fakkin’ boss round ere’, ay?”
(Sounds of a blade being drawn, and a terrible wheezing intake of breath follow!)
Voice 2:“You iz, boss – course y’are. I’m…..*gasp*…..sorry!”
( The sound of a heavy body falling to the ground, followed swiftly by the sounds of two brutal blows connecting, the second accompanied by a loud snapping sound)
Voice 2: ‘Uff!’
Voice 1: ‘If at first ya don’t succeed - in wi’ da boot and den da heid!’.
Voice 1:“Course yoo are – a right sorry fucka! Now den, no sense blubbin’ over spilt wotsit – we ‘ave ta fink abart wot we’re gonna do to replace Sorbag. Bad enough you lost a scrap to fakkin’ oomies, Chompa; worse still dat you din even get da shiny rock – but ya let our fackin’ shaman die, ya yoosless bleeder!”
(Silence for a few seconds, then a shuffling noise).
Voice 1: ‘Oih! Yoo lot! Git in ‘ere!’
(There follows much commotion, shuffling, cursing and swearing, as what appears to be the sound of a large body of Greenskins gather around their leader. The stench is indescribable!)
Voice 1:“Right, ya yoosless buncha halflin’ shit stabberz, dis is what we’re gonna do…”

At this point, I made a swift exit, whilst trying to keep the contents of my stomach where it was. No easy task!
I shall return to The Cellar……… soon!


Norse Longship Sighting!

Merchants recently arrived in the area have reported sightings of a Norse Longship trawling the coast.
So far there have been no reports reaching us of any raids in the area.
This has fuelled speculation that the crew of this vessel are trying to find a means of gaining access to Mordheim or even Krappefortt itself!

Krappefortt Old Boys Disband!

Sad news folks!
Word has just reached us that the much loved local Blood Bowl team, the Krappefortt Old Boys, have been forced to disband.
Rumours of financial irregularities have been quickly scotched.
The truth is they are just too old to play any longer!
The sad fact of the matter is that, having reached their thirties, they just cannot commit to the game any more.
Wives, kids, washing up and old age have put paid to their efforts.
Of course more than a few have left Krappfortt in recent years in search of a better life in quieter climes.
It seems Krappfortt is not seen as a great place to bring up your kids any more!
The Gazette, and I am sure many of our readers as well, would like to thank them for their efforts.
Their antics on the pitch will be sorely missed, as well as their more unusual efforts to attempt to score a touchdown!
Good luck Boys, and thanks for the memories!!

Weekly Weather Forecast : Not Good!

Offline PatrickWR

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Re: The Krappefortt Gazette.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/02
« Reply #1459 on: February 16, 2015, 09:32:56 PM »
ha-HA! The Krappefortt thread lives again! Can't wait to read more of this stuff, Mason!

Offline DeafNala

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Re: The Krappefortt Gazette.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/02
« Reply #1460 on: February 16, 2015, 09:59:31 PM »
ha-HA! The Krappefortt thread lives again! Can't wait to read more of this stuff, Mason!

HURRAH! That makes two of us...so far! GREAT STUFF!
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Offline Mason

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Re: The Krappefortt Gazette.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/02
« Reply #1461 on: February 17, 2015, 01:05:51 PM »
Thanks, fellas.

I will put another one up later when I get the time.
I have a few and will continue until people beg me to stop boring them with a lack of eye-candy.

Offline Elk101

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Re: The Krappefortt Gazette.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/02
« Reply #1462 on: February 17, 2015, 04:22:06 PM »
I missed all of this first time round. It's very nostalgic. I did really enjoy Mordheim. More please!

Offline Ninja

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Re: The Krappefortt Gazette.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/02
« Reply #1463 on: April 16, 2015, 08:54:17 PM »
Just so good!
Break out of your gaming shell! www.brokenegggames.com

"Yes, I am a ninja and no I won't show you my moves."

Offline Mason

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Winter Is Coming!.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/08
« Reply #1464 on: August 16, 2015, 08:56:04 PM »
Winter is Coming!

With our group discussing trying out Frostgrave very soon, it seems that Krappefortt shall be revisited and made to appear appropriately colder.....

As all the buildings are already finished and I really dont fancy 'wintering' them all (well, to be honest, I do, but I aint gonna!) then the easy option is to get a suitable cold weather mat and make some snow drifts to pop up against the buildings.
Maybe even make a couple of suitably wintry additions to the scenery collection....who knows.....

This will be happening soon.

In the meantime, and to get into the mood for the game, I have rebased my Kislevite warband for use as a Frostgrave Wizard's Entourage.

Here is a quick shot of them....

More later, as and when things are ready to be added.

Now you all know....Winter Is Coming!

Offline Captain Blood

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Re: Winter Is Coming!.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/08
« Reply #1465 on: August 16, 2015, 09:07:08 PM »
Ooooh. Nice.
(And chilly)

Offline thebinmann

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Re: Winter Is Coming!.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 16/08
« Reply #1466 on: August 16, 2015, 11:20:06 PM »

I've got may 75% of those models in my Kislev warband, next on the to be painted (by someone else) list. BUt I've got a lovely bear some nice man gave me too  :D ;)

Offline Mason

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Winter Is Here!.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 17/08
« Reply #1467 on: August 17, 2015, 08:34:51 AM »
Ooooh. Nice.
(And chilly)

Cheers, mate.

I bet it was the title that made you look, though.
You thought it was GoT, didn't you...?


I've got may 75% of those models in my Kislev warband, next on the to be painted (by someone else) list. BUt I've got a lovely bear some nice man gave me too  :D ;)

Cheers, Adam.
A nice bear....really?

Here are the close-ups of the cold weather boys.....

I also thought that it would be a good idea to rebase a Dryad as this would be useful as a Construct or similar should I need one...

Sorry for the slightly blurry pictures, weather conditions, you know...
There is a bit of blizzard or so I am told.

Now onto those snow drifts.......

Offline Malamute

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Re: Winter Is Coming!.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 17/08
« Reply #1468 on: August 17, 2015, 09:31:17 AM »
Nice work, the bushes sticking out of the snow look particularly effective. Whats your snow recipe?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 05:20:07 PM by Malamute »
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Offline Ray Earle

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Re: Winter Is Coming!.......The ruins of Krappefortt (MORDHEIM) 17/08
« Reply #1469 on: August 17, 2015, 09:53:29 AM »
They look suitably chilly.  :D

I can't believe you broke a foot off a classic miniature.  :o   >:(

Heresy!!  ;)  lol

A bear would look good along with that lot, animal companion spell.

"They say I killed six or seven men for snoring. It ain't true. I only killed one man for snoring."


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