For some time now I have been looking for a usable and fun sci-fi skirmish system and despite checking out a few rule sets I've not really ever found one that I liked.
I recently was sent a review copy of AE:WWII and the final version is a great, fun ruleset and I have approached the folks at Darkson Designs and have received tentative approval to produce a fan sci-fi mod for the game
I've started up a website and a message board to discuss the project wanted to not only invite people over to discuss the project but also to ask for help in finding some suitable ranges to create the first set of stats and unit listings for.
I am going to start immediate work on writing out stats for using the Pig Iron Productions miniatures and vehicles and am looking for some suggestions for other sci-fi mini ranges to base some factions off of.
Ideally the range would have a large number of different types of units and characters (and perhaps vehicles), not have an existing ruleset for it (or have understanding producers) and also some vehicles.
The vehicles don't necessarily need to be from the same manufacturer.
This will be a free product when finished and will require the AE:WWII rulebook to play.