I've always loved Napoleonic's, It was always my favourite game and I remember with great fondness the regular games of Napoleons Battles when I first started wargaming all those years ago.
Despite this I have never owned a Napoleonic army, When I first started everyone already had it all covered at that club in 15mm and buying 28mm was for very rich people. It was an impossible dream to think of having a 28mm Napoleonic army.
How times have changed! Not only can I now afford such things but the introduction of all the wonderful plastic sets out there have even made it quite cheap.
So I have decided to embark on a large, long term project. Not just one army, but two, British and French for the Peninsular.
Just finished my first Battalion of Brits, these are from Perry's:
Although I knew this would be a long term undertaking I don't think I realised what I've gotten into, these guys are very hard to paint, this lot took a month. They are very "fussy" figures, if anything they have too much detail. I'l also be using sets from Victrix as well.
Lots to do :grin: